1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ふるさと納税何買う?
2021-12-22 11:22



welcome to Kevin's English room podcast podcast this this program is brought to
you by yeah Kimi no Koi wo Todokeyou anchor we are using an app called anchor
to create and distribute this podcast yeah it's got all the features you need
when you're starting out your very own podcast program yeah and it's you can
download it for free on Google Play or the App Store yes so check that out if
you're interested yeah yeah cool so last episode yeah you want to talk about
something but you we ran out of time yeah it's what fine I thought maybe was
so fun so I could speak with that but um I have a question sure it's really like
serious one but oh that's how we know it's not a very serious and you tell me
it's a serious question we know that it's like some shit question that nobody
fucking cares well let's hear it you know but this one is a little more
serious we have a fly another flag here the more he says it the shitty or the
question is all right no I was just want to know about your foot is at the nose
a oh yeah for about it yeah have you done that not yet but I'm looking into it
now I'm still choosing which product I should go see you haven't you haven't
been I haven't bought it yet okay yeah okay what are you looking for so I was
looking for a console kitski sentaki oh yeah I saw that too yeah but it was too
expensive at the same time I didn't have a very I didn't I couldn't find a very
good brand oh yeah yeah so yeah it's limited yeah yeah true do you look into
- I I did idea yeah you know because we don't know how much amount of money we
will get in this year absolutely it's not stable thing so we need to check you
know really like end up mm-hmm yeah like like the same but right now so now we
know how much we can spend on food is at nose a yeah so now I went to the site
and you know check the things right right right and yeah I just wondered what
did you like both I thought you were like special you know I know you like
like those things yeah yeah I do I do another thing I've been looking looking
at is a dendrohabrashi oh I also wanted to buy them too okay so I've been
looking into those dendrohabrashi send console kitsuki sentaki so you prefer
those electric I prefer electronics I'm not a problem I'm gonna buy any food
really it's just a temp I don't know it's just a
temporary thing right I don't like I I do love Zetaku foods yeah but you know
if at the first time to know they it's like 12 pack 24 packs of like good meat
right I don't know just I don't I don't feel like eating that regularly uh-huh
like I just feel like I I'd rather spend money on an electronic that that's that's
useful if it's a good food I just only I've only want one it for like a one-time
thing okay okay okay it's like one dinner one dinner that like yeah okay
yeah yeah well you can also find the one expensive meat uh-huh no yeah one
like expensive like pack up seafood yeah I yeah I thought the electronics yeah I
prefer the electronics it's more useful useful yeah yeah of course what about
the like ticket that you can you can go to the restaurant like you can go to the
like you can you know use up on your trip oh yeah I don't know I don't know
why but I'm just not really intrigued by it I mean I don't know it doesn't really
draw me in I just don't I don't know why you don't know I yeah I don't know but I
rather get the electronics every time I look that ranking it's all food yeah but
I don't know but I'm just I'm just never really I don't know why people like that
I don't I don't get it I personally don't get it like I don't wouldn't you
rather have electronics you have something that's useful well I mean yeah
that's really your way right you know like if you buy steak it's like a
one-time thing you eat it once and it's over but if you buy a dendrohabrashi you
can use it every time you think you feel that that that quality every time yeah
use it which is every day right I just feel like it's a better ROI that's
really your way that's really neat yeah yeah you know you can you can buy some foods and you enjoy it
mm-hmm that's happy that's a thing right I understand that's a thing but you know I
don't know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah have you bought anything nah nah I mean once
mm-hmm in the middle of this year I bought beans you bought beans like what
quality beans yeah cool I have a like typical coffee beans
roaster that I prefer beans I thought you meant like beans as in like like
brown no like edible beans no sorry all right got it when I say beans that means
that means all right we're in a different world
I have typical you know my favorite roaster at Kyushu ah okay and sometimes I buy
that beans which sold in Tokyo but it's rare okay but I found on the you know
full-size Nozakai that's cool yeah it's really cool so I you bought it took that
yeah hey is it ripe yet yeah like it was in the middle of year so I already oh
okay okay got it got it what's good did you do like the like online free
simulation of how much you can use on your yeah who's such a nose is I did it
I did it too it was so much less than I thought did you think no no maybe I did
it wrong man because I was like what I was expecting so much more oh really
yeah no not for me like ah that's I can buy many things now okay maybe I did it
wrong yeah maybe all right well yeah I can't say the exact right oh you can say
yeah I don't know if that's what is wrong with publicly saying your income like I
feel like it's a taboo right yeah I feel like it's a stigma or something I feel
like it's taboo to say publicly say your income out there but why exactly is it
not allowed it's not out you know it's not not allowed is it if you want you
can share that of course there is no one to stop stop you but first it's personal
thing right so people like most of the people don't want to share that
firstly and secondly like especially like people like me and you you know
it's if it's really high then people will think oh he's got so much money and
if it's too low oh he only got this mm-hmm you know it's different you know
information mm-hmm additional information which is not necessary mm-hmm
be given it's an additional information that's not very likely to work in a
positive way yeah in either way you know if it's high it's bad if it's too low
it's bad I mean I was thinking that there I don't know I subconscious I've
been I had this image from the gap that it was like because it was such a taboo
that there was some sort of like a like it was something but not like besides
like not only like the image thing like a reputation thing but more like a the
number can be used against you for like a I don't know you could be involved in
some sort of like a crime or something like people might do harm to you like
just like just like public just like publicly saying your your home address
right people could come oh and like like do may walk good to you like I thought
that could it's just similar something couldn't happen but I guess no if you
want you can say yeah maybe you're in June I know grand no a little higher
than that of course higher than that I'm big you per month right you're talking
about yeah but yeah yeah I mean yeah but the the who said to know they I found
out this year and I wasn't doing any of it last year hmm and there is zero two
merits there's only merits in doing you know that knows a it's good if you
haven't done you guys should do it yeah it's only you just need to do this it's
only to it's a system that that only it's only a merit yeah it's either way
you pay for that yeah pay that amount right you're just paying it in advance
yeah and getting a product for yeah well you have to pay me saying in but true
but the solo yeah it's a huge yeah huge all right thank you

