1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 各国の文房具トーク✏️
2020-11-08 13:31


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That was a lack of talent right there, you know, that's really show like talent, you know, it's sorry about that
I'll do better next time. I'll do better. Yeah, of course. I'll do better. Let's get get better. Yep. Yep. Every day
Yep, that's important. Okay. Do you call that moment?
like white
White time no never heard of that. Okay, maybe maybe it's possible. I don't know about that. Okay
All right
What else
Like you're asking me. Okay, you're asking me now. Okay
how about how about how about how about like, uh, how about like, uh
How about how about like it'll then what
That's a great idea
I've got a eat a damn. What I eat a damn. Yeah, I've had a it's a day with with
Fusen for some good. Well, thank you. By the way, thank you who's in for Sun or Fusen captain or Fusen young
Who's in Guadalajara? I
Think what is that? What is that who said?
Well, I think it's Quattro Quattro Quattro
Thank you, Fusen Quattro. Okay, so well anyways, I've had a ito de over with with Fusen Quattro
So you had your ito demo for quite a long time now. Yeah, I'm assuming
Okay. Wow. I mean never seen you. Oh really using a ito de want some just really curious if that really
Happened or not. Yeah, did it happen really?
Well, he did. Oh, like it's really convenient when you want to
Listen the real voice. Ah
if it
Is it the real voice like?
Yeah, is it the real voice? Yeah, it is. Okay. All right. Okay, just not gonna question that. All right go so
Nihon niwa nai amerika narade wanna boom borg. What are you maska? Ah
That's gonna boom borg. Go go. I just need a desk. That's a good question. Thank you. I like this kind of question
That's okay. Yeah, he's full
like I
Like that. Okay. Thank you. Do you have one? Ah
skin I've been more good
Especially in your country kind of boom boku. Oh, wait, that was a question, right? Yeah. Okay, like
I'm you I was like you were so excited for the topic. You was like, no, I thought you had some sort of
You talking about the front friends, right? Yeah. Oh
I don't think so. Oh that is interesting. I have one idea the I don't know how to say that in
English but a money - yeah money - I know that exists in the United States, but
people use that money to
every day like oh
Like attending a class like doing tests write something like my report. Yeah like a pencil
Like MP2 or shopping in Japan. That's interesting. They use it's expensive, right? Yeah, but there are really cheap
my name is are sold in the
The supermarket, uh-huh. Is that more convenient than
Depends. I don't know you think it's more can you think it's you think about both depends is more convenient
But it was comfortable riding, you know French people right with like
Right, you know, he could I ways to be smooth, right? Yeah, so maybe my next was
better like more convenient for them and
also, they can have an eraser like
my racer like, you know, the
There's some special pen that they will erase what you wrote like friction pen
Yeah, and right but not that like I have to oh you don't have to consider. Okay. It was it's just a special pen
magical pen magical pen that you can erase like make it
Go away, right? Why how how does that work? There's special. It's a special a special one
It's a magic the magic pen the French magic. So it's magic, right? Yeah, there's magic
Okay, very logical. Okay
That's maybe a special like something that we don't see Japan. Oh, yeah, we don't see that. Yeah
Okay in the US, um, I I know this little
Pencil sharpener
Also sharpener pencils sharpener. Yeah, right pencil sharpener, but I don't think Japan
Has this kind of a server? It's uh, it's about this size. Okay, so it's about how much is that?
It's about three or four inches long same as us, right? It's same as our smartphone. It's about the size of your smartphone and then
It's separated into two parts, okay, the bottom part is a container where you hold all of the
shaved pencil, all right, right the top part is where you shave the pencil and then what happens is you oh
It's very hard explaining words, but uh
You pull the top part
Right, you pull it you pull the top part. Yeah until it clicks and it holds right and then
Once you've done that you stick the pencil in Wow, right you stick the pencil in and then
Let it bite Wow the you pull the you pull a panel right, right you pull the panel and the panel has these little
teeth that bite the pencil, okay, right and then you
You push this button that will release the whole position, right and it forces it to
Close right
then now what you're gonna do is
Spin the back is there's a there's a handle on the back so you spin it and then you and then it
Sharpens it at the same time it holds it to the knife
Okay, so you know, it's it's forever going right?
It's really easy to like continue to like shave off and I'm assuming by the way you're laughing
That you've got them in Japan. Wow
That is that right the very thing we have in Japan
Every classroom of every elementary school shit, right? That's the thing. I don't know
I don't know your like normal state of you don't know what I don't have
Right, but how about how about how about?
There's metal pipe
Okay, metal pipe, right? It's used to extend your itty bitty pencils
Wow, right you when you sharpen your pencils, right it becomes smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller
Until it gets like two inches two centimeters long. Yeah, that's way too small for one to use
I can't hold your pencils like that. So what do you what do you use?
You use this pipe, right and you twist your pipe and then you grip it you grip your mm-hmm
You grip the tip of your your pencil your itty bitty pencil right to the end of your pipe and now your pencils long
Wow, and I'm assuming by your reaction that you guys have them in Japan, right? I had
Three or four in my out for the buckle. It's a very normal stationary. Yep
Fair enough. All right
Well, you guys have nearly Casey no
How about this? All right. We didn't have any Kishi but
The most major eraser is pink
They're pink Wow pink is the most it's the eraser in Japan
I know it's like why the mono right white with the the brand is mono. Yeah, right
That's like the the eraser kind of brand. Yeah, but in United States, it's pink the
Rubber itself is pink the rubber itself is pink Wow, right
There you go. We hit one right there. Yeah, it's pink
That's a strange thing. Yeah, it is. Wow. I don't know why it's pink but it's pink
It does it work it works like perfectly just like but I'm not as good as Japan
I think Japan's eraser is really good. Really good better than
What the American standard has Oh, but right, but they're pink. They're pink pink
Another stationary I can think of is uh, okay. Do you American do American people use a pencil?
or sharp point pen ah
both point pen
or my name
We don't use my name for sure
If you're below high school, I think your best option would be a pencil like a normal pencil. Okay, maybe
mechanical pencil, huh? Maybe yeah, but I
Think the majority is just like a normal pencil with the eraser on top
Yeah, and if you're high school your best choice would be like a mechanical pencil and and maybe some for
Just normal pen pink pen, right if a college mechanical pencil pen, right?
No, I've never seen anyone use a man my needs to know for their classes, right?
We use a calculator
Everyone holds a calculator that doesn't happen in Japan, right?
Nah, nah, nah, nah, it's a fool if you use the calculator in Japan, that's
Cheating cheating you will be
Punished by a teacher. It's not like a normal calculator. Yeah, it's
What was it called?
What was it called there's a certain name something something calculator mechanical calculator no no no some like a
Okay, so what it does is you can put whole dish
equations in yeah, and it will solve it for you you can put X's and Y's and
You can do like
Kakuichi or that's possible to like
Go see son. Yeah, you know, you know that right? Yeah, you can that you can type that in it'll give you the answer, right?
And very convenient very very convenient. It's like a computer, right?
right, I uh, I
Saw that in France. Ah French people use that too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know the math class
You know, I actually I didn't have that one. Uh-huh. So I had to do this all the calculation by myself
My pencil, okay, and maybe other students were using that calculator machine. Yeah
But uh, you know, I was the
The Mac guy. Yeah, you're the Japanese samurai. Yeah, so I was the I was always
Fastest guy Wow, we can calculate like and I was accurate, you know
So people were so surprised. Wow, this is Japanese cool, right?
That's my country. Yeah, that's what people told me and I was kind of proud of myself
You know, you beat the calculator people. Yeah, that's nice, but that's hardcore in Japan. That's gangster style, man
Yeah, but in Japan, I'm at the bottom
Like same here
Math class I'm the bottom person. I can't get any score like yeah in high school. I got a good I got right
Yeah, like the last samurai. Yeah, I
Totally understand that. Yeah, I I get that a lot too. Mm-hmm
I was not really good at math, but in the United States. I was like the hero Wow
And it's about ten minutes. Yes. So thank you again for listening guys. Yeah, always appreciate
You giving us messages and you know saying that you know, our podcast is great
Really is means a lot to us, you know
And the requests that we get means a lot to us to write them all so
like so many people send messages and saying that they
Listening to this podcast every morning when when going to to company to the school
Yeah, we are so happy to hear that we're happy to be we're very you know
Yeah, very
Honored to see you in your everyday. Yeah, part of part of your life, right? That's uh,
It's an honor, you know, so we just wanted that to thank you guys for that. Mm-hmm, right? So, uh,
Thanks for listening. Yeah, this is a book about
About anything. Yeah, so so just ask us anything. Yeah, right. So, uh, thank you guys. Bye. Bye

