1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 自分で引っ越しをすると鬼疲れる
2022-10-02 17:45



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
Can you try the PAPL?
Yeah, PAPL thing.
Sure, of course.
So what Yabachan's talking about is that on Amazon Plus.
On Amazon Music, we're doing this exclusive show called
Kevin's English Room Podcast Plus.
And one of the episodes, it's going to be released October 8th.
It's planning to.
Oh, it's not today.
Yeah, but it's okay.
We can do it.
Is that okay?
One of the messages was like, "Kevin-san, why are you saying P-O-P-O?"
It sounds like you're saying P-O-P-O.
Yeah, all the time.
But it's actually, "Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup."
Yeah, that's Y-U-P, Y-U-P, Y-U-P.
And I wanted to know if YouTube's Jido subtitle.
Yeah, yeah.
And I set the language to English, right?
So that YouTube understands that this video is spoken in English, right?
If I say, "Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup," I'm sure that the subtitles are Y-U-P,
Y-U-P, Y-U-P, Y-U-P.
But if I say, "P-O-P-O-P-O," I wonder how YouTube's going to understand it.
Let's try that.
So let's do it.
So turn the subtitles on and see how it does.
Let's go.
Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew,
pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew.
All right.
All right.
That does sound like yup, yup.
Yup, yup.
Yeah, I'm going to do yup, yups.
Okay, okay.
Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup,
yup, yup.
I can see how YouTube understands that.
But it's not your own thing, right?
Everyone does it.
To a certain extent, like not to this length.
Like yup, yup.
Yup, yup, yup.
Yup, yup, yup.
Yeah, a lot of people do that.
Yup, yup, yup.
Yup, yup, yup.
This is a very common thing.
Yup, yup, yup.
Yup, yup.
Yup, yup.
That's pew, pew.
You said pew, pew.
Yup, yup.
If I say like that to, you know, American or like English speaking people, then they would understand "yap, yap", right?
"Yap, yap"?
Okay, well give it to me. Let me see if I can understand it. "Yap, yap"?
No. Why? The P sound came at the beginning. Yeah that made it really confusing.
Okay, I didn't understand where you were going. "Yap, yap, yap, yap, yap"? No, no.
(imitates car beeping)
- The P? - Yeah.
- If you begin with a P, that makes it really--
- Okay.
Then I should start with, "yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop"
- Yeah, try that. - Okay.
"Yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop,
yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop, yop"
- Okay. - "Yop, yop, yop"
- At first, like the first two seconds was nice.
- Okay. - But--
- Okay.
- See, it's not a P.
- Yeah, of course.
- It's not a P. - Y-U-P.
- It's P. - Yeah, yop.
- The difference between the P and the P,
that made it that significantly--
That became more significant as you continued on.
- Okay.
- And it became more and more not like a yop.
- Okay. - Yeah.
- But there's nothing like "pyop, pyop" in English, right?
So the closest one would be "yop, yop, yop, yop", no?
- True. - Yeah?
- True.
- See, it's like when native English speakers
suddenly start speaking like "pyop, pyop, pyop, pyop",
that would be really unnatural,
but people like me saying "My name is Yama,
I like hamburgers" in "pyop, pyop, pyop, pyop, pyop".
- That's true.
I mean, I guess people will understand it as a yop.
- Yeah.
That's true.
I can't deny it.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, that's funny.
- Yeah. - Yeah.
So even like the strongest guy in the United States
can sometimes say like "pyop, pyop, pyop, pyop, pyop".
- "Pyop, pyop, pyop, pyop, pyop", right?
Technically, yes, they can.
They can and they might. - That's really funny.
- Is that funny?
- Yeah, that's really funny.
It's like a "pyop, pyop", it's like a--
- Like a hyoko. - Like a hyoko.
- That's true.
Like a weak and small.
- Yeah, and small and cute.
- That's true.
- Biggest, strongest guys.
- Buffed up guys.
- What's the next front?
And yeah, this is the front of the bank
and you have to set a car in front of that bank, right?
"Pyop, pyop, pyop, pyop, pyop".
That's funny.
- That's true.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. - Yeah.
- Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup.
- Yeah, but--
- This is more natural.
Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup.
That doesn't sound like a pyop, pyop, right?
- Yeah, 'cause P sound is much weaker.
- Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup.
- Yeah, yeah.
- This is more like a "yop, yop, yop".
Like what the--
- Yup, yup, yup, yup.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- We got the DM saying that,
"Why are you saying yop, yop, yop?"
I get that.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- That's still funny.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
All right.
- Wait, let me guess, you're wearing your hat.
- Yeah.
- You're really straight.
Your hair is really straight today.
- Yeah, but, yeah, 'cause it's sunny.
- Yeah.
Not humid.
- Not humid.
- Yeah, that's why.
- That's why. - Yeah.
- Okay, just forgot our message.
- Thank you.
- Wow.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Ah, thank you.
Thank you.
- Wow, that's a great question.
- Yeah.
- I mean, that's a great thing.
- Yup.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Now I can't use it.
Now I can't ever say yup.
Gonna catch me.
- Yeah.
- It is a good thing.
- Yeah, it's an amazing thing.
- Great thing.
- You know, yeah, push hard.
- Yeah, have you ever tried those things?
- Yes.
Oh, no, no, no, I have not, I have not.
I was just too focused on not saying yup.
- Then you start saying yes.
- I've never done marathons.
I am very bad at (speaking in foreign language)
- Yeah, you're doing beautiful.
You love (speaking in foreign language)
Like instant think.
- Yes, I love that.
So much more on my field.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But I remember when we did the DNA test,
you have so many chikens,
they're slower muscles, which means you are really good
at those, you know, (speaking in foreign language)
like (speaking in foreign language) things.
- No, I think that's a false information.
- I definitely don't think.
- Yeah, but you look completely like (speaking in foreign language)
- Exactly.
- Yeah, right?
- Muscle and.
- I'm not chicken.
- Okay.
- That's false, I would say.
- Yeah.
Do you have anything in your mind?
- Last time I really (speaking in foreign language)
- Yeah.
- Was I,
(speaking in foreign language)
on my own.
- Oh, you did your (speaking in foreign language)
by yourself.
- Yeah, not the last (speaking in foreign language)
that was done by a professional.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- But the one before that.
- Okay.
- Did it with a friend.
And took a lot of work, you know?
(speaking in foreign language)
- Yeah.
- The huge truck.
- Yeah.
- Getting all that stuff.
- Yeah.
- And everything.
It's sweaty.
- Yeah.
- And a lot of, yeah, a lot of work.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Tiring work.
- Tough one.
- Yeah.
- Because it's always really tough one.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Sure.
- I remember when we did together.
- Oh yeah, yeah.
- For me.
- Uh-huh.
- Moving from Kyoto.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- That was difficult one, right?
- Difficult one too.
- Yeah.
- And I also remember when you,
where you were in Kanagawa.
- Yeah.
- Gakusei Jidai.
- Yeah.
Like I think I remember,
I remember getting like a fairly smaller car.
- Yeah.
- We didn't get like a truck or anything like that.
It was just like a--
- It was like, bang.
- Yeah.
- Kind of car.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- We barely fit everything in it.
- Yeah, we packed like everything in it.
- Barely got it in.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- True, true.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Remember that.
- Hmm?
- Any, any Ganbatta-na moments?
- Moment, yeah.
- Recently?
- Hmm.
Ah, the live, you know.
- Right.
- We just talk about.
- Yeah, we do dance live.
But of course performances, practices, yes, of course.
But the most Ganbatta thing was ordering all the--
- T-shirt.
- The hand entering address.
- All the G's, your names and sizes.
Yeah, I'm sure there are so many mistakes on it.
- Wait, what happens if there is a mistake?
Does that mean, do they auto-catch the mistakes?
- No.
- Saying that this address doesn't exist?
- No.
- Oh, shit.
So if, so, there might be some customers out there
that might have not gotten that--
- Might be.
- Oh, shit.
- Might be, could be.
Oh, no.
But still, we've got some messages.
- Oh, okay.
- So it's okay.
- Okay, okay, that's good, that's good.
- Everyone makes mistakes, right?
- Everyone makes mistakes, of course.
- Some messages that the size is wrong.
- Oh, shit.
- Or the color is wrong.
It's okay.
- It's okay.
- I mean, it's not okay, but sorry.
But I mean, it's human error.
- Yeah.
- Human error, you can never 100%--
- Sorry, it's my fault.
- Yeah, it's not, it's a passport too.
- Sorry for that, but yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
And then after the live, we did a Hansekai together.
- Okay.
- And like performance, we should do this, like this,
like this.
- Oh, okay.
- It was really nice, live was really good.
Let's do that live next time, yeah.
But let's don't do the merchandise next time.
- Oh, you guys aren't doing the merchandise anymore?
- No.
- Oh, okay.
- That's where we concluded.
Merchandise, no, maybe not.
That's too, too much work.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Okay, I mean, once the base thing's all set, right?
Like the, that was more like a rare case of like the Kojo.
- Right?
- Yeah, true.
Have you ever tried base,
link to like those printing service?
- I've done base, but never done the printing service,
link, never done that.
- Did you link to any service with base?
- Yeah, I've done,
I think I remember linking to like Alibaba or something,
like those one, like supplier sites.
- Okay.
- I think I remember linking.
- Yeah, you're the business guy.
So I have a question about those logistics.
Even I connect base with those printing service,
it's just, no, I thought what connect means
when you order from base,
then all the information just go through all that system,
get into those printing service,
and then printing service just gives back the product to base
and then base automatically sent the product to the customer.
That's what I thought.
- Okay.
- That's what I understand as a connect means.
But actually what connect means is when you,
when customer order through the base,
and then the information just go to that printing service,
and then that's it.
So it's always me who have to actually order
and ship things to the customer.
- Oh.
- Is that correct, do you think?
- Well, usually,
- Should be all automatically done.
- Yeah, it's automatically, it's not even sent to base,
it's directly to the customer from the printing service,
- What do you mean?
- So let's say that someone in Fukuoka orders something
from your base site.
- Yeah, my base site, yeah.
- They click on the t-shirt, chooses red, large,
they click it, that order is sent to,
sent from base to the printing service,
that printing service receives the order,
and then--
- And then ship.
- Yeah, ships it to the Fukuoka customer.
- Yeah. - Right?
- Yeah. - That's the normal.
- Have you ever did that?
- Yeah, Alibaba. - Things?
- Yeah. - Yeah.
- I don't think it's Alibaba, but some similar site.
- Yeah. - That's what I thought.
- Well, yeah, I mean, if it's a different site,
I can imagine that there are exceptions.
- Yeah, but maybe we did it in a wrong way, I guess.
Maybe didn't connect it promptly.
- Maybe. - Maybe.
- Maybe.
- Yeah, so if you know we can make a system really
much better, like that automatic system like that, then--
- Oh, okay, then you guys would do it.
- Yeah, I guess.
But-- - I see.
- Yeah.
- How about like Wix?
Have you checked Wix?
- No. - No.
- Oh.
- In any cases, if the printing service can ship
all the things directly, not through us to the customers,
then it's okay.
- Oh, okay, got it.
So you don't wanna do the shipping, the packing,
and the labeling, and the, yeah, that's a hassle.
- Right. - Yeah, I get it.
- So that's what we didn't want to do by ourselves.
- I'm sure there's dozens of services that do that,
that doesn't send it to you,
but directly to the customer.
I'm sure there's tons of it.
- Yeah. - Yeah.
Or even like, so this time we avoided that way.
- Okay.
- But the thing we had to do was order by ourselves.
- Oh.
- And clicking and just--
- You guys received the whole thing?
You guys repackaged it?
- No, they sent directly to the customers.
- Oh, okay, okay, got it, got it, got it.
- We had to--
- Do the ordering.
- Yeah, ordering. - Right, right, right.
- Steps instead of the older customers.
- That's a, there's something wrong with that.
- Yeah.
- That's needle-demma, right?
Yeah, maybe something's wrong.
- Yeah, true. - Yeah, maybe.
- Yeah. - Yeah.
- Yeah, we gotta ask you some--
- Oh yeah, sure, no problem.
- Perhaps next time, I guess.
- Anytime, anytime.
- You're much professional than we are, so--
- Not that I've done so much, but--
- Yeah, but--
- If I can help you, of course, anytime.
- That'll be fun.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, that'll be fun, that'll be great.
- Yeah.
If we will still make some mistakes, you will be involved.
- Okay, yeah, sure, go ahead.
- Yeah, and type all the addresses together.
- Yeah, right, right, right.
- Yeah, go ahead.
- If I could help you in any way,
I'll be more than happy to help you guys.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Yeah.
So, but yeah, that's the most ganbatta thing to me.
- Which is great, which is because
it's what you wanted to do, right?
It's your passion, and that's great.
- I mean, my passion is creating music,
not creating those merchandise things.
- I mean, but it's leading up to creating music, right?
- Yeah, of course, of course, of course.
- Oh, right.
- Yeah, but that's what we concluded.
We're not T-shirt shop.
- Oh, okay.
It's too much work.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Right, that's true.
- So if you can make it more briefly,
or more simple, then it's always good having those things.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right.
- I'll ask you for help some--
- Oh yeah, sure, anytime.
- For the next time, yeah.
- Of course.
- Yeah, it'll be great, thank you.
All right, thanks for listening, guys.
- Thank you.
- Bye-bye.
All right.
That's a t-

