1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. まだ半分寝ているケビン
2021-02-15 14:19


Mañana que no de esta...
Perros aqui?
No, porque...
Porque siempre son de verano o...
Ah, tapache que es tapache?
Que donde eres tapache que esta?
La blanco de tapache?
Si, si, si
Tienes tapache aca?
La cacha de cacha de cacha
Si, si, si
Ah, perdon de que?
Si, si
Tres indianos
Nomas tapache?
Si, si, si
Ah, cerveza pa' tapache?
Welcome to Kevin's Spanish Room!
I don't even know if that was Spanish
Oh, maybe that was Spanish though
Maybe that was Spanish?
It sounds like Spanish
Yeah, yeah
I hope there's no...
Spanish speakers in the audience
I found...
I understand only blanco
Yeah, I sometimes put the blanco in there
To make it look authentic
We sounded Spanish
We did sound good
Yeah, yeah
Kind of
From our, you know, from our point of view
It sounded very Spanish
And it was fun
That's all that matters
That's really all that matters
So there's no need for any criticism
Right, of course, of course
This is just for fun
Of course
It's getting kind of hot in here
We said nothing
We didn't say anything right
What did you say by the way?
Did you say something?
I said blanco and...
I think somewhere like...
What was the story of your...
Oh, my story?
I didn't really have a story
I just wanted to look like I'm saying something
Like pointing fingers
Like make it look like something like
Oh, I see that convenience store outside
Is that new?
Something like that
Oh, okay, okay
But I wasn't really like...
I didn't have anything in mind
Were you saying something?
No, no, no
Just trying to imitate the sound
Right, exactly
What time is it? Like 9.30 maybe?
In the morning
Yes, yes
Well, I just woke up and having breakfast now
Yeah, please
I usually wake up at like...
Recently, it's been like 11 or like 12
Oh, 12, really?
The other day, I woke up at 12 o'clock
I was like...
How did it feel?
I felt really good
Oh, yeah
Actually, yeah, I did, I did, I did
Oh, really?
I don't know, like it's...
When I woke up at 12 o'clock that day
There wasn't...
I can't speak right now
I feel like my brain is still asleep
Like my English speed is very low
It's very slow
I'm talking very...
That's really convenient
And easier for all listeners to understand you
Right, maybe, maybe, right
So, I woke up the other day like 12 o'clock, right?
Well, yeah, I did feel a little bit, you know
Kind of regret that I slept for such a long time
And I kind of killed my morning
But I...
But my body felt so good
I was like, when was the last time I felt this good?
It felt so refreshing
Like, yeah, I didn't have anything, like I...
Like, usually when I wake up I have to like push myself
To like I...
Like some part of my body feels pain
Feels a little bit slow or down
And I kind of have to like...
Like push myself to like get it going, you know?
But like that time when I woke up at 12 o'clock
My body was so like energetic
Like I felt like I could do anything
Yeah, I had...
I was really...
Healthy, my body was really healthy, you know?
That's nice then
That is nice
I feel like, you know, this is how I should wake up every morning
This is how it's supposed to be
Like I was...
At the same time I was like, oh, this is how everything should be
Oh, this is how everybody feels in the morning
I was like, oh my god, I have to do something
Like I'm missing out definitely, right?
Like I...
I can't...
I can't...
Have my morning be like feeling bad every day for the rest of my life
I have to change something, but I don't know how
Like I can't wake up every day at 12 o'clock
No, like that's not...
Realistic, you know?
Like I have to work
You have to come to my house
Yeah, I got a podcast going
We got to record YouTube
And like...
And the whole society is against me if I do that, right?
Like now stores close at 8
That's lunch time for me then if I wake up at 12
Well, not so much, but like, you know
What am I going to do with dinner?
I can't really adjust
My lifestyle completely based on me waking up at 12 o'clock
It felt good, you know
I got to change the 12 o'clock part
And keep the rest of my lifestyle flowing
Naturally with the rest of the society, so...
What time is your average
Like time to go to the bed?
I'd say 1 am
Is the average, I think
The best sleeping
Is you go to the bed at 1
And wake up at 12
Is that the best way?
Probably the best way
1 or 2 am
1 or 2
1 or 2 am and then 12
And wake up at 12 o'clock
Which means I'm getting 10 or 11 hours sleep, right?
What do you think about that?
I know that's probably too much for an average
Yeah, it's kind of like a recommended
Like a recommended
Maybe it's like...
Yeah, I feel it
I sleep a lot, so...
That's what I hear
Maybe sleeping an average of 11 hours every day
You know
I don't know
How was that day you woke up at 12
You didn't succeed to...
You know
I mean after that
Did you succeed to push up yourself to...
I mean manage yourself to be more productive?
So I...
I woke up at 12 o'clock
And then... I'm trying to remember what I did that day
I think I did
I went to a...
Family restaurant
And did some work there
Stayed there for like probably like...
5 hours or so
And like worked my ass off
So I would say that was... I had a productive...
You know, a productive day
I would say
You know
But it's 5 hours, right?
Yeah, but...
Like if you wake up in...
Let's say in...
You know, the difference is only 3 hours
You're right
If you wake up at 12 and...
You say I'm like...
Much motivated
Work hard
That makes sense
Right? Having a...
Having a great morning
And be productive 5 hours
Versus having a terrible morning
And having work time
But not...
Maybe not as productive
For 6 or 7 hours
Which life would you wanna...
Which quality of life would you go for?
Even though you push up
And wake up
At 8
But after that you...
You just...
Sitting on a couch and like...
You know
Watching YouTube then...
That's nothing, so...
I think you're right
What do you think about...
Having a...
Unstable waking up time?
Because if I start...
You know, valuing those kind of things
If I don't have anything to do
Like if I don't have a fixed plan
Maybe like a satsuei
Or a recording like today
I'd probably sleep until 12, right?
But like on the days I do have a...
A schedule
I would have to wake up at like...
8 or like 9
So like that would really be unstable
Every morning
What do you...
Do you think that's not good for your body?
Or do you think it like depends on your body?
I'm actually not sure
But I've heard that it's not...
The great thing to...
Be unstable
Stably like wake up at the same time
And go to the bed at the same time
That's the best...
For human beings
But I don't know if that's...
Same to you
I mean...
You're kind of a little...
It's a little, right
Kind of guy, so...
Right, it might not apply to me
It really depends on your body
Maybe I should...
Worth a shot
Worth a shot
Worth a shot
Let's give some on point English here
Oh, come on
Worth a shot
So it's like...
It's worth a shot
Worth is "kachi"
A shot is "tamisu"
Shot is...
Right, shot
So worth a shot means...
Well, it's worth a shot
There you go, one point English
What's a shot?
It's a...
What were you saying?
What was that?
If you wake up at 12
If you have nothing, like, daily
Then it might be so tough to wake up at 8
And go to the working place
And try to record something
Like, shoot something
You will be like...
Still not waking up
Like, must be tough for you, maybe
Right, it is, it is
It probably will be
But maybe we can fix that
I mean, we can start recording from 1, you know?
To evening
Yeah, right
That could be
Yeah, because we're only three
We're doing this
It's still adjustable
Right, three, three of us
Like, if you have some other company people
Some other sponsor people
Other people, then that will be hard to do this
If you think about it like that
It's so much easier to adjust
Compared to people who are working on a corporate job
Because they've got clients too, right?
That you have to adjust
You publicly said that you're going to open from 10
Or like 9, 10, 5 PM
So like, you're going to have to be there actually
To be available
But for us, we don't have any clients
It's really not...
Right, you're right
So maybe it's just three that we do have to adjust
And that's so much easier
Maybe we can work that out, maybe
Worth a shot
Worth a shot, it is, it is
Maybe I will
Maybe sometimes
I might just come up and be like
Hey, let's try that
We got to try starting at like 3 PM
Because like, my sleeping life is disastrous right now
Let me push the button to see how long we've been recording
Oh, the 13 minutes
13 reminds me of Baskin Robbins
Baskin Robbins
The ice cream shop?
Yeah, yeah, yeah
What is that?
In US it's called Baskin Robbins
Oh, in Japan what is that?
Oh shit
You're still sleeping
I can't believe this, man
I am still sleeping
Oh, that was a good episode
Can you close the episode for me?
Buenas noches, Kevin.

