1. なおくんのラジオ遊び
  2. #1521 LとRの違いを意識しつつ..
2022-09-27 10:18

#1521 LとRの違いを意識しつつ音読練習 from Radiotalk

・英会話・ぜったい音読 入門編

✔︎楽天ブックス: 英会話・ぜったい・音読(入門編) - CDブック - 国弘正雄 - 9784770027467 : 本

著作権フリーのクラシック。 静かなピアノ31曲(約100分)music

✔︎BB-1GX | ブギーボード | KINGJIM

#英語音読 #練習 #発音 #英語学習 #音読
#202209n #作業配信 #音読 #英語初心者 
はい、それでは続きをやっていきたいとおもいます。 はい、ちょっと今BGMを
かけますのでお待ちください。 はい、では85ページですね。
じゃあ単語をピックアップしていきましょう。 じゃあまず1行目。Ducks and Sausages first became popular
はい、まずFirstね。 F-I-R-S-T、Firstね。
で、Firstの伸ばし棒のところがRですね。 First。 で、R-S-Tという風にC音が3つ連続で続きます。
はい、C音が連続で続くというのは日本語にない感覚なので、 こういったところもしっかり練習しましょう。
R-S-T、First、First、 はい、そしてこのC音で終わる
Firstっていう風にC音で終わるっていうのも日本語にはないので、 こういったところはですね、非常に日本人にとって苦手な
ところですので、しっかり練習しましょう。 First. First became popular
はい、Popularですね。 PopularのLが、ラの部分がいるんですね。 Popularで伸ばし棒のところがRですね。
Popular、Popular、Popular、Lは、 舌先を上の歯の後ろにくっつけて、L。
こういう音ですね。Popular、Popular in New York
ルーの部分がLですね。People、People、 People Sold、Sold、S-O-L-D、Sold、はい、L-Dですね。Sold、L-D、
で、これは前回も言いましたけれども、このL-Dっていう風になるのは、 世界という意味の単語、Worldの最後のL-Dと同じですね。
World, Sold, L-D, U-D, U-D, Sold, World、はい、このL-Dっていうのは結構難しい、
日本人にとってはなかなか難しい発音なので、こういうところもしっかり練習しましょう。 People sold them at baseball game, at baseball game,
The man with the sausage walked up and down, walked, walked, walked, walked, L、
walkの伸ばし文のところがLですね。 Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk,
walked up and down, they shouted, get your, get your ducks and sausages, get your, get yourね、your, your, get yourのRですね、R、
your hot ducks and sausages here, here, はい、hereのRの部分がRですね、here,
get your hot ducks and sausages here, people ate the sausages in bars, a kind of bread, kind of, kind of bread, kind of,
kind of、kind ofね、a kind of、一種のという意味ですね、a kind of、で、a kind ofのこのDとOが
リンキングして、a kind of、 kind of、 kind of、 kind of、みたいな感じですね。
このOBのOの部分がAみたいな発音になって、kind of、 a kind of bread, a kind of bread, a kind of bread、
a kind of bread, kind of bread, bread、で、breadの例の部分がRですね、kind of bread, kind of bread, bread, bread、
だからBRという風にシーンが2連続続きますので、要注意ですね、bread, bread, bread、
breadじゃなくてbreadですね、Lにならないように要注意、bread。 はい、じゃあここまでを通しで読んでみましょう。
はい、ここまで85ページでした。 じゃあ次、86ページいきましょう。
では単語をピックアップしていきたいとおもいます。 で、まず1行目、1文目ですね。
One day in 1906, the newspaper cartoonist went to a baseball game.
One day in 1906, a newspaper cartoonist
cartoonist went to a baseball game.
He saw the man with the ducks and sausages. Then he got a good idea for a cartoon.
The next day, at the newspaper office, he drew
He drew a bun with a duck's foot in it, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot.
Not a なんだけど、これはリンキングされるので、ならって感じですね。Not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot
Not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's
foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not
a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot sausage, not a duck's foot

