1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 生理的に無理な人に関して
2020-08-18 21:13


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So how's your pasta?
It's good.
It's a little bit salty.
It's a little bit salty?
But it's good.
It's uni and karasumi pasta.
What is karasumi?
It's an egg.
Isn't it black?
Isn't it black?
The color.
Isn't karasumi black?
It's a little bit more black than kazunoko.
Okay, I don't know what that is.
You don't know kazunoko?
It's a little bit black, yellow, golden.
Isn't it extremely black?
That's caviar you're talking about, right?
What's that in Japanese?
Karasumi pasta.
Isn't that black?
Is that ikasumi pasta?
Ikasumi is black.
I was talking about ikasumi pasta.
Ikasumi pasta, right.
It's black for sure.
So you don't know kazunoko by the way?
I don't know what that is.
Is it like the little puchipuchi kind of thing?
Right, and yellow.
Yeah, I think I know what that is.
I think they had them.
I don't remember where I had them.
Is that like in the sushi stores?
Like kapposushi kind of thing?
Yeah, I think I had them probably.
Yeah, with the puchipuchi kind of thing.
Doesn't really have a taste.
The taste of the soy sauce is so much more higher.
Because I put so much...
Because I dip my sushi into soy sauce so much that I don't feel...
That's how much soy sauce I put?
I understand that you are using too much soy sauce when you eat sushi.
Is that like when you eat maguro?
Uh huh.
You put too much soy sauce and you only feel the taste of the soy sauce, right?
No, no, no. I feel the maguro.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I do. I can tell.
When I eat a maguro, I can tell that it's maguro with soy sauce.
Which is a great blend by the way.
But if I eat kazunoko, I think...
It has no taste.
Yeah, I just don't feel it.
I know that's probably too much.
Right, that's too much I think.
Yeah, yeah.
So what was the topic?
What was the topic?
The one from Maison, right?
Yes. Thanks.
So Maison, thanks again for requesting these topics.
By the way, she's not burning avocados.
Yes, I saw that.
It means that she's crazy for avocados.
She's crazy for avocados, yes.
It's on fire.
The love for avocados is on fire.
Yes, yes, yes. Just like that.
It's exploding in her heart.
So, well thanks Maison.
The question is...
That's again a good question.
Yes, yes, yes.
I've had...
Two people in my life...
That really pissed me off.
Oh really? That's interesting.
And I know one man.
Yes, yes, yes.
Woman, right?
Oh, then I know two both.
Okay, you know both of them?
Like one is the...
The woman who...
Yes. Right?
And the other one...
The other one guy should be...
The one who worked at...
No? Is that the other guy?
No. I just didn't like him.
It didn't go to the point where it pissed me off.
Okay, so you just didn't like him.
I get angry at somebody when I don't feel like...
You're not being respected.
Like as a person.
I don't know.
I don't know about...
Let's talk about the actual person, right?
The woman who I was talking about.
So I do my own business.
And I...
I have an actual store.
It's a brick and mortar store.
So I have an actual store.
And there's this one woman, lady...
Who I have to communicate with.
Very regularly.
On a regular basis.
She has her own store.
Very close to mine.
And we kind of share the same place.
There's a place where we share things.
So we have to communicate.
She is like... What?
I don't know how old she is.
She's like over 50 probably.
60. Maybe.
And I don't know.
The way she...
Tries to manipulate...
She lies...
To like... Manipulate.
Not just me.
But like the other people.
So that they make decisions that...
Benefits her store.
Which really pisses me off.
If she wants to improve her store.
And wants to do something about it.
Then right.
She can...
Talk about that.
I'm very open against talking about what she wants to do.
And I'll be very honest with myself.
And how I feel about what she wants to do.
And I'm completely okay.
With having ambitions.
She's like...
She talks to me.
In a way that like...
If... Oh. Kevin.
If you do this. You'll probably benefit.
So let's do that.
When I can tell just by looking at the eyes.
And her facial expressions.
That she just wants to do this.
For her own upside.
That really pisses me off.
I got angry.
She's the only person who I actually yell at.
For being very disrespectful.
With the things that I want to do.
I don't yell. I don't scream.
But actually...
I sat down and be like...
This is a problem.
And I'm like... What's happening?
I can't deal with this.
If we don't solve this.
There's gonna be problems.
I'm not gonna be happy with this relationship right now.
So that happened.
The other one was when I was in college.
It was a freshman college.
First year. Freshman's first year.
I don't know. I talked to him for like 5 seconds.
And I got pissed off.
I don't know.
He was very kind.
If you just look at what he's doing.
Just by words.
He was like...
That 5 seconds just pissed me off.
I don't know what happened.
I don't know what happened.
I'm okay with like...
Very friendly.
Even with the people I'm okay with.
But like...
The way he communicated.
The way he...
The bits of the details that I can't really explain.
With words.
Just lit me up.
I'm sorry man. I cannot...
Talk to you.
That's what I actually said.
I don't know why. I love you but I can't talk to you.
That's what I said.
I don't know.
Those are the only two human beings that I...
Was like...
So the second one I guess I didn't get like...
Angry and pissed off.
It was even before that stage.
I just couldn't...
I couldn't accept it.
I couldn't accept it.
Kind of like that.
The first guy?
The college guy.
The college guy right?
Why is that?
I'm really interested in that.
I was interested too but I just...
Was it maybe facial expressions?
I don't know.
Or maybe voice?
I don't know.
That's interesting.
I don't know. The way he was...
Trying to close the gap.
You know how...
Beginning of the college you're not really friends with anybody.
Right right right.
It was in our circle.
He was.
Just for a little bit you know.
I don't think you remember.
You know how...
During the very beginning of the freshman year...
That's not the senpai.
It's the same...
I think I got...
You got him?
It's not Nono-chan.
It's not him.
I don't think you know.
I like him.
I don't know.
The way he was trying to close...
The friendship distance at the very beginning.
You know how we're all not that close at the very beginning of the college.
The way he was trying to close that gap.
He was trying to close the relationship.
I was disgusted by the way he was doing it.
But you know there are so many guys and...
So many girls that...
Who are trying to...
Yes. I see. I understand.
But I don't know.
That makes a lot of sense.
But I don't know.
The way he was communicating with other people.
Disgusting me.
That is interesting.
I could just tell that this guy was full of shit.
I could just sense that he was full of shit.
Why is that?
I don't know.
Because he was only trying to be your friend.
I know.
I don't know why. I don't know what happened there.
There was nothing wrong.
It wasn't logical.
It was just intuition.
The gut feeling that I got.
I can't be close to this guy.
That is...
Did you meet him again?
I did.
He did not understand.
He did not understand the...
The situation I was in.
He was not the kind of person who would be able to sense out, sniff out...
The feelings that I was having.
That made me even more...
You guys didn't talk?
He would talk to me.
I don't know but he kind of liked me.
When he sees me he would be like, "Oh Kevin, hey!"
I was like, "Yeah, let's not talk right now."
Oh, that's...
But I really want to know.
What's the...
The thing...
Yeah, I do. I do too.
That made you feel so...
I don't know.
The face maybe?
Maybe. It could be.
Like was...
I don't know.
Word choices.
Could be a possibility.
Word choices...
His body language.
What was the special about him?
It was like...
What was the differences between him and...
He was more very like...
Charai maybe.
But I'm okay with Charai.
I can deal with people with Charai.
There were so many Charai people at that moment.
I know. I understand.
So that's not the only reason.
What was the difference between him and other so many Charai guys?
He would pretend...
Not pretend but...
He would talk to me...
As if...
I was already his best friend.
Maybe that could be the reason.
Like I'm speculating right now.
I'm not so certain about this.
It could be that...
He positioned...
His positioning on...
Our friendship was...
Very uncomfortable.
Maybe we were too close.
And I know.
I know that there are a lot of people who are very close from the very beginning.
And has their friendship distance very...
I'm okay with those guys.
But him...
It all clicked maybe.
That's interesting.
Maybe it was a combination.
But people have to be careful about that, right?
Yeah. You gotta be careful about that.
But we never know.
This rarely happens.
It rarely happens.
It was only once in my life.
People who...
Who only talked to...
Only had like...
Few words of conversation.
And I was already in that zone of like...
No. This is not gonna go on.
That's funny.
I'll try to look him up on Facebook.
I'll show it to you.
Maybe you can remember his name.
You're not friends.
He was in the same circle with us.
Very beginning. Like the Shinkan age.
He was probably there.
There's a lot of people in the Shinkan age at the beginning.
You probably don't really...
I don't remember his name.
Oh really?
Was he from the United States too?
I don't think so.
Okay. How about you?
Oh me?
What pisses you off in terms of human relationships?
Like actually I think I don't be mad
so much.
Maybe same as you.
We're not
be mad.
We're never like emotionally angry.
We're more like disgusted kind of.
But I think...
I think
someone who don't
cooperate with me
have the same goal.
Like for example
let's go to the station.
The station.
You say to that guy let's go to the station.
Or let's go by this and this and this.
I think I
I think I
you know I kind of
I have to go and buy that.
If you set a milestone
you have to go by the milestone.
Right. And people who don't
cooperate to that.
And I feel uncomfortable.
What about the people who are
creative in those ways.
Like always brings new ideas
and tries to find a new
to the goal.
Are you okay with that?
Yeah. If it's efficient.
If it's efficient.
It's lots of work.
Yeah. And I feel good.
But you're talking about like
people who are lazy kind of thing.
Right. Like when we are
in a college student
and we are making a concert.
And you know let's make this.
Or let's remove all this.
by this time.
And at that time
I didn't like the people who didn't cooperate.
But just you know
playing around.
Got it.
That's I don't like.
So is there people who
said no
to the relationship?
Like this kind of feeling
I feel almost
you know
this can be anyone right?
So I'm not
kind of I don't like him.
And I'm like I'm not going to speak again
to him. But I feel
this anger a little bit
to him. But that's all
I mean I feel that
and then
okay I feel that. Anger because
you were kind of in a leader kind of position
in the circle. Right?
So you have you felt the response
you felt that the people
all the other
the members
were working so hard to work on this
this project which
you were a leader of
thus making
feel like
that person who's lazy
disrespecting the other people
who was working hard.
That's why it made you kind of angry kind of.
Rather than that I think
I wanted to finish that.
that was not for some
other people other respected
people but it was kind of for me.
Got it. Got it. Got it.
I wanted to and it finished.
Got it. Got it.
Got it.
And also I remember
one other thing
is that
I don't like someone who don't
respect the rules
break the justiceness.
Like societal rules?
Right. As in like
give me an example of a
I remember I've been played
soccer football. Yes.
And I really really didn't
didn't like the players who
who you know
made a foul.
Do things
that would. Like nasty plays.
Right. Right.
Right. I really hated that.
And also I
hate more
that the umpire
umpire is that English word? What is that?
The judgment people.
Referees. Referees. Right.
Who cannot see like
who cannot
find that nasty plays
and cannot like
justify that. Okay.
I you know.
That's because you were in the soccer team.
Right. Because you know the
has to be. That's his job right?
Right. Right.
Got pissed off at him. Right. I don't like that.
That makes sense. Understandable.
So I don't like teachers who ignore
is miss. You see that?
That's something I don't like.
Like police
who ignore the crimes.
You know.
Doesn't execute on their
own job. Right.
Because of their personal benefits.
Right. Or
simply he's not able to see that.
Right. He's weak.
Right. Got it. Got it.
That makes a lot of sense. I understand that. Right. I don't like
that weakness. That was a
very new
20 minutes. Oh that was long. That was like a
new side of us. Right.
Right. Right. Right.
Basically I think we are really really
you know. Yeah we don't get angry that often.
Right. Like right.
We're. It's because we don't care about
other people. Right.
Because I think we can agree on that one.
I think I've never seen you
being angry. Like yeah.
Mad. Because we don't have
I think that's the reason why.
Thanks for listening guys.
That was a good question. Thank you
Masean. We'll see you in the next

