1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. アメリカでは体調崩すとパ..
2021-12-12 12:03


Absolutely not

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast! Hello! This program is brought to you by
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Let go! You add a little taste, don't you? Let go, yeah, yeah. What? Let go! What was my name?
Yeah, John. Let go! Okay. So, today, we've got a message from Shichi-san today.
Shichi-san. Thank you.
Okay. Give me some. Professor Yama. Oh! Getting fan play! Yeah. Alright, Professor Yama!
Finally, there's someone who called me like properly. Who respected
your title. Yeah. Which you do not have. I do have. Properly. Thank you.
Professor what? Everything. Everything? Like what? Name me one. What? Like biology.
Biology? Okay. History. Okay. Or like economy, you know? Like everything. Basically
everything. Like biotechnology. That. Nanotechnologies. Okay. Like, you know,
macrofinance. That is hard to believe. Relation world. Mm-hmm. You know, world.
Peace. That is so hard to believe. And love. Uh-huh. And love? Professor of love?
So. Okay.
My socks was inside out. I just noticed that. I just, see, this morning, yeah, I thought it was weird.
Hmm. See, like right here, right? You know how there's a, like a little logo on the outside of your, like
your ankle, right? Yeah. One here. And the other was right here. It was like, hmm. Well, just put it on.
Yeah. But right now, I just noticed that it was inside out. So, that's why. Okay. That's why. Now,
it's all good. Now, it's all proper and everything. Yeah. I just had to fix that. Okay. Yep. Yep.
Did I say that? I guess so. Really? I guess so. Okay.
That's me. Right?
I'm sure that's not accurate. I'm very sure that's not true.
I was surprised that you were so sensitive to carbon dioxide and that you couldn't drink coke. Is that common in the US? In Japan, people drink warm drinks to warm themselves up. I always do. Do you drink coke when you have a stomachache? Is there a difference between Japan and France? If there's any other difference, please tell me.
I get a stomachache about once every three days. Oh, that's a lot. The best thing to do is to pray to God, "I won't do anything bad anymore, so please cure my stomachache."
You two also pray, right? Do you have any other ways to win? Please tell me. Wow. I don't know. I'm kind of like, I don't know if you're consuming information from the right sources here.
I've never, never heard of... This is the capture. Really? That she's sending us. I've never heard of that before. Wow. So you've never heard of it? Never heard of it. And it's not common in the United States?
I don't know. I don't know if it's common though. Maybe it is. Maybe it's just that I don't know. But I personally have never heard of it. That's pretty American. That's pretty like hardcore American shit.
Do you drink cola when you have a stomachache? You know, I don't. If my stomach gets hurt, I would probably run to the toilet. That's what I would do. Yeah, that's what I do too.
Other than that, the one thing I can say is that people in the US don't usually go to hospitals that easily. Not as often as the Japanese people do. It's expensive. The hospital fees are just very expensive.
So we try to solve the problem by naturally letting it fix by itself or go to a pharmacy and then get like a medicine that's sold to everybody. But you don't really go to hospitals. Not as often as Japan. That's for sure.
Do you know the thing called homeopathy? No. I'm not sure if it exists in the United States and if it's the right word for English. But in France, there was a thing called homeopathy.
And that's not a medicine. It's like this size little tiny ball which is really sweet. It's like candy. It's this size white candy. But something is inside. I guess kind of herb or like something is inside.
And it's not a medicine. But when you get sick, you take those homeopathy little things like three little balls and have that just like candy. And that solved the problem.
What? It's a magical pill. In France? In France. Where is that sold? Is that sold in the medicine section? Like pharmacies or...
But you know, because it's not a medicine, everybody can have it. Because I was an exchange student and I did homestay. So my host mother didn't know about me. Like there was medicine allergics.
Like medicine can sometimes cause some problem. Right. Side effect. But that homeopathy thing is not a medicine. Got it. Anyone can consume it.
So that's what I told and had that little three little like this size candy. Did it work? I guess so. I guess so. You guess so. But I'm not sure.
Maybe it's like a placebo effect. Natural effects maybe. But the host mother had like several different types of homeopathy. Like one is for sick, one is for headache, one is for you know. Those.
Wow. So maybe that's something like a combo thing maybe. Maybe. At the center of the candy, you said there's like an herb kind of thing. Is that like a minty thing?
Or is it more like a lot more weird? Weirder than mint? I guess so. It's much more weird and much more like magical. Magical. Never before tasted.
Yeah. But you know, it doesn't taste at all. It's sweet. It's just sweet. So something is inside. Is it good? What do you mean? Tastes good? Yeah.
Like just sweet. That's all. You don't taste any of those weird strange combo taste. Just like any other candy? Like sugar candy? Yeah. It's just like sugar. It's just like you having sugar.
We don't have any of those similar things in Japan, do we? Yeah. Maybe I guess that's just combo maybe.
Combo. Can you buy? How do you consume combo? Is that liquid in Japan? Yeah. Liquid or like powder? Powder. Do you mix it? How do you consume that powder? Do you mix it in water or?
Yeah. Drink with water. It's just usual powder medicine. Just have it and drink with water. Got it. Got it. Got it. Which is tough. Is it tough? Yeah. Sometimes it's really bad.
But it's good for you? But it works? Yeah. Or like drink, you know, hot tea style. Combo tea. Have you ever had combo? Yeah.
Is there like so are all the combos for different occasions? Like if you're having a headache, this is the combo. Stomachache, this is it. Is there all different? Yeah.
But combo is not something affect like suddenly. It's just, you know, everyday thing. So if you continue, if you continue, continue. If you continuously drink?
Yeah. Continuously, yeah. Continuously like having a headache or like feeling bad, then start drinking those combo tea and, you know, time goes by, it will be like disappeared.
Your body starts to like gain the... Yeah. Like changes. But that's a different difference from medicine pill. It's not fixed. It's not an immediate fix.
You build up. Yeah. You toughen up your body over time. Yeah. I would say. I've never had a combo before. So I was wondering if that's any good for my body.
Yeah. But you just need to continue, continuously. Continuously consuming. I guess I just hit the gym. That's what she said. Pump up.
So she's right. Yeah. She's right actually. She's actually right. Yeah. But that's just me, right? Yeah. That's not what everybody in the US does.
Then she will make some videos on TikTok. American people go to the gym. Don't do that. Okay? It's just me. Alright. Thanks for listening guys. Bye bye.

