1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 新マイク環境はどうかな?
2022-05-02 09:51



welcome to Kevin's English room podcast you should be a headphone on your on
your why yes cuz that it helps yeah wait it sounds better
welcome to Kevin oh my god yeah wait yeah we talk I'm trying wait what oh my
god you hear me oh I can hear you loud and clear yeah crystal clear wait say
something again like I'm gonna like tell me okay how you got here okay um took
train mm-hmm this morning yeah just a little bit light mm-hmm right and then I
tried to catch actually a taxi today okay yeah but no taxi came oh so I just
on the road like like ten minutes oh and yeah wow your voice is so clear yeah
yeah wow yeah so we're using a shoe day sure it's sure sure yeah sure
microphone yeah
for the podcast yeah for the podcast for the video mm-hmm look a little mini
microphone it's like you know how sharks yeah yeah baby shark for the for the
video we're doing the yeah good old pin microphone and cute it looks cute yeah
yeah dad and mom and two little two little kids kids yeah I hope it's uh I
hope it's okay yeah yeah wow but um I don't know how much this is but um
probably expensive yeah yeah yeah I have this microphone say oh my house really
recording okay for the vocal uh-huh wow so the audio quality yeah should be very
should be suddenly suddenly very high hope so hope so okay yeah wow I might
like this better why because it's it's more natural to my ears yeah it's like
too clear yeah it's microphone catches everything mm-hmm so you can hear the
yeah yeah sound as well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like I
know through this microphone I sound more lower like more like raspy a little
bit yeah yeah I feel a little more like yeah you do you do you do be mm-hmm Wow
yeah thanks for the all these machines and settings yes thank you mr. September
son son and yeah not gonna sell the off of Amazon yeah for letting us use the
gadgets here yeah fancy the fancy just we look now professional podcaster yeah
finally yeah I think this is as high as it'll get right so I cast yeah right
because as a you know in the professional really high quality
microphones right and this is the professional monitor headphones right
right huge mixes over there Wow that's the highest quality I guess let's talk
about something wait wait hold on wait before before we talk yeah how close
should my mouth be from this microphone anywhere is okay anyways okay but if you
gonna shout something out you don't want to hear no all right yeah okay if you
get closer mm-hmm it sounds more closer to the ear yeah okay and like a little
boogie kind of oh yeah so you don't want to be too close then no it sounds like
ah god so you're like the your breath yeah your exhale yeah you can you can try
at home on it and test test hi
true yeah father you you you sound small you sound more clear right you sound more
light so maybe I should just keep it here hmm around here yeah yeah so if you
want to have your voice more like sexier or like you know more adult more ASMR
you can you can get close I'd get closer yeah and talk like this yeah all right
Wow yeah I I don't I don't think this yeah you don't like that it's I again
need some time to get used to it yeah yeah I feel like our you know backs are
so much straighter with the microphone all yeah like like how far can I go I
can still you can still hear clearly little um little bit further further
father there is no further I think right yeah like this wait further is not a word
right further more further yeah further is not a word I'm sorry wait is that a
word further is not far far further further no further is not a word really
no what did you say can you go further father oh yeah oh no I do this more
father yeah yeah father no it's no can you go further yeah oh more free yeah
more further but you don't say so can you go farther you're right yeah wait
you don't say more further no no no more further no further oh okay okay you don't
say more further nor nor do you say further yeah confused sometimes okay
all right Wow oh you look pretty cool now John really yeah do I you do headphones
the headphones looks it looks good on you but yeah oh really yeah you do thank
you yeah it's um little weird it sounds different it sounds different right
yeah I'm different but I prefer you know talking without this headphone actually
yeah but you know we're not sure what is going on actually uh-huh you know
we have to hear this through this headphone okay like this right now see
the balances uh-huh that's it yeah it's true yeah you're right I wonder if this
catches and this oh yeah but not bad nobody not bad I still hear you I can't
tell that if this mm-hmm if I'm when I'm talking like this like am I hearing
what's being catched from the microphone into my headphone or am I just hearing
my own voice well yeah you know that's what I don't know huh but I think oh yeah
the catches they catch you know at least some part yeah we can still hear you yeah
it's true well I mean um beautiful day yeah it's a beautiful day it's a
beautiful day yeah it is a beautiful day actually it's really beautiful today
it's a summer day yeah you know shocka shocka yeah mm-hmm it's a shocka yeah
definitely blue sky mm-hmm no cloud yeah yeah well I mean I hope you guys like
the new audio settings hope so this will go on at least for seven episodes yeah
yeah because that's how much we take yep right on this is very great today so it
might be the same next weekend there might be that something might come up
next week that might change the setting hmm I don't know but always trying like
this yeah yeah to be better always right right hope you like the settings guys
yeah well that was ten minutes okay all right just talk talked about our new
audio inside right that was kind of recording test yeah all right okay
thanks for sitting guys thank you

