1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. あなたはチョコを冷凍しますか..
2022-05-26 11:15

あなたはチョコを冷凍しますか? ゲスト:MC TAKAさん

パリパリが良いって? んなワケないだろ!!!!

Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
Can you speak into your mic a little bit? Oh
Fuck that. Yeah, that's good. Okay. I like your work choice by the way. Thanks
All right, it's gonna it's gonna volume up a little bit
There you go. I think that's good
All right, so you had a question for me didn't you yep, do you freeze your chocolate I love that question
Do you I?
Never freeze my chocolates, right? I never free right? Wait, I always freeze my chocolate. I fucking hate you
No, no, why do you do that?
It's so much better trust me like so much worse do you do like sweets I love sweets
I love chocolates. Yeah, I love them
Like do you do you like those like really really sweet stuff or do you like those those like hodo?
Yo, I'm a saw kind of sweets
You know, I like both though
Which you need a number two? Um
example like tiramisu
Would be the very very sweet one very sweet love
The other hand like Sasha that chocolate like I mean, I mean chocolate, you know, is that in the so many amakunae category?
I would say okay. I love Sasha. Okay. Yeah, I love it which which one do you prefer like?
Which one do I prefer I mean, okay
Both are I love both of them. But if I were to I would hmm
Guess the Sasha. Okay. Yeah, which means you prefer something that is less like
Less sweet. I mean, it's not less sweet. It's just not too sweet. Okay, I mean like okay like
Kick cats are very sweet Sasha is sweet - what I can't think of a
Son of an amakunae chocolate chocolate saw my I mean if it's like high cacao chocolate. Oh, right, right, right
Like 80% cacao shit. That's a good example. Yeah, do you like those chocolate? I love those like which one do you prefer then?
Which do it sweet ones or those like high cacao? I mean chocolates it really depends on the mood, but I would
If I had to choose one, I would go with the more sweeter chocolates. Okay, you're not gonna like this thing
All right
MC tacos podcast, okay, I'm gonna talk about how I love freezing my chocolate. Okay, okay
I'll try and convince you and all right trying this. Okay, so I'm not a big fan of something that is too sweet
Okay, I mean I never I never ordered
Cakes at cafes like okay, I would drink coffee
But not those sweet stuff like okay, I was just it's just not in my life
For the past like 30 something years there, but I quit drinking alcohol in the year
2019 and then like my taste
Became different like I started appreciating sweet stuff. Like I started drinking more coffee. Mm-hmm
And I was like, well, that's a big change. So for the first time in like 30 something years
I started buying chocolate. Okay for my for my house, okay, which I never did like I honestly never did and
I was eating chocolate in my house, but you know, like because I started kind of late
I wasn't really used to eating something very sweet in my house
So I was thinking like is there any way I can you know?
Calm this guy down and make him like less sweet and I tried freezing it
Okay, like in the freezer like I sometimes I put it in the fridge
Yeah, not freeze it but sometimes I do put it in the freezer. It depends on which chocolate I buy
But uh, I'm sorry this fuck
Annoying the fuck out of me. Hold on. Let me just
Okay, so let me explain what's happening Kevin's mic is just going nuts Jesus fuck
This thing this knot here is tight as fuck
So, I don't think it's this problem, okay, I'm sorry about that. All right. Yeah
God jesus fuck. All right
All right
You can just hold it
I got it. I got it. Oh nice. Nice. Nice. I won't touch it. All right, go ahead
Um, oh I stopped alcohol right right, right you started buying chocolate. Yeah, I tried freezing it and then it became this like super
Otona no aji the chocolates. Yes, like it's less sweet
And by freezing it you have more like those like this crunchiness
Yeah, the Kit Kat. Yeah, yeah, it's more it's more crispy
Yeah, and then and then it starts melting inside your mouth
And then you get that sweetness later on
It's like a huge story. There's like a storyline in one bite of this Kit Kat
Which we are not sponsored by any means. Yes, they're sponsorship. I just bought this at 7-eleven a couple minutes earlier
So you like freezing them?
It gets crispier. Yes, two
You can enjoy
The transition of the the feel of the chocolate from first it's kind of like cold and hard and now it gets like smoother
I call it a story you call the story of the chocolate
Whatever the fuck you call it. Okay story. Okay, the story of it you can you can enjoy the story of the chocolate? Okay? Yes
I mean
okay, uh fair fair but like
Why would you
Why not just buy a um
A chop like a dark chocolate
That's less sweeter
Different that is such a good question. I do not have the answer to that
Let me think though
It's different. It's
It's different like
For example, if you have those like ita choco
Yeah, right those pure chocolate. Yeah, and I get those like cacao 70 80 like less sweet chocolate
It tastes good as it is
And I mean like any any chocolate tastes good. Yeah
Nandakedo if you freeze that
Ita choco
It doesn't have to be those cacao chocolate. It doesn't have to be those it could be any kind of like milk chocolate
Demo if you freeze it it becomes
Crispy it becomes pari pari. Got it
Like it doesn't melt in your mouth. So you don't feel that like sweetness spreading all over like it's
Bits and pieces of sweetness running around in your mouth. Okay
You know
I I feel like
In general, I feel like for chocolates if it's colder
It's harder for you to like understand the taste of it all like if it's right on
Yes, it's so much easier to like understand how it's got like a better feel to it
It's got the sweetness to it like it's oh the the the almonds
It's blended in there. I I like it. You can feel all that but if it's like
if it's frozen the moment it's frozen, it's like it just like
Kills everything I feel like right right it it well like it depends
It's it's all about the word choice. I would say like you call it killing it. I call it it makes a storyline. Okay
We're going in parallels here
All right, you should try it at home
I actually tried it. Yeah, you have I have I have been recommended by uh by somebody else and I I
I put in the freeze, uh, not the freezer but um a refrigerator. Mm-hmm. Did you put in the freezer or the refrigerator? Uh both
Depends on the chocolate. Yes
The freezer too those ita choco I put it in the freezer
These I put it in the fridge. Do you bite your frozen chocolates or do you just keep it in your mouth?
And then let it melt I bite it
You bite it, huh? I bite it like
Right from the start
That's like the intro of my story
Biting it. Okay. Yep, so I guess
You take more time like you carefully consume it more because if it's john for me
I just I just bite it just chew it right in my tummy
Like for you, I guess it's just like you you you freeze it bite it and then you keep it in your mouth
Let your let the temperature the warmth of your mouth melt it away
And then you get that flavor. Um, not really. I just swallow it. Oh my god
What are you doing you're not gonna I see I think you're just ruining the taste of the chocolate right there
Jesus christ
well to be more precise I drink coffee and like I
I take like a big gulp of coffee and I just let it go in with with it. Oh my god, you're disrespecting
You're not enjoying the chocolate to the fullest man
Oh god, I feel sorry for that kitkat right there
I I would love to know how like if people do that
Like if people put their chocolate in their fridge or freezer. Yeah, I would love to know if they do. Yeah, let's let's
I think you can we can utilize the comment section for the youtube nice. I would say my opinion is the majority
Um, there's quite a lot of people who put their chocolate in their freezer
Yeah, I actually know a lot of people that put their chocolates in the freezer and I and I think that's fucking disgusting
I would never do that. I would never never
Um, uh, if if anybody listening to this podcast has never tried it it's worth a try. Yeah
Give it a shot. You're gonna hate it
Zettai or in a
Wonder which side
Land we'll see we'll find out. Yeah. All right. Uh, thanks for listening guys. Thank you. Um
Takasan, will you join me for the for another episode of podcast plus? Absolutely. All right
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you listening guys. Bye. Bye

