1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ビールのCM全部同じ問題😤
2020-09-13 12:25


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
That was a little wavy drum.
Drum with your plastic bottle?
Your Hojicha plastic bottle?
Yeah, this is something I got from Fitness Gym yesterday.
How was it?
So that must be a new product from Kieran.
I think so.
Was it good? Or was it like a normal Hojicha?
It was... good.
It was good?
Sorry, I'm not a professional Hojicha drinker.
It was just, yeah, like good.
Good liquid.
Yeah, like nothing special to say, but it was good.
Got it.
Like I have a problem with the beer commercials that are on air every day.
Like 90% of the commercials, the beer commercials are the same, don't you think?
Oh, actually I don't see...
Oh, you don't consume television!
But I see what you're saying.
Yeah, most of all, the majority, 90%!
What are you saying?
Like, it starts off with a famous actor, right?
They're like, "I've been reborn!"
"I've seen the first version of the original!"
And then they drink it, and then they're like, "Oh, this is good!"
Every commercial is like that! Every beer commercial, every one of them.
They rethink the whole game.
Yeah, but...
They change everything!
Every one of the beer commercials, they always, always "umarekawaru."
To the point where I cannot tell the difference of the companies and the brands and...
I cannot tell... I look at one beer commercial, I cannot tell which one they are.
Oh, really?
Cannot! I cannot! They're just all the same!
Oh, okay.
Do you consume beers? Like, go buy...
I don't consume... I don't like beers.
Maybe that's the reason you don't see any differences between...
No, no, no! I'm talking about the commercial, man!
The commercials look all the same!
They do!
Really? Maybe the tea commercials?
No, not the tea commercials. The tea commercials are different.
I'm talking about the beer commercials! Beer commercials are all the same, man!
Got you. Okay.
Okay, beer commercials.
It's always... They always have a very "sawayaka" background.
Like, they're in a park where there's lots of green and the skies are all fucking blue with no skies at all.
With a "sawayaka" girl, you know? Drinking, you know? No stress!
No stress at all. I don't know what she's doing for a job.
She's not holding any fucking stress.
I don't know what she's doing.
I don't know where she got her sandwiches.
She has a fucking delicious sandwich holding in her hand.
And she's like... I don't know how she got there.
She has no... I don't think she has any transportation options how she got there.
Because she can't be driving cars because she's drinking fucking beer.
How did she get there, right?
Right. Zero alcohol.
No, no, no. Some are zero alcohol drinkers.
But she's definitely drinking an alcohol-existent beer.
She's always drinking it. She takes a sip and she's like...
"Ahhhhhh... Oishiii!"
They're all the same.
They're all the same.
Jesus Christ.
What would it be if you made a beer commercial?
If I were to make a... Yeah, let's talk about that.
If I were to make a beer commercial, I would probably do like...
I would first start off with a guy drinking... Let's see...
I would have a black screen. Just flat out black screen.
And then just show the can.
No audio. Just black screen.
And two seconds after the black screen comes on, the picture of the beer.
The can. Beer can. Comes out.
20 seconds. It's gone.
That's it?
I would rather make that.
With no sound?
No sound.
Or maybe just a sound of opening.
Opening the can.
Like pouring the beer.
Like "kwok kwok kwok kwok".
Yeah. That. That's it.
Interesting, right?
Yeah. It's a new...
It's a new thing, right?
I think you would catch more of the attention.
More than the overly imitated...
Right. Attention. Right.
Because that's what matters.
People would be curious about that.
That's what matters, right? The attention.
But you don't say nothing about the product.
I mean the taste.
I mean all the other beers are saying the same thing.
Which becomes too vanilla, right?
And you can't... No message is being received to the end consumer.
Rather do it a new way.
By the way, I am not a professional at this.
I'm just a normal guy.
That would be new.
That would be new, right?
That would be new.
It might catch attention.
Or if there's some beer company...
Beer company. Beer marketing company that listens to it, please do it.
I'm very happy to give away the idea if anyone's interested.
So, what was I talking about?
I was...
You were...
What was the question?
I didn't ask.
I don't think you asked the question yet.
Okay, but it's... Okay.
Let's ask away.
Again, from the listeners.
Thank you always.
What is your complex?
Please tell me your complex and how to overcome it.
It's me looking like a Japanese person and do not have the knowledge of a Japanese ordinary person.
Oh, okay.
That is my ultimate complex.
I can't write kanji for shit.
I can't read Japanese languages at the level and the speed of it.
And that is probably the biggest complex I have.
Oh, okay.
Me getting the expectation of a normal Japanese person.
Versus me not having them.
Do you have some, you know, way to...
One way is to speak a katakoto.
Or introduce myself as Kevin.
Which sets a tone.
Which sets up expectations that breaks the expectation of a normal Japanese person.
Or like I just be very transparent upfront saying I was born in the United States.
I moved here when I was in high school.
That's what I would say.
I would hedge.
That's probably it.
That's a big thing.
It's a big part of me.
I can't understand.
What else?
I'm trying to think of something else.
For me it was my curly hair.
I've been disliking this hair for a long time.
Dude, that's your strength, man.
People like your hair, dude.
But I don't...
Well now, recently I can deal with this.
But before, like when I was junior high school, high school student.
I mean junior high school, high school student, that's like...
That's a completely different game.
That's like, you know...
That's like...
It's not yourself.
It's more like you're adapting...
You're just...
You're only adapting to the culture and the expectations around it.
And peer pressure plays a huge role, I think, in high school dynamics.
And you can't really live your life.
It's just...
The culture there is just too extreme, I think.
Way too difficult for one to open up and be themselves, I think.
You know, peer pressure is just way too extreme there.
But like, yeah.
High school, I think that really matters.
Appearances, right?
That really matters too.
I had... I...
I didn't like my hair when I was in...
I didn't like...
I have curly hair, not as much as you do, but my hair is curly.
I didn't like that too when I was in college because of how maybe people think of my hair.
But yeah.
But I like your hair now.
I think it's...
Yeah, I like it now.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's good, it's good.
It's like you're putting on a perm.
Looks good.
They go.
They go up.
How about...
Did you ever thought about making it really short?
Make it really short?
When I was in junior high school, like high school, I did...
Make it really short?
Yeah, have my hair really short.
Well, it was because I played football.
So it was, you know...
Sportsman guy.
Annoying having long hair.
Ah, got it, got it.
You know how one of the soccer people, like, they have this little...
A little band?
What is that?
The band in their head?
That's for making hair like this and not make this annoying too.
But don't short-haired guys have them on too?
I don't think so.
Oh, no?
Oh, okay.
I guess that's it.
Only for long-haired people.
They're only for long-haired people.
Yeah, like this...
The thing...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Silicon band?
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
So if a short-haired guy had, like, a band on the end of their head, it wouldn't make
sense for you?
Like, you wouldn't think of any other reason why they would do that?
Like, are you talking about thick...
Like a little...
Little band.
Like a thick rubber band kind of thing.
With color on it.
That's for long hair.
Oh, only for long-haired guys.
Yeah, because if you have short hair, it doesn't work.
I mean, that's useless to me.
I will send you a picture if I find one.
See what he's up to.
Okay, for 10 minutes.
All right.
Thanks for listening again, guys.
By the way, I like the shape of this plastic bottle.
Oh, Namacha bottle?
Namacha Hojicha bottle?
Yeah, I can...
You can, you know...
I can grip this here.
You can...
No one holds their bottles like that.
Yeah, but it's...
Try that.
No, they're too short.
Yeah, it is, but...
It's too short.
Like this.
You see that?
No, I don't like it.
It's a really good product.
I don't like that.
It's a really good product.
No, I...
No, I'm not gonna take that in.
None of the audience probably understood that.
It's a visual thing.
It's really good to grip that like this.
Sorry about that, guys.
No visual information was shown.
But this is the same Namacha plastic bottle.
Oh, he's talking about the Namacha bottle.
Grip like this.
Like this, guys.
The audience...
See that?
The audience can't understand what you're doing.
You see that?
The audience can't understand what you're doing.
All right.
Thanks for listening again, guys.

