2020-12-03 17:26


Shawn Mandes & Justin Bieber 「Monster」
Welcome to Kevin's English Room podcast.
You know how the radio does that sometimes?
I know.
That was funny.
That was cool.
So we were just talking about Justin Bieber and Shawn Mendes' new song "Monster".
And Yamachan was like, "Do you agree with the lyrics?"
And I was like, "I don't usually listen to music and think a lot about the lyrics."
I just listen to the melodies and the sound, the beat, the feelings of it.
I know you're a very lyrics guy.
Yeah, maybe.
You really find a lot of value in these lyrics.
Yeah, something forces me to focus on that part.
It's your nature.
Yeah, I thought it was kind of natural for everybody.
I hardly ever pay attention to the meaning of the lyrics.
For me, it's really hard to not think about the words because they are singing and they're saying the words.
This is going to go off track a little bit, but there's this video on TikTok that a girl, a female singer,
maybe a semi-pro singer, she's on her desk and recording herself singing "Monster" from Arashi.
Same monster.
Different monster.
Yeah, different monster.
It just so happens to be the same title.
And the lyrics went...
Do you know the lyrics?
That's a different part.
And this girl sang that lyrics in a very ballad way.
How do you say ballad?
Yeah, ballad.
Ballad way.
Very quiet, very romantic, very emotional.
She's singing in a very emotional way.
That's great.
It's not very different from how the original track is being sung.
And the video is going very viral.
Oh, really?
And the top comments are like, "Oh, I did not know that the lyrics were this touching."
It was at this moment that she sang in her emotional ways that I just realized that this
lyric is so good.
This lyric is so touching.
So many of the comments are like that.
Thank you very much.
Yamachan gave me the coffee.
Thank you very much.
Morning coffees are good.
You know?
I'm starting to really realize that with the latte life that I'm having.
I'm starting to want coffees, not lattes.
I'm starting to want more "nigai" kind of flavor.
For waking you up?
I don't know if that's for waking up, but I'm wanting it naturally.
Back to the top here.
Right, right.
But monster.
Right, but monster.
That's true.
But I understand that.
But I think, according to the comments, I think most people, I think many people don't
really understand.
Like, are not consuming musical work with the lyric meanings fully comprehended.
That's possible.
But I think, you know, with different melodies, like, I think it wasn't different melody,
but different mood, different taste, the lyrics were a little bit different.
What do you mean?
Like, even I know the lyrics of "Monster," but if you sing in, like, ballad way or hip-hop
way, R&B taste, you know, the lyric would be a little bit different too.
Like, the impression would be...
It would leave the lyrics in a little bit different sensation.
That's what I can understand.
So, what is it about "Monster"?
Justin Bieber's "Monster."
It's about being celebrity.
Like, you know, they both are huge star.
Like, Justin Bieber and Joe Mendes.
They sing about, you know, how it's hard.
Every time being, like, in front of old people, they can't go anywhere.
Like, you know.
Let me...
Are you gonna get the lyrics up?
I do remember the part where Justin Bieber goes, "I was 15 when the world put me on a pedestal."
That's right.
He was only 15.
But everyone pushes him up to that stage.
And everyone see him and, like, say whatever they want to him.
But he was only, you know, 15.
And since then, he's been treated like that.
So, what?
So, it's hard, basically.
It's hard.
Like, you know.
You put me on a pedestal and tell me I'm the best.
So, basically they're saying, "What if I was a monster?"
"What if I go somewhere?"
So, this song is about...is a message to the world.
For all the people who's putting themselves on a pedestal.
I think so.
They're saying...
I actually haven't read it carefully like this.
That's my impression.
But, yeah.
You put me on a pedestal and tell me I'm the best.
Raise me up into the sky until I'm short of breath.
Fill me up with confidence.
I say what's in my chest.
Spill my words and tear me down until there's nothing left.
Rearrange the pieces just to fit me with the rest.
But, what if I trip?
What if I fall?
Then, am I the monster?
Just let me know.
And what if I sin?
What if I break?
Then, am I the monster?
Just let me know.
What does that mean?
What does that mean?
What do you mean?
So, Shawn Mendes...
They're saying everybody around him is like putting him on a pedestal.
They're praising him when he's not comfortable.
And then, the main course.
But, what if I trip?
If he fails to...
If he feels like too uncomfortable.
And what if he decides, "Okay, then fine.
I stop doing this anymore.
I will go to the tropical island."
Yeah, maybe.
"Leave me alone."
"I'm out."
"I'm not going to do this anymore.
Finish it."
Then, he's asking, "Then, am I the monster?"
How does that make him a monster?
Then, everybody thinks that, "Oh, he's gone.
What is he doing?"
There's something wrong with him.
Everybody will say that he has to do this.
He has a responsibility.
But, he's gone.
He's a monster.
He's not a usual guy.
Got it.
Got it.
Got it.
He's not a usual guy.
He's not a real usual guy.
I understand.
Got it.
Got it.
Got you.
Then, what if I fall?
What if I break?
That's a usual thing.
If you feel too uncomfortable, then, "Oh, I don't want to do this anymore."
This is really...
Everybody has problems.
Everybody has insecurities.
I think this really shows how one may seem perfect.
One may seem to have everything that they want.
But, they're not.
Everybody's got problems.
Justin says that, "I was 15 when the world put me on the pedestal.
I had big dreams of doing shows and making memories.
Made some bad moves trying to act cool, upset by their jealousy, lifting me up, and tearing me down.
I'll take responsibility for everything I've done, holding it against me like you are the holy one."
"I had a chip on my shoulder, had to let it go.
Because unforgiveness keeps them in control.
I came in with good intentions, then I let it go.
And now I really want to know what if I fall."
Justin has his own problems, right?
A little bit different from how Shawn Mendes is.
But, yeah.
I mean, he was having a lot of trouble with the masses, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The paparazzis.
Yeah, everybody says that Justin is a little bit "choushi notteru."
But, you know...
If he was a usual "chugakusei," then that's fine.
Everybody has the same situation, like trying to be cool, act.
That was the manifestation of his internal conflicts and internal difficulties, right?
That only he could understand, and only he could feel.
You know, I haven't experienced this situation in my life before.
But I do understand at least how they feel.
I do understand that.
And my question was, do you feel the same way a little bit?
Now with Kevin's English Room?
Kind of you being a little bit...
Compared to Justin, you know.
The level.
Yeah, but still...
Well, I do feel that going outside...
You know, Kevin's English Room is...
I still...
There are times when I'm not in the mood for the always happy guy.
I want to go to the nearest supermarket and convenience store and not have to talk to anyone.
But the more I gain awareness, the more people would recognize me.
And they would say hi to me right in the streets, which is a very great thing.
Like, who am I to...
They're saying hi to me.
And because they feel like they found value in my content.
That's such a great thing.
But at the same time, it does consume even a little bit of my energy.
And there are times where I just don't want to talk to anybody.
And during those times, I would wear a cap or something, right? Or a mask.
Try to not get noticed.
And that is probably the only similar kind of feeling I may be having with the lyrics here.
But, you know, not such a big deal.
I'm still really grateful for all the fans and all the DMs and all the, "Hey, is that you Kevin?" in the streets.
And they told me that they enjoyed the videos.
I mean, that's amazing.
That's unbelievable.
You're like, being able to impact somebody.
Being able to impact their educational life is spectacular.
So, like that is...
You cannot take that for granted, I think.
All right.
Well, that's nice to hear that.
Yeah, I guess the balance, you know, of...
Of the times when I'm not in the mood for talking to someone I do not know.
There's the balance.
That's it.
That's my question.
I'm planning on doing...
Well, I'm planning on making...
We're planning on making a sub channel for YouTube.
And I wanted to do like these how to pronounce kind of videos.
Like how to sing these kind of English lyrics.
Like, you know how we did it with Oshira-san, Shirasta collaboration?
Just like that I wanted to do some sort of a...
Like a how to sing these American songs kind of video.
Yeah, so...
Heads up.
All right.
Yeah, we're planning to make a sub channel.
So, be excited for that.
And thanks for listening again, guys.
Oh, 17 minutes.
All right.

