1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 最高だったIMAX映画体験
2020-10-27 23:20


Yalachun, how you doing man?
I'm doing great.
You're doing great.
So again, we are recording from different places.
We are connected with the internet.
That's great.
Enkaku Shodoku.
How did you do that?
It is.
I listened to the audio, the one we took last time.
It wasn't bad.
The audio quality wasn't bad.
But you know, I think, you know, because we can't see each other's faces and we can't get the timings right.
I can't tell if you're going to talk.
I can't tell if you can't.
You probably can't tell if I'm going to continue my rant or not.
So that was a little bit, you know, miscommunication happening.
But yeah, it wasn't bad.
Not bad.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
OK, so what do we got us for today?
Oh, while you're going through your list of things, remember Kanon-san from the audio request?
Yes, I sent you the video, right?
I sent you the audio file that she sent us saying thank you for, for, for, you know, using her topic.
She actually sent us a audio audio thank you letter.
From the same route.
I don't even know where you were.
You know, access to the sent us audio files, right?
Found out.
But thank you.
Thank you back for requesting.
You know, that was so like.
You know, voice, her voice.
Yeah, it was.
It was clearly her voice, man.
We should do more of this.
It's really happy I am that I can hear the real voice.
So good.
Let's start accepting voice, right?
Voice topic requests.
Oh, that's from anchor.
So we're using anchor to upload these podcasts.
And I think if you access anchor and find us on the anchor.
I think you can send us audio, audio file, audio voices, voice messages to our accounts.
And we're probably going to receive them.
And if we start getting an audio request, I think we should start, you know, taking that into into our podcast.
We should start. Yeah.
Okay, so we've got a topic today.
So we've got a voice message.
Oh, yeah.
Through, you know, telephone, like all the stuff.
Okay, you picked it up, right? Yeah.
I'm assuming you picked it up. Right.
No, I got in.
So I couldn't.
This is from June.
Thank you.
Wow. Okay. Wow. Okay.
That's a good question.
Wait, wait, wait. Can you repeat the situation again?
So, you know, the three.
You suddenly have three days off from you suddenly have to resolve from tomorrow.
Okay. And you've got Juma in.
And but but you have no one who can spend time with you.
Everybody will be woke.
Okay. You will be alone.
Okay. For and you have free time three days and you have to spend.
Wow. And so where do you want to go?
Is he speaking hypothetically or did that actually happen?
She. She. She.
Is she speaking hypothetically?
Because like, what kind of client gives you Juma in for not?
No, it's just a question.
Okay. So it's hypothetical.
Yeah. Okay. Gotcha. Gotcha.
All right. I was like, what?
What kind of job is he doing?
You're not flying to that job, huh?
So let's let's add another.
Another joke in here.
You have to spend all your money.
You can't. Okay, of course. You can't put that into your bank account.
Let's do that. Let's do that. Yeah.
Because I'm going to do that because if it was me, I'm going to.
It's going to go straight into my bank savings account.
So it's way too boring, right?
Let's say so I would.
The first thing that came into my mind was watching IMAX movie.
Have you seen an IMAX movie, man?
I have. I have.
Have you? Okay.
Once. Yeah.
Me. Once.
Once too.
Last week, I actually went to the Ikebukuro IMAX theater.
The new one, right?
Yeah. Like it's the biggest one.
It's the biggest one in Japan.
Oh, wow. Right. Right.
The biggest screen. Like the best sound sound system.
It was amazing. It was fantastic, man.
I saw Tenet. You know Tenet?
By Christopher Nolan?
Yes. The newest Christopher Nolan film.
It was so great, man.
The storyline was way too complicated for me to actually comprehend what was going on as the movie was playing.
But that's always everyone else in the movie theories.
It was so confusing. That's what everyone else is saying.
So what was that?
No, no, no. Just go, go, go.
Okay. So the visuals was very clear, very large.
And the audio, the bass, the low sound, the taeyeon was unbelievably gorgeous.
It was so loud that every time a taeyeon was there, the screen was shaking and you can see the jimaku was like shaking because of the taeyeon.
Right. It was such.
Yeah. The taeyeon was way too much.
Like, yeah, it made way too good, you know?
Way too much, I would say.
If you're like a little kid, you will be frightened.
You'll be frightened with the amount of taeyeon that was there.
Like they would play a theme song at the very end.
You know how all the Hollywood movies played the theme song at the very end?
It was a rap song.
And I couldn't hear the rap because the taeyeon was way too much.
Like heavy bass line.
Heavy bass.
Too strong.
Heavy bass.
Unbelievably heavy bass.
You can feel your chair shaking.
Fucking true, man.
But that's too much, maybe.
Yeah, it's too much probably.
But if you're kind of the guy who wants to be surrounded with the bass music and everything and Hakudoku is very good for you, then IMAX is the way to go.
I mean, really good.
Really, really good.
That must be great.
Have you seen Tenet?
Do you like the Christopher Nolan movies?
Like Inception or like Interstellar or things like that?
I liked the Interstellar.
But I haven't seen that.
No, no, no. Sorry.
I've seen the Inception but not seen the Interstellar.
I actually don't know about that.
Did you like the Inception movie?
Yeah, it was a good movie.
But not that, you know, I was a big fan of his.
Got it.
Okay, so it might not be worth spending a whole lot of money on Tenet probably because it's very similar to Inception where the concept of the movie is very complicated.
You will, it's way more complicated than Inception.
You know how in Inception you had to watch it like two or three times to finish it?
Or three times to fully understand what's going on?
Right, like the dream.
You know, I've just seen one so maybe I don't still don't know about the movie maybe.
Right, right.
You probably weren't interested enough to watch it again to fully understand it.
Tenet is more extreme on the side.
Like you definitely have to watch probably like at least three times to fully understand what's going on.
So you're going to see again, right?
I've been watching YouTube videos of the explanations of how.
Yeah, yeah, I'm enjoying that.
I thought once I couldn't understand it.
I'm watching YouTube videos on the explanation of how every scene was portraying.
So yeah, I'm having fun with that.
What's about that? The movie? What's about what?
It's about time reversing.
Wow, time reversing.
Right, so there was this machine in the film.
When you go in the machine, you are now reversing in time.
So there's your original you who's going in the original direction of time.
And there's another version of you in the same universe that's going reverse in time.
Wow, okay.
So from the perspective of you as a reverse self, you're looking at the original yourself.
You're looking at him and it feels like that original guy, original version of yourself is moving backwards.
And you yourself in reverse feels like you're going in the normal direction.
And vice versa for the original yourself, original self of you that's going in the correct way of time.
You there's another version of you that's going in reverse.
So, okay.
Well, what do you mean reverse the time?
Yeah, that.
Yeah, like if you want to eat something in the reversing time.
What is going to be happening?
Well, yes, that's the thing about science fiction.
You can't go way too deep into that.
Like it's not.
Okay, it's probably not going to be very logic, you know?
But probably if if I were to explain that on first insight, it's probably it's probably going to be like when you eat something when you're in a reverse state of time.
It's going to digest as normal.
Okay, it will digest as normal.
But it did say that the gravity will feel in reverse.
So, oh, no, no, gravity stays the same.
But friction feels awkward.
Okay, that's what it said.
But and heat feels weird.
So when you touch fire, it's going to feel very cold.
Yeah, it's very scientific.
Wow. Yeah, it's very science fictional.
Mm hmm. Yeah.
Well, that's interesting movie.
It's a very, very, very interesting science.
So we got off track a little bit.
So what am I going to do with a Jumaiyan?
I'll probably get a watch an IMAX movie.
I will probably go shopping.
You know, shopping? Yeah, I'll probably buy sneakers.
Yeah, I'm actually a little bit at the sneakers right now.
So getting myself a black sneakers.
I know about that.
You are, you know, always having your sneakers on.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So I'm going to get myself a little handy dandy sneakers.
What kind of sneakers you ask?
Yeah. What color?
Black. I'm looking for a black sneaker right now.
This is like, it's like not very not too characteristic.
Oh, really? Like usual?
Nothing special.
Like a black one, a white sole with black body with a white check mark on it.
Maybe something like that. Very normal.
Somewhere around like six to eight thousand yen budget.
Very, very normal.
Not that special.
Yeah, not that special at all.
Yeah, I'm looking for a very handy dandy.
Wear it anywhere kind of sneaker.
Three days, right?
Yeah, three days.
I'll probably go on a vacation then.
I got plenty of time and money, right?
So probably Okinawa, Fukuoka, Hokkaido.
Those are probably like the top three places that I'm interested in on top of my mind.
All of them I'm interested in food.
Oh, besides the beaches, right?
The beaches for Okinawa.
But besides that, I'm looking forward to eat all the gourmet stuff.
Right, Fukuoka, specifically maybe.
Yeah, Fukuoka.
Right, right, ramen.
Gyokai. Gyokai-dui. All that stuff.
But you are alone. Is that not a problem for you?
No problem at all.
I'm very okay with traveling alone.
I don't do much of traveling alone, but I can imagine myself enjoying a lot of alone time.
And in places I'm not familiar with.
I can enjoy that.
And I go walking around my neighbors and discovering new things.
That's very similar to traveling, right?
So I can probably deal with the three days of my alone time in a new city.
So there you go.
That's my way of spending my time.
How about you, Yami-chan? How about you?
Well, that's kind of, you know, a little bit same to you.
But I think I'll go on a vacation, like on a trip to somewhere like...
I want to go to the Southeast Asia.
You've been saying that, right?
Yeah, like Thailand, Vietnam.
Yeah, I think I'll go there.
Yeah, maybe.
What about domestic travels?
Since, you know, Corona's here, you can't go outside of Japan.
Actually, I've just returned from Okinawa.
Oh, really?
Oh, good for you, man.
Did you have fun?
That was so great.
Was the beach open?
Yeah, still. And it was so hot.
It was hot.
Like summer days, like, you know, semi was...
Ah, because of the tropical season, right?
Different season a little bit.
Right. It was summer completely.
Like, the beach was so beautiful.
How long did you stay?
Uh, three days.
Good for you, man. That's so fun.
That is so fun.
Did you eat a lot of gourmet stuff? Okinawan gourmets?
Yeah, like, agu pork.
All the Okinawan cuisine things like mozuku karaage.
Goya-chan food.
Okinawa soki soba, Okinawa ramen things, you know.
You ate all of that, huh?
Did you enjoy...
Blue seal.
Blue seal ice cream, right?
Well, I'm surprised you had ice cream.
A little bit.
From a guy who hates sugar, right?
A little bit.
Right. A little bit.
What was the flavor you had?
It was chocolate and vanilla kind of thing.
That's very normal, right?
You're not very adventuring a little.
Isn't blue seal famous for all the flavors and stuff?
Yeah, such as murasaki-imo.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like Okinawan things.
You didn't do that.
You didn't go for the Okinawan things.
You went for the original ones.
That's really you because, you know, I think you really like the original stuff, right?
I can imagine you going for the standard flavors.
So for domestic...
Hey, Yamachan.
Sorry, listeners.
I think the audio got cut off a little bit.
I think it's a technical problem here.
But I think we're back.
So continuing with the question.
So where would you go for domestic travel other than Okinawa?
Oh, Kurashiki.
What is it?
You know what?
I'm very embarrassed to say it is the first time I've heard that place.
Where is that?
It's in Okayama.
So what's famous for?
What's it famous for?
It's... I want to go to the Bikan district.
Bikan area.
Yeah, it's a name of a town.
So is it beautiful?
Yeah, it's beautiful.
It's like really old Japanese style town.
Like little river.
Okay, okay.
Yanagi trees are there.
Okay, okay, okay.
Like the ancient Japanese kind of looks.
The town looks.
Gotcha, gotcha.
And see some Okayama denims.
Yeah, I think I've heard of those before.
And also famous for fruits such as peaches like udon.
So I want to go to the Okayama.
Other than that, Shikoku.
I've actually never been to Shikoku so I really want to visit there.
My grandmother is in Aojishima.
Oh, yeah, right, right.
Is Aojishima Shikoku?
No, actually not.
But it's quite near.
Very quite near.
Yeah, I've never been to Shikoku either.
I want to eat a Kagawa udon.
Oh, Sanuki udon.
Yeah, I have a friend who's from Kagawa.
He says that udon there is very good.
So, yeah.
I've seen a movie.
I don't remember the name, but it was like udon or Sanuki.
You know, that was the title of the movie.
It was about the Sanuki udon.
The movie was about Sanuki udon.
Not documentary.
It was human drama.
And, you know, in that movie there are so many looking so delicious udon.
I really want to try that once.
We should go eat Honkaku udon someday.
And do some recording there too.
Have to go to Shikoku.
That would be fun.
I think we've never like went on a trip together.
Have we?
You're right.
You're exactly right.
We've never gone on a trip.
Same with Kake-chan, you know, never went on a trip with Kake-chan too.
Have you two went together on a trip before?
So we've never went on a trip before.
We once said that let's go to United States together.
Several years ago.
Like around college graduation times.
We said that, right?
Well, it never happened, right?
Oh, why?
Did we say it about that?
Yeah, we talked about that.
We said let's go to United States.
You remember?
I, uh, okay.
Well, there you go.
Like recently talking about like, that would be great if you will be able to come to your house in Georgia.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But I don't remember about that.
We said that in our university's recording studio when us three were together.
It was only like just a little bit.
Kake-chan just mumbled it out and we were all like, yeah, that's a good idea.
That's how it really ended like that.
So it wasn't a big thing.
We didn't really plan for anything.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, so I guess that would be what we would do when we have three days and Jumai in.
For me, I would shop and trip and you for you.
It's a trip trip.
And you also want to go to them to see movie, right?
IMAX movies.
IMAX movies.
Fantastic IMAX movies.
For Christopher Nolan fans, Tenet is great.
You should go see it.
All righty.
So that wraps up today's podcast.
Thanks for listening, guys.
As always, an audio request is now open.
To send Find Us on Anchor.
So text will be also great.
Text is greatly appreciated.
Of course.
Of course.
Thank you for listening.
Listening to our podcast, as always.
So thank you very much, guys.
We'll see you next episode.
Bye bye.

