Kuwamaru Radio, an AI-hosted program that provides administrative information about Isezaki City, is now available in machine translation.
1. About the General Consultation Desk for Foreigners.
Isezaki City has set up a General Consultation Desk for Foreigners.
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm.
The desk is located at counter 2 on the first floor of the Isezaki City Hall Main Building.
For more information, please contact Kakusai-ka.
Telephone, 0270-272731.
2. About Sunday Tax Consultations.
Tax consultations are available on Sundays,
January 26th and February 2nd from 9am to 5pm.
The location is Windows 6 on the first floor of the Isezaki City Hall Main Building.
For more information, please call Shinooka on weekdays at 0270-272723.
On Sundays, please call 0270-272724.
About the Friendship City and International Exchange Panel Exhibition.
Photo panels and memorabilia that document exchanges with our friendship cities,
Springfield, Missouri, USA, and Maanchen, Anchi Province, China, will be on display.
The exhibition will run from January 24th, Friday, to January 30th, Thursday.
Time, 10am to 7pm.
Venue, Isezaki Gardens Gyosei Center.
For more information, please contact Kakusai-ka at 0270-272731.
4. About on-site Japanese language classes.
We will hold on-site Japanese language classes to learn Japanese and everyday life rules.
The classes will be held in conference rooms owned by companies.
The classes are open to people age 16 and over who live or work in Isezaki City.
To apply, your company or group should call the Isezaki International School Association.
The phone number is 0270-272731.
For more information, please check the Isezaki International School Association website.
5. About rabies vaccinations.
If you have a dog, make sure to have it vaccinated once a year to prevent it from getting sick.
The group vaccinations in Isezaki City have ended, so please get your dog vaccinated at a veterinary clinic.
For more information, please contact Kankai-o Seisakuka.
Telephone 0270-272733.
6. How to put out garbage.
In Isezaki City, there are five rules for putting out garbage.
1. Separate garbage in the designated way.
2. Put out garbage in Isezaki City's designated garbage bags.
3. Put out garbage on the designated day.
4. Put out garbage by 8.30 a.m.
5. Put out garbage in the designated place.
If you don't know how to put out garbage or what day to put it out,
check the garbage collection calendar for your area on the Isezaki City website.
Please follow the rules and put out garbage properly.
7. Fire prevention.
Fires are more likely to occur in the coming season.
There are four habits to prevent fires.
1. Don't smoke while sleeping.
2. Don't leave flammable items around the stove.
3. When using the stove, stay close to the fire.
4. Clean the dust off the electrical outlets and unplug unused plugs.
Prevent fires and protect your precious lives.
For more information, please contact Shobo Hambyabuka at 0270-253311.
Kawamaru Radio, an AI-hosted program that provides administrative information about Isezaki City,
is now available in machine translation.