1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 嘘喜びするの慣れて無さすぎて..
2023-04-29 10:30



Social fatigue from forced socialization
Yeah, like as a party thing. Yes, yes. Yeah, I understand that's what now that is exactly what I do
Yeah, I'm at a cocktail fucking cocktail. Yeah. Yeah, and you forced to like say hi to yes
I know unknown fucking strangers, right? I can't okay that I'm introduced to
Okay, I want to introduce you to somebody and then they come in they fucking like
I'm happy to understand this. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I think this was one of the biggest moment. Uh-huh Oh
Biggest discovery. Yes
Yes, man
Yeah, remember last time I was yes, I'm not gonna say you the place. Yeah, but that would
People are listening, right? I feel like but how much I'm there at a place where we were invited to which I fully enjoyed
Wow, but you know how I have been yeah, you see say yes. Yes. Oh my god, I'm getting tired
Yeah, like oh I've it's been a while since I've done this like oh nice like hi. Nice to meet you interactions
Yeah, right with so many people that I do not know and kind of uninterested in. Yeah. Yeah, right
yeah, and
Throughout like after like like an hour or two. I'm like, okay, so she's on I'm kind of tired
Like yeah, I will go home as soon as I can like as soon as yeah the job is done. Yeah, I'm going home
Okay, okay, so you son so bear with me and season was like, oh, it's a model. It's more not
Yeah, you get that right? Yeah, I get how I'm feeling right finally understand if you've been feeling this for whole time
Yeah, oh, that's fucking talking drains out your fucking. Yeah, right
Like this was one thing. I've never actually understand
For like few years like you've been you guys been repeatedly. Oh, no, that's no we don't want to go that
You know, there's so many times that happens to me to us but
Yeah, I'm rather happy yeah to finally kind of understand you
Forced Happiness and Social Pressure
Wow, I'm happy you discovered it man, that's that's that's a you unlocked a new yes
It's like a new emotion to me new feeling to emotion unlocked
Wow, yeah, that's what happens when you force your happiness. Yeah, when you force you to me too much. Yeah
Yeah, yeah to me somebody new to need forced to be like a polite. Yeah was to be
The vibe up right, right
And it's it's hard to believe that you've never gone through that actually and kind of fun. I had no
Wow, yeah
Really hard like you've never tried off
Yeah, I should and like I've I'm shaking now
the fatigue
I can't believe that you've never had to go through
social encounters
Without having to do this
Why I don't know
Because I think I enjoyed it actually right so because you're the kind of person that would genuinely enjoy
meeting people and
interacting with
Having free talks having a cocktail party. You would you genuinely enjoy that?
Man, I'm
Shaking my shaking
Wow, yeah, it's
So much pressure on me. Yeah. Yeah
Man, I'm very weak to that pressure. Uh-huh
You're probably more weaker than me in talking because I've never experienced right you're you're you're vulnerable first
First I talk pressure talk to me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Your defense walls is very weak
So if that was so that was even a practice, right? Yeah, you try to
It was just a simulation. Oh, yeah
I didn't make me like a happy birthday forced me to yeah, right. Yeah, but if that was a real
Like you got to keep it going yeah like and it comes unexpectedly
Like right. Yeah to you, right, right, right
Then I realized how much I did enjoy
Right those things right? That's a surprise for me too. Like yeah, I thought you were
The Struggle of Faking Emotions
So the whole time I thought you were like half faking it
Yeah, you're like half enjoying it like half like being polite. Yeah looking like you're enjoying it. Yeah, well like I I
Just now realize that you were fooling enjoy. Yeah, I guess it's just a surprise. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean no doubt I
There was like five ten percent of like, oh, I need to be polite
Mm-hmm like need to smile, of course
But yeah, yeah, but I guess
Wow, wow
So energy consuming it is energy consuming. Yeah, you know when you know what helps?
Chocolate is so good when you're when your energy is drained. Well, that's the reason of you taking too much you guys
Well, not really that's not the reason let me it's the real reason I because I love to taste okay, okay, but I
Do enjoy Wow a bar of chocolate when I am down
And and I feel one more thing is after that happened. Mm-hmm. I feel weird
Distance between here
You faked a yeah, cuz you faked an emotion it becomes blurry of like what the real relationship is
And now I'm feeling like this is this conversation
but real like
still like
shaking my mind is shaking and
That's weird, too. Wow
Dude, you did if this really happened in my real life. Mm-hmm. I
Stopped maybe keep distancing you even like
From the next day probably because oh you've connected that negative emotion. Yeah person, right? Yeah like
Which never happened to my life
I mean, I don't think that
You will ever ever have to encounter it again, right because yeah throughout your whole life
Your whole 28 years of life. You've never had to do it
So like I don't think there's gonna be ever right a new situation in your life where yeah, right
You have to fake that again. Yeah
Because you genuinely enjoy the encounters. Yeah
Yeah, right
One of the biggest shock that I've had for
Many years
You don't even know what to say, yeah, you're fucking like
You're lost Wow. You're lost right now lost. Yeah
Fuck up
Bite out. Yeah
You want you want some there's there's food there you want. Yeah, there's like we got is that help we got Reese's
We got kare as you know, okashi. Mm-hmm. We got
Instant coffees
Yeah, we got gummy we got gummies. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. I good. Yeah
I just want to have water in Wow breathing. Yeah. Yeah
So, um, I got you man, yeah you so
Know what coming lost so
Wow, then I should appreciate that. Yeah, I think you should yeah, you should yeah, it's a
Wow powerful characteristic. Yeah, didn't I finally? Yeah. Yeah, I don't find you understand. Yeah how difficult for you to
Okay, I would never do that surprise party to you please don't yeah, I understand that yes
Thank you. All right
Mind closing the episode for me. Yeah. Yeah, of course, please please
No can do it for me. Yeah
You're out. I just want to hear what was that? What?
Thank you for this
Thank you for that. What was that again? Thank you for thank you guys. Okay. Okay. Here you go. Um
Thank you for it. Thank you for
for for listening this podcast
Um, thank you. Bye

