1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ネギを巻いて風邪を治す方法🤧
2020-11-30 10:37


Do the usual one?
No, let's go ahead.
Christmas is on its way and I'm always looking for chimney songs.
Santa Claus, I love you.
I hope you got them presents under my tree.
Oh my god! Look at that!
You know, I've never seen a better opening than that.
And the Christmas value was added to that.
We're still in November, but...
Right, but you know, Christmas starts when November starts.
I uploaded a video on TikTok saying that Christmas starts when November starts.
Yeah, so...
It's perfect then.
And so, for our podcast listeners, it's the first episode where I'm actually doing an Instagram live at the same time as we're recording this podcast right now.
I thought that having the visual format of the podcast would add some sort of value to some people, right?
I thought people might want to look at how we're talking and our facial expressions and our hand gestures and all those things.
Those could be a form of value to some people, so I thought providing that value could be a good thing.
So, there we go.
By the way, this is the Instagram live.
This is the Instagram live, yes.
And the podcast will be much later than...
What do you mean?
This will be published in three days later, right?
Exactly, exactly.
So, the logistics is going to... there's going to be time lags, but we're not going to think about that, okay?
It's just...
Right, right, right.
If this doesn't work out, logistic-wise, then we might have to change it a little bit up.
Maybe not do it in Instagram live or things of that nature.
I don't know how that's going to work out, but...
We're just trying new things.
Yeah, we're just trying.
This is coming out from my personal account, so it's not the one with the "Zyuyou Manning" people.
Not so... okay.
Right, that's better.
So, do we have something, Yamachan?
Yes, yes, yes.
Where's my very smart phone?
You're always losing your phone, man.
Where's my pretty, so smart phone?
Oh, okay.
You're just making a phone call, so I think...
We've got some messages from...
Messages from...
Podcast listeners?
This is from Sana Nappi-san.
Thank you, Sana Nappi-san.
Sana Nappi-san.
Hello, everyone.
I caught a cold a few days ago. How are you all doing?
When I catch a cold, I buy canned oranges and super cup vanilla.
When you catch a cold, or when you think you're going to catch a cold,
do you have anything you buy?
I'd be happy to hear that you can get better if you eat this.
So, how often do you catch cold?
Do you get fevers?
Once in a year.
Once in a year?
Or even twice.
Even twice?
For me, it's like... I would say like once every two or three years, maybe.
Oh, right.
Yeah, there's... I don't...
It's really rare that you catch a cold.
I don't usually get fevers or anything.
Yeah, you're really a healthy body.
I know.
Invincible body.
For me, I would do like IAK ramen.
I would probably do like an IAK ramen.
Before you get cold?
When I feel... Like, you know how you can feel?
Like your body feels like this... What do you call that in Japanese?
Right, okan.
Right, the first time I heard that word, I was like...
Okan ga... Okan ga aru na.
Your mother? What happened to your mother?
Your mother has what?
Right, that's what I thought.
But later then I found out that means like you're...
You feel like you're catching cold.
Right? And then...
Whenever I feel like that, I would go to like an IAK ramen.
Or like a stamina-kei no meshi.
Like buta-kimocchi-don.
Does that work for you?
It works for me.
I don't know.
And also I would drink at the same time.
Like later after I eat the ramen, I would probably do like a...
Like go to a convenience store and buy like these little...
Yeah, things like that. Like AO kind of drink.
I drink that.
Maybe a little one more like a CC...
Oronamin C?
Oronamin C kind of like that. Like a vitamin kind of thing.
I drink that and I'm done.
It's all gone.
How do you go through this?
You're strong, man.
Thank you.
But definitely the medicine.
Ah, kaze-kusuri.
Before I get like a cold.
And when I was a college student, I went to a ramen store actually.
Oh, you're the same thing, man.
Laughing at mine.
Laughing at my way of training.
Ramen store with...
And I ordered one.
It was a shoyu kind of ramen.
With extra negi.
With extra extra negi on it.
So that it works for me.
Like I heard that like ancient Japanese people...
Like not so much as ancient, I guess, but like old Japanese...
There's a saying in Japan that when you're almost at catching a cold, when you have okans, you put a negi right next to your pillow.
You sleep with a negi and it's all gone.
Is that true?
And actually we put negi, naganegi, like surround your neck.
Like this.
What is that?
How does that help you?
Actually, I do.
You do that?
Like not now, but when I was little, I lived with my grandmother and she told me that that works.
The obaachan.
The obaachan saying, right?
Yeah, I did that and that worked.
Like first of all, it's hot and feels so nice with the heat.
It gives it heat?
We have to like cook it.
Oh, we got to add heat.
We got to cook them.
We put the naganegi and put on the fire.
And like it will be really hot.
And we have to like put a towel in like this.
That I did not, I was not catching it.
So, okay.
Then what do you do?
So that the hot.
Okay, so it's warm.
So it makes yourself like hotter.
Got it.
Got it.
Because your blood is warmed up in your, it circulates in your body, which then your body
is warmed up.
And also, I'm not sure, but naganegi contains some kind of like antivirus thing maybe inside.
And so that you can breathe and you will take that, that element inside of body and it will
kill the virus.
That's what my grandma told me.
Is that like, you, do you think that's true?
Yeah, because my grandma told me.
Because your grandma told you.
She knows everything.
If your grandma says it, that's the answer, right?
There's no alternative.
Just that's the answer.
That's the answer.
She's the master.
Tsuru no hitokoe.
That's right.
Right, right.
Have you ever tried that?
I mean, if I were to try it with my current knowledge, I would have probably just put
like a, like a raw naganegi on top of my pillow.
That doesn't work at all.
Yeah, probably not.
But you know, the placebo effect, you know what that is?
The placebo effect?
Like the fact that you did that really tricks your body into like healing it.
Maybe that could be, that could be the reason.
It's not so much of the, the whatever it is that's coming out of the nagi that healed
It's more of like the placebo effect.
It is.
Well, how do you prove that, right?
That's the question.
How do you prove that the nagi was the one that fixed it?
That is really not logical.
The proof is my grandma taught me and she, she was, you know, she's like master.
Of what?
Of life.
Of everything.
Of this world.
I wonder how many of the folks that are like listening to this or even on Instagram are
trying out for, are actually doing these kinds of things.
What do you mean?
This nagi?
I mean, people are like still nowadays practicing those kinds of.
What do you mean?
Like, you know, the truth is, you know, like eternal.
Like it doesn't that back in days or nowadays, you know, just the simple.
The truth is the truth.
The right thing is right thing.
Got it.
All right.
I don't think we should go any further into this.
A little hypnotize here.
Gao chan is.
And that's a, it's about 10 minutes.
So thanks for listening again, guys.
Thanks for the message.
Santa Napi san.
Santa Napi san.
Thank you always for the message.
Thank you.
Bye bye guys.

