1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. お爺ちゃんになってから、後悔..
2020-09-19 09:31


1, 2, 3, 4!
*Badass noises*
What do you think? What do you think?
Not bad, but...
Not as high as we wanted it to be.
It's okay.
Big band.
Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Grass band.
We're still in the process of getting into a higher stage, so it's okay.
Yeah, yeah, okay.
It's a learning process.
Alright, so we've got a question.
Alright, bring it in!
"What kind of grandpa do you want to be?"
Good question!
Do you want to be a grandpa, by the way?
Uh... I don't know. I, um...
Stop talking about that.
Okay, alright.
Um, do I want to be a grandpa?
What kind of grandpa do I want to be?
I want to be an oji-chan that, um... I don't know what it feels like to be an oji-chan.
I don't want to regret, for one. That's for sure.
I don't want to leave regrets.
Um, I'm... You know there's books where the author interviews a lot of the old people and they ask what their regrets are?
Oh, okay.
I am uncomfortably drawn into the subject.
I was very drawn into that book.
You read that book?
I did not read the book.
I just read the summary.
You read the summary?
I read the summary.
That's awesome.
In video form.
Yeah, I don't read, guys.
Right, I'm very... I don't know why, but I'm very interested in listening to what the old people have to say about their regrets more than other people, I think.
Um, you know, um... Yeah, I don't know why, but I don't want to regret.
I don't... I, uh... It's very interesting to me to listening to old people's regrets.
Some of them that really hit me were like, "I wish I would have met my family more."
"I wish I would have... I would have did this."
"I wish I would have, um, asked her out."
"I wish I would have, um, started this business."
"I wish I was, uh, ate more good food."
"I wish I traveled more."
Those things.
It really motivates me to do things when I listen to those kinds of old people's regrets.
Interesting, right?
So, I don't want to regret as an old man.
That's what I want to be.
I want to not regret.
And, um...
Yeah, that's, uh... That's about it, I guess.
Oh, okay.
What do you think? You got anything?
I want to be, uh...
欲しいちゃん, like...
Know, you know, so many things.
Like, how old are we imagining here?
Oh, 80.
80? Okay, got it.
Yeah, same level.
80, 90.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Got it, got it.
Knows about everything, like...
The secret of this world.
Ah, okay.
You know?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The human skills.
Yeah, human skills.
Knows the answer.
Yeah, okay.
Like, Matsuko-san?
I got it. Sorry about that.
Oh, does she know the answer?
Yeah, she knows a lot of the answers.
That's the difference, I think.
I love Matsuko-san.
Oh, really? You do?
Yeah, I do. I do love Matsuko-san.
Well, saying good things.
That's the kind of old man you want to be.
Yeah, that's pretty good.
Do you want to be old?
Nothing, nothing. I just said sneeze.
What was that sneeze?
I just said sneeze for no reason.
There's no meaning to it, man.
Oh, okay.
It's not even a thing in the U.S.
I just said sneeze because you're about to sneeze.
Oh, yeah.
All right. Do you say bless you?
Yeah, we do say bless you.
But it's a religious thing.
I'm not a Christian, or neither are you, so...
All right.
It wouldn't make sense to say that.
So, oh, what was it? Sorry.
Do you want to be old, or do you want to stay young?
Actually, both.
Greedy guy.
Yeah, I want to be an old, experienced, warm, kind, gentle old man.
But also, I don't, you know, I want to experience lots more, you know, with my healthy, young spirit.
So, both.
Greedy guy.
What about you?
I want... I want to stay young.
You want to stay young.
That's my take right now.
I have so much ambitions. Like, I want to do... I want to start a new business. I want to do this. I want to...
Yeah, starting a business, I guess, is the biggest ambition I have right now. Starting lots of business.
Like, not just one, but like...
I've already did that, so I want to do more. I want to...
I want to...
Like, put a lot of my ideas into life.
And that takes energy, and that takes time.
I don't know, maybe you can do that when you're old too.
Yeah, you know, the Kentucky...
Yeah, he was a very old guy, right? When he did that right.
So, maybe I don't have to rush, but...
Yeah, but we have to rush.
You have to rush.
Rush. Rush.
Yeah, so...
You have to rush. Because you never know when we'll die, you know?
Yeah. But I'm against rushing because of the reason of we don't know when we're going to die.
Oh, okay.
I mean, that's a... You can't really hedge for that, right?
I mean, I was saying that you have to do something you want to do.
Ah, yes. You want to... Exactly.
Not only the walking.
If you want to see your friend, you have to go and see right now.
Yeah, you have to use your time wisely.
You have to... Yeah, I definitely agree on that.
You have to take actions on what you do.
And I'm good at that, so I'll do that.
I guess so.
So, you don't want to be your grandpa?
Ah, you know... I can feel more fun right now.
I can't really imagine the fun things of being an ojiichan.
So that's the only reason why I said that.
Do you think we'll be different when we will be ojiichan?
Yeah, I think we'll be different.
I mean, I think things will change.
Like our value will change.
Like we'll grow.
Yeah, I think so.
Like you experience so much, right?
Yeah. That's a good thing.
Right, I think that will change, right?
Yeah, I mean that's... Okay.
Right, what do you think?
No, that's what we... you know, but gradually change, right?
Yeah, gradually.
Yeah, I think we gradually change to a different state than what we are today.
Yeah, yeah, right.
That means, you know, not changing.
I mean, that's natural.
Oh, in that sense...
No, I don't think it would change.
Just gradually, you know, evolving, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like I'm pretty sure that even if we will be ojiichan,
I think we will be maybe record a podcast.
Yeah, it could happen.
It could really happen.
And do something together.
I... you know...
Maybe less energetic.
Like physically maybe, but...
Maybe we might be like giving out life advices on podcast.
Yeah, maybe.
We get like comments from young people like...
Like, "I want to get married, but what should I do?"
"I'm worried about my job."
Yeah, we could be like giving advice.
That could happen. That could really happen.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Is that our episode?
That felt short because the last episode was like 30 minutes, right?
Alright, thanks for listening guys.
Bye bye.

