1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 次の山ちゃんの部屋は絶対防音..
2020-09-14 10:29


2人はどこにしみたいですか?・ケビン:みなとみらい/豊洲エリア・山ちゃん:自然ある所/防音室・[Tiktok, YouTube, Instagram, Twitterでも活動してます!→ https://linktr.ee/kevinsenroom ]
1, 2, 3
You had your ending, I had my ending
That was, that was pretty good for
for like a, like a super sudden
Yeah, it was just you
started counting and I
didn't expect that at all
We didn't talk about this at all
I suddenly started doing the bass
You know, that was good
We should try that
We should do how far we could get
How much of a good quality
we can get on every episode
I'm gonna suddenly start doing some sort of instrument
and you go on and then what kind of
a good harmony you would make
We should do that
It should be like our opening challenge
Kevin's English Room Podcast opening challenge
That's a pretty long hashtag
No one will use that
We're planning to
I mean
I am planning to move to the new city
Yes, yes, yes
I am too
So the question
*speaking Japanese*
Good question
Good question
Thank you for the
request for a topic
on our DMs
Just like always, appreciate that so much
The country would
have to be Japan, I wanted to come here
always, it's always been
my dream, I get
nowadays too
Which city do I want to live in?
It would be
Minato Mirai
or Toyosu
Bay area
Yeah, the Bay area
So you like seas? I like seas
I'm a sea guy over a mountain guy
Oh really? Yes
Definitely a sea guy
Odaiba area, somewhere around there
Why is that?
Because you like seeing
that sea? I like
the yake
I like the
the Odaiba yake is really beautiful
I think
I haven't seen a higher level
of yake
I've never been more
with the Odaiba yake
I've never seen anything higher than that
I also like the
Minato Mirai view
So those two
I guess I'm basing
my choices on
yake, I think they're very
important. What about daytime?
Daytime, because I like
both of them because you can shop
there, it's more of a luxurious place
you go there for fun
a joyful place
I really enjoy that
I guess. I've always
I've drawn to
shopping malls
If there was a shopping mall around my house
I would get excited. Not that I've lived
one before, but
I look at sumo
and all these hikoshi sites
I am drawn to it
if there's a big shopping mall around it
I just like to walk around
just everyday
Just everyday?
If there's one nearby
I would just enjoy walking down the hallway
That's fun for you
Yeah, it's the feeling of the outside world
Feeling the everyday culture
Feeling the Japanese everyday culture
It's a fun thing for me
Oh I see
Because I've never felt that feeling
I'm sure this is rare
I'm sure it comes from
the Japanese culture
I'm sure it comes from
the Japanese culture
It comes from
admiring Japan so much
It's a manifestation of it
What was the other question?
Country, city
Was there any other factor?
She doesn't say
country, city
So that's the area
What about you?
You got any?
It's not the area
I'm going to talk about
but the environment
There's definitely
a room
for soundproof
You were looking for that
Because you wanted to do music, right?
How loud is it going to be?
What do you mean?
If you get a soundproof room
What are you going to do in there?
Are you going to sing?
Are you going to do instruments?
Play piano?
Is that extremely loud?
Very loud?
Very loud
Very loud
It's an electric piano, right?
Grand piano?
What is that?
Have you ever seen
this piano?
The one Bruno Mars carried
in the movie
That's the
Applied piano
That's not the grand piano like this
You know what a grand piano is?
The black one, right?
It doesn't have to be black
This shape
Applied should be like this
It's square
It's more square
A little bit higher
I think I know what you're talking about
I think I do
You're going to buy them?
I have them
I'm going to buy them
You're going to do the
Applied piano
Play the guitars
Play the electric guitars
You play bass?
I don't play bass
Or drums?
No drums
But I do with my
Electric guitars
Drums and bass
So it must be pretty loud then
Yes, it will be pretty loud
And also I will be practicing
So that will be annoying to
Vocal practice
If it was a beautiful song
Then that will not make any problem
Because it's beautiful
Depending on your skills?
If it was a song
People can understand
And can listen to that
But if it was a practice
I get it
It's annoying
I'm guessing there's a lot of
Musical students
In your area?
Yeah, in the new city area
It has a musical
So people around it
They have more understanding
Towards you practicing music
Yeah, I have actually
Decided where to go
Where to live in
And that building says
24 hours you can play
Except drums and trumpet
Almost everything
So lots of musical
People live in there
I feel like there's new connections
I think you can make new connections
To your neighbors
Maybe do a little session
That would be fun
So that's what
Where I want to live in
Do you not care about
The number of rooms
Or the toilet
And the bathroom
I care about that
But that's not
Less important to me
It's a much less priority
The most thing
I can play
24 hours
And next to that
The river is close
Surrounded by nature
That's important to me
And after that
The year of the rat
Is there a river nearby?
Actually not
I have to take a
And 10 or 15 minutes
To go to the river
It's not that bad
I can take the train too
It'll be 5 minutes
Are you going to play
Instruments in the river?
I don't think so
Just chill?
Read books?
Just walk around
Same as you, you walk around shopping malls
Or walk around the river
That is exactly the same thing
I do nothing, I just wander
I just walk around and feel fulfillment
From it
Maybe read some books
But basically just be there
That's good
Relaxation process
10 minutes about it?
Thanks for listening again guys
As always, appreciate your requests
On Instagram
And all your messages
We are so happy because there's a lot of
DMs saying that they came from
Our podcast
Several months ago
Most of our
Audiences were from TikTok or maybe YouTube
If you're lucky
Recently we've been getting a lot of DMs
That they listen to our podcast
That's the right thing
We're so happy that we get those DMs
Thank you
We read everything actually
There are probably some that we didn't get back to
But we definitely have seen it
We're getting so much DMs
It's very hard to catch up on every one of them
Thanks as always
For listening to our podcast
See you again guys
Bye bye

