1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 第2弾 筋肉痛サバイバル
2022-05-03 08:49

第2弾 筋肉痛サバイバル


welcome to Kevin's English Room podcast hello Wow you're holding a microphone
like that yeah we're switched up we switched up the gadgets a little bit
yeah I'm holding it like this because the pin microphones here true because I
want to you know I don't know I want this pin microphone to be in the line of
my voice yeah yeah so true yeah I we we got rid of the stand right yeah we got
rid of the stand now we're holding their microphones I hope you can I hope this
isn't like bothering you guys okay this is some pretty like hardcore gadget you
yeah holding in our hands looks like a I don't know like I'm like a gun or
something like the ammos here yeah sure all right okay okay whoo all right we
got a topic I'm sure of course your body okay my body
muscle oh yeah right so yesterday yeah it was yesterday yesterday we went on
another soccer soccer game yeah training session you know soccer
training session we just went by the riverside yeah again just just kicked
soccer ball yes and did frisbee and yeah just exercise right um not as bad as
last time sure not as time exactly not as bad as the first time but however
still my ashi no ko okay that's a little bit painful oh because you kicked so like
yeah badly yeah so hard yeah I didn't kick properly and it like struck
somewhere that shouldn't have sure that was a little bit that's a little
painful to go downstairs go down the stairs like I you know the the weight
yeah just kind of sting okay yeah on my foot but um yeah basically okay but not
for muscles but not muscles no I'm not that bad really yeah wow how about you
man I I don't know why but I have you know back my back uh-huh it's can you
yeah yeah and of course legs uh-huh yeah inside legs yeah this night thinking
yeah yeah yeah I don't know why but I have a my shoulder ah or a kidney too
I'm thinking probably because you know I practice doing this like yeah when you
take dance when you kick yeah that's probably why yeah yeah that's why maybe
but you know we're getting like you know body back kind of yeah which is exciting
and you just which is very like I'm happy true so true right like my bodies are
getting healthier and younger and like more stronger and capable yeah we're
getting back on you know original yeah original power yeah yeah old rusty body
yeah you know young healthy healthy energetic yeah exactly soft and you know
stretchy you know body right yeah so happy and um yeah after we played a
little football practiced well we just kicked some balls in yeah and after
return I returned to my house and did certain things and yeah after that I
watch a Premier League football game okay yeah I was amazed what were you
most amazed about how good they are like from like controls or like I mean how
far they kick or like yeah those skills of course but the body they can run they
can stop they can they can jump high you know those athletic ability was so
amazing yeah compared to me right now that was so it was really um amazing
that was a really good game so it was really fun interesting to watch yeah at
the same time I felt a little sadness yeah let's just keep up yeah yeah how
what do you think about stepping up the game to so we're doing it once a month
yeah how about like once every three weeks yeah that's better yeah what do
you think about that oh that's good that's good you want to do that yeah
yeah now I'm gonna do some you know a game a small game yeah me too
they'll be so fun yeah yeah cuz we were just three and just passes mm-hmm
together well that was fun of course but I just want to try some little you know
game thing yeah you think how many people do you think mm-hmm is necessary
for the note for us to write conduct the game hmm oh if you're talking about the
real football game mm-hmm obviously you need 11 at least yeah but there are some
different type it's like futo-saru it's called little smaller right then you
need six I guess okay and it's called society so site yeah that's a little
common in Japan there are so many tournament of that six six or five yeah
what I'm afraid is that you won't when you're in a foot to Saturday you won't
run as much so like you don't get that exercising yeah do what what do you
think about that you run so much even if it's a like a smaller foot to set a
court it's amazing we talk oh yeah so I don't have to worry about not running
like enough no you don't you have to worry about your body oh really yeah
see remember we did a passing in round and live yeah yeah yeah that was a
little bit tough more tough true than what we did true and a little bit
longer mm-hmm it's like 20 minutes or 10 minutes long so that was yeah yeah that
was tough yeah let's do it yeah let's do that I'm gonna do it so you have to get
members you know yeah we got a yeah we got to get more people to join yeah yeah
yeah but at least we if you have four or five we can you don't do some little
um tori kago game mm-hmm by ourselves okay so I mean we could get to five
right well it's three right now yeah we got another challenge on right and then
someone else yeah we could yeah anyone right five yeah all right school getting
better has an football team right we're gonna we're gonna grow to be like a
like a football team enjoying tournaments that'll be fun that'll be fun don't be
really fun yeah yeah let's do it yeah okay oh sure fun okay all right so um our
body's gonna be very healthy yes by next year yes
exciting fit real exciting yeah let's get this on camera let's get our faces
on camera yeah this is our body now okay like our face right yeah fat we have on
our body yeah it's a little fat and yeah you know not slim you know not healthy
enough and next year yeah our body's gonna be like all right okay thanks for
sitting guys thank you

