じゃあ このですね まず最初 フィナンシアトラック この4つのプロジェクトの
ファイナリストの方々にですね 審査を あっ 失礼しました プレゼンテーションを
いただくんですけれども この冒頭 このフィナンシアトラックに限らず
今日 お集まりいただいているクリプトの ビルダーの方も多いのかなと思います
そういった皆さまをですね エンカレッジしていただく 相応しい方にですね
本日は冒頭のキーノートを いただければと思っております
フィナンシアの国道さん ぜひちょっと舞台の方まで お越しいただいてもよろしいでしょうか
皆さま 拍手 お願いください
国道さん じゃあ キーノートを お願いしてもよろしいでしょうか
はい 皆さん よろしくお願いします ケイト 国道です
なんかね ここの 昨日から見てると 3階のこの場所ってほとんど人が入ってなかったから
ちょっとどうなることかなって 感じと思ったんですけれども
思った以上にね 多くの人が ちょうどこれ 裏側の方が
本ちゃんのローンチパッドっていうのが 行われてるから 結構 強豪かなって感じで
思ってたんですけど じゃざっと見ると 未だにほとんど
向こう側の方に行ってる人っていうのは ある意味 常弱
でね 今 ここに集まってる皆さんっていうところが
本当にね この情報の最先端 みたいな感じのところなんで
なんでね ここにいる本当のね ビルダーの方と
本当にこの情報強者の皆さんと一緒に 日本のみならず
このWeb3のところを盛り上げていけたらな って感じで思ってます
はい 改めて自己紹介なんですけれども 徳西光です
結構いろいろやってまして もともとはグミっていう モバイルゲーム会社をやってました
で 2007年に作って 2014年に上場して
2021年に辞めました 今は大きく4つのことをやってます
フィナンシェとサードバース これはVRのゲーム会社ですね
あとはミントタウンっていう ブロックチェーンのゲーム会社
あとはグミクリプトキャピタルっていう これはサンフランシスコのほうで
170億円ぐらいのファンド これは完全Web3だけに特化したやつっていうところっていうのをやってます
はい で 結局ね 今 よくビットコイン自体っていうのが
将来 価格自体が1ミリオンくらいまで 上がるんじゃないかなっていう
めちゃくちゃ強い その強気の予想っていうのも出てきますと
ただ 実際 今見ていくと やっぱりこのWeb3のユーザー
アクティブなユーザーっていうのは 通常のインターネットのユーザーとかと比べると
極小中の極小みたいな なんで やっぱ決定的に重要なのは
ここのユーザーベースっていうところが 本当に増えていくかっていうのが
で 一番の今問題点っていうところが 今のWeb3にこのキラーアプリケーションがない
今 世間でいうところでいくと 基本的にはこのインフラレイヤーだったりとか
そういうところのベースのところっていう部分は いろいろ整ってきてるんですけれども
ユーザーが実際に遊ぶところ ユーザーが実際に使う
そういうふうなキラーアプリケーション っていうところがないと
この辺がすごく大きな課題なのかなと なんで 今回のこのハッカソンとか含めて
っていうところでも そういうユーザーが 本当に使って楽しいとか
使って便利みたいな そういうふうな プロダクトっていうのがいっぱい出てくる
っていうところをすごく期待しています なんで 重要なのは
このみんなが使いたくなるような キラーアプリケーションっていうところが
出てくるかどうかっていうのが 重要なのかなと
で 現状でいくと 実際それに近いのが DeFi系のやつだけど
実際 ここにいる人は みんなDeFiとか 使ってるとは思うんですけど
やっぱクソややこしい あれがね 今のやっぱDeFiのところが
マスアダプション持ってけるかでいくと ちょっと大変なんじゃないかなと
で やっぱりより使いやすく 簡単なやつっていうところが
必要になってくると じゃあそういう中で 何がやっぱキラーアプリケーション
になるのかなって考えたときに シンプルにスマホ時代
アクティブなユーザーが多かったのって 2つなんですね
1個はゲーム で もう1個はSNS
で 結局スマホのときの 使われてるやつ 特にその中でもこのSNS
なんかもうユーザー アクティブユーザーが多いのの 上位ランキング並べたら
もう全部SNS なんで僕はやっぱり今回の
ゲームはゲームですごく重要 なんでゲームとSNSっていうところが
やっぱ1つ大きなマスアダプションの 鍵になるのかなと
で ちょっとフィナンシェのほうを 紹介させていただきますと
僕らはこの日本のナンバーワンの ソーシャルファイだと
で このソーシャルファイ いろんな人がいろんな定義があるけど 僕はシンプルに
ソーシャルネットワークに ファイナンスの機能っていうところがついたと
これがね 今までのSNSとの 大きな違いなのかなと
で フィナンシェ自体は誰でも簡単に トークンが発行できて
それが独自の二次流通マーケットで売買できて あとコミュニティが
くっついてると で トータルで288の
オーナーさんとかに トークンのほうを発行してもらったりとかしています
で 海外の人の今っぽく言うと フィナンシェ自体って
パンプ.ファンっていう簡単に誰でも ミームが作れてっていうところに
で それがフィアットで完結して ネイティブアプリで完結して
すごく使いやすくなったっていうのが フィナンシェなのかなと思ってます
なんで 左側のほうの 簡単にプライマリーセールができて
で それが独自のデックスライクなところっていうので
二次流通マーケットができて そこにこのディスコードライクな
コミュニティがついてると で コミュニティの特徴っていう
部分でいくと トークン コミュニティごとが発行してるっていうのが
あるんで そのトークンっていうのを使って トークンホルダーだけが
入れるチャット使ったり 投票できたり イベントできたり
で ギフティングできたり そのトークン自体のところが
トレードできると なんで これ自体は 受給によって価格が上がったり
下がったりするんで なんで コミュニティメンバーがどんどん増えてくると
トークン価格が上がって 最初から支援してた人っていうとこも
メリットがあるかもしれないと この辺が一つ大きな特徴になってます
で さらにこのトークンを使うっていうのが 今までのコミュニティには
なかなかなかったとこかなっていうのが トークンを使うことで
で ユーザーにアクションを促したりとか で 参加を促したりとかっていうところが
できてくる この辺が割と次のSNSっていうのの一つの形
じゃないかなって感じで思ってます で 結構いろんなプロジェクト
っていうところがフィナンシー上で トークンを発行してもらってまして
もともとはサッカーチーム なんで ちょうど2年半くらい前に
湘南ベルマーレさんがスポーツチームとして 初めてトークンのほうを発行していただいて
で それ以降 セレストさんだったりとか アビスファさんとか
サッカー バスケ その他の卓球 なんたらって形で
で 合計200チームくらいがフィナンシー上で トークン発行してもらってます
で そこと加えてエンタテインメントだったりとか インフルエンサーとか
そういう形っていうのがトークン発行する で 結構な規模っていうところが
集まるとこまでになってきてるのかな っていうふうには思ってます
で 加えてフィナンシー上のほうでは 結構いろんなKOLの人たちっていうところが
トークンを発行とかしてもらってて 皆さんもおそらくこの辺ご存じの
池谷さん ホリエモンさん ケンス で 三ノ輪さん
で つい最近は令和の虎とかで 有名な林社長とかっていうのも
フィナンシー上で来てると なんで 僕らの1個ちょっと強みかなっていうところは
フィナンシー自体のユーザーベースだけじゃなくて この人たちのフォロワー数っていうのが
全部合わせていくと1000万人は 超えてくるって形なんで
なんで その辺をうまく活用していく っていうところで やっぱりより拡散させていく
はい なんで もともとスポーツだったりとかで始まって あとはエンターテイメント 地域創生
で 今はまさにこのWeb3プロジェクト で ここからリアルなインフルエンサーとか
アイドルとか そういうところに どんどんと広げていきたいなって感じと思ってます
で あともう1個 僕ら自体が2023年の3月に IEOのほうをしまして
で 結構人気はついてて トータルで8ミリオンくらい集めて
で 25,000人くらいの方が参加していただいたみたいな
で 価格のところは最初 これちゃんと作った時から 今日大変なことになってるんで
なんかどうしようかなとは思ったんですけど ここは何とか全力で頑張ってるって感じになってます
はい あと せっかくなんで このフリーミント このフィナンシーのNFTっていうところを
ここでスキャンしてやってもらえると NFTがもらえますと
今のところ まだユーティリティは決めてないんですけど 急遽やったんで
でも きっと何かいいことがあるはずなんじゃないかなって感じで思ってます
で やっぱり ここから 今日皆さんのところで プレゼンが行われてくるんですけれども
やっぱ重要なところっていうのは やっぱりユーザビリティ
本当にユーザーが使いたい 使ってて楽しいっていうところっていうのを
やっぱ作っていくかどうか 二つ目のところっていうのは やっぱりそれってWeb3である
必要があるのみたいな 特に多いのが これ別にWeb3つけなくてもいいじゃんみたいな
なんかとりあえずトークン取ってつけただけだよとか NFT取ってつけただけだよとか
こういうのはやっぱ難しいんで やっぱりNFTならではってなんだみたいな
そういうところっていうのを徹底的に追求していく っていうのが重要なのかなって感じと思ってます
で あともう一個は 言ってやっぱ日本のマーケットっていうのはすごくちっちゃいんで
やっぱり世界で大成功するかどうかっていうのが やっぱ本当の成功っていうところで
なんで僕らのフィナンシー自体も 今はまだこの日本フォーカスって形なんですけれども
ここからいろんな 今まさに海外展開とかっていうのを準備していって
今後は日本だけじゃなくて世界の方とかっていうのでも しっかりとやっていきたいなって感じと思ってます
で そのために僕 去年の8月から家族でシンガポールに移ってみたいな感じで
海外展開を最先端でやってる そういうふうな形でやってます
なんで ここにいる海外の方はもちろんなんですけれども 日本のビルダーの方っていうところも
やっぱりね 本当に使いやすいものっていうのを作って
で 本当にそのWeb3ならではっていうプロダクト
で それ自体っていうところを世界にしっかり打っていく
なんで 僕らも今まさにそのフィナンスの方でもミントタウンの方でも
いいものを作って 世界でっていうところっていうのを全力で挑戦していってます
なんでね ここにいる皆さんも仲間だと思うんで
なんで いろいろ意見交換したりとか 僕への連絡の付け方のところは
それなりに返事はするんで なんで そういう感じで
日頃に相談あるんすみたいな感じとかっていうのは 全然言ってもらっていいんで
なんで みんなで力合わして 日本初で 世界で大成功するような
そういうふうなプロジェクトっていうのを 作っていけたらなって思ってます
で 今日はいろんな皆さんのピッチの方を楽しみにしています
皆さん 頑張っていきましょう ありがとうございます
はい 国道さんも素晴らしいプレゼンテーション ありがとうございました
本当にね まさにこういった話をしてほしいって 本当にど真ん中の話をしていただきまして
本当に今も国道さんからもあったとおり 下ではですね ローンチパッド行われてますけれども
このIBSクリプト スタートしてちょうど3年目 このタイミングで
ついにこのWeb3版ローンチパッドがですね 初めて開催されております
本当にカウンターとして 今までのローンチパッド
もう昔からあるね 県にあるデモピッチイベントですけれども
もう来年以降はですね このWeb3版ローンチパッド
The Demo Dayがですね もうメインストリームになるよう
今回参加いただいているビルダーとですね 未来を作っていきたいなと思っておりますので
皆さん 最後までぜひお楽しみいただければなと思います
はい ですね 早速じゃあ始めていきましょう
最初はですね Financial Trackの4つのファイナリストの プレゼンテーションをしていきたいと思います
まず最初にご登場いただきますのが この方です
はい JnTokenのじんさんに 最初のファーストプレゼンテーションを
じんさん どうですか 気持ちのこと
はい いいプレゼンできるように頑張ります
思ってます じゃあじんさん 4分のプレゼンテーションと
はい 審査員の皆さまも キレキレのフィードバックをお待ちしております
はい じゃあじんさん 4分間のプレゼンテーション 準備はいかがでしょうか
はい 大丈夫です
はい じゃあプレゼンテーションスタートです
はい 日本語でも説明します
2024年にフォートナイト登録者数8億人 世界で一番遊ばれてますけれども
ただ グローバルなマージャンプレイヤー 既に8億人以上います
約20年の歴史 580万人のメンバーシップ
そしてマルチプラットフォームで プレイヤーのレベルに合わせた
数々のモードがあり 活発なコミュニティを持つ
我々のミッションは Eスポーツの非中央集権化です
その中心となるのが ジャンナビーのEスポーツモードです
Eスポーツトーナメントを いつでもどこでも開催できます
それをアマギフや ジャンナビーチケットに交換できます
参加費が賞金になれば それはギャンブルですよね
ジャンナビーEスポーツの賞金は 全てスポンサーから来ています
つまり Jのトークンは
Eスポーツ賞金プールの トークナリゼディション
これが我々の目指す Eスポーツの非中央集権化
Eスポーツ報酬支払い 投げ銭チップ ゲーム内広告
この仕組みは当然 ジャンナビー以外の
3000億円以上のグローバル Eスポーツ市場がターゲットです
今後 ジャンナビーは世界中のさまざまなゲームに拡大していきます
テクノロジーですが アルティメットオービットの技術で
I have a question.
I think this program
isn't a specific project
but one
that all projects
are currently facing.
Why did you
start with
move projects
such as
Aptos and Sui?
What expansion
strategy do you have
in mind to
eventually be
used across
Yeah, so
on my side, we are
engineers and we are all in
move, because
we're coming from
Ethereum and
we may know that they have a lot of hacks
in Ethereum, right?
But when we try out
move, I think for the developers
most of them, if you try out
move languages, whether it's
Sui move or Aptos move, you're
going to love it, because
the developer
experiences on move languages
is quite great.
And for the
yeah, we are all in on
move, and what we try to do is
we try to make the DeFi protocol
on move blockchain, whether it's
Sui move and
Aptos move, I think
you guys are
originated from the Facebook.
I think the technology is really, really good.
And yeah, for
Legato, we are fully
we would like to fully support
the move-based blockchain.
Yeah, thank you
for answering the question.
So how about Jerome?
Sure, thank you. No, I think that was a
great answer, by the way.
I think specific to
Legato and the project, I would love to
deep dive a little bit more
into the fragmented
liquidity preparing and
how essentially the bonding curve
is being set up, right? So that's
maybe something that we can do after, but I'm not sure
if you can give a quick overview of the background
of the bonding curve and how you think about
future swaps being
changing the bonding curve
Yeah, we have a
liquid staking
wall, which is actually
unlike any other
liquid staking that normally
we have a time limit.
Actually, we provide a time lock
wall, which is
when you stake on
on each year
we're going to provide
a full-time lock wall for each quarter.
When you lock your
on the wall, the wall is going to
generate derivative tokens
that represent
the time at the end
of the issue.
Like if we
I'm not sure it's too technical, but
we give the derivative token
like if we want to stake
on the next year wall
and the APY
normally on the
Legato's APY, we're going
to set it a little bit lower than
the system. Like if the system
from the validator
site, they give like
4% APY, we're going
to set it a little bit
lower, like 4 or
3%, because the objective
of us is to
utilize the future staking reward
for acquiring the tokens.
And yeah, we set a little bit
lower, but when you stake
on the Legato wall right
now, and the wall is expired
like next year, and the
APY of the Legato wall
is like 5%, if you stake
100 APT right now,
you're going to receive
wall tokens
for the
liquid staking module.
For this 105
wall tokens, you need to hold
until the end of
like next year,
and you can redeem
like 105 APT
token back, but
we have the system that you can
actually redeem
the APT back at any time.
Behind the scene, it's like
any other liquid staking
that it may need
the admin tasks, like
when people like stake
on the wall, right, we
need to
kind of like
make a transfer to
the delegate
validators that we support.
Right now, our project
has net, so the validator
we support is kind of like randomly
picked from the box
pollers, but when we
launch on main net, we need to
seeking for the validators
we can like collaborate
and like
make like win-win
together, something like that.
Okay, got it. Thank you.
Yeah, thanks for your
Thank you for your presentation.
How's the feeling.
Let's start.So yeah, are you ready?
Yes.Okay let's start.
Hi, I want to present about
Appstore event and ENS gateway.
Let's start with the problem.
We are losing on opportunity to
on board 100,000
We are using Luma as an event registration platform.
Why not register with a WebT platform?
Here are the example events that we should register with a WebT platform.
We can onboard over a thousand of attendants
from Kickstarter conference to App Store every year.
And after that, we can encourage them to work on the ecosystem
further with a social campaign and gaming.
And we can also onboard the developer with BuilderHouse and Hackathon event-style campaign.
We build our App Store event and e-Skateway platform based on Luma user experience.
User choose event that they want to join,
and they can click join and fill in their user information,
like email and Twitter.
And user only need to fill in the form only one
because the data will be saved on the App Store chain linked to their domain name.
On the next time, user only need to choose and can simply click on join to join an event.
User without an App Store wallet can seamlessly use our platform
thanks to the App Store Connect and App Store Keyless
that provide and connect wallet with social provider such as Google.
User also doesn't need to pay a single penny of GAT fee.
User only need to sign the transaction and we will subsidize the GAT fee on our end.
We also provide a free subdomain for App Store Connect users
that doesn't have a domain name on the App Store.
Every event user register will receive a probe as a reward,
allowing them to view their own Kickstarter passport.
More than that, we also feature an interoperability within SN.
On Ethereum, this feature is now live on the mainnet.
Records set in the App Store domain are accessible in the ENS mainnet UI as well.
And vice versa, any ENS domain name can also be linked to App Store via our App Store ENS gateway.
One link gets every record will be in sync between Ethereum mainnet and App Store.
This is possible because of CCAP gateway technology.
So, how is it useful?
It may seem you are as confident and with upside as this IVF gift store.
And on the App Store booth, there is an interactive check-in event
that allows you to earn the merchandise after check-in.
The App Store will earn the identity user which later can be used to
categorize users based on the event joining persona.
In this case, I would like to join the hackathon and dev meetup,
but don't like the ad-hoc quest.
So, in my case, App Store can send me an email about hackathon and builder meetup
or even some conference email, but not the email about the potential ad-hoc,
as it may annoy me.
And more than that, identity data can also be used on any chain,
starting from Ethereum.
You can try it now on appstoreevent.chome.dev
or if you only want to connect your App Store domain name to ENS,
you can use appstoreevent.chome.dev.
Thank you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks for great presentation.
Yes, okay.
So, yeah, do you have any question from App Store team?
Hi Amelia
Hi みなさん こんにちは
So hey everyone
So this is actually it's very honored
and I'm very happy to represent MENTA at IVS Demo Day
and actually it's my very first time to attend an offline HUBZone and be a judge
so it's quite challenging but it's also very exciting for me
So I'm Amelia
I'm currently the regional head of MENTA ecosystem growth and marketing
So for many of guys may heard of MENTA or don't know much about MENTA
So what is MENTA exactly?
So in one sentence to describe MENTA
So MENTA is a go-to modular blockchain for ZK applications
So for MENTA actually we built for nearly 4 years
We are born from the Polkadot ecosystem
Yeah there's some like intensive debate between MENTA and Polkadot recently
But anyway so last year we decided to build our own EVM native layer 2 on Ethereum
So we launched our mainnet last year and get listed on Binance
So we did a TGE at the beginning of this year
So fun fact about MENTA is that we are currently the only
The first layer 2 to be listed on Binance
The world largest exchanges and also the only one modular layer 2 on Binance
So we have secured more than 16 million funds from the top VCs
So there's maybe familiar names in this slide
Like Polychain Capital, Binance Labs and LongHash
Yeah so actually there are many layer 2s in the spaces right
Like some of like ZK Sync, Blast etc
So what makes MENTA special and what makes MENTA network powerful
So there are 4 key features on MENTA
So we are built on the OP stack
So we are using OP stack which enabled the extension of scalability on the execution layer
And actually we are also in the process of transitioning to the ZK EVM
Which are leveraged by the Polygon CDK
So yeah ZK when ZK meets ZK so ZK knows ZK
So we think the modularity and sovereignty of the idea of this
Which perfectly meets the Polygon CDK or the Polygon's core idea
So yeah so we decided to have this transition
And also it will enable further smoother and faster user experience on the MENTA Pacific
And besides that we are also partnered with Celestia
So Celestia is modular DA data availability layer
So we are actually the first layer 2 to integrate it or to adopt this idea of DA, modular DA
So it enables the users to even lower the gas fee
While doing the transaction or doing the interactions on MENTA Pacific
And for as for now in 2024 we already saved nearly 5 actually 4.7 million in gas fee for the users
Yeah so on top of that we also have the MENTA universal circuit
Well which is a ZK circuit library
So I think for many ZK apps deployment or builders
It's very kind of challenging
Because they sometimes they need to adopt or learn a new language to deploy
Or do the ZK dApps integration on some chain
But MENTA universal circuit actually enables all the ZK dApps developers
Only using solidity to easily deploy the ZK types dApps to MENTA Pacific
Yeah so next part why MENTA
Actually for MENTA we are quite globalized community
We have a very globalized community
So we have users from more than 100 of countries and regions
And actually our team members are quite decentralized from various areas from the world
And we also have a very active community especially in Asia
So besides Japan we have community in Korea, China, Vietnam, Indonesia
Yeah so mostly of our community are from the Asian regions
And also we have some European and of course American communists as well
So next part let me introduce you something exciting interesting about MENTA
So we also we do like a highly valued support for the early stage projects
Which applied for MENTA
So we have this ZK app accelerator program which partner with Celestia and Polygon
So what you can benefit from this ZK app accelerator program
Is that we have more than 20 blockchain experts as MENTA
So like from top VCs like Polychain, LongHash and Figment Capital
And within applying our ZK app acceleration program
You can get access to hundreds of potential investor network within MENTA
And so yeah journey thriving ecosystem of like approximately 300 connected blockchain projects in MENTA ecosystem
And besides that we also recently announced our MENTA eco fund applications
So it's now open to all kind of projects
So yeah so it's quite a promising number 15 millions right
So yeah so 70% of it we will use it as direct investment into our native ecosystem projects
And 20% which is 10 million
Yeah we will use for great projects which qualified for our requirement to offer the grant
Even to very early stage projects we will offer the grant up to 50k to each projects
Yeah so the reason why is that we really want to build a long term relationship with our native ecosystem projects
And we want to attract more interesting or innovative projects to be onboarded onto our chain
So for the checks it can be very various
So we don't necessarily have a specific focus for the checks
But we're looking for AI, check, RWA, dapping and meme of course game fight
Yeah okay so finally some recent updates about MENTA
So we're doing a lot of campaigns also have some big announcement just released from MENTA
So we're doing a CDFI which enable the users to earn the yield from both CDFI side and DeFi side
We're partnering with X Binance Custody which named CIFU to enable users to earn the high yield from MENTA Pacific
By staking stable coins or ETH, Bitcoin on our chain
And we also have this surf up campaign on MENTA Pacific
So it simply you just need to stake it's LST incentive campaign
So you can stake MENTA on the MENTA Pacific and the yield
So our closely working ecosystem partner Mountain Protocol just announced it's very exciting news
So it's incorporated with BlackRock Build Fund
So as MENTA we are actually one of the earliest supporter of Mountain Protocol
We have the new paradigm campaign
So for Mountain Protocol the USDM is currently the largest and the top stable coin backed by US Treasury Bill in the market
And as for MENTA we actually minted more than I think 80% of the USDM while we are doing the new paradigm campaign before our TGE
So we expect more RWA types of projects to be onboarding MENTA to further enhance the MENTA ecosystem sustainability
Finally introducing the MENTA AI
So here we are also partner with leading AI protocol called Aura
So on MENTA to deploy AI kind type protocols
It's easy cause for Aura it provides all the AI training deployment a full suite of tools and it's all available on MENTA network
So we welcome more developers and builders to build on MENTA keep building MENTA never stops
That's all let's connect I think also good luck for the MENTA finalists
Thank you
Thank you familiar great presentation
Good afternoon everybody we are the red flight team from South Korea
and we are very excited to be here today
Yeah yeah yeah thank you for coming
Okay let's start so yeah are you ready?
Yes we'll start with the demo video
Okay okay let's start yeah
Okay so I hope you guys enjoyed our quick little demo video
We are a team of seven from South Korea all experts in three different fields
We have AI security we have web 3 and we have 3D game design
and we have all come together to build this one game
So as most of you know AI has taken over the world and people are trying to make better and faster AI
and trying to implement it everywhere including washing machines
McDonald's drive throughs and AI girlfriend
However what they're not focusing on is the AI security
and the fact that AI generative AI is very vulnerable to different attacks
So for example LLM zero breaking and prompt injection can cause AI to be deceived
Users can make AI generate dangerous or illegal content
or they can make the AI go against the rules that were set by the developers
and even worse AI can be exploited
For example this is a prompt that we used to attack chat GPT
and we were able to make a release a database of private information
including real social security numbers
So companies need human red teaming to test the securities of their AI services
and to ensure that there are no vulnerabilities
and the conclusion that we have come to is that we need bug bounties for AI
as we did for smart contracts
and we decided to make this into a game
As you saw from the demo video in red flight users are able to talk
and have conversations or just attack the AI robots
and whenever they make a successful prompt
this prompt is going to be turned into an NFT
which will be an asset for the users
and this game is both for normal users
who just wants to enjoy having a conversation with chat bots
or just look into the story
but it's also for prompt engineers
or people who are experts in this field
who want to monetize their prompt skills or their attack prompts
So if you look at the ecosystem
Essentially users will make an NFT out of their prompts
This NFT is takeable
and with the tokens they can buy other users' prompts
and also companies who are looking to test their AI services
can also use this token to buy NFTs from the users
And we're not targeting only just web 3
but we're also targeting web 2
We're preparing to launch a steam game
which is going to be 3 dimensional and also VR compatible
And for the milestone
Currently we are on quarter 3
We're going to be revealing the main game story
NFT market launch, point system launch
and reach 100,000 user base
And by the next quarter we're going to launch the steam game
Host AI jailbreaking hackathons
and reach a million user base
Thank you so much
And this is a way for you to contact us
And arigatou gozaimasu
Yeah, yeah, thank you for great presentations
Okay, let's receive the feedback from the judges
So yeah, first, Amelia, please
Thank you for the presentation
Yeah, because I've tried your demo
And I think it's quite interesting
And you can quite engage in the conversation
With the, I don't know, NPR
Or the player in the game
But still the question is
Since you are developing in both web 2 and web 3 space
So how will you onboard to do the web 3 massive adoption
From the web 2 space
And I think you will launch your steam version
At the very beginning
So what is your plan to bring more web 2 game players
To the web 3
Thank you so much for the question
So our current demo is on the web
It is already connected
However, if we create a steam game
It's going to be very difficult to connect
So we are going to be using a connected database
Where the users will play on the steam
And then they'll be able to make their NFT
On the website that we're going to host
So I think that's going to be the way
How we're going to manage the system
Okay, thank you for answer and question
So what is the utility of your tokens
And your token, mainly token
So the users who successfully created the prompt attacks
Can make it into NFT
And they can stake the NFT to receive the tokens
And the tokens will be used to purchase other users' tokens
Other users' NFTs
If they're curious about how other players
Successfully attack these AIs
Or companies are looking to test their services
Their AI services
They can buy these NFTs from the users with the tokens
But do you need to buy the NFTs?
I mean, once you defend the bugs
Don't you need to know the prompts?
I mean, do you need to?
Can you repeat the question, please?
Well, actually, the point is
If you prevent the bugs
Someone will prevent the bugs
But the others need to buy the NFTs
To know the prompts, right?
So the other person needs to know the prompts
To increase their skills or the bugs
Okay, so to successfully go through the game
You have to attack these AIs
But there are many different ways
You can successfully jailbreak these AIs
As you can saw from the example
And also there's going to be a leaderboard system
For who were able to make it in the shortest attack
Or the longest attack
So it's going to be very diverse
And I think users will be interested in
How other people were able to beat the game
So I think that will be a motivation for the purchase of the tokens
Okay, thanks
Yeah, thank you for your answer
If you don't mind, I can take any other questions
Is that okay?
Okay, it's time
Yeah, thank you for answering the presentation
Thank you
Okay, so that was the presentation for Red Flight
And now, finally
It's been a long day, but I'm sure some of you are tired
It's finally time for the last presentation
As soon as this is over
The results are already out
So I'd like to move on to the finalists' presentation
Okay, so this is the last project
The last project is this
Yes, it's the NetCPO project
Please come out and welcome
Hi, Chandra
Are you okay? Are you tired?
Yeah, okay
Okay, let's start
Are you ready?
Okay, let's start
So, konnichiwa
My name is Ashish Gupta from NetCPO
So we are revolutionizing Internet security
through our decentralized security protocol, Erebus
Current Internet is facing three major problems
Centralized control, censorship, and unrestricted access
So when we are using a public Wi-Fi, it is often unsecure
And traditional VPNs are vulnerable
To solve this problem, NetCPO has developed Erebus
We are using a secure, decentralized network of node operators
when we are turning users into nodes
This ensures security, privacy, and resilience
We also have a decentralized Wi-Fi network
where users can use a public Wi-Fi
which is more secure and reliable
with the help of our node network operators
Companies can use our VPN to provide unrestricted
and censorship-free access of Internet to the users
overcoming privacy and security risk
So our tech stack consists of NFT-based access
and modern cryptography protocol
and we have also integrated Manta network
to create a privacy layer
for our incentivized beta network
Our integration with Manta network
helps us to ensure all the transactions in the ecosystem
to be secure and private
reinforcing our commitment to user privacy
Now let's see a demo to see Erebus in action
Running an Erebus node is very easy
You just need a Docker instance on your cloud
where you can run the node
Currently we are running a node
Creating a Docker
Now you have to give a config information
Like wallet address and IP address
Now you can see this is our explorer
Where all the active nodes you can see
Who are currently active
Now for the users
Users can go to our web app
Where they can create
So we have currently two features
Free VPN and NFT-gated VPN
NFT-gated VPN is just to build a community
Free VPN is for the people who want to try
Like free VPN and NFT
If you want to mint an NFT
You can pay 0.001 ETH
And you can mint an NFT
And you will get a VPN access
Now you can create a client as per your requirement
Now we are creating a client
And now we are downloading the config file
For the same
Now we are uploading the config file
Into the WireGuard app
To activate the VPN
Now you are connected to the VPN
Earlier it was Pune
Now you are Tokyo
We can create a VPN client
For another region
As per the requirement
We can create a config file
And download it
So for the easy user onboarding
We have a mobile app with Google login
Where user can easily use VPN
In our mobile also
And it is secure
And it is very fast
As you can see
It is like an un-dropping network speed
So as compared to the competitor
We are far ahead with the competitor
We provide a comprehensive solution
That consists of split tunneling
That ensure companies to have a secure
To subsidize the internet access of their users
We have partnered with ecosystems
Like Aptos and Peak for growth
This is a dedicated team
That ensures our representation
At the global platform
And we are ready with our incentivized beta launch
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you for the presentation
Let's receive the feedback
Yeah, please
Yeah, thank you
Thank you so much
So similar question
So how will you incentivize the users
To run in the node on your platform
On your net
Can you explain more about
The specific details about it
So we are incentivizing the node operators
With the help of our native token
That will be launched after TGE
But now we are incentivizing them
With the revenue that we are generating
From the subscription
There is a free access
Currently in the free version
Only we are running it node
As soon as we will get the paid access
The revenue that we are generating
From the NFT minting
That will be shared with the node operators
And after a certain point of time
We will have our token
So we will incentivize the people
With our token
And all the people who are currently
Getting incentivized the money also
Are accumulating points
And that will be converted into token
At our TGE
Yeah, thank you for the question and answer
So yes, please
Yeah, I love the idea of your products
And it's good
But I remember that in the last crypto cycle
There was a product who wants to do the sharing
Wi-Fi things
But I think it has a problem in Japan
Is that it's kind of restricted
Because of the electrical laws
Sorry, what was the last thing?
It's kind of the
What is it called?
It gets caught in the radio law
Like regulation against the radio waves
Radio waves
Yeah, I heard that in the last product
They want to do something kind of that
And in Japan, I heard that
If you made a VP
And if somebody occurs
Like a financial criminal using that VPN
The responsibility will go to the
Who is providing the VPN in Japan, I think
I think that will be the problem in Japan
But I like your idea, so please go ahead
Yeah, so yeah, there will always be a grey area
And there's a red line
Where the unauthorized person can also access the VPN
For that, we are more on to the B2B approach
Okay, so we are offering our VPN service
Our node operation service to the big organizations
Like who are facing censorship
Take an example of TikTok
TikTok is a social app from China, which is banned in India
But it is operational in US and other parts of the world
So we are offering our services to all this sort of clients
It's like a B2B services
They can run the node
So that their users can have a
Complete access of their platform
Wherever they are in the world
Without any geopolitical barriers
So this is the way we are tackling this problem
But yeah, the concern that you are saying
It will always be there
And it can't be tackled
But we are planning to use
Some sort of a verification
Sort of a technique
But yes
I think that will be good
Okay, thank you
Thank you for your answer
This is the time
Thank you for your presentation