Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast. All right. All right. So, what was that? So, um, yeah, yeah, um,
um, so yes, so to me, like, there are, um, like, uh, so to me, the activity itself
is important. Like, if you really enjoy that activity, then, um, like, that's the answer to me.
So, for example, like, um, so I asked you about the preparations, right? And, um, you said you were
kind of, you did a preparation. Okay. You did your best, but still, like, uh, you, you were not sure
you, you were not sure about, yeah, like, you, is that, was that everything to you? Yeah. Like,
for the program, right? Yeah. Because you were not experienced, yeah, enough, right? So those things,
if you repeatedly do this, those TV shows, then you will kind of get to know, like, uh, the vibe.
Okay. And kind of, it's, it's just like a experience thing to me, you know, because if
you really do that, those TV shows and prepare those same things, and you will kind of understand,
oh, this might be the enough amount of preparation for the shows, maybe movies,
this amount, like that drama, this amount kind of, you will kind of, I guess that's experience
things, no? Okay. That's true. Yeah. So that's something like to me, something could be,
could become better to, to yourself, like to myself too. Um, right. Yeah. Um,
so, so if you really enjoyed the, the activity itself, like being on a camera and talking to the
um, um, people, like teaching some English things or like, um, act or whatever, then I think,
um, the more you experience those things, like the ratio of like enjoy-ness versus like
worry-ness will be like, like a worry-ness will be, you know, get lower and all. Yeah.
So that's, um, one thing I thought, and also, but still, for example, like machi-jikan or like
the amount of aisatsu you need, those things won't be get lower because it's, it's like a,
it's not in the frame. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. Yeah. That's all I saw. Yeah.
Right. I agree. Like if you break that down, right. There are some things that,
yeah, I agree. I agree about the, um, the confidence level of am I ready or not will be
higher as I do more of these jobs. I feel like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I feel that.
I feel that. Doesn't that change your, like after the job experience feelings?
And also you might be able to like manage your machi-jikan time into something positive things,
maybe like you can, you know, maybe do something. I don't know the situation, but
Hmm. Always just fixed. You're right. Um, there was another job I did. Okay. Um,
it's, uh, I did this job about multiple times. Okay. I did it multiple times. Uh,
okay. Right. Yeah. You don't know details. Um, I did it multiple times to a point where
it's enough to get used to it. Okay. Okay. Like, you know, you understand everything, right? Yeah.
I know what's going to happen. I know how long it's going to be. Yeah. I know what they expect
me to do. Okay. Okay. Um, but I just, it didn't. So, okay. So, you know, I think, um, you struck
a good point, I think, because that job I did multiple times. The first time me doing that job,
I felt nervous, like that TV recording. And I didn't know, I did a lot of prep prep preparing.
Yeah. Um, and you know, there were also other like, so I'm okay. First time I can showed,
but the second, third, fourth, fifth, as I did more, like the kinship towards it,
I prepared or not got less and less. Yeah. But what was left was all that much as you can stuff
or like that stuff and all that things that you don't get used to, like things that you don't,
that doesn't get short, that doesn't shorten. That was left more and more. And, um,
so towards the end, it wasn't more of like a kinship. It was more just like a,
like a simple, Oh man, I don't want to do this job. Yeah. It's just, I'm out of what you want
and you don't want. Yeah. It was more closer to like this. Right. So I decided to that point,
I was like, okay, I'm not going to do this anymore. So I quit. Um, yeah. So I guess
from that, you can say that the kinship, the kinship itself is very overcomable
and doing that multiple times will get you to, you know, so did I gain confidence? Did I gain,
like, did I become a bigger person after doing that series? The second example I gave that series
that I decided to quit? Yeah. No, no. I got more experience. Yes. Yeah. Because I did something
that I have never done before. Like, did I become like, did that enrich my experience?
Mm hmm. Like enrich, as in like, did my happiness level go up? Okay. No, it didn't.
Okay. Like I, I wouldn't mind living a life without the experience. Like I didn't really,
I I'll be okay with it. Yeah. But I guess you don't know that, right? I guess you don't know
that from the beginning. True. The fact you can say so. Yeah. Is first through from that experience.
So that's a huge step, I guess. But yeah. Yeah. All right. That doesn't lead you to any place
farther, like maybe, um. It led me to, it led me to knowing that this isn't the industry that I
don't have passion for. Okay. Okay. I guess that's a good thing. Yeah. That's a good thing. Yeah.
It seems you, you stay the same place, but actually. Yeah. That's true. That's stepping
forward. I have stepped forward. Yeah. Yeah. I tasted it. Yeah. I tasted the fruit that I've
never had before. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I discovered that I didn't like it. That's a step up, right?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. Right. So in that way, that's good. That's good. Yeah. I guess
that's true. I guess that's true. Yeah. But like, do you think that's worth it? You know,
I mean, it's definitely worth it. If I, if I find out that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Like,
is it worth it? If I, if there's like a low rate, we never get to know what the percentage of like,
yeah. How much you're going to like the food or not. Like one out of 10, one out of five,
you don't know that. Right. Think about your time total. Right. Yeah. Do you think it's worth it?
Um, I'm not sure. It's a hard question to answer. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I guess this,
I guess this question is the core. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My, my like, right. My thought.
Because we know that at least experience something new is worth. Yeah. It's something we all know.
Right. Right. But right. Yeah.
Yeah. That's a difficult point. Yeah. If that's, if that was like completely the same,
same activity, same flow every single time. Yeah. And you realize you noticed that, oh,
this is not my way at the, for example, like seventh time. Okay. But if you keep continuing
until 20th times, then I guess I would say this amount wasn't that, um, fruitful.
Yeah. Because you already know. Yeah. You already have the answer. Yeah. Yeah. But if,
if, if that takes you to like 20th episodes to noticed that, oh, this is not my way,
then that means that something, um, was necessary for you. So even if took so many times,
yeah. But still like was, yeah. I agree. Yeah. Like, right. Um, then, and also you, you, you
never know until you start a new thing. Right. Right. So it's like, uh, it's, it's just necessary
to stepping forward. Yeah. Right. That's true. Even if it's very inefficient, uh, it's still
necessary. So conclusion of your stance would be that it's necessary to grow as a person.
Yeah. I mean, grow as a person rather like distinguishing your real way. Right. Right.
Yeah. Well, I mean, grow as a person. Yes. Experience. Yeah. Enriching your experience.
It's necessary to enrich your experience. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's, that's the truth. I guess.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, did you find any like essence of like, oh, this is what I love
or like, this is what. Yes, I did. I enjoy. Yeah. I guess. I guess. Yeah. That's also a very good,
good thing though. My sensors got sharper. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Then you can collect all those
yeah. Enjoyable things. And then you can form maybe, you know, what's weird is because I,
I get all that. And that makes sense. Yeah. But like if tomorrow my manager comes in and I'm like,
Hey, Kevin, I have this new job for you. Do you want to take it? And my feelings are like,
like, oh, it's a new field. Oh, I might something, experience something new,
but it feels, I get a gut feeling that there's going to be a lot of like stuff that I won't like.
Wow. That's still unsolved right there. Wow. That is still like a mystery to me. That's still
a difficult decision for me. True. Am I going to, am I going to risk that? Am I going to be
stressful again? Am I going to have another stressful week for me to be able to get a
chance to enrich my experience? Yeah. That's still something like that's a, that's a, that's
a difficult decision for me. Okay. True. So if you kind of know, like notice beforehand,
if that's a good event for you or not, and that's great. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Like if I have enough passion against it, that's an easy go. Yeah. If it's like a, like a, like a,
like a low level passion that you don't know, like the only hope is that you're going to like the
job. Yeah. Right. So. True. That's, that, that's still kind of like. Okay. Which one are we going
to go for kind of. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Right. Right. But I got, you know, talking about this
with you got me sharper with like, what's, what to focus on and everything, like what to look at,
like what, what's the core reason behind this emotion I feel like. And I guess that's a,
I guess that's, I guess that's a, like a one step forward. Yeah. Oh, happy to hear that. Yeah.
Against, you know, dealing with this emotion, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I think it needs to
be like continue. Yeah. Yeah. It needs to go. Right. It needs, um, yeah. Yeah. Furnishing.
Furnishing. Furnishing. Like a, like, what do you call that? When you garden your,
when you water your plants? Furnishing? No. Did you say so? Furnish your garden? Do you say that?
Oh, I don't know. Furniture is like a desk, like a fridge, a couch. There was a word.
Furnish? No. Feeding? No. No. It was like, it was more like taking care of your plants. Word.
Like refurnish?
Refurnish? I don't know. I don't know. Okay. Okay. I'll figure it out someday, but yeah.
But ultimately, yeah. You do. Furnishing. Furnishing. Furnishing it is. Yeah. Yeah.
Right. So yeah. I'll sometimes maybe give an update. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Please. I'll be happy
to. All right. Yes. Yes. Thank you. Thank you for talking about that with me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
All right. I love those episodes. Yeah. Series of episodes. I love that. I love to do that
sometimes, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You do like, I don't know, four, five, I don't know.
A little bit. All right. Right. Yeah. Great. Thanks for listening, guys. Bye-bye.