Audio Japan | Discover Japan with you

Audio Japan | Discover Japan with you

Audio Japan 10 Episodes
新井 大貴 | Taiki Arai

This podcast is to discover Japan through data and history. Through this episodes, I aim to make you gain new perspectives and remind of it at a moment's notice.The audio is available on Spotify, YouTube, Apple Podcast, etc.

■Audio Japan Japanese ver
9. Selective Surnames: The Background of Japan's Non-Adoption and the Process to Legal Amendment

9. Selective Surnames: The Background of Japan's Non-Adoption and the Process to Legal Amendment

Feb 19, 2024 15:54 新井 大貴 | Taiki Arai

■The flow of discussion February 13th is "Surname Establishment Memorial Day." Chairman Tokura of Keidanren mentioned, "Introducing the selective separate surnames system should be a top priority." What is the selective separate surnames system? Why aren't common-law marriage or aliases enough? Why has the issue been shelved? How is a law amended? Drafting the bill Review of the draft Cabinet approval Submission to and approval by the Diet Proclamation and enforcement From April 1, 2022, the legal age of adulthood was lowered. From April 1, 2024, the prohibition period of 100 days for women to remarry after divorce will be abolished. ■References: "Separate surnames 'a top priority,'" says Keidanren Chairman Tokura, in favor of introduction. "How are laws amended? Explaining the process and timeline for law amendments." "Civil Code Amendment: Lowering the Age of Adulthood." ■Books introduced in the episode: "Selective Separate Surnames: What an IT Executive Thought and Did in His Lawsuit." "[Public 702] High School Textbook for Civics." ■Survey form ■Twitter(現X) ■YouTube ■note

8. Cup Noodles Completed in a Dream?! Ando Momofuku's Innovation from Bankruptcy

8. Cup Noodles Completed in a Dream?! Ando Momofuku's Innovation from Bankruptcy

Feb 13, 2024 15:00 新井 大貴 | Taiki Arai

Flow of Discussion Ando Momofuku, the inventor of instant ramen, lost his parents in childhood and was raised by his grandparents. In his early 20s, he succeeded in the textiles (meriyasu) business. He also succeeded in various other businesses such as manufacturing slide projectors, charcoal, and barracks housing. However, he was suspected of tax evasion by the GHQ and became bankrupt when the bank he chaired failed. Reminded of post-war scenes of people queuing for a bowl of ramen in Osaka, he was inspired by the Japanese love for noodles. He thought, "Without food, there can be no clothing, housing, art, or culture," and decided to start a business in his pre-50s. After a year of early mornings to late nights in his shed, struggling with the balance between preservation and convenience of instant ramen, he witnessed his wife frying tempura. This observation led to the idea of flash-frying noodles, solving the preservation issue while ensuring convenience with the addition of hot water. This method is known as "instant hot water drying." In 1958, "Chicken Ramen" was launched. Despite its high price compared to traditional udon, the novel product quickly became popular due to its quality and convenience. Other factors contributing to its success included the timing with supermarkets establishing a mass distribution system for processed foods, effective television commercials, and a rising demand for convenience among the growing number of dual-income and nuclear families. The package’s mascot, "Hiyoko-chan," was redesigned in 2010, endearing it to consumers of all ages. Viewer Letters and Reference Data "Inbound Marketing 2024 Edition: How Foreigners Decide on Dining Establishments in Japan" ⁠⁠ "Agricultural Cooperative Bank: Survey on Japan's 'Food' from the Perspective of Foreign Visitors" ⁠⁠ Survey Form Profile of Taiki Arai Education designer specializing in online English learning and essay writing strategies. Holds a TOEIC score of 840 and Pre-1st Grade in EIKEN. Enjoys running and weight training. Twitter (currently X) YouTube Note

7. 【Spring Legalization】What's Next for Ride-Sharing?: The Japanese Model of Ride-Sharing and Why Uber Couldn't Enter the Market

7. 【Spring Legalization】What's Next for Ride-Sharing?: The Japanese Model of Ride-Sharing and Why Uber Couldn't Enter the Market

Feb 9, 2024 18:58 新井 大貴 | Taiki Arai

■Flow of the Discussion Ride-sharing will be partially legalized this spring. There are mainly two types of ride-sharing: TNC-type and PHV-type. TNC-type involves a platform managing drivers, with examples of platforms being Uber, Lyft, and Grab. PHV-type is managed by the country, with drivers being regulated directly. In some countries, ride-sharing was introduced in the early 2010s. In Japan, taxi companies will manage ride-sharing drivers. Ride-sharing has been considered equivalent to unlicensed taxis. However, there are increasing instances of "taxi refugees," with people waiting over an hour to catch a taxi. Many taxi drivers are in their 70s. Partial legalization is planned for April, with full legalization expected by June. Factors preventing Uber's entry into Japan include differing values; Japan progresses with reforms while adhering to rules, whereas Silicon Valley sometimes breaks the rules. There was no demand for ride-sharing in Japan at the time. Plus, the principles of Impact, Risk, Governance, and Sense-making were not fulfilled. ■ Survey Form ■ Twitter (currently X) ■ YouTube ■ note ■ Reference Material ・What is Ride-sharing? ・Ride-sharing Legislation and Safety Measures in Other Countries ・The Potential of Ride-sharing, Limited Legalization from April 2024 ・Ride-sharing to be Legalized in April Next Year: The Japanese Model Managed by Taxi Companies ・Number of Uber Users Ride-sharing Driver Recruitment ・Why Did Uber's Ride Service Fail in Japan? ・Digital Agency note

6. "Randoseru as a Premium Product?!: The Situation of Japanese Randoseru and Their Expansion Overseas"

6. "Randoseru as a Premium Product?!: The Situation of Japanese Randoseru and Their Expansion Overseas"

Feb 6, 2024 12:05 新井 大貴 | Taiki Arai

■Flow of the Conversation: - Randoseru (Japanese school backpack) imported from the Netherlands / Originally like a "Furoshiki" cloth bag / Prototype of the modern box-shaped randoseru created when Emperor Taisho entered Gakushuin University, donated by Hirobumi Ito / Nationwide spread around 1955 / The number of pages in textbooks for randoseru has also increased / About double for elementary school students / About 1.5 times for junior high students / Modern elementary school randoseru are colorful / In 2001, Aeon introduced 24 colors / Popular colors for boys are black, navy, and blue / For girls, purple, pink, and light blue are popular / The purchase price of randoseru is rising annually / Increase in education expenses per child / Often purchased by grandparents, not parents / Seiban expanding randoseru overseas / Initially for overseas children / Actually sold for adults in Germany / Randoseru features: "durable and hard to break," "resistant to rain," "available in a variety of colors" ■【Seiban Official】Randoseru Selection Documentary: ■Research Data: - Survey on Randoseru Purchases - Randoseru Market Remains Strong Despite Declining Birthrate - Early Purchasing due to "Randoseru Activities," Rising Average Prices - Current Situation and Issues in Textbook Publishing (Fiscal Year 2023) ■survey form ■X ■YouTube ■note

5. "Is Personality Determined by Birth Region?! : The Relationship Between BIG FIVE and Japan"

5. "Is Personality Determined by Birth Region?! : The Relationship Between BIG FIVE and Japan"

Jan 30, 2024 14:45 新井 大貴 | Taiki Arai

■Flow of the Conversation MBTI / Once popular among teens and twenties on social media / Today's topic is BIG FIVE / BIG FIVE determines personality based on the strength of five factors / Openness / Conscientiousness / Extraversion / Agreeableness / Neuroticism / High Openness in Kyushu, low in Hokuriku and Tohoku regions / Low Conscientiousness in Tohoku region / High Extraversion in metropolitan areas and Okinawa, low in Chugoku region / High Agreeableness in Kyushu and Okinawa / High Neuroticism in Tohoku and Chugoku regions, low in Okinawa / Differences between MBTI and BIG FIVE / MBTI is typological / For example, "You're a wizard" / BIG FIVE is trait-based / For example, "You're a wizard with HP40, MP120" ■Article: ■BIG FIVE Free Diagnosis Test: ■Feedback and Survey Form:

4. The Great Convenience Store Wars of Japan: The History of Convenience Stores and the Features of the Top Three Chains

4. The Great Convenience Store Wars of Japan: The History of Convenience Stores and the Features of the Top Three Chains

Jan 23, 2024 18:42 新井 大貴 | Taiki Arai

■Flow of the Conversation: History of convenience stores / Originated in America / Initially an ice specialty store “Southland Ice Company” / Operated from 7 AM to 11 PM / Later became Seven-Eleven / Expansion to Japan during the high economic growth period of the 1960s / Seven-Eleven in 1974 / FamilyMart in 1973 / Lawson in 1975 / Birth of Ministop, Daily Yamazaki, NewDays, etc. / On the other hand, Circle K Sunkus, Save On, Coco Store, etc. merged with FamilyMart and Lawson / Seven-Eleven with "Dominant Strategy" and "System Construction" / FamilyMart with "FamiPay," "FamiMaru," "Digital Signage" / Lawson with various store formats like "Lawson Store 100," "Natural Lawson," "Seijo Ishii" / Mr. Sakuma also talks about convenience stores. ■Episode where Mr. Sakuma spoke: ■Survey Form

3. Are they "poster runner"? : The thick-soled shoe controversy and the uniform in universities

3. Are they "poster runner"? : The thick-soled shoe controversy and the uniform in universities

Jan 16, 2024 16:49 新井 大貴 | Taiki Arai

■Story. The thick-soled shoe controversy / When did they become popular in Japan / Boston Marathon in 2017 / Suguru Osako finished 3rd / Wearing NIKE thick-soled shoes / The following year Toyo University also started wearing them and achieved good results / Gradually changing from asics and mizuno to NIKE / In 2021, NIKE will have 95% share in Hakone Ekiden NIKE's share will fall below 50% in 2024 / asics and adidas will recover / asics will launch two types of thick-soled shoes in 2021 / Shoe manufacturers are training athletes nowadays / PUMA, NIKE and adidas will invite athletes / What will be the share rate after next year / Uniforms will also have Logos on uniforms / mizuno will be the largest manufacturer in 2024 / may be replaced by a foreign manufacturer in a few years / sponsor's logo on the right chest / the ban will be lifted in 2021 / "Kinuta Dental" will be a hot topic in Hakone in 2024 / has a store in Hachioji, Tokyo / about 250 ads in total / Dr. Kinuta, the director, was featured in "Markezine". / The Hakone Ekiden may be beyond the category of student sports ■Thesis

2. The discussions about Hakone Ekiden race

2. The discussions about Hakone Ekiden race

Jan 11, 2024 14:14 新井 大貴 | Taiki Arai

■ Storyline. Coming-of-age ceremonies / YouTube LIVE in Sabae City / Inspired by Mayor Ishimaru of Aki Takata City / Budget allocation by the government / What is being discussed in the HAKONE EKIDEN / ① Kanto Gakuren Selection (Kanto Student Union Team) / The 100th event was discontinued / The 79th event started / Official rankings were also added for the 83rd to 89th events / The 84th event was ranked 4th / The coach at that time was Susumu Hara / Open participation from the 91st event onwards / Kanto Intercollegiate points were introduced in the process / Takushoku University failed to qualify three times because of this / The team suffered a bitter blow / The Kanto Intercollegiate quota was introduced at the same time as the abolition of Kanto Intercollegiate points / Nihon University was a special participant in the 95th event / The organisation system was in a rigid state. / The 100th edition was actually a national event / 11 non-Kanto universities participated in the qualifying round / Kyoto Sangyo University came 27th / Many university students in Kanto are recommended for sports / The environment is good / Universities outside the Kanto region are getting stronger while training and working part-time / Two runners who can run 15 km are needed for the All-Japan University Ekiden / HAKONE Ekiden. At least 10 runners capable of running 20km for the preliminary round / Director Hara is in favour of this / It will lead to regional development / Perspectives of runners outside the Kanto region / Perspectives of university PR / Perspectives of industrial companies ■Tamesue-san and Tokumoto-san's dialogue

1. Hakone Ekiden : Why did Aoyama Gakuin University win the championship for the seventh time?

1. Hakone Ekiden : Why did Aoyama Gakuin University win the championship for the seventh time?

Jan 7, 2024 18:46 新井 大貴 | Taiki Arai

■Summary ・Greedings ・The outline and history about Hakone Ekiden ・Hakone Ekiden review ・A few words on Aoyama Gakuin's run from the 1st to 10th sections ・Mr.Hara ■Survey Form ■note

LISTEN to movies

LISTEN to movies

LISTEN to movies Listen to the voice of movies. "Movies erase boundaries between nations. Movies have the languages of the world. Movies are for everyone. Movies are for getting to know people. Nothing can tell us so much about humans." (Translated N. Yodogawa's original text) Movies are really good! Isn't it? YouTube note LISTEN Profile Camp@Us Map Member's Site Patreonに無料登録することで毎日の更新情報をいち早くご覧いただけます。 note membership

北海道之聲  Hello, Hokkaido

北海道之聲 Hello, Hokkaido

北海道からこんにちは Hello from Hokkaido 來自北海道的你好 【北海道之聲】(Hokkaido no koe) ※LISTENでこの番組をフォローすると音声をテキストで読むことができます。 ▷投げ専 nagesenでこの番組を応援する ▷Firstoryでこの番組を応援する(サポートする) 北海道のこえ The voice of Hokkaido 北海道的聲音 遙遠的故事 Far Stories 北海道狗,度假出租,旅遊,溫泉,美食,購物,大學,哲學,社會科學,政治 Hokkaido dog, vacation rentals, travel, hot springs, gourmet food, shopping, universities, philosophy, social science, politics ▷YouTube ◎北海道犬 冬一郎 — ▶️ 月刊 はじめるCamp@Us YouTube note LISTEN Profile Camp@Us Map Member's Site Patreonに無料登録することで毎日の更新情報をいち早くご覧いただけます。 note membership Powered by Firstory Hosting

元政治学者の どこ吹く風

元政治学者の どこ吹く風

【元政治学者の どこ吹く風 】 A former political scientist boldly discusses the ins and outs of Japanese politics that academic political scientists cannot talk about, and predicts the future of Japanese politics. 有料エピソードは試し聴き(プレビュー)ができます。 LISTENで購入すると音声とともに文字起こしされたテキストを読むことができます。 YouTube note LISTEN Profile Camp@Us Map Member's Site Patreonに無料登録することで毎日の更新情報をいち早くご覧いただけます。 note membership



AIvism【AI進化時代の音声配信とソーシャルメディア】 Investigate trends in voice input, audio streaming, podcasting, and social media to provide information on the latest developments. 有料エピソードは試し聴き(プレビュー)ができます。 LISTENで購入すると音声とともに文字起こしされたテキストを読むことができます。 YouTube note LISTEN Profile Camp@Us Map Member's Site Patreonに無料登録することで毎日の更新情報をいち早くご覧いただけます。 note membership



before release my words なまの下書きやメモの類です。 舞台裏を見たい方だけ限定公開。 blog下書きのボイスドラフトから毎日のブログつぶやきを作成。 「こえと言葉のブログ」はこちら Until the moment I let go of my words. Things that come to mind in words, whatever comes to my mind. YouTube note LISTEN Profile Camp@Us Map Member's Site Patreonに無料登録することで毎日の更新情報をいち早くご覧いただけます。 note membership



transcribe my words before I let them go note記事になる前の Voice Draft。音声と文字起こしのみ。 全エピソード有料配信。 有料エピソードは試し聴き(プレビュー)ができます。 LISTENで購入すると音声とともに文字起こしされたテキストを読むことができます。 Place to transcribe for TAKAHASHI HAJIME YouTube note LISTEN Profile Camp@Us Map Member's Site Patreonに無料登録することで毎日の更新情報をいち早くご覧いただけます。 note membership