1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃんのコーヒーショップ
2020-10-29 18:42


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Welcome to Kevin's English Stream Podcast!
Cast, cast, cast, cast, cast.
Well, louder than the usual one.
You're right. You know why?
We have to close this.
Oh yeah, we have to close the door.
We are in a ballroom!
Okay, yep. We are back in your house again.
And oh, shit.
Be careful, it's not, it's not, like, stable.
Yeah, it's not stable. What is this?
It's just a, zippari.
Zippari wall.
Yeah, right.
Oh, I know what this is.
Oh, do you know that?
Yeah, it's not that way.
Oh, you don't do it like that?
Right, right, right.
Right, that's the onsa.
Oh, okay.
Well, anyway, back in your house again.
Very excited. You arranged your room a little bit.
A little bit.
Looks really nice.
Changed the, uh, the, uh, the arrangement.
Yeah, the arrangements of your, right, right.
How's it going? Is it good? Good?
Yeah, good for me. Comfortable for me.
But you said it looked like a little bit smaller.
Yeah, it, it, it feels a little bit smaller than where I first came here.
I don't know why, but it really feels smaller.
Yeah, but for me, it's more comfortable and easy to live in.
But you know what? It's still a really good room.
Well, thank you.
And, uh, Yamachan, kind enough to offer me some coffee of his.
Yeah, you know, coming over to my house, which is a little bit far from yours.
Uh-uh, no problem.
So very excited about you giving me coffee here. It's the very first time.
You've been telling me that you love coffee so much and I've never had your coffee.
I never had, yeah.
I've never had a chance.
Like, having a cup of coffee together.
Exactly, exactly.
So, we've got a light note blend.
Okay, from Starbucks, right? You got your Starbucks coffee beans.
You know, I bought this for the YouTube.
But still not.
It didn't happen, right?
Right, so Italian roast.
Italian roast.
And breakfast blend.
Breakfast blend.
And you know, these are for the first time that we tried doing this.
And also, I've got, you know, for the second time.
Oh, shit.
Like, the day before yesterday, maybe.
Right, right, right.
So, every time we tried to do this, we've been planning on doing a YouTube kikaku.
That Yama-chan's gonna pour in coffee and we're gonna blind taste it.
And then see which brand, which beans.
We're gonna try to figure out which one it is.
But every time we try to do that, things happen, right?
The studio's not there.
Like, no time.
No time.
Right, running out of time and all that stuff.
And you bought the first batch and it didn't work out.
You bought another batch and it didn't work again.
And beans are like, it has shelf life, right?
Like, a week of shelf life.
So, you have to consume them.
And also, you know, I bought like four different types of beans.
Which means that, you know, really deep one and light one and middle.
You know, four types.
And actually, I prefer the light, no-landy one.
I don't drink this dark, heavy coffee.
Gotcha, gotcha.
So, you know what?
I'd rather have the dark ones.
I like the dark ones better.
So, let's drink the dark ones.
So, do you prefer the really, really dark?
Like, taste, like, really strongly, like, dark?
Oh, not that.
Let's do the Italian roast.
Look, if I get a coffee that's way too heavy, like, too thick, I might get headaches.
I might.
Like, you know the one, Gusto, Gusto.
Family restaurant Gusto.
Right, right.
I drank that coffee too condensed, I guess.
I don't know.
I don't know what you call it.
Condensed, too roasted.
I don't know what you call it.
But it gave me headaches.
Oh, okay.
I'm assuming that was a little bit too "kosugiru".
Maybe, I don't know.
Then let's don't go with this.
Italian roast?
It's really, really dingy.
Like, really half, heavily, strongly.
But all of the Starbucks' beans, I'm okay with it.
I can no problem drink it.
Maybe that's the way you make a coffee.
Right, right, right.
I guess so.
Was that a machine?
What was that?
At Starbucks, beans are weighed by grams and the water is done automatically.
Oh, okay.
Is that from like hand drip?
No, they're machines, right?
So, the amount of water is always consistent.
Oh, okay, okay.
And the amount of beans is always consistent, too, because we weigh them by grams, right?
I guess the balance of the water and the bean was, I guess, more preferable to me at Starbucks than Gusto.
Something like that.
So, if it's done properly, right?
If it's done just like how Starbucks does it, I can drink them very enjoyably.
All right.
Then I think it's a little bit different in this coffee shop today.
Okay, okay.
Because I'm going to do, you know, with this hand drip.
Oh, shit.
So, I have never drank a hand-dripped Starbucks beans coffee.
Actually, for me, personally, the Starbucks coffee is a little bit strong.
Like, even in the real Starbucks coffee shop, it's a little bit strong to me.
So, even in the same beans, okay, it's the same beans, let's say Italian roast,
comparing with how Starbucks serves it versus you hand dripping it, they're a little bit different for you.
Starbucks feels a little bit more stronger.
I mean, I can adjust.
The amount of water.
You know, the Hiki method.
How small.
Gotcha, gotcha.
The smaller, the more condensed, the more stronger.
Right, right.
Gotcha, gotcha.
So, let's don't go with the hardest one, like deepest one.
Let's try light.
Lighter version, lighter.
But still, the beans itself is really deep, so.
So, we're going to tweak a little bit with the, what?
What is that?
The grind-ness?
The fineness, right?
We're going to make it more, less fine to make it less stronger.
A little bit lighter.
And we're going to put a little bit more water, I'm assuming?
The amount of water is the same.
Okay, got it, got it.
But you know, the hotness, heat-ness?
Heat changes.
Oh, that's a problem.
All right.
But you know, I'm talking like this, but I'm not a professional.
I mean, you're way more of a professional than I am, like I can tell you that for sure.
Everyone has each konomi.
And that's the most important thing for me.
Okay, okay.
So, you know, there's no such thing like the right.
Right, right, right.
There's no such thing as the right things to do.
There's right for you.
This is the right thing, the right way to make it.
So, recently, as I have to consume all the beans as much as possible, I mean that.
Because it is getting...
It's got shelf life, right?
Right, right.
Like, you probably...
Okay, how much gram is each box?
So, in this box, it's 100?
100, that's a lot.
No, no, 100.
So, you have to consume like what?
About like 500 grams of beans.
And it's got like a week of shelf life.
Right, so I have to consume...
But I'm assuming it's not that much of a, you know, stress for you because you...
You drink coffee on a regular basis, right?
Right, right, right.
So, is that...
I'm kind of enjoying that I have this amount of coffee with me.
Right, right.
I'm happy.
Is that more than you usually consume?
In one week, yes?
A little bit.
But you're...
But if you unleash yourself, you can go more.
So, you're not overdosing yourself.
No, no, it's, you know, happy.
I'm happy.
You're happy with it.
Yeah, I'm happy.
It's a little bit more than usual, but I'm happy.
You feel like you're in a fantasy world.
It's a little bit same to you, like, if you...
Guys, right.
Surrounding so many chocolate lights and you have to consume that.
Remember, I'm actually in the same situation right now.
Remember, we bought, like, the American chocolate bars?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I have so much chocolate in my house right now, I feel like I'm gonna drink mine.
Like, honestly, I am.
So, you're enjoying consuming...
How much amount do you eat daily?
Like, four bars.
That's a...
I mean, but like, fun size.
It's like a little...
Still, you know.
Like, an inch or two, right?
The size is like one inch or two.
It's just that.
Right, not the usual, like...
Not the usual, right.
Huge bar.
The Snickers usual, this hand-long bar.
It's just that.
Like, the fun size bar times four.
All right.
Pretty bad.
Let's go with...
How much beans are you putting in?
24 grams of beans?
It's a little bit...
Like, a lot.
It's actually a lot for two.
For two.
Why are you making more than how much is usual?
Because I want to consume as much beans.
Got it, got it, got it.
And also, for me, like, using a lot of beans makes the coffee, like, more...
Yeah, rich.
Like, tasty.
Got it.
All right.
It's a little bit "zettaku."
But I can do this right now.
So, I go with seven.
Seven, okay.
It's really, you know, the eight is the most...
Biggest chunk.
So, I'm going with...
Seven, yeah.
Got it, got it.
I like the smell.
The smell is great.
All right, podcast listeners.
Here's the smell, guys.
I'm going to put the phone very close to the...
Yeah, so that you all can smell it.
Yeah, smell that, guys.
The smell, guys.
You guys smelling it?
We are.
So, this is the smell.
Okay, good.
Smells good.
And, Bichu, I first...
That smells really good.
Oh, so you want to warm up your...
Equipments first.
And I also have to make this paper wet.
Okay, okay.
Why is that?
I don't know.
You don't know?
But it's...
One of my friends who works in a cafe, and he's a professional barista, and he told me
that, yeah, you should do this, so I do this.
Mr. Kento?
Our kohai, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Akafellas are our kohai.
And he told me so many other things, such as the grams of beans, the time.
Actually, I can measure the time like this.
Wow, it's built for coffee.
Yeah, it is.
Oh, it is built for coffee?
Oh, Hario's a coffee maker.
Yeah, right.
So, he told me that I have to measure the time, like pouring water once, how many...
Right, and so forth, twice.
But, actually, I don't, you know...
You're not doing that anymore.
Because I'm...
In this way, I'm, you know, I'm enjoying the coffee.
So, like this.
Wow, smells great.
Smells great.
Yes, and I'm gonna measure...
Look at this.
What is it?
Oh, right, temperature.
Right, right, right.
I'm going to measure the temperature.
How much do you want it to be?
Oh, usually I do with 85.
You want me to hold that for you?
No, thanks.
But, today, I, you know, as we prefer the light one, let's go with...
Oh, it's really...
Really hot?
No, no, it was F.
Oh, Fahrenheit.
Right, right.
You wanted Celsius.
How much is that?
Why is it gonna...
I want Celsius.
Is it broken?
Oh, it does work.
Okay, your thermometer's broken maybe?
It's around 198.5 Fahrenheit.
Very nice.
Which means very hot.
Too hot?
I don't know, but...
Wait, so why do we want to lower the temperature?
If, you know, lower the temperature, it will be...
The coffee will be like a little bit deeper.
Lower the temperature, it will be deeper?
Coffee will be deeper.
And higher because...
Wait, if it's hotter, the dripped coffee will be lighter?
Yeah, someone told me that.
Because maybe the temperature is...
As the temperature is high, you know, the beans will, like, will be fastly opened.
So that... and also the water will run faster.
Ah, gotcha, gotcha.
So the beans...
The lightness will be tripped.
Got it, got it, got it, got it.
If it's too hot, the beans won't open up for you.
Right, right.
Got it, got it.
That's what someone told me.
Okay, okay.
But guys, you know, I'm not sure actually.
Right, you're not sure.
Yeah, this is my way.
That's his world.
And we are dripping the coffee.
Pouring in the water onto the beans.
And the smell, the aroma is...
How's that?
It exploded right now.
So we're pouring in sets of water.
Just pour in a little bit, wait, pour in more, wait.
I've seen that on a lot of televisions and a lot of screens.
I'm gonna do some ASMR.
Is that what I can do like that?
Yeah, I think so.
The sound?
The pouring sound?
The sound of like the beans.
Opening up?
Can you hear that?
Guys, can you hear that?
Wait, this is Italian roast, right?
Well actually for the espresso, I think.
Italian roast?
We have beans, what's called the espresso roast or something like that.
Oh, okay.
So we're not using that for lattes, but...
I'm pretty sure that American prefer the American coffee that which is...
Which is lighter?
Is that right?
Americano, you mean?
The same thing, American coffee to Americano?
I think so.
I think so.
I think that's enough.
All right.
So are you...
You said the water is enough.
Are you looking at the gram of the weight scale or are you looking at the beans?
This time it was...
You were looking at the weight.
Weight, yeah.
Right, the scale.
A little more maybe.
A little more?
240 each, you know.
So this is my pre-fall.
Your pre-fall?
You prefer the cup.
And here's your cup here.
Oh, yeah.
I know you like this.
All right.
It's my original cup from my restaurant.
Yeah, I've got one.
You bought yours, man.
All right.
I think the beans was so enough.
I mean, too enough.
A little bit too much, but...
Will that make the coffee have a little bit of a egumi or no?
I don't think so.
Actually, I can make more amount of coffee.
Because there's more beans.
All right.
And you know, every podcast is supposed to be about coffee.
You know, every podcast is supposed to be 10 minutes.
So we've been recording for 18 minutes now.
Oh, okay.
So we're going to taste it on the next episode.
Just to split it up a little bit.
That's the way TV shows.
They got to cut it off.
Advertising it.
Cut you off on the good part.
That's great.
So we're going to cut you off right now.
Be careful.
Be careful, guys.
If the ad comes, turn it off, guys.
All right.
Bye-bye, guys.
If the ad comes, turn it off guys.
All right, bye bye guys.

