1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 1日3杯のコーヒーは健康に良い..
2020-07-13 10:08


Hey guys welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English and podcast
I'm with Yamachan today
Just like always yeah, but sorry guys. I cannot speak today. I can't what happened man. I can't speak
What what happened? Sorry? Tell me you're right? I speak just fine. I
Feel so unhappy and and you know I can't speak what happened
So much my teeth your teeth it is you know it hurts so much
Wow, I actually today. I went to the dentist uh-huh. I did it kind of surgery
You did a surgery yeah, I kind of you know in your mouth. Yeah, that is
How do you say kids do in English?
Scrape scrape scrape it off. Yeah, the doctor scraped my
teeth teeth off for what cavities yeah cavities now, I'm you know we're in a
Hard situation and we have to
Scrape all the cavities off from my mouth. Okay, and have to put the
new thing into my
hole here ah
So wait wait
You okay, I think so I don't know if we talked about this way, so I can't speak anymore that
Come on, man. We got we got to do the podcast
We thought yeah, I don't know if we talked about it in the podcast, but like you
Last time you we talked about your teeth you had your wisdom teeth
Taking out or no no that's not about this I have wisdom teeth growing up here. Yeah, but it's not problem
It's okay. It's not painful at all. We you know
They can be okay. Just just we don't care. Okay. It doesn't pay
Mm-hmm. I don't feel pain from this teeth. Okay, but you know I have a
Huge cavity here got it. Yeah, I've got it got it got it. Yeah, you told me that right and that's painful
That is that is painful. Okay
So we have to put that cavity
Out from my mouth. Okay, and you know
Now it hurts you pulled the hole you pull your whole tooth out
Ordered not the entire tooth. Uh-huh, but here
Can you see that?
Yeah, yes
It has a hole right? I guess I saw yeah, I see hole and we're now in your gum. It's you know
The doctor put something. Yeah. Yeah, I got a cement thing. Uh-huh concrete. Oh, right. I think yeah, it is here
So so I can eat I can you know drink I can spend my life as usual but it hurts
It really hurts
Like how does it hurt like what do you mean?
How does it like it's so hot you you you took it out, right?
You took the whole thing out or did you wait wait wait, so it has a hole
So I'm assuming the doctor pulled the whole teeth out, but you said you scraped it off. So right which one?
Straight you stripped it off. Yeah, but it has a hole. No, no like but you didn't all the cavity
No, not whole teeth whole tooth. Uh-huh
So I have oh you still have part of your teeth, of course and so actually got it
I don't know that my cavity is between two teeth here
Okay, so we have to scrape this part of one tooth and this part of one tooth, right?
So I have kind of hole like this. Oh wow
That is happening
And it hurts so much
Does it hurt like in the inside or does it feel like it's it's attacking
It's really inside kind of I feel pain from in your hand. You have a headache like yeah
So sorry, I can't speak right now. Sorry about that. Yeah, but we're still gonna do the podcast
Yeah, I know it. I don't really care
The reason why we found by me I found yes. Yes, it was completely my my yeah
your fault
I saved you
Well, since we've talked about the app flossing yes that Kevin and his father yes
Okay, I started actually flossing my teeth
And that's the reason I found my cavity. Did I ever tell you that my father has an amazingly white teeth?
Yeah, that even whiter than mine. Yeah, that is
Really really funny. I just want to get that down again
So I want to clarify that again, okay, you don't have to even mind that again
Hope you understood that I know I understand very important
Yeah, thank you part of you know
understanding me and my culture and my family and everything the whiteness of the teeth is an identity for me and my family and
Thank you. I hope you understood that. Thank you. I think now got it and everyone
Okay, thank you
So you can you brush your teeth? Does it hurt to brush your teeth?
Well, I don't know because you know, I just you just went there and did that surgery
Did the doctor say it's okay to brush your teeth? So, okay, of course
So it's already hard the the cement thing is you said that yeah, but you know a little bit, you know
it might come off like what like if you
Brush your teeth hard enough. Is it gonna come off? No, no, I don't think so, but I can't eat like chewing gums
Or I can't melt things got it because you will but it's okay, but you don't like that in the first place
Like coffee, okay, like yeah, okay coffee. Okay, this doesn't coffee like stain your teeth. Oh
Like yeah, you know that is stain stain. Yeah, I'm getting a little bit yellow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
I think so caffeine and like are you not concerned about that you because you drink
So much coffee with me like no last episode. Yeah, I recall you fucking like attacked me for
Consuming so much sugar and I admit it. I admit I
Yeah, but look what you got your own problems, man. You taking so much caffeine
I don't think so much. I mean I do taking so I mean much complain, but it's not too much
I'd say let me say it's not too much. It's too much when you've got when you got a pack of instant
Coffee sticks in your backpack right now. I bet you got a packing in that backpack right now, don't you? Oh, I don't have
I don't know why he but he's got a loaf of bread in his backpack. Oh
Look at that and the box is all beat up
You know, it's a little bit delicious
Package why maybe it's fresh. Yeah, I think so because it's packaged into each right stick maybe that's better
Yeah, you drink that every every day every after every meal not every
after every meal, but I
Take a morning one coffee in the morning
and after my lunch
Three times three times a day. That's I don't know. I don't know if that's healthy man. Like it's healthy
I mean, I don't know it's not too much. Really? Yeah
really, yeah, cuz
Someone told me that three cups of coffee a day. It's good for your body even
Okay, someone told me yeah that a chocolate
Ita choco, right? I don't think there's a ita choco in English like being chocolate
Play that's a call right one eat that choco per day is good for your body
Yes, I know Matsuko-san no tele ya know
home a deca
Home a deca. Yeah, I know that the program. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but there one of the professor said that oh, they're completely kind of it's funny guys
No, he's a professional like he said that what?
They're kind of really old the thing in the non-internet way they see
it's got the latest he's got the latest results like it like the
For the phenol, right chocolate contains polyphenols, right that
Taking in the
Poriphanol is good for your body. So he said that it's okay to take one
Ita choco per day. No problem. No problem at all. That's what he said
I'm but every everybody in the studio was like, you know, including Moscow fan all the other guests
They were all shocked just like you. Well, I you know, I
I'm pretty sure that in that case you don't you I mean you you must not take any more sugar
Then right one chocolate probably probably that's probably can yeah, right
Assuming that right one's not gonna take it more sugar than that right the choco probably probably you still think but you
You probably think that it's too much even if it's one eat that choco, right? Well, I think it's too much but yeah
Because I don't
It's more like I can't you can't let you hate right right? You don't like just sweet
Yeah, just a little one bite
Okay, that's about 10 minutes yeah, all right, thanks listening guys
Yeah, right
Give Yama-chan some Ganbare. I
Think that would help him. Thanks for listening guys
Bye guys.

