2023-08-24 47:18

#66【ヤる前にスマホで同意してください「性的同意アプリ」】Tap if you agreed to have sex

Haitai people, *english below






【性的同意とは?-ELLE girl-】

性的同意とは、セックスやキス、体に触れるといった性的な行為をする前にお互いが確認するべき同意のこと。英語では「Sexual Cosent」という。



Is asking agreement through app going to protect each couple's healthy relationship? I feel ridiculous to ask to use app.. just think again how we communicate each other in healthy/natural way like good human beings.


This app wants you to consent before having sex


性交渉の認識ズレ防ぐ”性的同意アプリ”「脅されたらどうする」と〝悪用〟懸念の声も 担当者に聞いた

【性的同意の定義】性的同意はどうやってとる? 同意年齢や性暴力について専門家が解説


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せーの What's up, sexy people? This is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan Japanese and English.
はいたーい ぐすーよーちゅーがなびら。イヤササレディオのアカネとミナミイヤイビーン。
A sexual consent app called Kiroku, which has been developed under the supervision of lawyers,
is currently being developed to prevent misunderstandings such as
I didn't actually give consent in cases of non-consensual sexual activity, while maintaining
the atmosphere and allowing consenting to sexual activity on handheld devices. The app is aimed at
fostering the healthy relationship between couples and is set to be released on August 25th.
Under the revised penal code regarding sexual crimes that took effect on July 13th of the fifth
year of Reiwa, the crimes of forced sexual intercourse and cosy forced sexual intercourse
have been merged into newly established crime of non-consensual sexual activity,
article 177. Similarly, forced indecent acts and cosy forced indecent acts have also been
newly established as non-consensual indecent acts, article 176. However, even in cases where the
offender believed there was consent at the time of sexual activity, there is a possibility that
they might be prosecuted as a perpetrator if the victim later declares that they didn't actually
consent. It is difficult to prove that consent was given in closed space. To prevent such
misunderstandings, it is necessary to prepare a sexual consent form, but there are concerns that
handling out the paper and going through the process of signing and stamping it could ruin
the atmosphere of the moment. Therefore, with the legal revision, a sexual consent app called Kiroku
has been developed to allow consenting to sexual activity on handheld devices.
To use the app, couples download the Kiroku app onto their smartphone or tablet,
read the instructions on the screen to confirm the precautions based on legal provision supervised
by lawyers, and tap agree. Then, they turn on their location information and share their screen with
each other by scanning a QR code. For the two-month period following the release, a free campaign will
be held. In addition to promoting awareness of the sexual consent app that can be used by both
couples, the app's features will include commemorative day functions to support couples, matching app
support, and features that provide identification guarantees such as the partner's age and material
The app can be used by both men and women, and the app can be used by both men and women.
The app can be used by both men and women, and the app can be used by both men and women.
The app can be used by both men and women.
The app can be used by both men and women.
The app can be used by both men and women.
The app can be used by both men and women.
The app can be used by both men and women.
The app can be used by both men and women.
It sounds so weird for me.
It is to me.
It's so formal to have sex with somebody else.
friend sent me this article like you guys should talk about it and i googled it about you know this
sexual consent app yeah it's already released in australia or denmark a couple years ago
yeah how does it work though like already in australia and other places i don't know it's
also being accused for you know it doesn't make sense yeah i don't know the detail yeah but
how do you feel you know when the first time you heard like having sex is more like
more like flinky yeah like for the first time with your boyfriend or girlfriend it's like
it's about time to have sex we are close enough
when you get too much drunk and you have sex with somebody else it's the time to start
in a good way i think like when you have a relationship with somebody and you guys are
like hesitate to have sex because you are shy if you have this app you can show your feeling that
you want to have sex with you isn't it more embarrassing to say that hey i'm totally okay
to have sex with you then please stop and let's stop each other and get you know fuck it works
for specific like dating app like
it sounds safe and then it's easy to track your sex relationship when you have like sex
people yeah or if you are working at those places and you have
you can track but in relationship i don't know how it works i mean yeah it just sounds weird
you know they officially say like it's for you know supporting the couples healthy relationship
but i think they can't say like they're they're supporting like the people having random sex or
having you know friends with benefits or you know it's included they're all of course included but
the most part of the you know purpose is supporting the existing couple but that doesn't make sense
when you get married and then you don't want to have sex with your partner but they force you to
do it and you are tired of it and it's like agreement you already say yes
sounds like
but that kind of
can't stop doing you know starting the sex if the partner say no to them
i think they're gonna do it anyway
it doesn't make sense
to protect yourself
if you're a couple i don't think you need agreement like this
it doesn't make sense
for me because you don't want to get in trouble
it seems like you wanna commit a crime
but the app's feature will include commemorative day function to support couple matching app support and features that provide identification guarantees such as the partner's age and martial history
sex history you need to tap something when you have sex
but the app company needs to organize the data
i mean i'm not saying like they you know deliberately try to check like what kind of user use this
but it also means that you are allowed to give them your personal info including sex info
they wanna know sex info of people
yes yes yes
but when you do it every time do you record it?
it's not like we did it but we both agreed on it
so it's like we did it
so first you agreed on it
and then you made an agreement with a lot of people
so in the end you can't track it
like who and when you did it
you can't but the company can see it
if there's an incident you can check it
i mean if it's abroad like a university
they will put it on the app
sex between students
that's a big problem
maybe the girls are safe
but do you think they will do it?
i don't think so
i don't think so
i don't know who they are doing it for
but maybe
they are doing it because they have evidence that they agree on it
so it's not like they are using this app
so it's like
sex between students
can be done
in this world
it's so tiring to ask
that person
you know
to offering a sex
you know just imagine
like japanese young people
they are not really guy
they are not really communicative
when it comes to sex
or trying to have sex
the foreplay
not actual foreplay
but as a conversation foreplay
they don't do that much
it's so tiring to do it
for example
if it's a group of guys
and the girls are doing it
to protect themselves
no one wants to do it
so you can say
if you don't sign it
you can't do it
if you just do it
you can't do it
like that
it's hard
I think it's weird
if something can be solved
with this app
I think it can be solved face to face
you know
if you are brave enough to say
you don't need to use app
but if you are brave enough to use this app
you could say no
and then like in some comments
if you are threatened by some app
what do you do?
you can say no
worry about it
to start doing this app
like that
so the problem is
not the app
but the atmosphere
when you are alone
for example
I think it's different
if you are a boy or girl
and you go to someone's house
at night
that means you guys are gonna have sex
some people
that doesn't mean anything
you know
if only we can have fun time
just hang out
and when you stand in front of the car
it could ruin
it could ruin
the atmosphere
I don't know if you are young
but I think it's the same
every year
even if you are close friends
you might feel
like if you go to someone's house
you are gonna have sex
I think so too
as Akane
you don't go to someone's house
I don't go to someone's house
even if you don't go
as a friend
it's different
when you are alone
the girl
had sex with somebody else
but she didn't wanna do it
I don't know
but I feel like
the girl is
showing her sexy pheromone
I think so
if it was Akane
she wouldn't do it
first of all
when you are alone
it's awkward
like don't do it
I think
people who are in that situation
probably can't do it
or like
some don't even know
they are willing to have sex
or not
until it's really coming
like people who are new to it
people who are not used to it
just leave it
to the flow
some people
don't want to do it
I think that's the hardest part
I see
it's a bit shocking
the other person's feeling?
it doesn't matter if it's a guy or a girl
when you are asked to stop
let's stop
I see
including alcohol?
I see
I see
until you are in that situation
you won't say yes
it's scary
what if they get mad?
I think
I see
so dating app
for example
they have some rubble on the picture app
it's like
hey I'm vaccinated
something like that
for a while
like that
I use the app
if you do that
people who feel safe
just do it
for dating app
I want to do it
I don't want to do it
make it public
if you are going to do it
you want to use it
I see
I see
I think it's better
I think it's more natural
but like you said
you know
some people could
threat the other person
to approve
this consent
so that doesn't change anything
where people made this app though?
to prevent the conflict
to use technology
so it's for the law
for the law
I think it's a business
so it's popular
so people can
use it
it's experimental
if it fails
that's it
if there are people who use it
it's like
it was wanted
it's surprising
Japanese people
don't talk to each other anymore
it's sad
for example
to prevent
I think it's good
for adults
it's better to manage
you can't raise
kids when you're pregnant
because of the age
I think it's good
but it's humans
so it doesn't matter
if they do this
I think it doesn't matter
I mean
to make it a child's duty
it's for adults
to protect them
but for kids
for the first time
when you do it
you have to follow the law
get permission
and do it with the app
I don't want to be known
I don't think kids will be satisfied
kids are not elementary school kids
they are high schoolers
I don't know if they are middle schoolers
I have a bad image
but I don't want to be known
by parents
I don't want to be known
when did you do it?
it's hard
but this app
it's not about the app
but the sexual
in the past
not many people
got it
later on
they say they didn't want to do it
but there are many women
who want to do it
so I thought about how to prevent it
I made the app
with my hard work
but this app is for
like a marriage or couples
there was a problem with the marriage
so the marriage
was forced
to do it
that happened
for me
in my opinion
when you get married with a person
then it's
most likely you have sex with
your husband or wife
a lot
not a lot but
so that itself
sounds weird
do you
say if your husband
offer to have sex every night
even when you're period
I piss off
there are couples like that
it's hard if you do it every night
so the couple who can
piss off and fight
it's not a problem
I did some research
on this TasanDV
I got married too many times
and I couldn't have sex
so I gave birth to a lot of kids
like a married couple
that's hard
you should put a ring
so they won't know
there's a possibility
you don't have money
so your husband
has all the money
do you know
if you put a ring?
I don't know
that person
is wearing a ring
so whether it's a couple
or a partner
or a one night stand
it's natural
for example
if you're dating someone
or married
it's natural that
your partner is willing to have sex
every single moment
you have to know
that it's not a one night stand
that's true
for a one night stand
it's natural
if your partner
isn't willing to have sex
it's natural
it's hard
what kind of people
what kind of people
have trouble like this
what kind of people
have trouble like this
they're everywhere
normal people
are doing this
you're imagining rape
like so bad
version of rape
like in a movie
real world raping
is very natural
I think
I don't think
it's forced
I think
there are a lot of women
who hate it
when it's over
it's not like
I have to go to the police
it's like
my heart is burning
what was that
but you didn't hate it that much
I think
I think
there are some people
who accepted it
but they didn't like it
I think
like Akane said
there are a lot of women
who are strict
you did it
you wanted to do it
it's hard to tell your friends
like in the movie
you said you had a lot of sex
it's hard to tell
it's hard to tell
they think you're close
I think like
a lot of women don't even
that they're
to have sex
not forced
but they're kind of accepted
in you know
accepted the
sex she didn't really want to
I see
they're tired
but they don't want to
ruin the mood
that's the small version
if you don't do it
it will affect
your work
there are people like that
like your boss and subordinates
you're called by your boss
you read too much manga
no, I saw people who experienced it
so like
you make a meeting
and then
you go to a room
and you're done
you chose the right person
doing it
is like
it's like
you're crossing the line
in terms of work
in terms of relationships
no, that's impossible
it's a criminal offense
for example
let's say you're the boss
and Akane is the subordinate
let's say you call her in the middle of the night
and you want to talk about tomorrow
and you tell her to come home
even if you do it
Akane probably can't raise her voice
Akane might raise her voice
as a subordinate
if you do it, your position will be threatened
that sounds like raping
for me
using their
social power
is what I feel
but the raping and
lack of
sexual consent, it's the same thing
power harassment
so the word rape
has a wide range
it's not like
intense rape
it's when it's done quietly
everyday rape
I didn't want to do it
but I gave myself up
what should I do
like that
but this
it's better to practice
how to refuse
practice how to refuse
and practice how to listen
if you think about it
I don't know about other countries
but in Japan it's better to have sex education
it's not about sex
it's about how to communicate
I think so
Japanese sex education
lacks information
we went to find it
in Japan
when I was a student
I was taught
how the dick and vagina work
while doing sex
or like just
we're expecting
the period
how to wear a condom
I did it
I don't remember
I did it but
at that time I didn't know
how to do it
I was like
but at that time
if you have experience
it's good
but if you don't
it's hard
you have to look it up on the internet
now kids are on the internet
sexual education
for boys
you have to do
a lot of things
it's like an accident
you don't know
what's going to happen
so you don't know
what's going to happen
you have to do
adult people
have to do
I remember
she doesn't do it when she doesn't want to
Miyami said
about sex
about sex
in a drama
it's called
New York Girl's Diary
in that
there's a black guy
who's a writer
he's a good looking guy
he's the editor
when he was collecting
articles about sex
the woman he had
sex with
he was shocked
that he wasn't a good boy
he was shocked
that he wasn't
a good guy
he was shocked
when he heard
that the woman
he had sex with
wasn't a good woman
so it's like
it doesn't come out clearly
it doesn't make sense
it doesn't make sense
it didn't look bad
but you didn't like it
but that's the person's fault
or yes
or make it clear
if you say that
I forgot the details
or you can say
can you wait
for a few days
can you wait until I know you more
I think it's not only
it's not
the person who wants to have sex
the one
who accepts
is also being responsible for that
but you know this kind of
topic, conversation
always goes to
how do women
or just say
to prevent unwilling sex
but I think the main issue is the person
who offered sex
you know, remember that there's like a Korean DJ
like Japanese audience touch her boobs
while they're performing
you know Japanese on Twitter
or the social media say like
you shouldn't wear this clothes
you expose boobs too much
it's your fault
it's same
for some reason
it's not only
the person who did it
it's the worst
I mean
it's hard to check
that's why I think
this society is rotten
the person who did it
for some reason
I touched it because
there were boobs
it's human's fault
you need to train the control
you need to train the
to control your
sex motivation
especially for men
I think
because they have power
I like being
asked to do things
to the person you like
only the person you like
even if it's not the person I like
I like this person
I like it a little bit
but I could say no
so it didn't
it didn't become a problem
for me
you're good at protecting
like you would never go to their house
if you're not
for having anything
you're the type who doesn't get swept away
sometimes I want to be swept away
but I don't
no no
you want to be swept away
I want to be swept away
you want to be swept away
but you're not
that's right
what about you?
I get swept away
in the past
you told me
you have
when I think about it
I don't really remember
why I did it
I don't regret it
it's in the past
for someone
who doesn't like it
it's a bad experience
it's really difficult
for example
I have experience with
when I stand
and some people think that I'm
cherishing my body
as a woman
so if
I have experience
I'm willing to have sex
then some people might say
it's your fault
but it doesn't matter
you like to try one night stand as well right?
at that time yes
so I don't care
so I'm just saying
there's not
always 100% willing to
I was ok to do it
but I didn't enjoy much
because I was
doing my experiment
for myself
so it's just study
so my story
doesn't apply to
women who have
experience to have
forced to have sex
I thought there might be something in common
I don't really know but
I ended up doing it
I think there are many people like that
around you
like why did I do it?
it's difficult
it's hard to
stop the flow
if you don't
try hard
like don't do it
it's hard to say
it's hard to say
so I think it's better
not to do it from the start
but it's not easy
in my case
if I really want to do it
I might laugh a lot
I don't want to do it yet
like a joke
why you touch me?
I don't want to do it
like that
if I don't want to
I don't be like mad
because I probably still enjoy it
but if I don't want to do it
and I will say like
I don't say like
can you stop right now?
I don't want to do it
I don't want to do it
maybe we are lucky
that we didn't meet
evil kind of guy
I think so
I think there are
people who come to you
even if you say stop
that's gross
if you are older than him
and he is younger than you
it's kind of hard to control
he or she would say
it's okay, no worry
let's do it
I think it's important
I think we should be careful
but if we are too careful
we might be born
no, it's the first time
I don't know about couple
but about sexless
I think the first step
is to admit that
we are sexless
I think
did you become like this?
he or she
doesn't have to do it
I wanted to do it everyday
we have to take a break
we have to talk
about it
when you get married
if you have a relationship
you only have
a specific person
to have sex
in general
I don't think this app
affects in a good way
I can't imagine
how it works in a good way
probably if a lot of people use it
and it's getting popular
and maybe it seems like
to do it
but I don't see
how it works
sex relationship
for most of people
I think
that social media
and this kind of digital tool
people's distance
to talk in person
I think
it's difficult
to put all the technology
into this app
like a robot
I also think that
people write a comment
on the internet
seems like majority of the people
but I think
majority people
write a comment
so it's
you need to find out
to see actual people
human being
you know
but this app is good for people
who have sex
as work
so they are easy to track
their sex relationship
that's true
that's what I think
I want people
to use this app
couple is important
but people who use app
don't want their personal info recorded
if they are involved
in a case
it's a condition
but if they don't use this app
it might happen
I don't know about app
sex between men and women
more complicated than
men think
body language
behind the words
between the gap
it's so complicated
don't ask for an answer
if you are a mysterious creature
use this app
to prevent accidents
you should make sure
every time
so you don't wanna get in trouble
have safe sex
that's all for today

