こんにちは、英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcastです。
or should I do a lightweight, slowly,
or I don't know, like 20 times,
or even 10 times if it's tough.
Which is better?
Like if you do it slowly, it hurts a lot too.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right.
So your question is slow or fast?
Yeah, heavyweight or lightweight.
Okay, so he, you know, he's a pro.
Yeah, he's like the pro of the pro.
Yeah, yeah, so he always told me,
told us that you shouldn't use heavyweight.
Lightweight is enough.
And if you can train with lightest weight as possible,
that's the best way.
That's what he told me,
because if you use like heavyweight,
that has a possibility of like an injury.
Oh, okay.
Like broke your muscles sometimes.
So if you can train with less weight as possible,
that's the best way.
So heavyweight or light, I think the answer is light.
But the thing is the form is,
I think the most important.
He's very, very strict of it.
So even if it's like, you know,
let's say you do this, like this,
I would say like,
and then you like somehow manage to push up like five times,
like in a random form and like this,
that doesn't make any,
I don't say, he doesn't say that doesn't make any sense,
but it's not effective.
So if you have, if you want to grow this part,
then you should move your body like this, arm like this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And make sense.
Yeah, so you shouldn't put like a hundred,
just 20 is enough.
And keep the form,
keep the right form is the most important,
is what he always says.
Don't do a hundred because if you do a hundred,
it's too heavy and your form is kind of like,
It's all weird, right?
Broken, yeah.
That I get.
That I know not to do.
Yeah, okay.
But like, what if you can do it,
what if you can do it both with a perfect form?
Like, 50 I can do with the perf form,
20 I can do with the perf form.
Then you should do 50.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Got it.
So because 50, like if you do it five times,
it's, you can feel it already,
but like 20 and slowly you have to do it like 20 times
until, it feels different to me because.
I feel like when I do 20 slow ones,
I can still do 50, 10.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, I see.
It feels like I'm using a different muscle.
Oh, I see.
Yeah, I'm not sure about those.
I see, okay.
But what he always told me is like,
when you, for example, like chest,
when you, so if you,
if you like lay down your body like this
and then you push up your barbell.
That means your chest muscle shrinks
when you push up, right?
And then you pull back,
that means that gonna be.
So when you shrink your muscle,
you need speed.
Like boom, like this.
And then you, when you stretch your muscle,
you need to do it slowly.
Like shoo, like this.
And then push it fast and then slow, slow, back, slow.
Oh, really?
This is what he told me.
Not only the chest.
All muscles.
Yeah, all muscles.
When you shrink it, that speed,
and then stretch it slowly.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Yeah, it's what he always told us.
I'm not sure the reason, but.
Oh, got it.
That's a, yeah, that's a good learning.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I didn't know that.
Yeah, I don't know the reason why.
But he always, he also says that we have like
socking and chicken.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, I get it, yeah.
So I guess that kind of related to those.
I'm not sure, but yeah, yeah, yeah.
You grow the fast muscles and then slower one.
I'm not sure, but.
Got it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
All right, thank you.
Thank you.
Yeah, I get it.
Yeah, but you should train with him.
Yeah, sure.
Yeah, you should.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
He can answer my questions.
And he will be very happy.
You're very happy to teach you.
But he's very, very, so when,
the last time I met him and before the training,
he asked me, so before the training,
he was like this, so before the training,
what kind of body do you want?
And I was like, I mean, I just want to train my body
and just do some exercise.
Yeah, but what kind of body do you want?
What is your goal?
And yeah, but I was like, oh, true.
He has reason.
Like, that's true.
Because if you don't know where to go,
you know, all the trainings will be different.
Right, right.
If you want to like buff as possible
or like want to be like, you know, like thin and.
Like, the thing is, I don't even know
what the choices of the answers are.
Right, right, right.
So I was like, okay, how can I explain?
But he says like, do you have somebody that,
you know, your body, that one's body is very.
Like your model.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, for example, like Cristiano Ronaldo
or like, like rugby player as.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hulk or Tom Holland or you know.
The Rock.
Could be, so.
Right, yeah.
So if I choose The Rock,
then he will teach me in a different way.
Like maybe, like, I don't know, but.
Yeah, right.
So he's very, yeah.
Isn't, is he working as a professional coach
or something right now?
Yeah, he does, he does.
Oh, he does.
As a, like a, you know,
Kojin training.
Like a.
Kojin body, Kojin what?
Personal trainer.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
That's what he does sometimes.
But not like main job.
It's not like he has a website,
people can access it.
I don't think so.
And kind of, right.
Got it.
But he loves it, so.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean, he should.
Yeah, I mean, I can imagine him
just doing a really good job.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
With a personal trainer.
Right, right.
And he's very, very like,
you know, how he is polite.
He's so respectful.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unbelievably respectful guy.
So he explained everything.
How to move my arms.
Why this weight is enough for me.
And why you shouldn't do this.
And what kind of heal.
He, and after the training,
he told me that.
Like, oh, okay, okay.
Oh, okay.
Is that bad for my.
I was like, oh, okay.
Thank you.
You know, how professional he is.
Right, right, right.
That's amazing.
That's amazing.
We should train together.
We should do that.
We should do that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We'll be very happy.
All right.
All right.
Thanks for sitting guys.
Thank you.
Bye bye.