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2024-01-17 06:33

005 Exploring CES 2024 and the Arrival of Vision Pro

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The CES 2024 event showcases new features related to cars, specifically AI in car navigation systems. The rapid progress of AI is evident at CES 2024 as it is finally integrating into cars, enhancing safety and comfort while driving. Cars have become the main focus of recent CES events, with Apple's Vision Pro about to be released. This episode discusses the excitement surrounding the release of Apple Vision Pro in Japan and the potential increase in apps for spatial computing. Various topics related to technology are explored, along with ideas on how to make the best use of Vision Pro technology.

Today is Wednesday, January 17. I hope everyone is doing well.
Around a week ago, CES 2024 event was taking place in the United States.
I'm not sure if it has already concluded or is still ongoing.
New features in car navigation systems
What caught my attention the most was the new features related to cars,
especially incorporation of AI into car navigation systems.
While car navigation systems have had voice recognition features in the past,
the accuracy of voice recognition was quite low, making it not very practical.
However, with the recent advancements in AI,
the accuracy of comparing speech to text has improved significantly.
This has led to a shift towards replacing traditional voice recognition with AI-based solutions.
Furthermore, the accuracy of understanding the meaning of the converted text and providing responses has also improved.
This means that using voice for car navigation control is likely to become more mainstream.
Currently, car navigation systems primarily rely on touchscreen inputs and haptic devices.
But in the future, you may be able to push a button on the steering wheel
and then use voice commands to activate various functions, receive navigation instructions,
play music, and more, making driving safer.
AI is finally making its way into our cars,
and the rapid progress of AI was evident at CES 2024.
It's a great development for safer and more comfortable driving.
Although CES is originally known for showcasing household electronics and consumer electronics,
in recent years, there has been an increase in exhibits related to cars,
The Rise of Cars at CES
while fewer new household electronics have been introduced.
So, it feels like cars have become the stars of recent CES events.
Regarding CES 2024, perhaps my environment in software development related to cars
have biased my perspective but I couldn't help but notice the trends I mentioned earlier.
By the way, Apple's Vision Pro is said to be released in the United States on February 2nd, I believe.
I'm also keeping an eye on this.
The initial price in Japanese yen is close to 500,000 yen,
making it quite expensive but I'm eager to experience the world of Vision Pro and spatial computing.
I'm excited to see what new experiences are possible with spatial computing.
While there has not been an official announcement yet,
but I guess an official announcement yet about when it will be available in Japan.
I'm looking forward to its release.
From a developer's perspective,
I anticipate that there will be influx of apps designed for the Apple Vision Pro
and the world of spatial computing.
Whenever new devices like this emerge,
there's a demand for new applications in the spatial computing space.
At this stage, it seems that Apple has provided Vision Pro to a select group of developers,
and I imagine they are busy working on their apps.
Some might see this as a golden opportunity,
while others are simply excited about the possibilities of working in the world of spatial computing.
Personally, I'm interested in using spatial computing,
Exploring Vision Pro Technology
but I don't plan to delve into app development myself.
Instead, I'm exploring various ideas about how to make the best use of this technology,
how Vision Pro will contribute to a more comfortable lifestyle, and what the future holds.
So, today I discussed topics related to technology.
If you have any thoughts or comments, please feel free to share them.
So, until next time, have a great day, everyone.

