1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 洋楽の歌詞を理解出来るように..
2021-03-24 15:29



Welcome to a Kevin's English room podcast
How y'all doing? Yep. Great rainy morning today. Yeah. Mm-hmm
1030 a.m. Yeah, rainy
I kinda haven't
Woke up yet. Oh you really? I
My brain is kind of still that's rare. I'm sleeping. I'm very awake right now. Oh, really?
Very sharp right now. Wow. Yeah, I am. Why is that? I
I I do I do I think there is but it's you know, so I got
It's really hard to explain right now
Let's just say
Right, it's
I'm I've
Adjusted my my my lifestyle a little bit. Yeah
Controlling me right right right? Yeah, right and I'm going to the gym also, okay
So that could be that could be too, right?
My body becomes tired after I work out. I've actually been going out to the gym almost every day. Oh, really?
yeah, it's a 24-hour gym so like even if it's very late, I can still go and like and
I am starting to notice a little bit of the change like it's weird because like when you wake up when I wake up
It definitely feels different. Oh, but like it's not it really hasn't
Resolved the problem. I think I still do feel sleepy in the morning, but
The moment I wake up that I sit up on my bed. I feel I feel really
It fresher sharper. Mm-hmm
But not completely resolved, okay, so I have made progress I have excelled but that's great
But not complete
But you know, it's still it's yeah, it's a matter better place. Yeah, which is great. Yeah, and you look
Little thicker today. Thank you. It's because I've been going out to gym. Yeah
Week so it's been one week one week. Yeah one week. Yes in a
New very
It's just how my body works though
Right. Yeah, okay. Okay. So we've got a yeah. Yes. Yes
Hey, we've got a message from popoyaki-san. Oh boy. I'm sorry. Do you have any idea? What is about?
Popoyaki popoyaki. Yeah, I think there's a store in ito yokado called popo
I think that I think she's a cook there. Maybe she's a kitchen there. Okay. Yeah
It's not a secret podcast to keep it a mass. Hey, what's your son just say no hi shine this? Hey
Guys, it's mostly quick. Yo, Joe. This is she's like that Kim. We're going to get you to come for it. They can't move it on the
Ago, I'm not so keep it or to you. No, I'm not so much. They keep it on the table. You know, go back to you. Nice
J-pop を聴いているとこの曲の歌詞ダサいな幼稚だなと感じてしまうことがあるのですが
Nice interesting. 好きなアーティスト、ウィザー、アブリル・ラヴィーン、オアシス、トゥーローシネマークラブ、グリーン・デイ、
and so onをダサく感じてしまうのは嫌です
So I you're a lyrics guy. So I'm sure there's a lot of things that you wanted to say about this. Yeah
Do you feel like there's when you listen to J-pop?
Do you think some of the songs are the lyrics are that decide to you? I do sometimes I do honestly, like it
Yeah, like wow
What this like it's to like yeah something like like it elementary school. I know it's really
like cheesy
Did you get a haircut? Oh, yeah
Right, you got a haircut didn't you? Yeah, you look sharper. Thank you. Yeah, like yeah
Yeah, my hair was a little bit like yeah, like big ish. But like now it's like yeah, like a small mushroom. Yeah
What you did oh no, I know I didn't I didn't oh, oh right a little bit yes I did
So remember last time we met I was like, I think I messed up my haircut and I asked you and package
I was like, right. My hair. Okay, and he was like, yeah, you look fine. I
Actually adjusted just a little bit. I cut the sides here
Yeah, now it's it's to me. It's better. Okay, right. So yeah, I mean it's the same
My self-satisfaction yeah
So yeah, right, um, so you do think this one the Japanese
Okay, can you can you address which one? Oh
You know, there's so many songs okay like you you can let's let's um
On three you say it and I'll put the beep in there
Manually put the beep as you say the the title, okay
Hmm. Well, actually I don't listen to these songs right because I don't you don't like this
Yeah, I like the first good lyrics. So
Gotcha like
I don't have any ideas. Okay, sure. How about like, um, so
Um, have you have you felt that before for example like
So I don't want to make enemies here i'm sure nobody does but like I did feel that um
so oh, oh sakurako, oh
Oh sakurako. Oh sakurako-san was lyrical. I thought was very simple
very like
Really? Oh simply uplifting. Okay, and I think she just she doesn't use too much of a complex way of expressing her
Feelings. Yeah
Okay, even from my perspective, which I am not a lyrics guy. I'm not a linguistic guy. Okay
especially when it comes to japanese, I still did feel that that
Her lyrics were very simple. Uh-huh. Um
Which in some cases may be interpreted as a little bit asai. Okay, but i'm not gonna say them right now, but like
she's uh
Okay, uh do you have any
The title. Yeah, sure. Um, just get her like yeah
Like the most popular songs what is like this
Okay, yeah
What is her
so what do you think like
This is like kind of acoustic singer song. Yes. Yes. Yes. Like it you're right. It's a kind of
quite simple phrases and using
It's simple words, uh-huh, but that makes a little
You know, uh acoustic-ness and nah, okay. Okay. I'm glad you said that
Yeah, he's like, okay good good
Yeah, like it's not that using simple words makes it
Bad, okay. Yeah, and it's not
difficult complex
words makes the song
Sounds like cool. Okay, good good sometimes
using too much like
Daimei no Todoroku, right, you know that sounds little
Like junior high
Songs, you know, so from your perspective always Sackoras has learned it has its own taste which makes the taste special
Yeah, like soft and it's always beautiful like
And cute a little right, right. Okay. Good. Good. Good. Yeah
Oh, but it's written by Kameda Seiji-san. It's a
bass player
Okay. Yeah
What is he known for?
uh, you know
Marunouchi statistic. Yeah, the Tokyo Jihent
Really? Yeah, i'm not sure if he wrote that lyric but he says songwriter is Kameda Seiji
Well, maybe that the sound
So what do you think? So the main topic is she's worried that she might
Find out that some of the songs that she's been listening to
Has a little bit of a lame lyric
Have you ever come across a lyric that's lame?
I don't think I have. Okay. Um
I can't think of any songs that I thought oh, this is a lame lyric
Okay, do you have it? What do you mean lame? Like how she said it in the question. Okay. Okay. Okay
In English, yeah, right
So she said like Avril Lavigne or Green Day, I didn't I never
well, not that i'm
Experienced i'm really experienced at her songs, but uh, I haven't really consumed them enough. Yeah, but um
At least the ones that i've heard so far. I don't think there were any of them were like
But I can understand that what he or she really says
Yeah, because when you don't understand the lyric at all, it just sounds like
cool, like it just sounds like
cool song, okay, and uh
And if you start understanding that meaning has a little different taste, okay the meaning
So it adds color I can understand that differences between when you not understanding it but listening to the song
this and
With understanding that's the meaning in listening
If it's a love song or breaking up song or friend friendship song or whatever, right? Yeah
But I have never experienced that. Uh
Like lame lame
Lame-ness, uh-huh. It's just different though
It's different. I I don't understand the differences but
Let's still
So you from your perspective it's you don't have to like
So it could be possible that yeah when you understand the lyric it has a different taste as a different color. Yeah
So you think that?
Go ahead. Yeah, especially when you translate into japanese
Then it makes little
You know, it's not good. Okay, good way the best it's not the best way to understand that and listen to that music
Reading in english. I've had a very similar experience. Um
Several months ago a song, uh in kpop
Um from mamamoo. It's a very popular. Yeah kpop
girls band and uh, they had the song called, um
yeah, and right song called hip and like
The song you've never heard it, right? No. Okay. It was uh, it was a very it popped. Oh, really?
It was so big. I was like
and like the main line was like
Muru, okay. Muru hip like they they had that catch phrase. Okay. That's like Korean. It's a Korean
All right at the very end of the uh, uh, they said like okay
That's cool. Okay. Okay. I like oh, yeah
And I looked it up and it was like it was like head shoulders
Oh, wow, that's what they were saying the whole time and that was like, oh, okay, I thought they were saying something like
Hmm, they're just oh, they're saying head shoulders
But i'm sure that that was translated yeah, so I can't
Say for sure 100 that that's what you know
What's imagining in my head is really exactly how it's being said in Korean. Yeah, i'm sure there's a gap but like
When I translated I thought that was lame, right?
That's the same
Situation. Yeah. Yeah, that's right
You know, that's all with sounds and pronunciation is is you know, the sound itself is music so
It's kind of difficult to translate directly into different languages. Well, like don't you think that as much as the um,
the as much
As much as you get the negativity from knowing more
The same amount of positivity you get from like, you know, right you start understanding. Oh with this
This atmosphere of of the instruments they're saying this this song is great, right? Right with you can
You can find out the good side of the letters as much as you're finding out right the bad side, right?
So well much bigger. Yeah, I do think so. I do think it's it becomes much better. So like ultimately
It becomes a better
Musical experience to knowing the english, right? Right. So right I guess go for it. Yeah, keep going for the uh, learning
You know new languages and learning english and be able to understand right the song. I completely agree with you
And that's 15 minutes, that's pretty fast. All right, thanks for listening guys. Bye. Bye

