1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 過去のトラウマがあって行動が..
2023-04-08 09:45


Hope that helped :)

Welcome to Kevin's English Broom Podcast!
Here we go.
I can load my...
Are you loading? Are you trying to load your DMs?
Yeah, but it doesn't work.
That's a huge flick, by the way.
That is a huge flick.
More than half of the movement is outside of your smartphone window.
That's a huge flick.
So I just randomly picked this one.
And I missed it.
Okay, I picked this one.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Asagi Suisen, a friend of yours who always enjoys listening to podcasts and YouTube.
Most of my customers are from overseas, so I need to speak English with them.
Kevin's English Broom is an intelligent language.
It's interesting and fun to talk to them.
I'm having a lot of fun studying it.
Thank you.
I'd like to ask your opinion on this topic.
It's a heavy topic.
Let's go!
Is it like...
That's heavy.
Is it like too heavy to the point where we can't really say it?
Yeah, I mean...
What kind of heavy is it?
It's like about her growing up environment.
I see.
I mean...
Well, basically...
Sorry, excuse me for the Furi-ji-ya sound.
It's actually a bit long for this content, so I just made it brief.
Got it.
Sorry for this.
The topic is "Renai".
That's what it is.
Since she was little, her parents have been living separately,
and she lives with her mother.
She grew up in a very difficult environment.
But she still believes that her parents love her.
But she has a lot of problems with her parents,
and she has a lot of mental problems.
That's how she grew up.
Overcoming Trauma
I'm 27 years old this year.
I've always wanted to get married.
But my parents divorced when I was little, so...
I don't think marriage is a bad thing.
I just want to think that marriage is a happy thing.
But when someone I like looks at me,
I get scared because of my parents.
And I always want to run away.
I have that kind of fear.
And I feel like I'm going to suffer.
But I want to date someone I like, marry them, and be happy.
And my parents...
Isn't it very difficult?
That is very... very deep.
Yeah, it's very deep.
So I'm really like... as she writes...
I want to date someone I like and marry them and be happy.
I want to know how someone who grew up in a very difficult environment can be happy without having to break up.
This is a very important topic,
but I want to give a message that I hope will help others who are suffering and feeling this way.
Basically, that was the question.
For me, overcoming a traumatic experience for me is to actually do them.
Is my take on that.
Overanalyzing it isn't going to do anything.
Yeah, true.
You know how when you analyze something that you're worried about,
you get so caught up in...
You're stuck in this cage of like, "Oh no, something might happen. Oh no, this might happen. Maybe this would happen."
But once you take the action, it's such a game changer if you actually take the action.
There's this whole new factor that you didn't think was going to exist.
What was I thinking back there inside the cage?
If I had taken the action, it would have changed the whole conversation.
I didn't know that this was going to be there.
Taking Action to Overcome Trauma
I didn't know that this was going to happen.
I didn't know that this existed.
I do feel like going for it, taking the action is a huge step forward.
You might make a mistake. You might not succeed.
Of course.
But that's okay. What the hell is life for if you don't fail?
My take is to just take action as much as you can,
without going too far out of your comfort zone.
Don't do anything that's crazy.
From the first step.
Right, from the first step.
Don't go too far out of the comfort zone, but be sure you're taking that step forward.
Taking action.
That's my take when it comes to traumatic experiences.
Great. I think that's great advice.
Great reply.
Me too. I agree with that.
If she wants, as she says,
"I want to marry and live a happy life,"
if that's her dream, then yeah, finally she should go for it.
I completely agree with that.
Because she knows that's what she wants.
The fact that she knows what she wants is already a huge win, I think.
There's something that's stopping her from doing it.
It's just a mental thing that's stopping her from doing it.
But she knows that she wants it.
So it's just a matter of, can you have enough courage to take that action?
Yeah, right.
And also I found that's really important, not starting from the biggest step, as you mentioned.
From the first step should be a very tiny one.
Like just saying, I don't know, but saying hi to a random guy or whatever.
Like a very tiny step.
And then steps should be like that.
Not like marriage.
From the first step.
It should be like very tiny steps.
And so that you can adjust to those, I'd say like a distance feeling or like those relationships and environment.
I get it.
I agree.
But I sometimes really understand and I feel the toughness of her situation and her feeling too.
Yeah, you should start from very tiny steps.
Baby steps.
Yeah, baby steps.
All right.
Hope that helped.
Small steps to overcome trauma
I mean, yeah.
We're still like 28.
We're not married yet.
But yeah, we are in a very far situation, right?
But we hope that helped.
This could be a tiny help.
All right.
Thanks for sitting guys.
Bye bye.
(dog panting)

