1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ビスを日本人にやろうとして、..
2020-09-15 12:52


・ターバンの中にスパイスはやばいwww ・ビズに関して・左からやるのが正解・初対面ではcheek-on-cheek・アメリカではハグするよね・「…積極的になったね……😰」・[Tiktok, YouTube, Instagram, Twitterでも活動してます!→ https://linktr.ee/kevinsenroom ]
Wow! That was some high quality shit right there!
Like that?
Was not expecting the ending to synchronize.
Yeah, that was nice. We felt that.
Yeah, that was pretty neat.
We have to record that.
In the studio maybe.
I think we're going to get to a very high level at the end of this year.
Yeah, if I do this every time.
What up man?
What up?
I'm great.
You're good?
Okay, you feeling good?
Yeah, I'm feeling good.
Just like always. I'm feeling energetic.
I'm feeling... I'm feeling it.
So you're feeling it?
I am feeling it.
You're feeling it?
I'm feeling it today. I feel like something's going to come out today.
Oh, that's nice.
Maybe a golden egg?
I feel like something's going to come out.
So, today...
Tell me.
I'm going to read.
What a funny friend.
Wow, that's a funny story.
Funny story.
I don't think I can top that.
It's a pretty funny story.
Oh, I didn't know that spice is inside that tarragon.
It's not, man.
That's the whole point of the message.
It's not.
Oh, I didn't know about that.
Thank you.
Oh, I have to say to the...
Your DM backer?
Well, hmm.
I suck at recalling my past.
Oh, actually, me too.
I can't remember a lot of things.
I tend to forget so many of my memories.
Like, I know I've experienced a lot.
I've been in both countries, so I know that there's cultural differences that I probably struggled with.
But I do, I have a hard time.
I tend to forget a lot of the past.
Especially like one of the negative ones.
But that's human nature, you know?
To forget the negative past.
Right, but that's a good thing.
That's a good thing.
Right, right, right.
Negative thing.
Actually, I write every day.
Oh, you write to remember.
Because I will forget everything.
So do you?
Is that working for you?
Can you remember?
I don't remember, but I can recall.
And you say, "Oh, I remember that!"
Got it.
I was thinking this the whole time.
It's interesting, right?
It's fun.
It's very interesting.
I like to do this little thing in my calendar.
I sometimes go to the same day, a year after today.
Oh yeah?
And I'm going to write down, "How do you think I am at that time?"
Like, maybe I could be doing this, this, and this.
This is how I'll probably feel a year after today.
And I like to look back.
And it's a year after, and I was like, "Oh, I remember I did this a year before."
And I look back at it, and wow, I forgot that I had those kinds of mentality.
It's pretty interesting.
It's a similar thing.
Yeah, right.
So what was it that I did that I embarrassed myself for not knowing things?
Maybe it's not the point, but do you know the bees?
I think American people don't do bees, but French people do.
What bees do is they kiss.
Ah, you kiss on the cheek.
Yeah, like twice or four times.
That's the French culture.
I went to France, I didn't know about that.
And one really beautiful lady came to me and said hello to me and tried to kiss me.
And I was a little freaking out.
Yeah, you didn't know what that was, right?
Yeah, I was like this.
It was very surprising.
Are you supposed to...
How do you do that?
What is the proper way of doing it?
You want me to do it?
No, no, please don't do it to me.
Just explain it to me more.
But in France, if we were really close friends, we would do it.
Yeah, do that.
But, yeah.
Do you just make noises with your lips like...
You don't actually put your lips on the cheek, right?
You just go cheek on cheek.
Or cheek on lips.
Cheek on cheek.
Cheeks on cheeks.
Is the majority.
The majority.
So if it's a very close friend or a very close opposite gender, you do cheek on lips.
Well, no.
If you feel love to you, like if it's something like the last day we met and I will return to Japan.
We do it...
Like lips on cheek.
So, lips on cheek and then a lips on cheek with the other...
Who does it first?
What do you mean?
Like you can't do lip on cheek vice versa at the same time.
That's impossible.
So one's got to do it first.
And then the other one does it, right?
So who...
What decides who goes first?
Well, we can see that.
We will know.
You will know when it's there.
The atmosphere.
Yeah, right.
Was there ever a time that...
No, no.
You both tried it?
Sometimes that happens.
And then end up as lip on lip or something?
Basically, we go left side first.
But if you make mistake and you go right, that will be the problem.
You go with a lip on lip.
That will be the problem.
That's cultural.
That's cultural.
It's pretty cultural.
So does it matter about the opposite gender or something?
Like, does it...
It doesn't change.
It doesn't change.
But basically we do this between opposite gender.
If we were like...
Male and male.
Girls and girls do that.
But male and male usually don't do.
But handshaking would be popular.
Amongst the young people.
But if it was something special occasion, like I said...
Last day.
Last day or someone's birthday maybe, or you do something great and I want to say congratulations
to you.
You do a lip on cheek.
How about more the young people?
Are the young people doing it?
It's not like an old culture.
No, everyone do that.
Everyone does it.
Like little kids.
Little kids do it.
It's like the hugging thing in the United States.
We hug a lot.
As a high school, middle school.
Not maybe elementary, but around middle school we start hugging each other.
You don't hug when you're a little kid?
That didn't really happen that much.
I don't know why, but it just didn't.
It was around middle school that we started hugging each other as a form of greeting.
When I went to France and I was getting used to that culture, I did this and hugs.
After I returned to Japan and I met with my high school friend, my girl, and naturally,
bees and hugs was coming out from my body.
I was trying to be bees, but I stopped that bees.
But I can't help hugging her.
I did it.
She freaking out?
She was kind of surprised.
I remember what she said, "You've become so aggressive."
That's what she said to me.
And I realized that was too much.
Your common sense has changed.
It's tweaked a little bit.
I remember that.
I mean, I can understand how people freak out with a bees.
In Japanese culture, we rarely do those.
We rarely even do a handshake, right?
We just do a bow.
We just do a "eshaku."
That's it.
That's a bees.
No touching.
I can see how they freak out.
What was the original question?
I didn't know, so I'm going to answer the embarrassing question.
So that was your version.
I haven't told you mine, have I?
Mine was...
It's probably...
You don't remember?
I was chewing gum in high school.
Which freaked people out.
In Japanese high school?
It was embarrassing.
I was...
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that you had...
I have so many little things.
I don't know how to do kanji.
I can't read for shit.
Maybe Ryoshu-shou no Akaname?
Ryoshu-shou? Right, Suzuki, right?
That was experience.
I didn't know how to order ramen.
First time ramen.
Like, you know.
"Okonomi arimasu ka?"
"Okonomi arimasu ka?"
That's why I came here.
Yeah, that's why I ordered.
"Okonomi arimasu ka?"
I hesitated when I was first asked.
Of "Okonomi arimasu ka?"
I was like, "Okonomi arimasu ka?"
"Shokken kattan desu ke?"
More like, um...
More like documents, like official documents.
Like, first time I did an arubaito, I was like, "Juuminkyo."
Or like, what?
What is it?
Like, what do you need?
"Tenryu todake tenshi todake tenshi."
Right, right, right.
Or like, "Kokensho."
I did not know.
I mean, for a high schooler, I should have known.
For a normal Japanese, I didn't know.
That was pretty...
It was a barrier for me.
Well, yeah, you said some...
Yeah, but I'm sure that you had so many experiences.
I did, I did.
Which you even don't remember.
But for Japanese people, really funny stories.
It is, it is, right?
I should write that down too if I remember.
If I remember wrong.
And you can make a little book.
Make a TikTok or...
A TikTok, of course, yeah.
Maybe make a book, right?
That would be fun.
Thanks for listening again, guys, as always.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Bye bye.

