1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. キックボクシングレッスン行っ..
2023-04-07 10:26



Jet lag recovery
welcome to Kevin's English Room podcast
hey guys
how's your life? I mean not about your life but like a jetlag things
oh jet lag
so today and yesterday
I had no jet lag
oh today and yesterday okay
yeah but before that it still continued
but you know I noticed that today and yesterday I didn't really have any trouble sleeping
so you're gonna recover fully?
yeah I don't know I don't know
I don't know about tonight or tomorrow it might come back or maybe not
but today and yesterday was good
yeah today and yesterday was good which is a lot longer than what I expected which what like a week or two?
definitely more than a week like a week and a half or something right?
how about you?
I'm fine
oh you're completely adjusted?
yeah like um
it was just one week for me
like jet lag time was like a long week and then I recovered
do you not wake up a little bit earlier than usual like an hour or two earlier?
yeah that's what's happening for me
yeah that's right
so I'm kind of having really good like
like a healthy
yeah very healthy yeah
so even I go to bed like late night like two
I still wake up like six seven
feeling sharp?
it's good
but yeah
I don't know if it's like a
me became healthy guy
or like just because of the jet lag
it's probably the jet lag
aren't you so when you when you sleep at two and then wake up at six or seven
wouldn't that make you sleep early like does that make you sleepy like really fast?
six or seven p.m?
so when do you sleep?
but I don't sleep I don't
so I don't sleep
out early?
so you try to sleep at like what like a 12 or something?
yeah just usual like 12
I see
yeah I think that's good
because if you sleep
then you'll start messing up
like it's gonna get all
yeah yeah but yeah now I'm
I feel good
about jet lags yeah me too me too
yeah okay
yeah that was just my question
Kickboxing lessons
after coming back
I started doing um
kickboxing lessons
oh really?
did I tell you that?
yeah you told me before
sounds very fun
yeah it was um I did my first lesson
wow it was only a trial
okay like I wanted to try out
several different classes
what do you mean classes like a
no no like a different
kyoshitsu so like completely different
yeah teachers and yeah
environment so
I did the first one yeah like three or
Description of the Gym and Concept
four days ago and then I'm gonna do
the second one tomorrow oh great
yeah how was the first
one? first one was good um
um the first one was more like
so you
there's not
it's not like a one on one training
or it's not like um
the teacher will constantly
you know you know
teach you things
it's more like you can use
whatever items there is
in the gym there are in the gym like
sandbags or
I don't know what do you call those
like human shaped
that you can punch
have I had that before?
it's it's it's it
exists like it's like a box
like a small like this kind of ball and you can
uh yeah yeah
that I think they had that too
things like rope yeah yeah jump ropes
and they they had the ring yeah
and um so the gym the whole
concept of the gym was like you can use whatever you want
you can come in and go out
anytime you want yeah and there's gonna be one
teacher that's
half looking at you
and like whenever
he or she notices
like a like an adjustment
like they'll come and like oh you should do this
more like your your angles a little bit
off wow and then so it was
like that it was more like self training
oh like you can rest whenever you
want you can start whenever you want kind of thing
so is it like for
someone like professionals
like they come to the gym and like do
some like professional like training
and then so it wasn't
like that okay that wasn't for professionals
it was definitely for exercising
okay yeah the I felt
Personal Experience and Thoughts
the concept it was definitely for exercising
it was nothing like if you
wanted to like be professionally
good at the sport like that's
not the place to go okay definitely not
so it's like going to the gym and like
do some random like
yeah whatever you want and then
feel good and then right right
which is what I kind of want
I kind of wanted to
I did the kickboxing
for the exercising yeah not
to be good at the sport I didn't want to win
like I just wanted to
I just wanted to beat somebody
I didn't I didn't need to beat
anyone with kickboxing
um but
so what I thought was that I
because you
can rest whenever you want yeah
that was bad for me
I didn't want that like
if I had enough
yeah discipline
to continue
by myself
I would have just yeah
Kickboxing gym experience
ran outside yeah yeah like
like if I had that discipline I would have been
able to just do Cho Kyuri
running and lose weight yeah the reason
why I did kickboxing is because I wanted to put
myself in the environment where I can't stop
like I have to keep moving yeah
and that's how I wanted to lose weight
so that was a little bit
eh for me so
I'm wondering what the next gym is going to be like
see if it's a little bit different
but yeah that was my first
experience wow that sounds very fun
it does it's very um
stress relieving yeah yeah
what do you do in that gym
like do you so you first
you rent the
what do you call those like
the mitts like the gloves yeah
the punching gloves yeah the
real one like that yeah the actual
boxing one boxing gloves
yeah you get that yeah which
which smells like shit by the way
I gotta tell you that was
unbelievable wash your hands 7 times
away oh wow
yeah so I recommend you
getting your own mitts okay
it's so much better but you wear that
and then you find your own
sandbag okay find your own
yeah there's like 10 sandbags
you find whatever
sandbag you want to do okay okay
you just you go in front
and you do the jab
yeah yeah the punch
yeah and then the kicks okay
you just do that you just continue that for like
30 40 minutes okay and that's
that's kind of basically it wow
so you can do whatever you want like
the you know
must be like forms right
right there's all that stuff yeah
but teachers you can do any
anything you can do anything you want
and then if you're doing it wrong
the teacher would come and
like if you want to do that you should
you should bend your knees more like you should
like straighten up your back or something
like that so okay yeah
it's really do whatever
you want to do and if there's
something wrong you'll
you'll you'll be fixed okay okay kind of
a concept right wow yeah
that sounds very fun
Misconceptions about gym environment
but yeah like when
when I heard when I heard
that you were about to
like going to those gyms
my like impression
was like there would be like
the boss right in the gym
in like
hey Kevin like
you know he ordered
you something and like you
have to do it oh
can't stop things and like that was your
image yeah yeah okay like
Exercising and Fitness
no it was very friendly
okay very very um
it's nothing like that okay
and you enjoy that yeah yeah
I did I did that's great
but I do want a little bit more
of the um yeah
like a training training kind of thing
yeah yeah that's true true
right oh that sounds very fun
yeah yeah
well me too um
exercising is kind of lacking me
yeah you know um
just around before we left
um to New York
I actually haven't been
to gym okay and
even in New York we were playing
we were playing I even
brought my own gym keys
me too we
we brought gym keys but
the gym was very far from our place
so couldn't
um you know
we couldn't go yeah yeah
um exercising
is lacking now did you exercise
in house when you were in New York
oh no did you I did
oh you did I did jump jumping jacks
that's better yeah I did pushups
that's what I should have done yeah
that's great
yeah looking
forward to football
next time right we should right
we got that planned yeah so yeah
let's look forward yeah and it's a good
weather so it is it is finally
finally not not very cold yeah
yeah all right right thanks for
listening guys thank you bye bye
[ Silence ]

