1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. Podcast始めてから英語上手く..
2021-02-16 17:31


Okay, yep, good morning everybody good morning
It's a good morning. It's a great morning. Yeah, um
Hey guys, they're listening to
Kevin's English room podcast. Yes. Yeah. Yes and
Just like in the last episode. Mm-hmm. I
It's in the morning, so yeah, like I my engines not fully of course, you know running so
No, I gotta yeah
But it's kind of really
Like much more easier for them to act before the listeners understand you so is it easy for you?
I do I do it is I
listen to the like the
The beginning like the the ones we took like the very beginning. Yeah
And I feel like your English level has gone so much
Higher. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. Wow, really? Yes. Oh, I'm really happy to hear that
Really? Really? I do you yeah, like I
your vocabulary wow is
Has a much wider variety. I feel like Wow, and probably your listening skill and
also your I feel like at the big bear like the
first several episodes you when you try to articulate something when you try to like
You know
Verbally express something you like sometimes like stutter a little bit. You're not it's not it's not coming as smoothly
yours your brain is still like
Need some oil doing you know, it's a little bit like, you know
Yeah, I need some oil in my brain but I think your brain is still a little bit like I
You know
Yeah, yeah, right but like
so in the beginning of those you were a little bit like
It's not it wasn't smooth right now. Not a smooth. Hey right now you're I feel like you're it's coming out really fast
and well, thank you and really like
What are you?
Forgot I say shimpa to do
Africa was shimpa to do who was like, oh
Shit, what was that?
Agility no agility. Are you gonna go with agility? Is that your final answer?
I mean, that's a different word in Japanese. It's been show say actually, but I
Kind of same thing. Oh, I didn't know that
That's the word in football, oh really agility
Yeah, is that is that like physical kind of yeah, if someone can move
Fast like did you say shimping say been show say being show say yeah that different with shimping say like
Shimbun say is completely
You know for the physically
Physical speed but being she'll say is also physical and brain speed. Oh, like when you lose your ball
I mean you have to to change your mind to that. You got it one. I'm trying to
You know
Make remake the position
Got it. That's been show say you can I see I see. Yeah, your mental game is still
Can I can you do like a with your smartphone research what um, she's not to do it. She's not to do cleaning issues
Soon, but yeah
It's a
Instant and instantaneous
No, that's that's
It's like chocolate. Yeah. Yeah. Okay then
Instantaneous force instantaneous power
Explosive power so I guess it's one of those words that there is no right word for instantaneous power generating
Okay, let me
Quick response
Okay, brisk
Quick response
Agility brisk spun
now spontaneous spontaneous
Spontane a tainty spontaneity
Spontane a spontaneity
Sp sp o sp o n t a n e i t y
s p o n t a n e i t y spawn
Meaty yeah
Yeah, but I don't think there's a
Agility is a little bit the best but like it's one of those words that there is no
It's not like a
There is no replacement for in the Japanese English as I've been doing a lot of the like a Kiowa stuff like that
I've I've come across so many words in Japanese that are like no
Obvious replacement for mm-hmm like you kind of have to describe the word right?
I've I've I've I've recognized that there's a lot of those words for and I guess this is one of them. She put it up. Yeah
Instantaneously, yeah
Instantaneously sounds a little different don't you think? Mm-hmm meaning of instantaneous would be like, how do you feel like?
Chokey friends. Oh, right
Mm-hmm instantaneous like I
Don't think it doesn't sound shinpatsureku would be like the power of
quick and power of like
Power of like
Power of the quickness right? I feel like instantaneous would be like
The state of being quick, okay, not the power of uh-huh. Yeah, don't feel that the
Yeah, the power like it's from that. It's just describing how it's just fast
It's just not getting not the power of right? Mm-hmm. So I don't
Feel like it's a definite replacement for it though
Well, thank you for saying that way. Yeah
So happy like sometimes I I felt like oh my English is was terrible today. And mm-hmm
I was in a
Slump if you won't say oh really? Oh, I'm getting worse like every day
You felt like it's getting worse. I'm thinking that I my English has been getting worse every day and
But actually I think you too, I mean, yeah
Right. You're getting new
Vocabulary is every day and new phrases and using difficult
Like expressions, which I don't actually know
And you know and speak like like, you know it you're getting like
It's really
Funny to say this to you, but you're getting like more native
I mean, yeah, I like the way you describe your way the way you express something
Yeah, you know that the phrase is getting
like more native phrase like complexity, right, you know the
Right. I yeah, I I kind of feel similar. Where's that - I
Feel like you know
When you when you live in Japan, you start to forget your English
Yeah, you know the more you're in the Japanese culture like you're
You're more
Just forgetting things because you're not you're not you're not in the in the culture
I'm not using them as often as when you were back in the US
so of course you start forgetting them but like now with all the
Content making and you know all these podcasts recording ice. I'm
I'm in I'm in the trenches like right in the trenches man. Wow
What is that in the trenches?
You're in
the actual work
the actual
Activity you're in the actually the hardest part of the most you're in like the actual you're not just in you're not just like
Like if you're if there's a company right and if you're at the top and you're like a CEO
You're not in the trenches. You're just making orders like if you're actually in
the content creation team when you're actually in the
Sales team getting new clients by you know, tackling them one-on-one. You're in the trenches and you're in
The actual like the you're in the actual like the hard work
Okay in it, right so when you're so that's in a trench in in the trench in the trench, right?
So right, I mean the trends I'm using English right every day and I'm always like, you know
all these content creation and all these feedback from
from from from the viewers really motivates me to learn something newer every time and I
And I yeah
So I can definitely tell you that I have my my English learning
Experience has excelled. My English learning has
Really leveled up, you know, I'm taking notes all the time trying to memorize all these new words and listening to English
dialects and conversations trying to like refresh my memory and everything in it that really has you know, um
Put me in a position to get higher with the English level so I can I can definitely feel that yeah
Yeah, that's a great thing. Uh-huh. It is a great thing
When do you start taking notes to learn you new things? When do I start? Yeah. Yeah. What do you mean like?
From like like from when did I start doing that? Right? I started it when about
So we first started posted our first tech talk
2019 November. Mm-hmm. Right and then I
Mean, you said you're taking note to remember the new was and memorize the new
vocabulary, yeah, so
What do you mean? Like what? What do you mean? I mean, you know, you once showed me that you're smart. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, yeah with with new
Difficult words in it. Yeah with with Japanese translation and in right? Yeah that activity
When did you when did you start that? I started taking no. No, I said a memo probably like
2020 yeah
Like I think I don't remember but yeah, right because I like it was kind of
For me the first timing then you told me that you are taking note and and start actually
Hi, I'm Kevin and I am actually still learning English even though I'm not native speaker, but I still
Have space to room to improve myself then I'm like taking notes and and listen to
Something. Yeah, that's why you told me once it was like end of
That's my first
Okay, the timing that you hear that I heard from I heard it from you
for me like after that your
like nativeness
Getting like so really? Yes so much higher and Wow. Yeah, that's great
Good to hear you know that
showing progress
right like using
Like in a trench kind of expression
Using difficult
the vocabulary is and the flows like
You know that
Good to hear yeah, and and what I impressed the most was your Japanese is getting
I mean, yeah better
Do you think so? I
Do you do you think it's the
Speaking skill or is it like writing skill reading skill?
Which I feel like they're separated. Okay. Do you what do you feel about that? Do you know like my Japanese skill?
I'm actually not sure about reading in your writing skill
But yeah, yeah, you didn't have much chance to see the right
Yeah, so I was saying about the speaking right
Right element
Yeah, well you're getting new
like like super to do. Yeah, and so many other
difficult was I know yeah
Because of your your learning
Maybe that's I don't know why about the Japanese
But I'm assuming that it's probably because like the part of your brain that takes care of like handles the language part
Yeah is the same with English and Japanese. So like as my English
as my
As I'm training that part of the brain
In the English side. Yeah, like in parallel the Japanese side is also being
You know more flexible. I guess and has it's becoming more
it's it's
More it's
It's like
Being a sponge, right? It's becoming a better
Taking in more easily taking more vocabularies in Japanese as well. Yeah
But you don't study Japanese no, I don't study Japanese I don't take no no, I don't do anything
I just live the everyday life. Uh-huh. And you're simply naturally getting new. Yeah, I guess Wow
Progress and you know, like right everything right?
That's how?
learn new
Right, right. I I've I've I try to like
Mimic your like mock your we are your hippo activity. I'm using clubhouse right now to
Remember clubhouse we did clubhouse last time. Yeah, I joined like Korean rooms
Wow, I joined like Chinese room Wow and try to listen to them Wow like on the go. That's nice, right? So
It feels good. Oh, you're getting new Korean was then yeah, I know I'm
All right, thanks for listening guys, thank you

