1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃんの新エクササイズ方法
2022-02-11 10:22



Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast. Hello
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Yes, Christ, yeah, all right this program is brought to you by Kimi no Koi wo Todoke yo anchor
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Yeah, and we're very excited to hearing your very first episode. Yeah. All right. Thank you. Okay
So this is from
Don't have a name on it no name. Yeah, but
Ima bocce exercise no Kai o kikimashita. Okay. Masa ni watashi ga kangaite ita koto desu
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, to de ganbarete tanoshisou na yahts. I know
climbing bouldering desu
Okay, okay, maha yatta kotoba nai kara pappuri ase ga kakeru ka douka wa wakaranai desu ka
Zenshin no kinikko tsukaesou de tasei kan ga iraresou to omoi masenka
true true
However, yeah, however, I feel like bouldering rock climbing is just too crowded
Okay, it's just too just the the the a stranger right next to you is climbing and this is a little bit
There's a turn off for me. Yeah, it's just I don't like it. Okay, if it's like a private bouldering place. Yeah
Enjoyable. Okay, but it would probably cost way too much. Yeah, of course to the point where I'm like, nah. Yeah, not anymore
Okay, but you know once he told me that the amount of sweat you you
Amit yeah is not that relevant to how much?
Fat you burn fats you burn. Yeah
kind of
settled in
Running running. Yeah, just running at a very slower pace
For 30 minutes to 40 minutes
It is a little tough. I gotta say yeah, I hate running. Yeah, but I'm doing it. I'm
I'm working it nice. Yeah to burn your fat. Yeah, that's nice
well, just
Let you know that climbing or bouldering
You need one assistant so you can do by yourself like completely okay. Yeah, you somebody else
I'm up high, you know those
Rock climbing yeah, you got a you know when one you hold the guy I got it the safety. Yeah
But if you just climb
That I don't roll. I know well, mm-hmm, then you can do it by yourself
Or just like find some random rock. Yeah, let's find some random wall like out there. Yeah, Tokyo. Yeah, just start climbing
So you don't need any you don't need any help, right? Yeah, no assistant needed. Yeah, like, you know once wall at
Kokyo, yeah
True true. Yeah. Yeah, I could
That's possible. I feel it's completely possible. Just go up to Tokyo. Yeah. Yeah, isn't that where the government is or like the
Imperator is yeah
Yeah, we can do that
Yeah, so you're running right now I am running right now yes, and I've done it so far
It's been two weeks since I started oh and I've done it three or four four times, huh?
Tim or you're running outside Jim. Oh, yeah doing it in the gym. Okay. Yeah
What what name of name is that you're in the gym? Yeah anytime and I'm not gonna say
Which story but I can't say it's anytime
Well, you know, I'm not gonna say where you know, where is that so that you know people can visit you? Oh, okay
Well, I'm running. Yeah, that's a good idea. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, I'm not gonna say that yeah, I'm a child I'm not gonna not gonna publicize that really yeah
Do you want to do you want to publicize your gym with me? No
Well, then I'm probably one but okay, maybe yours so you're okay with me saying where I am. Yeah, but you're not
Oh, no, not me. Don't you think that's kind of unfair? No, I'm not. Okay. Is that an unfair? Yeah, that's I think it's very unfair
Oh, yeah, okay
You have a good good, you know good days by running that makes any
Difference. Yeah, actually I've already
Noticed changes in my body. How is that like in the morning? You know what a muffin top is?
What muffin top muffin top? What is this? Like okay, so imagine a muffin it did the cake. Yeah
Yeah, yeah, and like the top of the muffin like you know how there's like a little
Like paper around. Yeah. Yeah, and on the top of the paper. There's like a little bump. Yeah, right
That that's it right here. That that's the muffin top. So like when you the on top of your pants
Yeah, when your belly is out, yeah
Boom, huh? Right that looks like a muffin
That and then you call that a muffin top. So this is a muffin top right here. Yeah, this is a muffin top, right?
Wow, that's the bottom of the muffin. This is the muffin and it's going out like this. So that's the muffin top
So my muffin top has become more less and less. Okay, so it's it's showing progress
Oh nice. Yes. Yeah, so you you're losing your muffin top. I am losing my muffin top. Oh cool
Which is which is great, which is great. Yeah. Yeah, I didn't know that is called
Yeah, muffin. I recently found that out. Oh, yeah funny
Right muffin top and it's kind of
Kind of related, you know
If you have muffin top with you, then I guess you are
kind of related so
Okay, have you are you doing any exercises?
Yeah going to the gym. I feel like you're you you change your your
Exercising routines just as much as I do. Yeah
Several weeks ago. I remember you were like, I'm no I'm exercising at my home my house
So I'm not going to gym. But like other time you're like, oh
No, I went to go to the gym or like other times like you went to like with Nara-chan. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I go to like this
Some weird pull. No, it's weird, but weird like muscle call
But it's true like one year ago I
You know doing everything at my room. Mm-hmm. Not using all the machines. It's just me using my body. Do you training?
Yeah, or just running outside. Yeah, that was my
Things I changed into you know different style. I recently using the heavy machines. Oh
Pumping up pumping up a little bit. Yeah, and of course I run at the gym. Uh-huh, but um
Now I'm kind of trying to pumping on myself. Wow, like it's a side like one
like half a year before and
Yeah, that's what I am recently doing do a new goal new goal
Are you trying to get bigger? I'm not trying to bigger but
Kind of
Cooler get cooler. Yeah
That's a very yeah sexier, you know, uh-huh. That makes sense like like bigger bigger. I'm not like Dwayne Johnson. Yeah, like that. Yeah
Not those like really muscle guys, but more like mainly like Christiano Ronaldo
Yeah, yeah, those kind of things kind of yeah like
What um Tom Holland, you know the spider-man
Yes, I've never seen his body. He's got a sexy body. Yeah, that's my goal
Tom Holland Tom Holland. Okay. Yeah, you should check that because you saw a spider-man movie recently. Yeah
Is that what inspired you or no? Yeah, the different. Yeah, okay
Kind of have been walking like like running those things are kind of mainly focusing
Losing your fat and burning your fat right? You know, I've seen uh-huh, but I kind of
It's it's kind of done it's okay. Okay. Okay, and now I'm getting bigger got it
Got it. Yeah to make sure that you have that six-pack you make sure you have that bump on your shoulder
Yeah, because because one year ago I was trying to cut everything, you know, I had I hadn't eat much
Okay, I just have been eating nuts
You know those
vegetables and right meals and those things and burning fats and kind of having life just like
Oboe-san, you know, but now I you know now I'm changing eat a lot
And you know do some work out. Ah, game big iron. All right. That's that's the timing
I'm curious of how the the progress is going. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Alright, yeah
Okay, thanks listening guys. Thank you

