始めていきます。予約するのを忘れておりました。 I forgot to make a reservation.
おはようございます。 Good morning.
インスタもライブができないですね。 I can't do Instagram live.
ああ、そうなんだ。 I see.
ちょっと新米アカウントすぎるんだな。 It's too new account.
アマチュアさん、ありがとうございます。 Thank you, Amatchu.
完全に予約をするのを忘れてました。 I forgot to make a reservation.
もしかしたら、隙ありになってしまった感じ。 I might have missed it.
私がしなくもないですが。 I have to do it.
インスタライブもしたかったんですけど。 I wanted to do Instagram live.
スペースにしましょう。スペースもつなぎましょう。 Let's make a space. Let's connect the space.
ちょっと待ってくださいね。 Please wait a minute.
結構来てくださって嬉しい。 I'm glad you came.
アヤちゃん、ありがとうございます。 Thank you, Aya.
コペンハーゲンからです、今日は。 I'm from Copenhagen.
ちょっと待ってくださいね。 Please wait a minute.
インスタライブ、多分、アカウント開いたのが3日前とかだから。 I think Instagram live was opened 3 days ago.
ちょっとね、まだあなたには早いよって言われてるんだと思います。 I think it's a little early for you.
TikTokも同じような感じでした。 TikTok was the same.
せっかく喋るんだったらね、色々つなぎたいし。 I wanted to connect a lot of things.
せっかく明かりの感じとかをね、調節してたんですけど、残念です。 I was adjusting the light, but I'm sorry.
スペースの方がつながせてもらいます。 I'm going to connect the space.
お元気ですか? How are you doing?
今日は土曜日ですよね、確かね。 Today is Saturday, isn't it?
だから、なんて言うんですか、そんなに忙しくないですか。 Aren't you that busy?
忙しいですか。 Are you busy?
すみません、お待たせします。 I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
スペースの方もつなぎます。 I'm going to connect the space.
つないだと思ったら落ちました。 I thought I was going to connect it, but it fell.
明らかに調子が悪そうですね。 I'm obviously in a bad mood.
これで行きましょう。 Let's go with this.
ありがとうございます。 Thank you.
おりがみさん、ぼらすさん、まっちゃさん、ちわさん、チャオさん、なでしこさん、あやちゃん、ありがとうございます。 Thank you, Origami-san, Boras-san, Matcha-san, Chiba-san, Chao-san, Nadeshiko-san, Aya-chan.
明けましておめでとうございます。 Happy New Year.
年初配信はね、もうやったんですけど、ちょっと、このデンマークからね、どうしてもつなぎたくて、最近ひどいなと思いながらもやってます。 I've already done the New Year's broadcast, but I really want to tell you from Denmark, and I've been doing it while thinking it's terrible.
ちょっと今眠りたいな、じんぺいさんの優しい声を聞きながら、うとうとします。 Thank you for listening to Jinpei-san's gentle voice.
確かに眠くなる声かもしれない。どちらかというと。 I'm sure it's a voice that makes you sleepy.
ぼやぼやしてるからね。 I'll record it.
ボイシーを聞きのみなさんは、すいません、予約ができていませんでした。 I'm sorry, I couldn't make a reservation.
めちゃくちゃしていたつもりでしたが、できておりませんでしたが、来ていただいてありがとうございます。 I was going to do it, but I couldn't, but thank you for coming.
不安になりません?そういうとき、この人本当にやるんかな?とか、忘れてんじゃうかな?とか。 Don't you feel uneasy? Do you think this person will really do it? Or will you be forgotten?
それでも来てもらって本当に嬉しいです。 I'm really happy to have you come.
ペンハーゲンにおりまして、ただの旅行ですね。 I'm in Copenhagen, and it's just a trip.
妻が妊娠7ヶ月、あと3ヶ月で生まれるのかな?そうです。 My wife is 7 months pregnant, and she will be born in 3 months.
最後の旅行みたいな感じですかね。 It's like the last trip.
そういう風になるかなと思います。 I think it will be like that.
あれ、みなさん今聞こえてますか? Wait, can you hear me now?
ちょっと待ってくださいね。 Wait a minute.
みなさんの顔が見えなくなりました。 I can't see your faces.
来たかな?大丈夫かな? Did you come? Are you okay?
VPN外しました。 I removed the VPN.
VPNはいつも良いことがないので。 VPN is always bad.
すみません。忘れてました。外すの。 I'm sorry. I forgot to remove it.
最後の旅行みたいな感じになるかなと思って来ております。 I think it will be like the last trip.
コペンハーゲンという町は僕の普段住んでいるドイツのハンブルクから電車で4時間半くらいのところにあるので、結構来やすいかなと思う。 It's about 4 and a half hours by train from Hamburg, Germany, where I usually live, so I think it's easy to come.
同じ北の方のヨーロッパ、ヨーロッパの中でも北の方の国なので、似ているところも多いかなと思って行ったんですけど、 It's a country in northern Europe, so I thought there were many similar places.
綺麗ですね。めちゃくちゃ綺麗。 It's beautiful. It's so beautiful.
ツイッターにもあげたし、ミクシーとかにもあげたので、良かったら見てもらいたいんですけど、 I posted it on Twitter and Mixi, so I hope you can see it.
町が綺麗で、なかなか感動続きだなと思ってます。 The city is beautiful, and I think it's quite moving.
美しい町の写真ありがとうございます。気候はいかがですか? How is the weather?
寒い。めちゃくちゃ寒いです。 It's cold. It's really cold.
めちゃくちゃ寒いと言っても、みなさんどこ住みなんだったかな。 It's really cold, but where do you live?
岩手が出身で、多分岩手とあんま変わらないのかな。 I'm from Iwate, so I think it's the same as Iwate.
昨日とかで言うと、夜が氷点下5℃ぐらいだけど、日中は0℃とかかな。 I think it was around 5℃ last night, but in the daytime it was around 0℃.
真冬日ぐらいな感じだと思いますね、ほんの。 I think it was around midwinter.
でもハンブルクよりは寒い気がしますね。ハンブルクあんまり氷点下いかないから。 But I think it's colder than Hamburg. I think it's because Hamburg doesn't have much ice.
あとは、ちょっと運が良かっただけの説が強いんですけど、高いんですけど、天気が良かったんですよ、この2日ぐらい。 The other thing is, I have a strong theory that I was just lucky, but the weather was good for about two days.
ハンブルクは太陽が本当に出てこないので、太陽の光を浴びるっていう、あまり考えられないですよね。 In Hamburg, the sun doesn't really come out, so I don't really think about taking the sun's light.
日本にいると、そんな太陽、こんなにありがたいとは思わなかったけど、ありがたいなと思って、太陽の光を浴びています。 I didn't think I was so grateful for the sun when I was in Japan, but I'm grateful for the sun's light.
そんな感じ。 That's it.
チャオさん、今年もよろしくお願いします。ありがとうございます。 Thank you for your support this year. Thank you.
なでしこさん、じんぺいさん、来ましておめでとうございます。 Thank you for coming, Nadeshiko and Jinpei.
今年もポイ捨てたくさん聞いて応援します。ありがとうございます。嬉しいです。 Thank you for your support this year. Thank you. I'm happy.
めちゃくちゃ応援の力をいただいてます。 I'm getting a lot of support.
自分ってこういう活動のスタンスでよかったんだって思うときもあるんですけど、本当にみなさんの応援で何とか心をたおってやってますね。 I'm glad I'm in a position to do this kind of activity, but sometimes I don't know what to do. I'm doing my best to support you guys.
たまに迷う。たまにっていうか結構迷うけどね。 Sometimes I get lost.
月に1回ぐらいコーチングを受けてるんですけど、 I get coaching once a month.
コーチングのタイミングとかでその割とこの迷ってる自分とかをこれでいいかもしれないって思えるんですよ。 I think it's strange to get coaching when I think I'm lost.
コーチングって不思議だなと思うけど。 I think it's strange to get coaching.
時間が待ち遠しいですね。早く整理したい気持ちがあったりするこの頃です。 I can't wait for the time to come. I want to organize it as soon as possible.
なんかね、応援していただいてると大丈夫かなと思いますね。 I think it's okay if you support me.
抹茶さん、デンマーク時期を超えて楽しみます。 Matcha-san, I'm looking forward to the end of the Denmark period.
年末年始、超絶体調不良、インフルエンザ、デンマーク、クローネ、北欧3カ国、全部通貨違う? How's the situation in Denmark, Croatia, North Korea, and other countries?
どうなんでしょう?多分そうか。 How's it going? Maybe so.
スウェーデンとかもスウェーデン、クローネなのかな? Is Sweden also like Sweden, Croatia?
ノルウェーとかはフィンランド? Norway? Finland?
確かに。ちょっと調べてみよう。 I'll check it out.
チャットGPT繋ぎます。 I'll connect the chat GPT.
インフルエンザ、大変ですね。 オリオミソンとかもそれこそ大変だったんじゃないかな。 I think it's hard for the influenza. I think it was hard for Mr. Origami too.
ダウンしてるって言ってましたよね。 He said he was down.
高いよね、でも、物価は。 It's expensive, isn't it? The price of goods.
ドイツより高い気がする。 I feel like it's higher than Germany.
断然、でも、断然か。目に見えて高い気がする。 Definitely, but definitely. I think it's obviously high.
デンマークはデンマーク、クローネ。スウェーデン、スウェーデン、クローネ。 ノルウェーがノルウェー、クローネ。 Denmark is Denmark, Croatia. Sweden is Sweden, Croatia. Norway is Norway, Croatia.
フィンランドはユーロなんだ。ユーロ圏の一部です。 Finland is European. It's a part of the European Union.
アイスランドはアイスランド、クローナ。 クローネって何なんでしょうね。 Iceland is Iceland, Croatia. What is Croatia?
ちょっと調べてみよう。クローネとは。 I'll check it out. What is Croatia?
かわいいよね、クローネって。響きが。 It's cute, isn't it? The sound of Croatia.
王冠を意味する。デンマーク語やノルウェー語で王冠を意味する。 スウェーデン語のクローナもお馴染みを持っています。 It means a crown. It means a crown in Danish and Norwegian. I'm familiar with Croatia in Swedish.
歴史的に王冠が通貨のシンボルとして採用されてきました。 I see. It has been used as a symbol of a crown in history.
この現地の物価実況をまたしますかね。 I guess I'll do another real estate video.
昨日食べた。一番分かりやすいのはあれだよね。 7-11があります。デンマークには。結構ある。ドイツにはない。 I ate it yesterday. The easiest to understand is 7-11. There are quite a few 7-11s in Denmark. Not in Germany.
なんでなんだろう。調べよう。 Why is that? I'll check it out.
デンマークには7-11がありました。なぜ?ドイツにはないのはなぜ。 7-11はあったけど、中の商品は I found 7-11 in Denmark. Why? Why isn't it in Germany?
なんでなんでしょうね。 Why is that?
デンマークには7-11はあったけど、中の商品はあんまり日本を感じなかったですね。 I found 7-11 in Denmark, but I didn't feel much of Japan in the products inside.
現地の物を並べているという感覚。ホットスナックというんですか。 I felt like I was lining up local products. Is it called a hot snack?
7つきとかがあるところは、なんかちょっと日本のコンビニっぽいなと思いましたけど。 I thought it was a bit like a Japanese convenience store.
デンマークに7-11がある理由。都市部に人口が集中している。国度が小さい。コンビニエンスストアの運営に適した環境がある。 I see. There is a reason why 7-11 is in Denmark. The population is concentrated in the city. The country is small. There is a suitable environment for running a convenience store.
なるほど。コペンハーゲンなどの都市では観光客が多く24時間営業などの店舗への需要が高い。 I see. In cities like Copenhagen, there are many tourists and 24-hour sales demand is high.
えっ、コペンハーゲンの7も24時間なの? Really?
なんか北欧っぽくなくないですか、それ。そんなに働かせてたら怒られそうじゃないですか、北欧の人に。 Isn't that like a North Korean? If you make them work so hard, North Koreans might get mad at you.
ドイツに7がない理由。小売業の競争激化。ドイツは小売業の競争が非常に激しい。特にディスカウントストア、アルディリドルの影響が大きい。 The reason why 7 is not in Germany. The competition between small and large businesses. The competition between small and large businesses is very intense in Germany. In particular, the influence of the discount store Aldi and Lidl is great.
コンビニ文化の負担。ドイツでは夜間営業を行う店舗はコンビニエンスとの需要が多国に比べて低い。夜間営業を制限する法律の影響。消費者がスーパーディスカウントで事前にまとめて購入する傾向がある。 It's true. It's interesting.
コペン本業のセブンイレブンの多くは24時間営業だって。なんか北欧っぽくないね、働き方ね。日本でも24時間営業やめたほうがいいなって思ってるぜ。だから、いります?あれ。 As long as it's not really necessary, I think it's better to stop working at night.
What should I do?
In Japan, there are a lot of QR codes for PayPay.
I don't think there are many people who use it on the street.
I've heard that you can make a donation or something like that.
I've heard that you can make a donation at PayPay.
I've heard that there's a shrine or something like that.
It's convenient, isn't it?
I don't know if it's a cure-all.
But I've heard it a lot.
I've heard it twice.
One of the personalities I've heard a lot about is Yuuki Anzai.
He's the CEO of a company called Mimiguri.
I think his family had an influenza.
It was broadcast recently.
I think it would be nice if you could listen to Anzai's recent broadcast.
Anzai has become a premium listener.
How much do I have to pay for a premium listener?
But if you want to follow me, I think you should pay for it.
I want to show you how serious I am about that person.
I'm going to listen to everything.
The same goes for Mr. Torio.
I'm sure Keiko has heard everything.
It's not a premium, so please listen to it.
It's not Anzai's main theme.
I think it's more of a chat.
I'm going to tell you everything I've done in 2024 to boost my reputation.
I used to say water shower and garlic injection.
I'm serious about it.
I think it's amazing that I didn't catch a cold.
I don't really want to do garlic injections.
I don't like injections that much.
I didn't like it in the first place.
I've been able to do it since I started calling it a hobby.
I've never done it without doing it.
Thank you for the matcha tea.
Let's get well soon so that we don't overdo it.
That's right.
I think it's important not to overdo it.
I really think so.
But I want to do my best.
I have a lot of goals for this year.
I've already said it.
I want to go to the sauna properly.
Anzai was talking about the sauna.
When I was in Japan, I went there once a week.
I want to go back to that cycle.
I think I was prepared at that time.
I love the sauna so much that I study it.
So I think this habit was important to me.
Let's go back to the story of Copenhagen.
I think it's beautiful.
The city of Copenhagen.
Thank you, Abe-san, Cheetah Bear-san, Tadao-san.
I'm sorry, I didn't notice the space.
I'm also live-streaming Boise.
I think it's beautiful.
I wanted to talk about this today.
Of course, the cityscape, the buildings are beautiful.
The church is beautiful.
Hamburg is beautiful, too.
And the sea.
Hamburg is a lake.
Denmark seems to be more open to the sea.
What's different is that
I think the design of Northern Europe is a little different from other European countries.
Japanese culture is characterized by the beauty of the mountain.
It's a typical example of Ikebana.
I think it's the same with Haiku.
In the sense of cutting down, cutting down.
I think there is such a beauty.
I think there is no waste in Denmark.
The package of the product, the signboard of the store, the interior design of the store.
This hotel, too.
I'm not staying at a very expensive hotel.
I don't have that much money.
But I think it's advertised.
This feeling is different from other countries.
I was wondering why, so I looked it up.
Can I talk about it?
Copenhagen's design is sophisticated.
This is a chat CPT.
I heard this yesterday.
I feel that various things in Copenhagen are designed to be sophisticated.
I asked why.
There are several reasons.
First of all, the philosophy is different.
I think you've heard of it before.
There is a word called hyukke.
Hyukke is a concept that is difficult to translate.
It's a feeling of comfort, a sense of happiness.
It's based on everyday life.
It has a sense of life style and value.
It's a concept like this.
The meaning is different, but it's difficult to translate.
There is a concept called hyukke, which is similar to that feeling.
It is written as a philosophy of design that eliminates waste,
such as combining functionality and beauty.
The historical background is also explained.
In the middle of the 20th century,
Arne Jakobsen and Hans Wegner were famous designers.
I'm sorry.
I'm not good at studying.
I didn't know him.
He is a famous person.
Arne Jakobsen and Hans Wegner.
They became the pioneers of modern design.
Their influence is still used in design education and product development.
It has a view of improving the quality of civilian life.
In Copenhagen, the design centered around people is incorporated into urban planning.
The road design of pedestrian priority and the beauty of public space.
I really feel this.
The streets are beautiful.
There is no power line.
Is there another one?
The road UI is wonderful.
This is a bicycle.
What is this?
I think it's beautiful.
Design is naturally permeated in everyday life.
Education and support for production.
Denmark values design education.
I'd like to hear a little more about this.
Let's listen in detail.
Copenhagen's Denmark Legal Arts Academy provides education for high school students.
I think it's a little different from the widespread use of design.
5. Consideration for the environment.
Denmark focuses on sustainability.
There are many products using eco-design and recycled materials.
Consideration for the environment is also evaluated as a modern and sophisticated design.
It's true.
Good things for the environment are not wasted.
I agree.
6. Design awareness of citizens.
Denmark values aesthetic sense in everyday life.
Design is reflected not only in high-quality products and interiors, but also in clothing, food, and the landscape of the city.
I'd like to know the reason.
Why do you value it?
I'd like to hear that.
I think so.
If each citizen does not have such a sense,
I don't think the city will be like this.
This may be a better explanation.
Why do you value aesthetic sense in everyday life?
Cultural, historical, and social factors are interlinked.
1. The impact of harsh natural environment and living environment.
Long, dark winter.
It's a long, dark winter.
In Denmark, winter is long and summer is short, so you spend more time at home.
2. A culture that pursues comfort and beauty in the home.
3. Necessity of functional beauty.
4. Simple, efficient, and beautiful design in limited resources.
5. The fusion of beauty and practicality is a feature of high-quality design.
It permeates in everyday life.
6. The concept of community.
This is the same as before.
7. A social structure of equality.
8. Beauty is in everyone.
9. Beauty is for everyone.
10. The Danish society has a strong sense of equality.
11. Design and aesthetic value are not just a part of the rich class.
12. It should be shared by all people.
It's interesting.
13. Beautiful design is incorporated into everyday goods, houses, and public facilities.
I don't think it's just Denmark.
It's good to have a sense that design and aesthetic value are not just a part of the rich class.
I think this is good in many countries.
I think it's amazing that this sense is connected to products, buildings, interiors, and architecture.
Every apartment has a sense of being sophisticated in design.
It's different.
It's colorful.
Sometimes I think it's Nordic.
Sometimes I think it's a metallic building.
I think it's beautiful even if it's a metallic building.
I think it's wonderful.
It seems to have a sense that beauty is for everyone.
I think it's the same in other countries.
The sense of equality is also related to the society of the rich and the poor.
Taxes are higher than that of the rich and the poor, but I think there is a sense of equality in the sense that health care, medical care, and social security are also fulfilled.
I've heard about education.
What exactly does a design educator do?
The existence of the most specialized design education institution.
There should be one in Japan.
Design school.
The emphasis on practical practice of the second curriculum.
Learning based on projects.
The necessity of internships.
It is necessary to work with companies to experience the field of design.
Design education and sustainability.
I think it's been a while since I started talking about sustainability.
I wonder if there is such a thing.
I'll look it up.
I've been told that in Denmark for a long time.
Matcha-san, the toys in Denmark are elegant and cute.
Organic baby products are also good souvenirs.
That's the image.
I see.
I went to the Climbing Tiger yesterday.
There were a lot of toys.
I talked about it with my partner.
When a child is born, I want to buy him a toy like this.
That conversation is very peaceful.
Isn't it happiness?
I want to buy this because my child will be born.
I don't know how much I can buy a toy that even a small child can play.
It's not that expensive.
It's a reasonable price.
The Flying Tiger.
It's around there.
It's in Hamburg, so you don't have to buy it now.
I thought it was good.
I've heard that sustainability has been talked about in Denmark for a long time.
It says it's relatively modern.
As a traditional value, it is connected to the natural environment.
The spirit of not wasting resources was rooted.
Japan is the same.
There was a tradition to live richly with little.
There was a tradition to emphasize simplicity.
Rather, it was more design-oriented because of sustainability.
I think it's better to say that it was easier to connect with the recent way of thinking and culture.
Also, it is a pioneer of wind power generation.
Since the 1970s, Denmark has been supporting renewable energy such as wind power generation.
It is a world leader.
I think it's pretty fast.
Since the oil crisis, such renewable energy has spread in the 1970s.
It's fun to buy toys.
If you have any recommended toys,
I'd like you to send me toys that you don't use anymore, such as Lego.
It's a little expensive.
I think it's better to buy it.
I think it's a waste.
I wonder if my family has one.
Lego is sold in various countries.
I think there are about the same amount of Lego in the warehouse of each family.
It's a company, so I think I have no choice but to sell it.
I think Lego is so overflowing in this world that there is no need to make it new.
It's not a dream.
That's what I think.
I think it's a waste to buy it.
I got a reply on Twitter.
Is Legoland in Copenhagen?
Did Mr. Ippei go to Legoland in Denmark?
I went to a Lego store yesterday.
Legoland is different from Lego stores.
Legoland is in the city of Viln, Denmark.
This is the world's first Legoland, the birthplace of Lego.
Oh, that's what it is.
I think they said something yesterday.
Legoland is in the city of Viln, Denmark, both the head office and the first store.
This city is the birthplace of Lego.
Where is Viln?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I'm looking up a lot.
Let's get to know more about Denmark together.
Viln is far from Copenhagen, but it's close to Hamburg.
It's closer than going to Copenhagen.
I think it takes about three hours by train.
I see.
If I had a child, I would definitely want to go there.
I think it's just that I like walking.
If I have a chance to go to Hamburg by then, I'd love to go.
I see.
Did you know?
It's a Lego landmark.
That's right.
What's the most colorful thing?
Mr. Origami, if you come to Kyoto, I'll give you my German toy.
Do you have a German toy?
I have one Lego costume case.
Mr. Origami, can I have that?
One Lego costume case is too much.
When I come back, I'll bring an extra suitcase.
Can I pack the costume case in the suitcase?
It's a waste of money to buy a new Lego.
Mr. Origami, what do you think?
Do you have that Lego for when you go to high school?
You can give it back to me then.
Don't you think so?
I have a brother, a sister and a child.
They grow up little by little.
The oldest one is almost 5 years old.
But it's still a Lego generation.
Lego generation is long.
It might be a little while ago, but...
I think it would be nice if Lego evolved.
Mr. Origami, let me contact you again.
Thank you for coming today, Mr. Akiyoko.
I have it.
It hurts when I step on it.
That's right.
It hurts.
I don't think I had it in my house.
Thank you, Mr. Kazukami Mukai.
I look forward to working with you this year.
I'm going to be a kid next year.
I'm broadcasting at the same time as Boise and X's Space.
I'm in Copenhagen, Denmark.
I'm sharing what I've seen here.
I was talking about Lego.
Mr. Origami, I gave Lego and German toys for small children to the nursery.
I see.
That's a good idea.
That's a good idea.
If you give it to the nursery, it's sustainable.
I wonder if everyone does that.
There are various options.
Sleeping in the warehouse or giving it somewhere.
It could be a nursery child or a foster child.
It could be my own child.
It could be a grandchild.
Giving it to someone is option 2.
Option 3 is to throw it away.
When that happens, the option to give it to someone is...
There's a pattern of giving it to a nursery.
If you have Lego, please give it to me.
It's nice to give it to a nursery.
There's a picture book, too.
Not just nursery.
My friend runs a short-stay service.
It's not a service.
It's a reimbursement business.
There's a new facility opening in Kyoto.
If you have toys or picture books left over, please post them.
I think that's a good idea.
I want to go to toys, picture books, and sustainable.
Mr. Kyoko, I don't know what to say about tidying up.
At my age, my parents will definitely step on it.
My child didn't like Lego.
There's a pattern like that, too.
Kyoko's children don't like Lego.
I think they're going to Lego from now on.
Doesn't Lego go to elementary school?
Isn't it fun to go to elementary and high school?
Is it impossible to play games?
Games are fun.
I don't want to make my parents' feelings stronger.
Rather than asking my child to do something,
I want to do this.
I want to play together.
That's the feeling.
That's what I said in today's broadcast.
I'd like you to listen to it if you'd like.
There are various types of parenting styles.
I was raised in a law-abiding way.
I was told that there are indifference and tolerance types among law-abiding people.
I think it's a tolerance type.
I have affection, but I don't have many restrictions or rules.
That's the parenting style.
I think it's a good thing.
As a result of my research on meta-analysis,
I didn't get a clear result.
I didn't feel that way about my personality.
In many ways, I think the law-abiding way was good.
I think it's related to the fact that I'm easy to challenge myself.
I'm sorry, the VPN is connected again.
Can you hear me?
I'm sorry.
That's good.
I don't know if I can get it in Germany.
The two families I'm getting along with right now,
especially the family in Hamburg,
both of them have small children.
I have three or four-year-old children.
If that happens, I don't think I'll get it yet.
I'd like to increase the sensitivity of that information.
I'd like to collect toys for children who have grown up.
That's good.
That's what I'm going to do.
I'm sorry.
Can you hear me?
The VPN may be a little interrupted.
That's about it.
I thought the city was beautiful.
It's interesting to see the sharpness of the design.
I think it's the same in Japan.
It's minimalist, simplistic.
I said earlier that it's like Zen.
There is such a sense of beauty in Japan.
There is such a place in Denmark.
But the way it appears is different.
It's hard to put it into words.
Is it the difference between Japanese and Western?
I don't think there's much difference in the way it's drawn.
I went to the department store.
The package of the products lined up in the department store
is not too messy.
I wonder if that feeling is different from Japan.
The logo of MUJI is not drawn.
I think that package is beautiful.
I don't know if it's similar in that respect.
MUJI may be a connection.
It's interesting that it's born in Japan with the simple culture of North Korea.
MUJI was also in Copenhagen.
It's also in Hamburg.
MUJI and UNIQLO are both there.
There are also cars.
I think that's about it.
There are still some electronics products.
I wonder if the Japanese presence is lower than at one time.
There are a lot of Samsung TVs.
Samsung, LG, and many Korean companies.
I think that's about it.
Did I have any announcements?
I'd like to do my best with short videos this year.
I'd be very happy if you could follow me on Instagram and YouTube.
I'm looking into TikTok.
I'd like to know how to get TikTok to play.
I'd like to know if you'd recommend it.
There's a feature on the platform.
If you don't study it, it's hard to get it out.
I've already uploaded three videos on TikTok.
The number of views has decreased.
I sometimes call it a shadow ban.
There are various reasons why I don't recommend it.
When I looked it up, I found out that if you access it in various places overseas, you'll be treated as spam.
I think that's a big reason.
For example, connecting in Copenhagen, connecting in Germany,
or connecting to Japan's IP address.
I think it's not good.
It's a very complicated story.
I'd like to study it and come up with a way to get a lot of people to watch my short videos.
I'd like you to watch it.
I'd be happy if you could like it.
I feel good about it now.
I think it's terrible when people on TikTok who have psychology say that.
There are a lot of people who don't want me to call it psychology.
That's pretty much it.
When I say normal, I mean, what's normal?
There weren't many people who thought it was normal.
I wanted to follow and study some people.
There weren't many people on TikTok who wanted to follow.
I think there was one person.
There was someone who was using a whiteboard.
And then there's the psychology of dropping a man.
Like the technique of love.
I think there are a lot of love stories.
And then there's gender.
Not gender, but blood type.
I don't think there's much evidence.
I don't think there's much evidence.
I think it's strange because there are a lot of followers.
I don't think it's funny for people who watch it.
But I think it's meaningful to send it out little by little on such a platform.
I might be discouraged.
I might end up saying, I didn't see it at all.
But until I can say I didn't see it,
I think I have to keep sending it out for at least a year.
I think it's better to do it after doing it for about 3 years or 1,000 times.
I'd like to do about 1,000 broadcasts on Voice.
If I don't do that much, I don't think I can even verify my hypothesis.
I might be a little discouraged, but I'd like to do my best.
Please follow me if you like.
I'm not going to leave it to you, but I'll do my best with crowdfunding.
I'd be very happy if you could support me every month for 330 yen.
There was someone who supported me through Voice today.
I think it's okay to say your name because you left a comment.
Please wait a minute.
Mr. Tsukui Narumi.
I listened to Voice and registered.
I think it's very attractive.
Thank you very much for your comment.
And I think it was the day before yesterday that Mr. Lalala supported me.
I'm really happy that you're connected to Voice.
If you're interested, it's okay.
It's really about money, so I think everyone has their own way of using it.
I think it would be fun if you could support me if you like.
I want to have fun.
I want to do my best in community research.
I've been doing research at a slow pace for about a week.
I'm going to take a break from New Year's Day and do my best at work.
I'd be happy if you could support me.
That's about it.
I've been broadcasting for an hour today.
Thank you all for listening.
I have a meeting.
I'll talk to Mr. Hogen, the head of Voice, on the 6th the day after tomorrow.
Please come and visit from 8 p.m.
Have a great weekend.
Thank you very much.