2020-06-13 11:50


We're back! Next episode we're back! The fourth episode of Kevin's English Room Podcast!
So last time we talked about the fact that you love making music and you're amazed that people can make the kind of music that everyone loves.
Also, I can jam 5 feet.
That is amazing too. I think that's the world's top athlete.
Let's talk about that.
Which one?
The first one. Obviously the first one.
You want to talk about the second one? You want to try?
No, no, no.
Do you know what it's "ogiri"?
"Ogiri"? Yeah, I know what "ogiri" is.
I don't want to do that.
No problem.
So you make music, right? I sometimes cooperate with your music. I do rapping in your music.
I'm a good rapper.
Thank you.
I'm a good singer also.
Thank you so much.
So you were in an a cappella circle, right?
You were in an a cappella circle and when did you start loving music?
When did you start to be interested in a cappella and music and all that stuff?
Maybe in high school?
No, no, no.
Like elementary school?
Elementary school?
I don't know if American school has that, but we had "Gassho Konkuru".
You enjoyed that?
I really enjoyed that.
I feel like no one enjoys that.
Oh really?
That's my image.
I really, really, really enjoyed that "Gassho Konkuru".
Oh really?
Every year.
So, yeah.
Okay, so that's when you first started loving music.
But you were like a soccer kid.
Like you were in soccer clubs.
And I am.
And you are?
I like soccer and also singing.
And singing.
So you entered an a cappella circle when you started college.
And then you graduated college and you started making music.
Well, you were an employee, right?
You were a full-timer for a company and then you left.
You wanted to make music.
I know that you like making lyrics.
You like the words.
You like the art of wording things, right?
Tell me more about that.
What is it that really interests you?
Well, I like words.
I like languages.
I don't know why, but I'm really interested in languages.
So I don't know how to explain this.
It's like you like hamburgers, right?
I fucking love hamburgers.
Yeah, I like words.
You like words?
I like playing with words.
Do you like consuming words or is it like the same?
Do you like creating words over consuming words?
Or is it the same value to you?
Same value to me.
You like working with words.
So I don't know what attracts me, but I like it.
That's your passion.
So when you make your lyrics, what...
So I also like writing phrases.
You like writing phrases?
Elaborate on that.
Yeah, like books kind of.
Like a novel, I think.
So you could have been an author.
Well, yeah, maybe, but I like it.
I like it, but...
Do you like creating melodies then?
Well, if I can, I definitely would like to try that.
But I'm not a melody guy.
So I have one guy.
He's really good at melody, making melodies.
His name is Kake-chan.
Kake-chan, yeah, he does the melodies, right?
He does the melody.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And yeah.
Okay, so when you're making your lyric, how long does it take you to make a full-length lyric?
Like it completely depends on the songs.
If I got the thing, it's going to be really fast, like one or two hours.
But if I don't, it might take like a week or a couple of weeks, maybe.
Sounds like a true artist.
Like someone who's building, who's actually making like an actual art.
Oh, thank you.
You know?
Like you're like a fucking Picasso or something.
I think that's something like a Picasso would say.
Like, you know, a Picasso would say.
Picasso? Am I saying that right?
Like is it the painter?
Picasso, right?
You say Picasso, is that same?
Yeah, I think so.
Kind of, you know, yeah, like artist.
Yeah, the legendary artist.
I think that sounds like a Picasso, something with Picasso.
Thank you.
Tell me who, what your most favorite lyric is in the market?
I like in the market.
In the market?
I like, do you know, like, I don't know if you know him, but Tanikawa Shuntaro.
The poet?
Or, like Yosano Akiko?
I like them.
That's the Japanese poet.
They're not a lyric, lyric creator.
No, not a music.
They're more of a, like haiku.
Yeah, haiku things, like Japanese poet.
I've, like, I don't want you to get offended, but like I've never, never in my life, not
once have I understood a single piece of haiku.
Oh, really?
Never, not once in my...
I'm sorry, guys.
Like, don't be offended, guys.
This is just one man's point of view on a Japanese culture.
I have never understood, never felt a sensation, not even a single spark inside me when I read
a haiku, a poem or...
So it's not just Japanese.
Like, there's English poetry.
You know that, right?
Yeah, there's Mother Goose.
I don't know what those are, but like...
Oh, really?
Mother Goose, is that popular?
Like, I'm asking, I seriously don't know.
I'm asking.
Okay, okay.
I have never, I was never drawn to literature.
Yeah, like...
I was never drawn to...
You don't read, like, you know, paper books.
No, I fucking suck at reading books.
Have you ever seen me?
Have I ever told you how slow I read?
Oh, yeah.
In Japanese?
English is, I'm okay.
I'm like normal speed, but in Japanese, if I start reading a fucking single book, it
takes me forever to finish.
Well, I have a present for you.
You brought me a present?
This is the...
Thanks, man.
This is the book.
You bought me a fucking book.
This is the paper book.
A fucking book?
It's written by one of my friends.
Yeah, it's about...
You have an author as a friend?
Yeah, he's not an author, but, you know, it's about finding the things, what you want to
do in your life.
Now that is another topic we have to talk about, finding things.
Well, anyway, this is a present for you.
Yogi Junpei.
Yagi Junpei.
Yagi Junpei.
But, you know, I don't, I can't work with books.
They're just not...
I appreciate the fact that you're giving me a gift, you know.
I love this topic.
I love the topic of, you know, finding passion, but I just can't deal with books, man.
This is...
But you can lend it to your, like, friend.
You gave me a present to lend it to a friend.
You can do some books, like, you know, there are some, you know, kind of books like that.
For your friends.
Got it.
Got it.
Got it.
What's your passion?
What motivates you?
What do you think about every day?
What actions you take?
Right, right.
Thank you.
Got it.
Love books.
Thanks, man.
Oh, get this back to you.
I will probably not, I can't open that.
But appreciate your, appreciate the gift though.
Yeah, appreciate it.
So, what's your passion?
What motivates you?
What do you think about every day?
What actions you take?
Right, right.
Thank you.
Got it.
Love books.
So that leaves with.
What was that?
The topic.
The original topic?
Your passion for lyrics.
Yeah, it's hard to talk about this topic with you, I think.
Because you know, you don't like.
Like lyrics.
You don't care, right?
Yeah, I don't.
I, so like.
To tell you the truth.
70% of the interview I just did, I did not resonate.
I mean, I don't have to resonate.
I'm just doing an interview with you.
So, but like I.
Words just don't come to me.
But keep it, keep it up, man.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thanks for listening, guys.
You know.
Okay, what?
You like Bruno Mars, huh?
I do, I do like Bruno Mars.
His lyrics is great.
Like, okay.
Like, see, when I was your man.
When I was your man.
Yeah, I do.
I understand it.
Like, I know what you're saying.
Like, you know, I should have did you so much better when we were together.
Now you're with somebody else.
Now you're dancing with another man.
And I, you know, I understand.
But okay, well, what were we gonna say?
In the song, he writes that I should have bought you a flower.
And like, should have done all the things.
Like the kind of thing.
At the end of the song, he writes that I hope he buys you a flower.
Yeah, I know, I know, I know, I know.
That's completely moving.
That made me cry, right?
Yeah, it does.
I understand the situation, right?
He was with a girl in the past.
They broke up.
Now he wants to get back.
Now he's imagining, oh, she's probably with another man.
And you still hope that she's happy.
Because you love her, right?
I understand.
Because you love the girl.
Right, right.
Even though with...
You want her to be happy.
If she was with you.
Right, because you want her to be happy, right?
I understand, but like, that's moving.
That's made me cry.
The language play doesn't really excite me.
I just understand it.
Oh, that's how he feels.
I hope someone in here understands me.
Yeah, I think the majority of people do.
It's just a Kevin thing.
It's just me that don't really understand the language thingy.
So, well, thanks for listening, guys.
Thank you.
We'll be back in the next episode.

