1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. NewJeansのダンスって最初かっ..
2023-10-31 17:16




Kevin's English Room Podcastのエピソードで、アメリカ人アーティストのジョン・バティストが紹介され、彼の音楽が日本とアフリカ系アメリカ人の文化を融合させた新しいジャンルとして紹介されています。ダンスの魅力とJY Parkの活動について話し合われています。最初はNew Jeansのダンスがカッコイイと思っていましたが、実際は少し独特で奇妙なステップがあり、それが人々に受け入れられています。また、彼らのダンスは彼らのキャラクターとマッチしていますね。New Jeansのダンスって最初はカッコイイと思っていましたか?

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast. Hello. Hey guys. How are you doing? Wow. Still in the
like a excitement. Oh really? Of what you introduced me. I'm so glad you liked 250. Yeah.
Wow. I mean. I wonder if there's anything else that you might be interested in. That's something,
you know, I've never come across if you don't, if you didn't introduce that guy to me. So. Right.
Very happy. So the fact, what was interesting about 250 for you? So.
Remember we met John Batiste? Yes. He's a American guy. Like African American guy. Has an
like African American culture. Right. Behind him. Right. So he like hip hop and Arab and everything
like that. And also many, you know, that history of, you know. Right. And what he tries to do is
like, you know, hip hop scenarios are huge things now. Yeah. In the world. Right. So for them,
that's like, it's kind of their culture. Right. Right. So they, they perform their culture with
more, like a, like a more, like a ancient, is that? Ancient? Ancient histories mixing it.
Okay. Okay. What he does is something like that. Modern hip hop R&B plus like very classical jazz,
which invented by African Americans or like blue sound or like chant. Okay. And that's what he made
up as a new, like a genre. Okay. And that's very cool from me who was born in Japan. Yeah. Which
have no like cultural behind of those R&B and those histories and everything. But I just thought
R&B and hip hop are soundly very cool. Okay. So, but if I do like R&B and like gospel sound,
sing gospels without any, you know, religious mind, for example, and sing gospels and, you know,
thank God that's like just me doing the, the look side only. It kind of feels empty. Yeah. And
I want to something, I want to make something should be come from me, like a reasonable thing.
Like I was born in Japan, traveled a bit many countries, but mainly in Japan and like Asian
guy who loves R&B sound. So what I do is trying to those R&B sound with my kind of histories and
background and sounds like, you know, we have Omatsuris and Ohayashis and everything like that.
Enka, of course. Right. And, but still kind of struggling how to mix them. It's very fine,
very difficult to mix kind of to me. I see. And end up with like a hip hop R&B songs, but
written in Japanese lyrics. I mean, that's still mix, but I want to something more deeply mixed.
I see. Yeah. And that's something he, he does. Oh, okay. So I was like, wow, that's
how we should mix those two like cultures and sounds into together. And yeah. Wow. Yeah.
So that's why I like excited and like shocked. I see. So you just don't want to mix two cultures
in a way of like just simple. The, the track is R&B and the lyric is Asian. You don't want that.
You want more of a deep mix. Yeah. You want something mixed so well together that you don't
really know what's what. Right. Right. Right. You just feel both sides. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
And you're kind of struggling to get that going. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If I suddenly, you know,
remix the Enka with the trap beat, I actually tried once, but it doesn't like, it's not as good.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah. And also what surprised the most is he also produces
some songs for new genes who are the mainstream performer. So, which I think he also likes
sneak. Yeah. Sneaks in. Sneaks in the essence of those like Koreans or like Asians culture in it.
And then that like went viral in all around the world. And then people listen to that song
and like catch some cultural essence and spices. And that's, that's great. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. That's
nice. I mean, the, the, you, that, the fact that you said that just made new genes a lot more
like desirable. Like it's more like more. Yeah. Yeah. Right. It's wow. I've never looked at new
genes like that. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Well, I mean, I didn't know them this deeply,
like this haven't listened to them this carefully. So yeah. Thank you. All right. Yeah. Wow. Wow.
You said you wanted to know a little bit about JY Park, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If it's,
I feel like most recent JY Park songs are mainly from NMIX. Sorry? NMIX. NMIX. Yeah. Okay. So
that's a group. I think so. Yeah. I think that's a NMIX. Okay. Hold on. NMIX is JYP. I didn't know
he owns the jimusho. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. He, JYP is one of the top three
jimusho, music industry, music company. And yeah. In Korea? Yeah. JYP owns
BTS? No. Oh, no? Twice. Oh, twice. Yes. NiziU? Sort of. Sort of? Yeah. I think so. Yeah.
NiziU. Yeah. NiziU, right? It's the...
Is that a new group? Yeah. It's a new group. Oh, yeah. It's JYP. Yeah. I think out of all the JYP
group, NMIX is like the most recent one. Okay. Okay. And I guess the most popular,
besides Twice. Okay. So I guess that... I think there may be a lot of essence
juiced inside their music. Okay. I never was able to catch whatever it is that you might catch.
But yeah. Yeah. Okay. NMIX. NMIX. N-M-I-X-X. Oh, I thought that's NMIX. N-M-I-X-X. Hold on.
What? N-M-I-X-X. N-M-I-X-X. Yeah. Okay. You know how the podcast with Goto-san, I was like,
the genre changes, and I showed you a song. Yeah. One of the songs were from NMIX. Yeah.
That was their debut song. Okay. NMIX. NMIX. Oh, I see. Yeah. Wow. Okay. I didn't listen to that.
Yeah. True. Many of their early songs, their debut songs, had like the genre changing vibe.
The more recent doesn't as much. Okay. Yeah. Oh, so styles are changing now. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
There's a trend. I see. I see. Wow. The new one is, the latest one is Rollercoaster.
Yeah. Rollercoaster. Yeah. Okay. Right. Yeah. I didn't listen to that song. Yeah.
Wow. Wow. Wow. So all I know about Jay Park is like doing this audition. Yeah, he does.
JY Parkの活動
Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And very kind, gentle guy. Yes, he is. And very good at like producing
young people. Right. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. Right. He still owns a huge music entertainment
company. He releases his own songs. He still is in music videos dancing. Oh. Yeah. He dances to
his own songs. He makes his own choreography. Oh, really? He dances. Wow. And yeah, some people say
it's cringy, but I mean, yeah. You know how JYP, wait, was it you, the one that said when JYP
dances to girls group songs, it's cringy. Was that you or no? Not me. You didn't even know that
he dances, right? Yeah. Oh, he dances with the girls group that he produced. Right. So he produces
the dance, the choreography to the songs, like people like Twice, right? And NMX. And he would,
by himself, he would show them how to dance that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. As in choreography. Right.
Because it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a choreography that's meant for, for, for the,
for the girls group. It's a little bit like feminine. When JYP does it, it's like a little
bit cringy. That's what people say. Like these cute dances. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He would do it.
Like he would do it like to the fullest. Wow. But it was him who made the choreography.
Um, I'm not too confident about that, but yeah, I'm just, but he is a professional at how to dance
so that it would look great. Wow. So yeah. I mean, that's right. Oh, about New Genes. Okay. Okay.
Apart from their sound being really great, their choreography is another factor that's very like
what I say and what I do. Oh, I didn't know that. It's weird, but it's popular. It's weirded,
but popular. Okay. Can you? I can't do it. So for example, they have this, um,
I can't play the sound, but yeah, but that's perfect. Just look at the, look at how they
New Jeansの奇妙なステップ
dance. Just tell me if it's like awkward or not. Okay. Okay. Is that not strange? Okay. Okay.
I don't know. Okay. So about the dancing. Yeah. I have, I have zero, zero knowledge of
no experience at all. So of course. So this is OMG choreography. Okay. So this is the,
this is the course. Okay. Okay. Okay. It's like, yeah, it's not the ones that you usually see.
Yeah. Right. It's so unique. Yeah. And if you take the wrong step, like one wrong step,
it feels like you're out. Right. Exactly. Yeah. But I don't know if we, if we take this
to some professional choreographer, maybe they might be like, Oh, they're mixing this and this.
Yeah. Because that's what I heard from you. That's the experience I got from you. Like,
Oh, I never looked at it that way. Yeah. True. If a professional dancer sees this,
but like, like this, what is this train dance? I think they call it the train dance or something.
Yeah. And there's also like the chicken dance. This is the chicken dance.
Like you get what I'm saying, right? They call it the chicken dance. Yeah. Like the
little chicken, like the little chickens. Yeah.
New Jeansのダンスの人気
Right. Like we're accepting it because it's new jeans.
True. But I guess if it wasn't new jeans. What if I do this? Like if we do this?
On the live. Yeah. Like what are you doing? I'm going to dance with that song.
Chicken dance. What are you doing, man? That's a new choreo produced by JYP. So
can I do this? The train dance and everything. Right. Like it's, it's okay because it's new jeans.
Right. I guess. But once you get to like, once you're used to it, it's very addictive.
Right. Right. Right. People do like a cover of this dance all the time. Yeah.
Yeah. It's, it's catchy. It's catchy. Right. It's catchy. Yeah. I understand that. Yes. Yeah. Wow.
Or super shy. I guess super shy. Isn't that, um, dangerous, but right here, I think this is the
savvy. Okay. Oh yeah. You get what I'm saying, right? It's
you get it, right? But it's because it's new jeans. It's like accepted. Yeah.
True. I think it's matches with the character. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It's just
the young, cute. Yeah. I get it, but it's, it's, it's, but another thing going viral is
but it's, but it's, take a look. Okay. Just give me like a, yeah. Tell me how you feel.
But they're very popular.
These guys do all these different new jeans songs.
Wow. They're very popular. They're recognized by new jeans too.
Yeah. Wow. It's very interesting how, what we think is cool, you know? True. Very interesting.
Very interesting. Do you, yeah. True. Yeah. Do you think it's, it's cool as a dance? You know,
actually, I think it's cool now to this point, like at this point, I think it's cool. I see.
I think it's, I think it's a genius, a genius choreography. Right. You know,
because it's, it's, because it's accepted by so many people. I can't, I can't help but to think
that it's genius. Okay. Genius move, you know, but if I was just, if I was the producer and like,
I had so many list of cohorts. Yeah. I don't know if I have the confidence of going with this.
Right. What about me make this choreo and, you know, Hey boss, I made this choreo.
I would diss on you so much, you know.
And also the producer or like the boss that decided to hire 250 is such a genius, I think,
you know? True. Like I wouldn't, I don't have the balls to go all in. To that guy.
On 250, I would, I don't, I guess I don't, I just don't have the knowledge of
seeing through the value in that person's self. Right. Well, me too, I have zero knowledge about
dancing, dancing. So maybe if somebody very deep into dance sees this choreo and they're like,
one might be, what? This is, this is something, this is something. Eye opening. Yeah. It could
be. Wow. So deep. Yeah. But still today I just felt that's strange movement.
Right. I'm going to ask you this again in like a month. Okay. Yeah. And I don't know.
I feel like you're going to change. That's right. Well, it's a good look.
Right. All right. Thank you guys. Thank you. Bye-bye.

