1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. AIさん服って乾燥機OKなのかな…?
2022-12-04 14:36



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
Hello, hello, hello.
This one.
Okay, this one.
Not that one.
This one.
Maybe not.
Okay, I read this one.
But, um...
Hello, Kevin.
I'm Chihiro.
I have two questions.
I went to the recording the other day.
Thank you.
Both Kevin and I have better style than on YouTube.
We look more handsome.
Well, that's...
That's a very kind thing to say.
Thank you.
Also, have you ever felt that you were different from watching a live show on TV?
Just like this happens to her.
Also, when I listen to your English, I feel that the same word is used in the same way.
How do you use it to go up and down?
I feel that the intonation is the most difficult thing to do in English, so I'd be happy if you could teach me.
Yeah, when you look at, especially TikTok,
it makes your head look bigger.
Because of the... how close you are and the camera height.
Like, usually you take the TikTok eye level, right?
The camera's eye level.
When you come closer, your head is so much closer than your feet.
It makes your head look so much bigger and your feet look shorter.
That's the thing about close-up shooting.
Yeah, it's very...
It looks kind of different.
I don't know about YouTube though.
I never actually felt that on YouTube.
Yeah, but that's happened to you.
Yeah, it happens to everyone.
Oh, really?
It's like the cliche thing that happens.
Yeah, but it's sad, right?
When you face the TV celebrities on the road,
and wow, this guy's way more taller than I thought.
Like, face is really... head's really small.
Huge eyes.
What I thought about...
So, what I felt was like...
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
I'm just basically saying that he has a small head.
Okay. Is that a compliment?
That's a very big compliment.
He has a small face, but his features are very...
It stands out a lot.
Even though he has a very small area of the face.
He has a really short nose.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
He has a really short nose.
I don't know, it was very...
Gyoshiku-shite was a really good way of putting it, I think.
That was surprising.
Yeah, I kind of agree with that.
As I told you before,
I saw Michibata Angelica-san at Futakotamaga Station.
She was the tiny.
She was the skinny.
An inch.
Yeah, like this skinny.
An inch.
And I'm not lying.
I'm not lying.
The thickness of her leg was an inch or two.
Like this.
And that's not a lie, right?
That is not a lie.
That's the truth.
You're not exaggerating anything.
You're just telling the truth, exactly how it was.
That's the truth. I measured it.
That's how it was.
And that you're not lying at all?
Because you never lie, right?
I never lie.
The guy who never lies, that's what you're known for.
And I believe you, man.
They were this skinny.
An inch.
Yeah, I've been thinking,
you do change quite a lot in these five minutes that you've scaled with your hands.
I mean, it's not very stable, I realized.
Were they tall?
They're tall, right?
Look tall.
Oh, okay, so they're not actually that tall?
They looked tall.
They looked tall.
Yeah, because it was a bit far from me.
But you still measured their leg, right?
Yeah, I went to her and asked her,
"Excuse me, can I measure?"
And she said, "Of course, why not."
You measured her with their hands like this.
And she was like this.
Yeah, but, you know.
It was a bit different from me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I couldn't...
But look tall.
Because she was like this skinny.
So obviously, it looked like long.
Right, right.
The normal balance, right?
It would look like that tall.
Yeah, five meters.
Five meters?
And you're not lying?
Yeah, it looked that tall.
It looked like five meters and you're not lying?
Because you're not a liar.
I never lie.
I'm never going to be lying.
You never lie.
And they looked five meters tall.
This skinny.
This skinny and five meters.
That's pretty impressive.
Very impressive.
At least I've never seen anyone who has that proportion.
I've never seen anyone.
I guess it's the same thing.
Right, yeah, yeah.
You take a photo, videos.
That's true.
Through the iPhone and see the big face.
Actually, you're not.
Same thing.
I think it's right.
The cameras and...
The trick.
I agree.
Happens a lot.
And remember...
Meiji-san, right?
She was so skinny.
She was.
I mean, really?
Is that going to get us to that level?
We should eat that.
If we could be like that, yeah.
Yeah, I would do it if...
If Asayubos would actually get us there.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
Big eyes.
I wish I had big eyes.
You know I've been wishing to be Futae
ever since high school?
Yeah, okay.
I told my classmates that I'm going to get surgery.
I'm going to get fucking plastic surgery.
I'm going to make my eyes Futae.
So, Yoroshiku everyone.
I've been saying it ever since.
And I wasn't...
I'm not...
I haven't done it yet.
Can't wait.
Can't wait for the day to get my Futae.
That's great.
And also...
Ai-san. We met Ai-san.
And she was...
skinny, right?
She was very skinny.
I thought she...
You know, through the screen,
through the way she sings,
the way she performs,
I thought she was like...
like huge and strong.
And big.
She wasn't as tall.
I thought she was tall.
I agree.
She was like, you know, way skinnier than I thought.
way more like...
prettier than I thought.
I think she could be in our circle.
I mean this in a good way.
Like you said, we had this image of
Ai-san being like...
looking up and like she's so powerful.
She's like so untouchable.
She was actually very casual.
Yeah. So friendly.
I thought like she was kind of...
nobody can talk to her.
Yeah. Like...
actually no.
Like Beyonce or something.
Yeah. Like diva things.
Very friendly.
I wonder where she get that
The orange, bright orange clothes.
What was she wearing?
The orange bright set ups.
I don't remember that.
I wonder where she get that clothes.
Do you remember...
Is that what she was wearing?
Yeah. The bright orange and orange hair.
You know I was too nervous
to even remember.
Was she wearing an orange hat?
No. The hair.
Oh. Hair. Oh right.
Yeah. I remember that.
Orange clothes?
Oh yeah. I think so.
Maybe I'm wrong.
You've never seen it in Uniqlo
or nothing like that?
No. Maybe in Muji?
No. Shimamura?
Oh. Asian Elm.
Maybe Zara?
Well maybe Zara. Maybe.
Because sometimes Zara's...
Yeah. But...
No. We've never seen that kind of clothes.
Some designer shit.
Some designer's outfit shit.
Yeah. I think.
I wonder if you can tumble dry that.
Like, console key it?
I wonder if it'll shrink.
That's all I'm concerned about.
Oh. Yeah.
You know, when it comes to clothes.
Is it tumble dry or not?
Can you do it or not?
I don't know. We should ask her.
We should ask her.
That's designer made, right?
Yeah. Especially made for us.
Now it's like gambling.
Am I going to put it in or not?
You have a live concert tomorrow.
Should I clean it?
Yeah. Should I?
Tomorrow's live.
Feel the fabric.
Maybe. I think it's okay.
Maybe, yeah.
All right.
So, uh...
I forgot the question.
Oh. What's the question?
Do we have a question that we have to answer?
Oh, true.
So, um...
That was the first question.
And the second one was...
That's such a completely different question, you know?
Such a...
Okay, different lane.
Better and better.
I think it's a matter of like...
Okay, so if it's at the end of the sentence, right?
It's going to be a question if it goes up, right?
Or it's better.
That was a matter of is it a question or not, right?
Other than that, I don't think you'd use that to...
the up-downs, right?
Like, I can't imagine...
Oh, this is the better...
This butter is better.
I shouldn't have used butter.
This milk is better.
This butter is better.
No, let's not use butter.
That's just really confusing.
Oh, this...
You better have...
You better have it with you.
You better have it with you.
You better have it with you.
At this point, I don't even know if I'm answering
the right question or not.
Like, I don't know if she even wants the answer to this question.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But as a sentence...
If it's at the end of the sentence.
Yeah, yeah.
Better? Better.
Well, simply put, it doesn't make that much of a difference, I think.
If you're not talking about, is this a question or not,
I don't think it's going to make that much of a difference.
Better? Better.
Because if you just listen to it better, better,
I don't feel that much of a difference.
It's just emotion, then?
Yeah, yeah.
It's the flow.
It's the preference, I guess.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That was not even a thank you.
That was more like a...
Alright, thanks for listening, guys.
Thank you.

