2020-06-13 10:21


お互い好きな音楽について語った。山ちゃんはFunk Music。ケビンは流行りの音楽なら大体魅力を感じる。それってミーハー?
Welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English from podcast. This is episode 3. I am your host Kevin. I'm here with
Bruno Mars Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars is in the house
So Bruno Mars, I fucking love your music. Are you putting out to the world?
like, you know, I your voice okay, like you're
Okay, I'm feeling a little bit of Michael Jackson in the room
You sure you that you sure? Oh, I'm pretty sure that there is Michael Jackson here. Hi. Hi, Michael
How you doing man
Perfectly good stars here. I know right Michael Jackson Mars
So great. Tell me yeah, what inspires your music you create tons of of
Good music good music. Thank you inspires you you know
Yep, I'm actually I don't know how to talk like Bruno Mars Bruno Mars speaks the way he speaks
I like Elvis. He's like Elvis Presley. Yeah. Mmm. He's that guy for me. Okay
Inspires you right? Okay, and I like
Dancing songs. I remember dancing songs when I was young when I was a little kid. Mm-hmm, you know, I always dance I
Was always dancing
Elvis songs so I want the world
Okay, I think you're leaving the audience
Yeah, you know I did not get any of that and I think neither did the audience then no one got the joke or anything
Okay, what?
Okay, tell me about Elvis Presley then what is it about Elvis Presley that really gets you going what do you mean?
Like what is it about him that inspires you? Why do you like him so much? I?
Don't know but
You know, he was kind of star
At the moment everyone listens to him. Uh-huh your songs and his voice
So really closely cool, uh-huh, and that's why I like
Okay, did you try to like sound like him right when I was a little
Well, I speaking to Bruno Mars. Oh, I'm sticking to Bruno Mars right now. Oh, I'm Bruno myself
Oh, you know when I was a little kid, I
Did a show. Uh-huh, which I
You know kind of pretend. Uh-huh a little Elvis little Elvis. Yeah, that's cute. Right little Elvis
Yeah, he's doing the lips he's doing the Elvis lips like Elvis and sing like Elvis. Did you shake your hip like Elvis?
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah that pretty Elvis the pretty Elvis. Yeah little Elvis
That's that that's what you did. Yeah
That's what he I mean
That's what I know. I remember. Okay, actually I have a question for Yama-san. Okay, what what is your music?
What what are you into a main kind of music you like?
like Bruno Mars
Anything else so it's really complicated and also like Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder. Yes
Like I
Like funk songs funk songs
funk like like what I don't I don't think I know what's brown James Brown like like a
James Brown, right? Right. You see if you can run it run it. You'll see you can run it run it
and the man and the girl or like or like
I know I gotta see you boo and your hearts all over the world tonight and hot so I'm talking about Chris Brown
Okay, tell me what the other like
Tomish what it's modern one. Tomish Tomish. Yeah, Tom Tomish
Yes, I don't know. I've never heard of a punk jazzy
Mmm, some salad. Okay. How about you? Okay. My my favorite man. Okay. I I'm really into um
like the latest
latest song
for pop culture like I'm really a
What do you what Japanese or was it me ha? Oh, I'm a me ha how do you say me ha in English?
So I'm not sure tell me what me ha is in Japanese first. What is it in Japanese?
it's like
Like the people who always you know trying to catch the trend, uh-huh without like
If you use that back
Like that meaning. Mm-hmm those who
You know just just try to catch the trends without any thinking
Okay, you like it because it's it's popular. You like it because everyone else likes it. Ah
That is yes, hmm, I
I don't know what that is in English. Let's
Google it. Google is always the answer
Me ha me ha
In Japanese, but oh it isn't like, you know, it's written in katakana
Right, right, so it must be from a different language. Yeah, but me hi is definitely not English. I've never heard of it. Ah
I've heard of hipster, but like I don't think that's
Culturally relevant like I don't think people use it that often
Not very relevant groupie. What does it mean? I guess like
People who follows groups right people who follows a certain band or a certain star
Or something like that
So I guess no not not too much of a me huh?
not it's not really close, but I don't think there's a
single word that
Defines it's the same as like trendy people
Trendy people would be more like the people who?
Is being followed by trend by by the by the masses right trendy people like who like right like the Kardashians
Or like what Kanye was something like that people who yeah, yeah, they are the trend, you know, yeah
when you're talking about fashion like trendy people in fashion, I guess the the the
Fashion leaders as you would okay say it in Japanese. Yeah, so it's not like a me how or something like that. It's just um
Yeah, so am I a me huh? I don't think so like not in the exact way that you explained it. I I like
the I
like the trendy music because I
Get high from the fact that they're making a music that so many people enjoy like
the art of making
Millions of people fall in love with that single piece of art. I think that's that's that's talent
You know, I think that there's there's a secret sauce in there that makes that piece of art so special
And I think that really draws me into the you know, it draws me with I'm really drawn to it, you know, like
You know, it's it's different you make music too like it's difficult to to make songs that so many people enjoy
right, I know you make music just for yourself that you enjoy understand, but like
There there are people that make music
Exactly and it's even more greater that they're able to establish that they're able to to to put it out and
Have it be successful, right? That is so amazing. Like how does
Right make people dance make singles make people sing like I'm into kpop too
Just as much as I'm into like Bruno Mars or Ariana Grande or things in a nature
I'm into kpop
Not only because they look good not only because their their music is you know
You know groovy and it's really good. I like it because
Everyone else it has that thing where everyone else
Is addicted to that addiction
the fact that they they have
The pills right that makes everyone a dick. That's what really draws me in the power, right?
How do they get that power? What makes them so?
So like juicy, you know, right that that's what really interests me, you know
Maybe that is a me ha I don't know like that. I mean how you think
It's a little bit different from me, huh? Uh-huh. I like the songs
With power. Yeah, like right. It's yeah songs made
the world
Like go crazy. Yeah. Yeah that yeah
That is valuable. Mm-hmm. I really want to make
One song that kind of song
Okay, so you're
We'll talk about it in the next episode about your music. Oh, really because it's already ten minutes. Okay, that's about an episode
We'll wrap it up. I will see you next episode next time. We're gonna talk about
Yamasai's music and how he was able to
jump five feet

