1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 素敵なT-shirt&Socksを頂きま..
2020-12-27 06:58


Welcome to Kevin's English Room!
Look at this man!
I was not opening it!
Okay, what is it?
Man, this is my name on it!
It's got your name on it, man!
It's got my name on it here too!
And look at this!
This is our picture!
Wow! Okay! Can I try?
This is our picture!
We've got a present from Naosuke-san.
Thank you Naosuke-san!
Thank you!
Wow! Look at this!
Wow! It's got our YouTube thumbnail!
Yeah, fuck!
This is the picture that we took at the roof.
Yeah, it's me. On the roof?
Not like the veranda?
Ah! Remember?
Is that in the public now?
Yeah, I think it was in the public.
Good night!
You look good!
The color is really great!
Yeah, it is! The color is perfect!
The color is awesome!
Yeah, but the one problem is...
This is my face, you know?
And this is my face too.
Yeah, that's the problem.
Is that a little bit... Too much?
Like, you know, if people see me...
Wow, he loves his face!
No, first of all, you can't really tell if that's you.
You can't tell if that's you.
It's a picture!
I didn't know, Yunichol, you can print pictures on there.
Maybe... Maybe...
Nauske-san did that for us.
Handprinted it?
Yeah, maybe.
That's amazing!
That is amazing!
Wow, it's really cute!
She sent me these...
Pizza party collection stickers?
So cute!
And I found that all the stickers are...
You know, it's Anpanman...
They're Anpanman, right?
All things are so cute!
And she gave us masks.
Thank you, that's important.
You know what this is?
It's a very fun card game.
And we can do it on YouTube.
It's a card game where...
Each card has these little characters on it.
And you have to name them.
You have to name them.
Okay, right?
And say for example, you pick a card like that.
Because it looks like you.
No, it actually doesn't.
I choose a card, and...
A different character comes up.
And I name that.
You pick a card, and...
You find a new one, you name it.
I choose the one, and let's say this one.
I choose a card that's already named.
Whoever calls the name...
Faster at...
Faster at calling the name wins.
You know what I'm talking about?
It's a memory game.
It's gonna be fun.
We've got a letter from...
Wow, thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
He gave us masks too.
Yeah, for the eyes.
Yeah, I really love this...
Little socks and t-shirts.
This is so share, man.
Yeah, it is.
I'm going to wear this like every day.
This is... It will keep you warm.
Yeah, it looks warm.
I'm going to...
Put this every day.
You should probably wash them every once in a while.
I don't wash this. Every day.
You know what? You should wash them.
Every day.
Oh, it's a Tezukuri.
It's a Tezukuri t-shirt.
This is white for Kake-chan,
dark green for Kevin, yellow for Mei.
Look at this. She writes me...
"When I go down the stairs at the station,
I think which foot I should use to get down."
I'll tell you, it's left.
It's always left.
It's always left.
It's always left.
It's always left.
It's an easy one.
Yeah, it's always left for me.
Easy question there.
So happy.
This is great.
And she sent us this little wig?
Those are my wigs.
Those are my little blonde wigs.
This is for...
for me going out to Shinjuku Nichome.
You go to Shinjuku Nichome
wearing these blonde wigs?
Okay, I didn't know that you go to the...
Yeah, it was...
This was not meant to be found by you today.
I was a little bit surprised there.
Sorry about that.
You mentioned this on...
It's public and live.
Yeah, it wasn't supposed to be out in public.
I'm so sorry about that.
It's a delicate point, right?
I'm going to keep this not open.
Sorry, sorry.
That will be much appreciated.
I've been doing this for like 5 years.
Oh, really? I didn't know that.
I'm going to tell this to Kake-chan.
I wonder why she's like a bon bon man so much.
I wonder if she has a story.
If she has a story,
I would love to hear
why she loves Anpanman so much.
She told me that she will...
Oh, the service that you are preparing?
Yes, thank you so much.
Thank you, Nausuke-san.
She's been sending us a lot of presents.
The bisco last time.
Right, right, right.
I have to appreciate that.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much, right.
It's a really happy Christmas.
It's a great gift.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
That was a thank you for the gift podcast.
And Merry Christmas to you all.
Merry Christmas to you too.
And everyone who's listening.
Thanks for listening again, guys.
Bye bye.

