1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃんが牛丼屋を辞めた理由
2021-12-03 11:44


I don't think we've ever articulated the real reason.

welcome to Kevin's English room podcast hey hello this program is brought to you
by Kimi no Koi wo Todokeyou anchor hello anchor has all this shit hello
why really kind of hello to everybody mm-hmm okay okay that's that's good yeah
it's good to say hello yeah yeah that's what my teacher told me the
timing though yeah the timing really off let me do it again let me focus
here yeah you need to focus this program is brought to you by Kimi no Koi wo Todokeyou anchor
yeah anchor has all the features you need when you're starting your very own
podcast oh yes and it's what we use to create and distribute this Kevin's
English room podcast huh mm-hmm and it's free you can download it on Google Play
and on the App Store so check that out if you're interested wow yeah all right
I made it through you know I did get the like the order mixed up a little bit
because of the distraction I think I made it through I'm getting all the
points down yeah mm-hmm that was nice all right I'm in through thank you good
good good so today so today last time we we suddenly chopped off
so sorry about that I realized there was something for you but this episode yeah
we will listen to your message fully yeah so all right let's go
Kevin-san, Yama-chan-san, it's been a while. I've been sending voice messages several times.
My mom said she had no voice messages when she got a sponsor, so I got one.
Thank you!
Thank you.
For me, it was because Yama-chan-san quit her part-time job in three days and Kevin-san got a lot of part-time jobs.
If you have any memorable episodes or stories you want to share, please let me know.
Thank you for your fun stories.
Thank you!
Wow, I like it.
For the record, you didn't put in three days, right?
Wait, what's this? I think that we've over-delivered the message.
We exaggerated it a little bit too much.
How fast did you quit your job? Like on the record, like for real?
Actually, I don't remember the exact duration.
Right, right, right.
But more than one month.
I'm pretty sure.
Shorter than I expected.
More than one month? Like two or three months.
Two or three months, okay.
No, like shorter than three months, I guess.
Shorter than three months, but longer than a month.
Yeah, two months. Let's say two months.
Okay, two months.
And how many shifts did you go?
Okay, that's not bad.
Yeah, like 10, 12.
10, 12, somewhere around there.
Yeah, somewhere around that.
Because I was there for two months.
Like five or six each month.
Got it, got it, got it.
Yeah, like 12.
Got it, got it, got it.
Alright, so for the record, that's the real data.
You didn't quit in three days, okay?
So, I didn't listen to her question because I was just really distracted by the three days.
But, so her question was, talked about the arubaito.
What was it? Something else?
You have any episode?
I got it.
Yeah, what was the reason of quitting your job for three days?
Okay, got it.
So what was the reason you quit your job?
Because I...
I couldn't...
Like they couldn't put me in a shift.
Oh really?
That much actually.
You wanted to work more?
And because I was kind of busy at the time because I need to do so many activities with the club circle.
So I put the kibou no shifuto days and put the tencho.
But it was kind of difficult for tencho to adjust those shifts only to me.
So I kind of couldn't...
I wasn't able to fit the shift timing.
How frequently did you want to work?
It was just like two days per week.
You wanted that?
Yeah, two.
And how much did you get?
Just like one.
Once a week?
Once a week.
Or maybe not?
Or only the nighttime shifts.
You know, like start from ten and end up like five, six.
Were you okay with that?
I need to sleep.
Well, that's the main reason.
The nighttime shifts were a little bit...
Yeah, yeah.
So the tencho proposed me using the nighttime shifts so that I can get more money.
But, you know...
It didn't work out for you?
Yeah, it wasn't, you know, fit me.
That makes sense.
That makes sense.
But it was fun to me working in a gyudon store because we can see all the real workers, you know?
Right, right.
That was really like interesting to me because I was, you know, a young university kid who doesn't know about anything in the world.
So, yeah.
So you didn't...
You liked the workplace.
You liked what you did.
Yeah, I mean, it was interesting.
Because you're learning a lot of things, right?
Yeah, but that's the main reason I wanted to do those "baito" things.
To learn more.
To know the real...
Got it, got it.
The real world.
Yeah, that's why I prefer those fancy, you know, cute cafes.
But those, like, real place, you know?
Got it, got it.
I see.
So it didn't work out for you because of the scheduling?
Or how often you wanted to work or anything like that.
Yeah, that's the reason.
Did you ever think about trying out for a different "baito"?
I was a little...
I thought I was a little too busy.
And at the moment I wanted to put a circle in the center of my life.
Got it.
So, yeah.
Got it.
What about you?
You did so many...
Yeah, I did a lot of "baito".
So, any interesting episodes, I'm looking for it.
Well, I think...
Well, how many "baito" did you do?
I did about...
The very first "baito" was for my own school.
It was like a "jukken kantoku" for my very own school.
For my very own high school.
High school "nushi".
Okay, okay.
I did like a little "shiken kantoku".
Like I bring the kids to the classrooms and then like...
Junior high students.
That was my very first "baito".
I don't know.
The second one I remember I think it was like a "juku".
Oh, really?
I did a "juku-koshi".
I taught English.
Yeah, but that's nice.
Yeah, it was like a...
I also...
You know, the requirements were, right?
Grammar too.
Oh, really?
I had a tough time.
High school students or...
For middle school, high school, elementary.
All three of them.
It was like a personal "juku".
Okay, okay.
It wasn't like a big company.
It was like a small...
Okay, so one-to-one teaching?
Yeah, one-to-three, four.
Oh, that's...
Like, they were like doing their own thing.
Their own homework.
They were studying their own thing.
And every time they have a question, they'd ask me.
And I would answer them, right?
Oh, you'd be the great teacher for that.
No, I mean, it didn't work out.
It didn't work out.
No, it didn't work out.
I was uncomfortable.
Oh, really?
Because I didn't have confidence in the grammar, right?
Like, right?
I was...
I taught English and math.
Math was better for me.
Like, I understood them more.
But I had to teach English on their terms.
Like, on their...
I had to teach English in Japanese.
Yeah, that's a difficult thing.
Yeah, the vocabularies were just...
I couldn't understand.
The, like, Seichizou-shi.
Those terms.
It was difficult for me.
Yeah, I guess that's really difficult.
Yeah, so that didn't work out.
I also did Umi no Ye.
Oh, yes.
That's a really memorable one.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
I did it with Fuku-chan.
My good friend Fuku-chan.
It was memorable.
It lasted during the summer break.
So, like, two months.
I did TGI Fridays.
Oh, TGI Fridays.
I did GAP.
I did Hollister.
I did Heisen-nin.
What is that?
Heisen-nin is a...
You know, a restaurant?
Right, it's a restaurant.
It's a toroku sei arubaito.
Like, there's, like, this Heisen-nin jimushou.
And then you give them your open dates.
And then they give you, okay, for your dates, we have this hotel, this hotel, this hotel.
This hotel's gonna do a wedding.
This hotel's gonna do a party.
Oh, my God.
I have been getting a lot of presents today.
I'm a busy guy.
What's that?
What's that?
What was that?
I like the way you speak in Japanese.
You know, it's funny how you smile.
Oh, my God.
It's 10 minutes.
Oh, I'll talk about it in the next episode.
Yeah, we'll talk about it.
Yeah, we should do that.
I wonder what it is.
I don't have any deliveries.
Waiting deliveries.
So this must be...
Be careful.
We should start recording right now.
Got it.
So that we can...
Evidence, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
If something happens, there's evidence.
All right.
Careful about that.
He's not coming.
Maybe we should end the podcast.
We don't want to keep the audiences waiting, right?
All right.
Thanks for listening, guys.
Thank you.
- Hey!

