I'll adjust to your chords. Yes, I will do that
Okay, okay, okay
Okay, okay
Well someday I want to go and sit by the river
and chill
but some days
I want to sit by my girlfriend until
We made it
Well that we made it we made it yeah, this is gonna be what was the title
the sit by sit by the river and chill
Guys this is gonna be so oh
All around the world sit by the river and chill. Yeah. Yeah top hits
You think you think we can make it yeah, of course good. Why not? All right. Why not? Right? Why not?
All right, so today I've got a
Line message is always okay as always yes. Yep. This is from fu-san
Fusan yes. Thank you. Fusan. She told me that
Takuchi book can to the kissy no Chicago. Okay. Masha
over the time I was a little I must
And she says that she has been listening to this podcast channel
Mm-hmm to keep her up to study for this Chicago. Oh
Okay, yeah, I don't know in what ways but I don't know how that would help you know, but that's exciting right for you
Thank you relaxing maybe maybe relaxing. Okay motivation up. Okay, great. Anyways
So that was the messages. Uh-huh. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Sorry. I'm gonna die
My mother died. All right, and I have a friend Maho-san. Maho-san. Okay. Well, this is gonna be a little bit
complicated like difficult question
Do you remember we've talked about?
That what do you thought about when when we did shukatsu? Yeah, I remember and you talked about social pressure
Yes, and something that you really want to do is that little bit different?
Yes, you found out that these two a little bit different. Yes, and Maho-san was
Is asking about bath. Okay, that was that episode. All right, and
social pressure to
jibun got kibosh to do kotoa
So no, no and a decide to need jibun de kubetsu got a kick to match the car
So that's my to car a kind of a to beth monodon a to you can't do this car
This is an easy one for me. All right. Well, yes. I know I
Knew that what I wanted to do was different from what the society was expected for me to do. That's why I felt the pressure
Okay, you know, that's that's why I was struggling. Is that what she's asking? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, okay
Yeah, well definitely yes because you know if I if I did not know I would have went for it without hesitation
Right, it's uh, there's no conflict, right?
The conflict happened because I knew that there's a difference. There was a gap right between my own
Desire and my what the social pressure was what I was feeling from the social pressure
Right, thus it led to me
overthinking over strategizing over yeah, right, you know and now over analyzing my outcomes. Yeah, but uh,
So yes, that's I was feeling it. I was feeling definitely feeling from the very beginning. Okay. Mm-hmm. That's right
You know, there are so many people that
Who are interested in mm-hmm in you? Mm-hmm in like what is inside of your brain?
Choose something like in life. Ah
well, I mean
To like elaborate on that like I think
Hmm like I can say that
You think a lot
Like I do right and and the way you think about yourself about your life is really
Like it is deep
like I mean deeper than the average not sleeper than average and
Really like precise and think about like really carefully you think about yourself
it's something that
Not usual in Japanese culture. Mm-hmm
I don't know if it's because of you are born in the United States or
If it's just you yourself, that's your personality
But you know, there's so many people that don't think about
their lives
Like you like the reason why I I think about my life and how my
Happiness level where my happiness level is at is probably because I'm really
Addicted to being wanting to be happy. I don't know where that came from. Honestly right now
I I don't know why I want to be happy so much
Where this desire comes from like I don't know why
But but I do I do I do think that like I think more about in my
Is my life
Where is my life?
Where I want to be at right so more than other people
Like I was I
Quit my first company way faster than other colleagues. Yeah, and I
There's so many people that food doesn't right ever quiet right life, right?
Don't know
Possible answer is DNA right? My father is an entrepreneurial person, right? He loves to do business. He wants to
Have things for himself like he loves to have control. He doesn't
Enjoy too much of being in society that much. So maybe that comes from my father DNA maybe yeah, or
It affected me during my childhood
but I
Feel like I interpret it more as like
He's a dish not that oh, right like right you could be in college and you could have
You you can be in college just like everyone you can you can go to your she's so - just like everybody
I mean you go to we were in a fairly good good college
So we had the luxury of choosing a companies that we'd like right?
right and and we were able to if we wanted to have a
we were guaranteed a
minimum lifestyle, right
like just
if economy was
Frappy, right if if economy was okay, we would be guaranteed a minimum lifestyle, right? We'd have a
minimum way
With a minimum amount of guaranteed wage right? We probably have families how live in a house. Yeah, but um
What once in my life? I at a certain point I realized that you know myself
Desire and myself fulfillment was not in the equation, right?
I started then I started like questioning myself
Okay, when is that gonna be fulfilled? How is that gonna be fulfilled at which point of my life?
Should I start driving myself into that into the course of you know fulfilling my own personal desires wants and needs?
That was around I guess college. Yeah, right when I first
Started actually thinking about shukatsu. That's when I first kizuki - shimata. Yeah, right
When I you know, I think of this sometimes as a
As a fortunate thing and also a misfortunate thing like I was fortunate to realize and and start driving
My own life that I want to but at the same time I feel
Unfortunate for the fact that now my mind cannot be fulfilled by the normal, you know
so called to know life like you you enter college then
Graduate college enter a normal company work for the company until you're 60 and that that's I'm gonna say that's a normal life
Just just to make the explanation easier
My mind is now at a state where I cannot be fulfilled with the normal life
So that's a that's an unfortunate thing. Like I have to keep pushing myself. Yeah, I have to keep
Challenging myself so that I'll be fulfilled right that takes a lot of energy, right? That takes a lot of risks, right? So
Those are like polar opposites, but I have both of them so
You've noticed about that thing when you were a college student, yeah, I was pretty
early me, but I feel like a lot of
Right people who's around us have like this have the same perspective towards life, right?
I think I I know some other people. Mm-hmm
Just like right right right at the point. Uh-huh, but actually I uh-huh at the time I
Didn't notice about that at all. Uh-huh. So I've just
You know, of course I thought about my future but not that deeply like you and I haven't noticed about that
So I've just you know
Entered to that company. Mm-hmm without thinking
Less carefully than you and I have noticed after that
It was so really early and I think those people who can notice about that at that time are so
What does that mean intelligent? Like I'm not like I don't I mean not sorry not like
Intelligence see high level but like careful beats. Ah, like deep thinkers, right? Right that that that careful people
But you know, right I do think I think more about that
But like you but they don't know just like how you said in coffee analogy, right? There's right for you, right?
There is no right for everybody just right for you if you're satisfied in life or not. That's all it really matters
You know, there is right
Right, if it's not something that we all have to notice about this in our life
But right, you know, there's some people who noticed who noted who will be noticed like fool or notice that this
Life is my happiness, you know, this means
The usual what what I've just called the normal life
Yeah, as in like graduating college and enter a normal
Enter a company right and then quit your job get married have kids
Quit your school and in 60 years old if you're happy with that company
You've like right if you're if you're yourself is happy with that then that's right. You've like no that's problem
That's a celebration right? Yeah that hooray for you like be right, right like if you're happy with that then
Then there's nothing there's nothing you have to do like that's right. That's good
Yeah, so there's good for you, right? It's just it's right for you, right?
You know, so that's what you told me like you have two sides. Mm-hmm. One is you are
Lucky about that and also unlucky about that, right? Yeah, right
Whoo. Yeah
But that's really like
Plain yourself. Like I really do understand. Oh, yeah. Yeah
But I
Love talking about these topics. Yes, I think about it a lot and you know
You like think about this and talk about this and yeah, I do the topic you are into I I am I am I am so
We are welcoming
All right, thanks for listening again guys, all right, bye bye