1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 自分の娘に彼氏ができたら..
2021-11-15 12:03


We just think we're the cool dads....

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
This program is brought to you by...
I got a little bit...
Okay, okay.
Excuse me.
Yeah, I don't want to...
Excuse me.
I try to hide it as much as possible.
But if it's in there, I'm so sorry.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This program is brought to you by...
"Kimi no Koi wo Todokeyou"
We are using Anchor to create and distribute
this podcast and it's free.
You can download it on the App Store or the Google Play.
It's got all the features you need to start your very own podcast.
And you can send us voice messages through it.
Yes, that's your favorite feature.
That's important.
That's the most important feature of this.
I don't know if it's the most.
Yeah, that's one of the features right there.
That's why they made this application.
And how many audio messages do we have?
We're open to need more...
We are open.
Audio messages, actually.
We are open.
Yes, yes, we are.
But nobody...
Oh, it's sad.
It's really sad.
It's okay.
They'll send us audio messages, I'm sure.
If they don't send us voice messages, maybe I can keep going.
Oh, really?
Guys, come on.
Help me out here.
For Yamachan.
Let's send in some audio messages for Yamachan, you know?
For Yamachan.
Because we are open.
We are.
I mean, yeah, we are.
Maybe we didn't announce it that much.
That's why they're not here.
You know, maybe they didn't know.
But now they know, right?
Let's just wait.
And then let's just wait for the audio files to come in.
You know, we announced it now, so they're going to come in.
So, you know, it's okay.
What about if they don't send us messages still?
No, no, I'm sure they'll send us.
It's okay.
I'm sure they're nice.
Now they know about this.
I know.
What about if they won't send us messages?
No, no, no, no, no.
I think they'll send us voice messages right now.
They know.
I think they'll, you know, they'll send us through, you know, yeah.
Wait, do you need the anchor app to actually send us the voice message or no?
I don't think so, right?
Okay, okay.
Then guys, download the anchor app and send the voice messages.
I think you can do it.
Also do it through like, like, um, websites.
You know, I don't think you have to download the app, but I think you can do it through
I think so.
But you know, Y'all Wishing is about to cry.
So guys, let's send in some voice messages to cheer them up.
What do we got here?
All right.
We're back.
This is from Satoshi-san.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
The two in the U.
That's cool.
Hungry Heaven.
No, never heard of that.
>> Wow.
>> [FOREIGN] >> Mm-hm.
>> [FOREIGN] >> Meat, meat.
>> [FOREIGN] >> Okay, nice.
>> [FOREIGN] >> Wow.
>> Wow.
>> Yeah.
>> [LAUGH] You just gotta check that with your fingers, right?
>> Yeah. >> Yeah.
>> Five millimeters right there.
>> Okay. Okay.
>> [FOREIGN] >> Okay, that's cool.
>> Cool. Thank you.
>> Wow. >> [FOREIGN]
>> Oh.
>> Yeah.
>> You okay, man? >> Yeah, I'm okay.
>> You okay? Yeah?
>> Okay.
Well, congrats.
>> Yes.
>> Congrats.
>> Mm-hm.
>> Mm-hm.
>> Mm-hm.
>> Mm-hm.
>> Mm-hm.
>> Mm-hm.
>> Mm-hm.
>> Mm-hm.
>> Oh.
>> I mean, congratulations on the baby.
>> Yeah.
>> Maybe his first baby?
>> Maybe, yeah.
>> Maybe, yeah.
>> Wow.
>> Congratulations.
>> How are you gonna, do you want your kids to speak different languages?
>> Uh.
>> Or how are you gonna, do you have any plans yet?
>> I don't have any plans, but I love to, my baby be surrounded by so
many languages, so many cultures.
>> Yeah.
>> So many different people, so many occupation, so many countries.
>> Mm-hm.
>> You know, that's what I want to do.
>> Yeah.
>> Not only my, you know, perspective and my interpretation of this world.
>> Right.
>> But surrounded by so many people and.
>> Yeah.
>> Yeah.
>> That's what I am right now in HIPPO, you know.
>> Mm-hm.
>> That's what I've been treated, I've been raised by.
>> Yeah.
>> So, you know, I love that environment, so.
>> Yeah.
You do want, you want the same for your kids too.
>> Yeah, yeah.
>> Mm-hm.
>> For me, I don't, I don't, I don't want kids right now.
I don't need them.
So I have not spent the energy.
>> Yeah.
>> To think about their future.
>> Yeah.
>> But as far as I'm, as far as I know, I feel like I, I don't, I really want to
respect what they want to do.
>> Sure.
>> Because I feel like following the passion is important and I feel like, you
know, I want them to experience what, I want them to pursue what's right for them.
>> Yeah, yeah, yeah.
>> If they want to take the corporate road, yeah.
I'll be, I think that's, it's good for them if that makes them happy.
If they want to be entrepreneurial, then I would love to support them.
>> Yeah.
>> At least for now, that's how I feel like.
>> Mm-hm.
>> You never know.
>> That's right.
>> If you actually get a kid.
>> True.
>> Do you think that if you get like a girl, you think you'd like coddle the girl and
like if she gets a boyfriend, do you think you'd be like so shocked?
>> She will never get married.
>> Oh God.
>> Oh God.
>> What?
>> Let's, let me, let's just, let me talk about this again.
>> What are you talking about?
>> Let me, let's just, she will never have like a single boyfriend.
>> You're telling me.
>> Because I am here.
>> Okay.
>> Okay.
>> You have a daughter.
>> Okay.
>> If I had a daughter.
>> You get a daughter.
>> Yeah.
>> Right.
>> And like.
>> She must be so cute.
>> She's gonna be.
>> Yeah.
>> I'm sure she's gonna be cute, pretty.
>> Yeah.
>> Right?
>> Perfect.
>> Right.
>> She's got everything, you know.
>> Of course.
>> Of course.
>> Yes.
>> Of course.
>> Thank you.
>> Of course.
>> By the way.
>> Right?
>> You're welcome.
>> And she gets a, she will probably.
>> Yeah.
>> Hit an age where she's interested in other guys, right?
>> Yeah, of course.
>> She wants to date people.
>> She must be so attractive to.
>> Of course.
>> To every, everybody.
>> She's gonna be beautiful.
>> Thank you.
>> I'm sure.
>> She's beautiful, thank you.
>> I'm sure, I'm sure.
What if she gets a boyfriend?
>> No.
>> Oh God.
What if she, oh no.
>> Because I'm here.
>> Right.
>> You know.
>> But she wants a boyfriend, not a father, right?
>> No, seriously.
>> Like seriously.
>> Yeah.
>> For real though, for real, how would you react?
>> I mean.
>> You think you'd be cool with that?
>> I guess so.
>> Uh-huh.
>> But I.
>> You think you'd be a little bit of a jealousy inside you?
>> Yeah, a little bit of course I can.
>> Yeah, yeah.
>> I can't actually imagine exactly.
>> How it would feel like, right?
>> Yeah, because I have no idea at all.
>> New dynamics, right?
>> Yeah, yeah.
>> The father, daughter.
>> Yeah.
>> Yeah.
>> But if she finds somebody to trust on, like to love to.
>> Yeah.
>> I guess I would be like happy for that at least.
>> Uh-huh.
>> I guess.
>> Yeah.
>> Yeah.
>> Yeah.
>> Are you gonna take her to like girls only school?
>> No.
>> You're gonna do.
>> Well, if she wishes to.
>> Uh-huh.
>> But.
>> But if she had no interest in anything.
>> Yeah.
>> I don't care as you just take her to a.
>> Yeah, as I told you.
>> Chocopo.
>> I wanna be like surrounded by so many like variety of people.
>> Uh-huh.
>> So I just wanna.
>> Right.
>> Experience like everything, you know?
>> If she says, oh, I wanna go abroad.
>> Okay.
>> I wanna go Ryugaku or like exchange program, you let her.
>> Sure.
>> Any country.
>> Any country, yeah.
I mean any country, yeah.
>> Even if it's like a dangerous country.
>> Yeah.
>> You'd let her.
>> Yeah, of course.
Of course, I would hear the reason.
>> Okay.
>> Why you want to the country and.
>> Uh-huh.
>> About anything.
If she want to learn like start learning piano, okay, well, why is that the reason?
>> Uh-huh.
>> I just need reason.
>> Okay.
>> And if it's like reasonable or if she has certain reason, okay, I would go.
>> What if she just feels like it?
>> Well, if it's certain.
>> Uh-huh.
>> Okay.
>> Okay.
>> But just, you know, I don't have any reason but I just wanna buy this expensive place.
>> Yeah.
>> Expensive PlayStation because my friends have it and, you know, maybe that's not the
>> Not the reason.
>> Maybe, yeah.
>> Okay.
All right.
>> But I would love to respect the certain reason inside her.
>> Got it.
Got it.
We'll listen to this episode together when you get a daughter.
>> Yeah.
>> And she's old enough to have boyfriends and girlfriends and see how you react to this.
>> Yeah, but we never know.
>> Like us, we're like, we're--we right now think we're gonna be the cool dads, right?
>> Yeah, we are.
We are thinking that we can be like coolest dads.
>> Right, and our daughter's gonna love us.
>> Yeah.
>> But wait until we actually get one.
>> Yeah, we never know.
>> We're probably gonna be like so all over her.
We're gonna cuddle them so much.
>> And maybe our daughters will hate us and--
>> Yeah, she's gonna hate her.
>> Don't come to me.
I don't want the laundry to gather with my dad.
>> She will never, like, talk to me.
>> I know, right?
>> Never, like, inform anything to me.
>> I know, right?
>> But instead of me venting.
>> I know, I know.
>> Can't wait.
>> Yeah.
>> It's gonna be so funny.
>> Yeah.
>> All right.
>> It'll be so fun to talk about those things.
>> We would make fun of each other, you know.
>> We would, yeah, we would probably do that.
It's gonna be so fun to do that.
>> Yeah.
>> Let's do that.
Let's do that, right?
>> Yeah.
>> Okay.
Thanks for listening, guys.
>> Thank you.
>> Bye-bye.

