When Breath Becomes Air ポール・カラー・ニッサンの本の96ページ
Patients, when hearing the news, mostly remain mute.
One of the early meanings of patient, after all, is one who endures hardship without complaint.
Whether out of dignity or shock, silence usually reigns,
and so holding a patient's hand becomes the mode of communication.
A few immediately harden, usually the spouse, rather than the patient.
We're gonna fight and beat this thing, Doc.
The armament varies from player to wealth to herbs to stem cells.
To me, that hardness always seems brittle.
Unrealistic optimism the only alternative to crushing despair.
In any case, in the immediacy of surgery, a warlike attitude fit.
In the OR, the dark gray rolling tumor seemed an invader in the fleshy peach convolutions of the brain
and I felt real anger.
Got you, you fucker, I mattered.
Removing the tumor was satisfying,
even though I knew that microscopic cancer cells had already spread throughout that healthy-looking brain.
The nearly inevitable recurrence was a problem for another day, a spoonful at a time.
Openness to human relationality does not mean revealing ground truths from the apes.
Apes? It means meeting patients where they are, in the narthex or nave, and bringing them as far as you can.