In this episode, the hosts share their thoughts on a new shoujo manga, discussing its artistic features and character relationships, including themes related to cats. They also examine the symbolic role of Futaba's sweet bean rice cakes and the portrayal of cat ears, delving into approaches to realism in depicting these elements. The episode highlights a new manga's focus on cat ownership, with realistic depictions resonating strongly with cat lovers. The character settings and storyline effectively illuminate the real aspects of having a cat. The hosts explore a new manga project that delves into human-cat interactions and the representation of gender in storytelling. Additionally, they discuss the production process and artistic expression related to the new release from LALA DELUXE, touching upon fan interactions and sales situations. They provide insights into a new Nintama movie, including impressions of its characters and audience reactions. The episode also examines the fear associated with barrel scenes and the various elements through which fear is expressed.
僕が最近読んだ本で、漫画でわかる陶詩みたいな本を読んで、その漫画っぽい絵柄でした。 Boku ga saikin yonda hon de, manga de wakaru toushi mitai na hon wo yonde, sono mangappoi e-gara deshita.
確かに、そんなタイトルがつきそうな。 Tashikani, sonna taitoru ga tsukisou na.
そういう絵柄でした。落ち着いたことなんですけど。 Sou iu e-gara deshita. Ochitsuita koto nan desu kedo.
スピーカー 2
なんか大人やなと思って。素敵でした。 Nanko otona ya na to omotte. Suteki deshita.
でも、このリスナー層が同世代なんで、それくらいのカバーアートのほうが聞いやすいというか、ちょっと聞いてみようかな感が出るかもしれないとは思いました。 Demo, kono risunā-sō ga dou-sedai nan de, sore kurai no kaba-āto no hou ga kiiyasui to iu ka nanka, chotto kiite miyou ka na kan ga deru ka mo shirenai to wa omoimashita.
あのイラストのフェイスラインに寄せようと思います。 Ano irasuto no feisurain ni yoseyou to omoimasu.
目標ね。目標。そっかそっか。 Mokuhyou ne. mokuhyou. sokka sokka.
スピーカー 1
私の中の記憶としては、シーザーああいう感じですよ。まだ。全然まだ。 Watashi no naka no kioku to shite wa, Shīzā ā iu kanji desu yo. Mada. Zenzen mada.
あれを目標にしようと思いました。 Are o mokuhyou ni shiyō to omoimashita.
スピーカー 2
いいですね。偉いですね。私、そんな何も考えたことなかったな。 Ii desu ne. Erai desu ne. Watashi, sonna nani mo kangaeta koto nakatta na.
猫のジングルとか、我が家の猫なんですけど、聞きました? Neko no jinguru toka, wagaya no neko nan desu kedo, kikimashita?
聞きました。あれ、そうなんですか? Kikimashita. Are, sō nan desu ka?
スピーカー 1
ガチネコたちですか? Gachi neko-tachi desu ka?
スピーカー 2
アンズちゃんなんですけど、ニャンって言ってるの。アンズちゃんの声なんですよ。 Anzu-chan nan desu kedo, nyan tte itteru no. Anzu-chan no koe nan desu yo.
スピーカー 1
協力していただいて。 Kyōryoku shite itadaite.
スピーカー 2
撮ってたやつを。 Totteta yatsu o.
スピーカー 1
動画の素材はいっぱいあるんで、どこからでも引っ張ってこれるんで。 Dōga no sozai wa ippai arun de, doko kara demo hippatte korerunde.
スピーカー 2
一番、ほどよくゴロゴロ言いながらニャンって言ってる、ある意味癒し効果のあるやつを選びました。 Ichiban, hodo yoku goro goro iinagara nyan tte itteru, aru imi iyashi kōka no aru yatsu o yarabimashita.
スピーカー 1
良かったです。今回の新連載にも。 Yokatta desu. Konkai no shinren-sai ni mo.
スピーカー 2
めっちゃ猫に寄せさせてもらいました。カバーアートもやたら猫がいるんで。 Meccha neko ni yosesasete moraimashita. Kaba-āto mo yatara neko ga irun de.
スピーカー 1
読みましたよ。 Yomimashita yo.
スピーカー 2
ありがとうございます。じゃあ、ララデラックスに載った新作の感想を言ってもらう回として、やらしてもらっていいですかね、今回は。 Arigatō gozaimasu. Jā, Raradelaxu ni notta shinsaku no kansō o ittemorau kai toshite, yarashite moratte ī desu ka ne, konkai wa.
スピーカー 1
ぜひぜひ。すごい少女漫画でした。 Zehih zehih. Sugoi shōjo manga deshita.
あの、俺、使われてるな、みたいな感じで。 Ano, ore, tsukawareteru na, mitai na kanji de.
スピーカー 1
やっぱり、そうですよね。 Yappari, sō desu yo ne.
なんかもう、この、職に興味がないっていう、しょっぱなから。 Nanka mō, kono, shoku ni kyoumi ga nai tte iu, shoppana kara.
え、これ、ボー氏やん。 E, kore, bōshi yan.
こんな言ってるやん、っていう感じとか。 Konna iuteru yan, tte iu kanji toka.
なんかこの、目線の感じとかも。 Nanka kono, mesen no kanji toka mo.
スピーカー 2
あ、目線?目線の感じ? A, mesen? Mesen no kanji?
スピーカー 1
うん。なんかね、この、そもそもちょっと野良猫っぽいじゃないですか、ボー氏。 Un, nanka ne, kono, somosomo chotto noranekoppoi janai desu ka, bōshi.
スピーカー 2
あ、そうですね。私、最初から言ってますもんね。 At, sō desu ne. Watashi, saisho kara yuttemasu mon ne.
野良猫拾ったみたいな気分が。 Nora neko hirotta mitai na kibun ga.
野良猫拾った。 Nora neko hirotta.
スピーカー 1
またしても、結婚生活を経て、手に入れた新しい感覚が発揮されてるんかなって。 Matashite mo, kekkon seikatsu o hete, te ni ireta atarashii kankaku ga hakkisareterun kana tte.
スピーカー 3
世話を焼いてる感じとか。 Sewa o yaiteru kanji toka.
スピーカー 1
うんうん。猫拾ってきて、やっぱ食べさせな、みたいな。 Un un. Neko hirotte kite, yappa tabesasena, mitai na.
ちゃんとした、もう食べさせな、みたいな感じがね。 Chanto shita, mō tabesasena, mitai na kanji ga ne.
お菓子屋さんの息子さんじゃないですか。 Okashiyasan no musuko-san janai desu ka.
ヒーローの橘くんが。 Hīrō no tachibana-kun ga.
スピーカー 1
この看板商品は双葉の豆餅をイメージしてるのかなって思ったんです。 Kono kanban shōhin wa futaba no mamemochi o imēji shiteru no ka na tte omotta desu.
スピーカー 2
なんかね、その辺は、そうそう。 Kekkyoku, sono katachi no wagashi ga ichiban shishōnai na tte omotta desu yo.
だから、なんか、双葉の豆餅を入れようって思ったわけじゃなくて。 Dakara, nanka, futaba no mamemochi o ireyō tte omotta wake janakute.
見栄え?絵としての見栄えとして、わかりやすい。 Mibae? E toshite no mibae toshite, wakariyasui.
豆餅やろうなって、和菓子やろうなって、絵に描いてわかる感じとか。 Mamemochi yarōna tte, wagashi yarōna tte, e ni kaite wakaru kanji toka.
あとなんかこう、それが看板商品になり得るかどうかみたいなのを含めて考えた時に一番良かったです。 Ato nanka kō, sore ga kanban shōhin ni narieru ka dōka mitai na no o fukumete kangaeta toki ni ichiban yokatta desu.
スピーカー 1
そうなんですよ。だからあんまり、その、ふたまの豆餅描いたろうって思って描いたわけではないです。 Sō nandesu yo. Dakara anmari, sono, futaba no mamemochi kaitarō tte omotte kaita waketa wa nai desu.
猫耳男子っていうのは、あるんですか?そういうものが、そもそも。 Nekomimi-danshi tte iu no wa, arun desu ka? sō iu mono ga, sōmo sōmo.
スピーカー 2
えっと、なんでしょう、界隈での人気のジャンルとしてっていうことですかね。 Etto, nandesho, kaiwai de no ninki no janru toshite tte iu koto desu ka ne.
そうですね。だいぶグラデーションがあるというか、広いんですけど。 Sō desu ne. Daibu gradēshon ga aru to iu ka, hiroi ndesu kedo.
獣耳って言われる。獣の耳で獣耳の、人間と獣耳の間みたいなやつは、ジャンルとしてはかなり根強くあります。 Kemomimi tte iwareru. Kemono no mimi de kemomimi no juujin. Ningen to kemono no aida mitai na yatsu wa, janru to shite wa kanari nezu yoku arimasu.
スピーカー 1
そうなんよ。あるある。 Sō nan yo. Aru aru.
スピーカー 2
だから、獣と人間の割合、比率をどうするかみたいなのは、すごいいろいろあるんですよ。 Dakara, kemono to ningen no wariai, hiritsu wo dō suru ka mitai na wa, sugoi iroiro aru n desu yo.
だから、完全に顔が獣で、体付きが人間みたいな感じもある。 Dakara, kanzen ni kao ga kemono de, karada tsuki ga ningen mitai na kanji mo aru.
これはかなり人間要素が強い獣耳ですね。 Kore wa kanari ningen yōsō ga tsuyoi kemonomi desu ne.
スピーカー 1
その辺のニーズも網羅してるってことなんですね。 Sono hen no nīzu mo mōrashi teru tte koto nan desu ne.
そうか、そうか。 Sōka, sōka.
結構この耳がちゃんと耳毛が生えてるというか、リアルな耳がいいなと思いました。 Kekkō kono mimi ga chanto mimige ga haeteru to iu ka, riaru na mimi ga ii na to omoimashita.
スピーカー 2
そうか、よかった。 Sōka, yokatta.
どこまで寄せようかっていう差し加減も結構難しいんですよ。 Doko made yoseyō ka tte iu saji kage mo kekko muzukashii n desu yo.
猫もどんだけデフォルメするかとか。 Neko mo don dake deforme suru ka to ka.
私からすると、猫はリアルのフォルムが完成形なので。 Watashi kara suru to, neko wa riaru no formu ga kansei kei nanode.
できるだけ写実的に描きたいところではあるけど、 Dekiru dake shajitsu teki ni kakitai tokoro de wa aru kedo,
ちょっとあんまりにもやなって思って、 chotto anmari ni mo ya na tte omotte,
自分の中で許せるデフォルメをした状態が今の感じです。 jibun no naka de yuruseru deforme o shita jōtai ga ima no kanji desu.
スピーカー 1
でもすごいリアルですよね。 Demo sugoi riaru desu yo ne.
スピーカー 2
リアルかな、リアルかな。 Riaru ka na, riaru ka na.
スピーカー 3
漫画っぽくはなってるけどちゃんと。 Manga ppoku wa natteru kedo chanto.
スピーカー 2
そうそうそう、そうやね。 Neko kara mono to iu ka,
イラストとして人気の猫のイラストってめちゃくちゃいっぱいある中では、 Irasuto to shite ninki no neko no irasuto tte mechakucha ippai aru naka de wa,
かなりリアルよりな気はしますね。 kanari riaru yori na ki wa shimasu ne.
スピーカー 1
橘くんが猫舌になるじゃないですか。 Tachibana kun ga neko jita ni naru ja nai desu ka.
そこよかったです。 Soko yokatta desu.
スピーカー 2
トミーさんの位置を知ってた。 Tommy san no ichi o shitteta.
ああ、そうなんや。 Aa, sō nan ya.
ええ、あれ細かい? E, are komakai?
なんかあるんですね。 Watashi wa ne wakannai desu yo.
でもトミーさんはそれがめっちゃいいって言うんですよ。 Demo Tommy san wa sore ga meccha ī tte iu n desu yo.
スピーカー 1
ここすごいでもよかったな、よかったと思います。 Koko sugoi demo yokatta na, yokatta to omoimasu.
スピーカー 2
何なんですか、それは。 Nan nan desu ka, sore wa.
かわいいってことかな。 Kawaii tte koto ka na.
みたいですね。 Mitai desu ne.
書いてる本人があんま分かってないっていう、そのフェチズムに。 Kaiteru hon'nin ga anma wakatte nai tte iu, sono fechizumu ni.
本当に私、猫史上主義すぎて。 Hontō ni watashi, neko shijō shugi sugite.
猫って別に猫舌っていうのは、熱さに敏感とかそういう話じゃないんですよ、本当は。 Neko tte betsu ni neko jita tte iu no wa, atsusa ni binkan toka sō iu hanashi ja nai n desu yo, hontō wa.
スピーカー 1
そうなんですか。 Sō nan desu ka.
スピーカー 2
猫は熱いものを食べたり飲んだりしないっていうのがもともとあって。 Neko wa atsui mono wo tabetari nondari shinai tte iu no ga motomoto atte.
野生動物なんで、野生の動物って熱いものにそんな触れることないじゃないですか、植物として。 Yasei dōbutsu nande, yasei no dōbutsu tte atsui mono ni sonna fureru koto nai ja nai desu ka, shokumotsu toshite.
食べる習慣がないんですよ。 Taberu shūkan ga nai n desu yo.
スピーカー 1
猫に限らず。 Neko ni kagirazu.
スピーカー 2
猫に限らず、犬もそんな熱いものを好むとかない。 Neko ni kagirazu, inu mo sonna atsui mono wo konomu toka nai.
確かにそうです。 Tashikani sō desu.
スピーカー 1
食べるの出来ない。 Taberu no dekinai.
スピーカー 2
そう、だから別に苦手っていうよりかは食べない、舌をつけないみたいなところがあって。 Sō, dakara betsu ni nigate tte yori ka wa tabenai, shita wo tsukenai mitai na tokoro ga atte.
鼻先で温度とかを感じるから、ふんふんふんふんやって、熱いって思ったら、舐めないんですよ。 Hanasaki de ondo toka wo kanjiru kara, funfunfunfun yatte, atsui tte omottara, namenai n desu yo.
でも、その様子がどうなったのか、ちょっと詳しくは忘れましたけど。 Demo, sono yōsu ga dō natta no ka, chotto kuwashiku wa wasuremashita kedo.
人間が熱いものを食べたり飲んだりした時に、熱いってなるのが猫舌みたいな感じで言われるから。 Ningen ga atsui mono wo tabetari nondari shita toki ni, atsui tte naru no ga neko jita mitai na kanji de iwareru kara.
猫ってそうなるんかな?みたいな、あるかもしれないけど、別にそうじゃないっていう気持ちがあるから。 Neko tte sō narun ka na? mitai na, aru kamo shirenai kedo, betsu ni sō janai tte iu kimochi ga aru kara.
スピーカー 1
すごい厳密な話やけど。 Sugoi genmitsu na hanashi yakedo.
スピーカー 2
だからなんか、としぼなくんが猫舌かなって言ってるけど、それは違うでって思いながら書いてるんですよ。 Dakara nanka, tojibana kun ga neko jita ka na tte itteru kedo, sore wa chigau de tte omoinagara kaiteru n desu yo.
そう野望ですよ。だってそもそも猫になった経由が神様の気まぐれっていう。 Sō yabō desu yo. Datte sōmo sōmo neko ni natta keiyū ga kono kamisama no kimagure tte iu.
スピーカー 2
自分の中でね、あんまりそこフィチズム働いてないから、だからちょっといまいちわかってないって、ただなんか需要があるから。 Jibun no naka de ne, anmari soko fichizumu hataraite nai kara, dakara chotto imaichi wakatte nai tte, tada nanka juyō ga aru kara.
スピーカー 1
なんかちょっと私は良かったですね。ちょっと来ましたね。 Nanka chotto watashi wa yokatta desu ne. Chotto kimashita ne.
スピーカー 2
この裏話言うことによって、ちょっとがっかりされる読者の方すごいいるかもしれないんですけど。 Kono uramanashi iu koto ni yotte, chotto gakkari sareru dokusha no kata sugoi iru kamo shirenai n desu kedo.
スピーカー 3
別にそこまで行きにくいね。 Betsu ni soko made ikini sui ne.
スピーカー 2
ちょっとね、それは橘くんの勘違いです、あれ。 Tachibana kun no kanchigai desu, are.
スピーカー 1
熱いお味噌汁。 O miso shiru.
スピーカー 3
もとからかもしれない。 Motokara kamo shiru.
スピーカー 2
熱いお味噌汁あんまり飲んでこなかったからだと思うよ。 Atsui o miso shiru anmari nonde konakatta kara da to omou yo.
スピーカー 1
私はこの漫画は少女漫画の体を借りた猫の絵の啓蒙が過ぎるなと思う。 Watashi wa kono manga wa shōjo manga no tei wo karita neko no e no keimō ga sugiru na to omou.
スピーカー 3
なんかもう情報をいろいろ挟んでくる。 Nanka mō jōhō o iroiro sashihasan de kuru.
スピーカー 1
猫を飼うってどういうことかみたいな情報がすごいなんか。 Neko o kau tte dōi koto ka mitai na jōhō ga sugoi nanka.
スピーカー 3
なんかもうかなりリアル寄りの情報をすごい挟んでくるな。 Nanka mō kanari riyaru yori no jōhō o sugoi hasan de kuru na.
スピーカー 1
この猫を飼うことをすごい啓蒙してくるなって。 Kono neko o kau koto o sugoi keimō shite kuru na tte.
スピーカー 2
確かにね。 Tashikani ne.
そんなつもりはないけどね。 Sonna tsumori wa nai kedo ne.
結構だから現実の話が結構入ってるんで。 Kekkō dakara genjitsu no hanashi ga kekko haitterun de.
野良猫の生態とか保護活動とか。 Nora neko no seitai toka hōgō katsudō toka.
スピーカー 3
外ある人しか知らんみたいな。 Oto aru hito shika shiran mitai na.
スピーカー 1
保護猫とか。 Hōgō neko toka.
その辺はやっぱさすが。 Sono hen wa yappa sasuga.
スピーカー 3
飼ってない人に向けて、実体はこうなんだよみたいな。 Kattenai hito ni mukete, jittai wa kō nan da yo mitai na.
スピーカー 1
軽い気持ちで飼うなよって。 Karui kimochi de kau na yo tte.
スピーカー 3
でも飼った良さとかも含めて。 Demo katta yosa toka mo fukumete.
猫を飼った人間の感じてることとかも含めて。 Neko o katta ningen no kanjiteru koto toka mo fukumete.
すごい啓蒙してるなっていう感じが。 Sugoi keimō shiteru na tte iu kanji ga.
スピーカー 2
確かにこれ猫を飼ってて、猫好きじゃないと描けない漫画ですよね、絶対。 Tashikani kore neko o kattete, neko suki janai to kakenai manga desu yo ne, zettai.
スピーカー 1
幻想抱いてるとこうはならないですよね。 Gensō oidaiteru to kō wa naranai desu yo ne.
スピーカー 3
猫吸いの描写とかね、すんごいリアル、リアルですもんね。 Neko sui no byōsha toka ne, sungoi riaru, riaru desu mon ne.
スピーカー 2
事実にすごい乗っ取ってるというか。 Jijitsu ni sugoi nottotteru to iu ka.
スピーカー 3
その辺あんまりファンタジーじゃないんですよ。 Sono hen anmari fantaji ja nai n desu yo.
スピーカー 2
ファンタジー、描かれてる内容はすごいファンタジーだけど。 Fantaji, kakareteru naiyō wa sugoi fantaji da kedo.
でもわかってくれる人は結構いると思うんですよね。 Demo wakatte kureru hito wa kekko iru to omōn desu yo ne.
スピーカー 3
猫、元から好きな人も結構楽しめると思うし、 Neko, moto kara suki na hito mo kekko o tanoshimeru to omō shi,
これを読んで、猫を飼うってこういうことなんやって Kore o yonde, neko o kau tte kōikoto nan ya tte
啓蒙されてしまう人もいると思う。 Keimō sarete shimau hito mo iru to omō.
スピーカー 1
そんな効果もあるんや。 Sonna kōka mo arun ya.
スピーカー 3
どっちも猫好きになるかもしれない。 Docchi mo neko suki ni naru kamo shirenai.
スピーカー 1
好きになるかもしれない。 Suki ni naru kamo shirenai.
スピーカー 2
同棲者っていいですよね。 Dōsei mono tte ī desu yo ne.
そういうのは強いんですよね。 Sō iu no wa tsuyoi n desu yo ne.
スピーカー 1
クラスメイトと夜は一緒の家みたいな、いいですよね。 Kurasumēto to yoru wa issho no ie mitai na, ī desu yo ne.
スピーカー 2
そうです、そうです。 Sō desu, sō desu.
だから、そうなんですよ。 Dakara, sō nan desu yo.
結果、こういう作品になったから、私が猫を好きで、 Kekka, kō iu sakuhin ni natta kara, watashi ga neko o suki de,
こういうものを飼いたみたいな感じに、きっと受け取られるはずなんですけど、 Kō iu mono o kaita mitai na kanji ni, kitto uketorareru hazu nan desu kedo,
そもそも、一つ屋根の下物いいよねっていう話が、この猫設定の前からずっとあったんですよ。 Sōmoso mo, hitotsu yane no shita mono ī yo ne tte iu hanashi ga, kono neko settei no mae kara zutto atta n desu yo.
スピーカー 1
だから、こうやって猫になることによって、一つ屋根の下設定も活かせるし、みたいな感じだったんですよ。 Dakara, kō yatte neko ni naru koto ni yotte, hitotsu yane no shita settei mo ikaseru shi, mitai na kanji datta n desu yo.
スピーカー 2
だから全然ね、最初からこれを描きたいからこうなったっていうよりかは、それ以前に美味しい要素をいろいろ詰め込もうとした結果、これが偶然当てはまったみたいな感じだったんですよ。 Dakara zenzen ne, saisho kara kore o kakitai kara kō natta tte iyori ka wa, sore izen ni oishii yōsu o iroiro tsumekomō to shita kekka, kore ga guuzen atehamatta mitai na kanji datta n desu yo.
だからなんか、ヒロインが元気っていうのとかも、一番最初のいろんな設定変える中でもずっと統一してあったことで。 Dakara nanka, hiroin ga genki tte iu no toka mo, ichiban saisho no irona settei kaeru naka demo zutto tōitsu shite atta koto de. だからなんか、ヒロインが元気っていうのとかも、いちばん最初のいろんな設定変える中でもずっと統一してあったことで。 だからなんか、ヒロインが元気っていうのとかも、いちばん最初のいろんな設定変える中でもずっと統一してあったことで。
そうそうそう。食に興味がない橘くん設定とかも、橘くんを食に興味なくさそうって思って作ったわけじゃなくて、リンがめちゃくちゃ一生懸命生を生きてるみたいな設定にしようっていうのがまず最初にあって。 Sōsōsō. Shoku ni kyōmi ga nai tachibana-kun settei toka mo, tachibana-kun o shoku ni kyōmi nakusasō tte omotte tsukutta wake janakute, rin ga mechakucha issho kenmei sei o ikiteru mitai na settei ni shiyō tte iu no ga mazu saisho ni atte.
スピーカー 1
私、これ日常から自分自身言ってるけど、食べることは生きることみたいなのは、ほんまそれじゃないですか。 Hoshi watashi kore nichijō kara jibun jishin yutteru kedo, taberu koto wa ikiru koto mitai na wa honma sore. Honma sore ja nai desu ka.
それをすごい強く言わせるには、橘くん食に興味ないっていう設定になるなって感じだったんですよ。 Sore o sugoi tsuyoku iwaseru ni wa, tachibana-kun shoku ni kyōmi nai tte iu settei ni naru na tte yuu kanji datta n desu yo.
It's not about pulling something out of a hat.
スピーカー 2
It's more like, this is what happens.
スピーカー 3
So in the future, you're going to talk more about homosexuality, right?
スピーカー 1
I'm really looking forward to that.
スピーカー 3
I think episode 2 is good enough.
It's about how you live your life.
スピーカー 2
Yeah, a lot of things.
When we talk about what to do in episode 2, we first think about what we should bring to episode 2.
And then, Boshi has a lot of ideas about what we should do in episode 2.
But they all come out wrong.
They all come out wrong.
スピーカー 2
But it's not episode 2.
Boshi always has a fetish for thinking about what's going to happen next.
Yeah, that's right.
He always comes up with ideas that I didn't think about.
So when I think about 0 to 1, I think,
This is what it means to have a different idea.
スピーカー 1
By the way, what kind of idea did you come up with from Boshi?
スピーカー 3
Well, this is a long story.
Tachibana, if you keep going like this,
You can connect with the cat community.
You can actually talk to cats.
You're a cat.
スピーカー 2
I think you'll be able to talk to cats even when you're a human.
スピーカー 3
When you see a human talking to a cat,
Rin gets excited.
Oh, this person.
スピーカー 1
So cute.
スピーカー 2
When I was asked, I said,
No matter how far you go, the cat will always be the first priority.
Is that okay with you, Tachibana?
スピーカー 1
Oh, I see.
The human Tachibana is not excited at all.
スピーカー 2
If you can only talk to cats,
If you can only talk to cats,
If you can't talk to cats anymore,
I don't think that's what Tachibana means.
A cat is a cat.
Yes, a cat is a cat.
At first, it'll be like a cat.
スピーカー 3
It's like a special ability fetish.
The person who can get along with the cat the most.
You'll be able to talk to cats even when you're a human.
I can see the future.
スピーカー 2
I can see the future.
I see.
I don't know yet.
As I draw, naturally...
スピーカー 3
I don't think you're thinking about that.
スピーカー 2
At the moment,
I thought it was a little different.
スピーカー 1
First of all,
I'm curious about where you sleep.
What do you do when you sleep?
スピーカー 2
That's right.
If you think about it realistically.
スピーカー 1
Do you buy a cat bed?
Or do you sleep together?
スピーカー 3
It'll get bigger.
The cat bed will break.
スピーカー 2
When you wake up.
スピーカー 1
Oh, in the morning.
スピーカー 2
That's right.
I think it's great that you've come up with a lot of settings that interest me.
What do you do?
スピーカー 1
I think it's going to get bigger.
スピーカー 3
Don't your parents say anything?
スピーカー 1
To the house over there.
Oh, to Tachibana-kun's house.
But you know, rich people's houses are big.
I wonder if my son won't notice even if he's out at night.
スピーカー 2
It's like, let's go home every night.
I'm sure that's going to be revealed in the future.
スピーカー 3
I wonder how much you're going to draw it in the manga.
スピーカー 2
It's like, where do you dig and where do you dig deep?
スピーカー 3
I'm afraid I'm going to be an amateur.
スピーカー 2
That's right.
I drew it too realistically.
That's right.
I'm looking forward to it.
I'm glad you thought it was a girl manga.
スピーカー 1
I thought it was a great girl manga.
スピーカー 2
I said I was going to draw a girl manga this time, but...
The first impression of the hat was...
If you switch between a hero and a heroine, you can make a boy manga.
I thought it was a boy manga after all.
スピーカー 3
It was easy to read.
スピーカー 1
It's a girl manga.
スピーカー 2
I think that's why it's easy for both men and women to read.
I think it's a work that makes it easier for me to read.
No matter which one I draw.
スピーカー 1
I think it's going to be very cute.
That's great.
スピーカー 2
I'm going to aim for cute.
The hat is supposed to be...
スピーカー 3
I don't have that sensor, so I don't know.
スピーカー 2
If you go that way, you won't get cute, so don't go that way.
スピーカー 3
I'm going to be a king who can attract cats.
スピーカー 2
I'm going to aim for cute.
I'm going to be a cat prince.
Did you call me a maid?
スピーカー 1
I called you, but I was wondering if you were going to call me until the end.
It's too late.
スピーカー 2
It's halfway through.
7, 8, 8.
I can keep up with what I'm reading.
スピーカー 1
I was wondering if you were going to call me until the end.
スピーカー 2
I wanted to read it to the end.
Thank you.
At the end...
スピーカー 1
It's totally fine.
スピーカー 2
At the end, it's a wedding.
スピーカー 1
I don't think I'm going to call you.
I don't remember.
Of course I called you.
スピーカー 2
On the contrary, it's amazing.
スピーカー 3
The line is flying.
スピーカー 1
The line is flying in a circle.
スピーカー 2
But the two manga are very naturally intertwined.
スピーカー 1
I thought it was amazing.
スピーカー 2
That's right.
It's hard for a maid to think creatively.
スピーカー 1
That's what I said.
There was a line that said,
I thought it would be very uncomfortable.
But I think there was a lot of reaction.
スピーカー 2
I wonder what it's like.
I have a little bit of Instagram.
There were people who sent me their impressions.
There was a person who used to read it.
He sent me a very passionate message.
スピーカー 3
Thank you very much.
It's not just the manga, but the cafe is very popular.
スピーカー 2
That's right.
Collaboration cafe.
スピーカー 1
That's right.
スピーカー 3
That's a big X.
スピーカー 2
It's getting a lot of attention.
There are a lot of people who say they will definitely go.
スピーカー 1
It's the golden week season, isn't it?
スピーカー 2
That's right.
When was it?
スピーカー 3
How many months has it been?
スピーカー 1
April 3rd to May 18th.
スピーカー 2
That's right.
Before the golden week.
スピーカー 1
I'm looking forward to it.
スピーカー 2
It's been exactly a week since the release date.
I don't know the results of the magazine survey yet.
I'm just looking at what people are saying on the Internet.
The person who used to read it told me that the maid was the same as before.
I think that's great.
スピーカー 1
I'm glad to hear that.
スピーカー 2
It's not like I've changed.
I'm glad to hear that.
I feel relieved.
スピーカー 3
It's been about 10 years.
スピーカー 2
It's been 7 years since I wrote an episode when I was a student.
スピーカー 3
Is that so?
スピーカー 2
I wrote one for Mariage when I was a student.
スピーカー 3
スピーカー 2
That's right.
スピーカー 2
It was a story about the maid latte stage.
It's been a while since I wrote a new one.
スピーカー 1
I'm sure the fans will be happy.
It's like the air has been revived.
スピーカー 2
That's right.
I'm glad to hear that.
I didn't hear the voice of sadness at all, so I was relieved.
スピーカー 1
It's a nice cover.
スピーカー 2
Thank you very much.
I'm planning to put out the image data of the line drawing on this cover.
You can paint it as you like.
I saw it.
Of course, I asked the editing department if I could do that.
There were a lot of people who participated.
スピーカー 1
Are you painting digitally?
スピーカー 2
It's mostly digital.
スピーカー 1
I see.
スピーカー 2
Is there an analog version?
スピーカー 3
I was wondering how many people would put it on.
スピーカー 2
The artist, Mr. Noma, finished it in a very analog way.
I thought it was analog, but he said it was digital.
I didn't know at all.
Is it like a colored pencil?
It's like a watercolor and colored pencil.
There's an app called Procreate.
It's not the clip studio I always use, but I painted it with Procreate.
I think everyone uses various tools to paint.
It's like a friend of the Koe-Nikki neighborhood I met at LISTEN.
The designer, Mr. Kiri, who is teaching and commenting,
said that he enjoyed painting for the first time in a long time.
I'm so happy about that.
I'm really happy that my friend is painting for me.
Someone who can do it.
The artist, Mr. Yuki, painted it as fast as he could.
Each work has its own way of painting.
スピーカー 3
Just by painting?
スピーカー 2
The colors are completely different, so it's really interesting.
I thought it was the color of the person next to you.
The person next to me is a person who eats something.
The color of the person himself and the way of painting are clearly separated.
And Mr. Bronco also painted it.
I thought it was Bronco's color.
スピーカー 1
Oh, I see.
スピーカー 2
Jewelry was shining brightly.
It's like the color of the original color.
It's a really flashy color.
It's like Mr. Bronco.
It's really interesting.
There are many people who don't know about it,
and there are people who have never seen it before.
Everyone is good at it.
People from overseas are also good at it.
There are people who did it through Instagram.
スピーカー 3
It doesn't matter if you're good at it or not.
A lot of people are participating.
I feel like they're doing it because they want to do it.
スピーカー 2
Even if you don't usually draw,
I feel like you can do it if you're forced to do it.
スピーカー 1
It's been a while since I've been forced to do it.
スピーカー 3
It's too difficult for me.
I thought I could do it.
I thought everyone was good at it.
スピーカー 2
At first, I thought it was too difficult to draw a hat.
スピーカー 3
I thought everyone was good at it.
スピーカー 2
You can do it.
スピーカー 3
Then I'll be a teacher.
スピーカー 2
I heard you want to draw a mask.
スピーカー 3
I'll draw a pattern on his face.
I'll draw a pattern of a monkey's performance.
スピーカー 2
You're making fun of me.
スピーカー 3
I'm going to quit because I'm going to be stupid.
スピーカー 2
During the time this LALADELUXE has been released,
I've been asking you to paint and share it anytime.
Basically, by the end of March,
If you upload it, I'll react.
That's the plan.
I'm going to try it with analog.
It's easier to do with analog.
But I have an iPad.
スピーカー 1
I don't know how to incorporate it into my iPad.
You're not used to it.
I've been drawing with Crayon lately.
スピーカー 2
That's nice.
I'd like you to paint it for me.
スピーカー 1
I'm still a little bit...
スピーカー 3
I'm still spinning.
It's quite difficult.
But I think it's okay to do it at all.
It's not a sample.
I'd like to paint it with analog.
I'd like you to paint it while looking at the cover.
スピーカー 1
This cover has a great Valentine's feeling.
スピーカー 2
I was ordered to paint it for Valentine's Day.
I'm sure you'll like it.
スピーカー 1
It says,
スピーカー 2
I'm so grateful.
スピーカー 1
It's amazing.
スピーカー 3
It's like the Lord of the Rings.
スピーカー 2
No, it's not.
スピーカー 1
I thought it said,
スピーカー 2
I'm so grateful.
I'm so happy that you made it into a very exciting picture.
The magazine is sold out.
Is that so?
I can't order it online.
I think you can order it at each bookstore.
You can order it from other stores.
I think you can do that.
I don't know how much it will sell on Yodobashi or Amazon.
スピーカー 3
You can order it, but you don't have any stock.
スピーカー 1
That's right.
Is it a clear file effect?
スピーカー 2
I don't know.
スピーカー 1
There are a lot of benefits.
スピーカー 2
That's right.
スピーカー 3
Did you talk about the online benefits?
スピーカー 2
Online benefits?
スピーカー 3
Did you do an animation?
スピーカー 2
It's a reservation.
It was sold out the second time.
That's right.
It was sold out in 3 or 4 hours.
I'll summarize it.
There was a benefit that a limited number of people who made a reservation could get bromide.
Before the announcement of the bromide, it was sold out.
I couldn't make a reservation.
When I heard that there would be bromide, I wanted to make a reservation.
The editing department distributed all the stock of bromide to the bookstore.
I resumed the reservation.
When I resumed the reservation, it was sold out in 3 or 4 hours.
That's great.
I'm grateful for that.
Originally, LALA DELUXE had a small number of items.
I think it was difficult to get it at the bookstore.
スピーカー 3
I didn't have one of Kanaato, Maruzen, and Ion.
Oh, really?
There was a day when there was only one book left.
The next day, it was sold out again.
I don't think I have it in all three places.
スピーカー 2
I've been to a few stores with my friends in Tokyo, but I don't have it at all.
スピーカー 3
I couldn't get it at Kinokuniya.
スピーカー 2
I got it at the bookstore.
I also got it when I went to Yokohama.
I don't think I have it in all three places.
スピーカー 3
I don't think I have it in all three places.
スピーカー 2
Oh, I see.
I'm grateful.
スピーカー 3
There are benefits only for paper books.
スピーカー 2
That's right.
スピーカー 3
If you just read it, you can get it on an e-book.
スピーカー 2
That's right.
I'd be grateful if you could read it on an e-book.
Here's the story.
The other day, you finally went to see Nintama.
スピーカー 3
スピーカー 2
About Nintama's impressions, I read the comments on the way back from the Listen.
In Koenikki, at a program called Fujiwara no Shinchoku,
I am uploading a title called Nintama Newcomer Film Impressions.
You can read more about it there.
Is there anything you want to say?
スピーカー 3
Even if you tell me what it is?
スピーカー 2
Anyway, Shinbei was definitely So-chan, right?
スピーカー 3
スピーカー 2
Yes, I was watching Shinbei while remembering C-san's son for a long time.
スピーカー 3
Well, I felt like I could tell that there was someone I liked.
スピーカー 2
Oh, was it a work? A work called Nin-tama?
スピーカー 3
Well, that movie.
スピーカー 2
スピーカー 3
I haven't seen the whole thing, so I don't know.
スピーカー 2
Yes, yes, yes.
Especially for women?
スピーカー 3
Ah, well, that's one way to look at it.
The audience was mostly women.
スピーカー 2
That's right.
I only did it once a week on weekdays at night.
スピーカー 3
It's been a long time.
スピーカー 2
I went there, and I confirmed that there was another man with a hat.
スピーカー 3
スピーカー 2
They were mostly young women.
スピーカー 3
Yes, young people in their 20s, 10s, and 20s.
スピーカー 2
The girl sitting next to me felt like she was in her teens.
She was a great otaku girl.
スピーカー 3
So there were a lot of people who seemed to be knowledgeable.
スピーカー 2
Yes, that's right.
スピーカー 3
There weren't many people who came even though they hadn't seen it.
I thought, how many times was it?
スピーカー 2
Ah, the movie itself?
スピーカー 3
It wasn't the first time I saw it.
スピーカー 2
At least there were people who thought it was like an anime.
スピーカー 3
Of course, I think so.
スピーカー 2
No, because we saw it.
It was a little special.
I think it was the most special of them all.
I understand why Tomi-san recommended it.
After all, even if you don't understand it, you can enjoy it at all.
Ah, that...
スピーカー 3
The story itself.
スピーカー 2
The story.
You can see it smoothly.
スピーカー 3
I've seen it a little before.
スピーカー 2
スピーカー 3
Was it such a character?
Ah, was it Doi-sensei?
Doi-sensei has only the impression of comedy.
スピーカー 2
Well, there were quite a few scenes like that.
スピーカー 3
I didn't have the impression that he was strong.
スピーカー 2
I wonder how much there was.
In the many years of anime so far.
スピーカー 3
In the first place, I didn't think there was such a thing as who was strong when I saw Nintama.
スピーカー 2
But we really liked Zato-san.
There is a character called Zato.
If you don't know Zato at all.
It's something like this.
Something like this.
I forgot.
There's a character with that name.
If you google it a little easier, it's a cheat character that's said to be the author's secret weapon.
In the sense of being strong.
スピーカー 3
Oh, I see.
スピーカー 2
But at first they said it wasn't like that.
It's a secret weapon, and it's getting more and more like a cheat character.
I thought the character grew up a little and changed.
At first, it may not have been so focused on strength.
スピーカー 3
No, I don't think it's that much in the main story.
スピーカー 2
I wonder if there is.
I think there are a lot of people who are familiar with it.
Yes, if there's anything about Zato-san or Doi-sensei.
Well, I think I can understand Doi-sensei if I ask Rikoron.
I wonder if there was a description of being strong.
That's amazing.
It was strange.
I didn't know how much of this was something unique to the movie.
スピーカー 3
I didn't know if it was drawn in the main story.
It's drawn somewhere in the main story, but I don't know if I've seen it all the time.
I didn't usually feel that way.
スピーカー 2
I think it was really cool where they were fighting.
Doi-sensei's Yare Yare feeling.
スピーカー 3
And the dog didn't come out much.
スピーカー 2
The dog didn't come out at all.
スピーカー 3
It came out at first.
スピーカー 2
Oh, really?
Where was it?
スピーカー 3
No, I mean, it came out a little at first.
スピーカー 2
It's like a scene in between, isn't it?
I don't think so.
It's like when you switch scenes.
I thought it wouldn't come out.
スピーカー 3
But I think it was that kind of character.
スピーカー 2
Oh, really?
I don't really know the name of it.
Hemu Hemu.
Hemu Hemu is right, isn't it?
スピーカー 3
I think it's right.
スピーカー 2
The way he cries is Hemu Hemu.
Is that a ninja?
Is he being bitten?
スピーカー 3
No, I think it's both.
スピーカー 2
It's both.
スピーカー 3
I don't think it's the director's dog.
スピーカー 2
Oh, that's what it's like.
スピーカー 3
I don't think so.
スピーカー 2
I went to see it as if I didn't know anything about it.
But the story itself was simple and easy to understand.
The hat was a scary impression.
スピーカー 3
That's why the reality line is scary.
I only saw it in Shonen Hei.
スピーカー 2
There are a lot of more severe movies I usually watch.
If it's this development, I have the image that these kids will all be killed.
スピーカー 3
It's kind of creepy and scary.
I thought it wouldn't be strange if Shinbei was killed anytime.
スピーカー 2
I contacted Tommy to see it.
At that time, I heard from Tommy that the hat was scary.
It's a barrel scene, isn't it?
It's a big change in the way you look.
It changes.
It changes.
スピーカー 2
Tommy said that the barrel scene was so ridiculous that it was so funny.
In the barrel scene, there's a scene where the first-year kids get into the barrel and roll around to get away from the enemy.
That scene was really scary, wasn't it?
スピーカー 3
I thought they were going to die.
スピーカー 2
It's a hat that makes you feel real.
It's a comedy.
It's like, I can't help it.
Because the 6th graders were beaten up by the teacher and their faces were swollen and stabbed in the back.
The common sense has changed.
スピーカー 3
It's kind of weird to draw with that line.
スピーカー 2
If you go with that line, you'll die in the barrel.
That's right.
スピーカー 3
Your face is swollen and bruised.
スピーカー 2
It's properly injured.
There was a lot of blood.
スピーカー 3
I can't mix it up.
スピーカー 2
That feeling.
In that sense, it was scary.
スピーカー 3
It looks like it's going to spill over there.
The development is in the direction of being killed or dying.
スピーカー 2
The 6th graders are trying to kill each other.
They're killing each other in that scene.
スピーカー 3
I was thinking, wouldn't it be weird to go there?
スピーカー 2
The serious scene was made with a serious feeling.
It was like, which one is the standard tension?
I know that.
スピーカー 3
I'm really scared of the scene under the tree.
スピーカー 2
It's Kirimaru's past reenactment.
You said it was really scary.
スピーカー 3
I've seen a lot of people like that.
I haven't seen it, but I've seen it on video.
スピーカー 2
Including documentaries?
It's a link to the real world.
スピーカー 3
I've seen it in stories.
スピーカー 2
I think it's pretty serious.
スピーカー 3
I'm a little scared of putting in that kind of cut.
スピーカー 2
But there's evidence that that kind of cut leads to the so-called Moe.
I don't know that.
I've learned a lot.
スピーカー 3
I think you should watch Civil War alternately.
スピーカー 2
Don't confuse me.
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I think it's okay.
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It's confusing.
Both are war.
It's the same genre in the context of war.
But I've learned a lot about the relationship between the two.
That's about it.
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Speaking of recent events, that's what happened after the recording.
It's been over 10 minutes this time, too.
It was a lot of work.
Next week, it's going to be like a second part of the recording.