1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 洋服を洗濯する時のこだわり
2021-11-22 13:00



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
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I'm just really being careful with the grammar here
because we talked about grammar in the last episode.
- You're perfect!
- Thank you.
- So don't care about those grammatical things.
- This app is free.
You can download it on Google Play
and the App Store!
So check that out if you're interested!
- You're doesn't need to thinking about...
You're doesn't need to thinking about...
You're doesn't need to thinking about...
- Grammaticals!
- Me willing trying no...
Grammarly issuing.
- It is a bad trap, you know?
Getting caught in the grammar trap
is a really bad thing.
To the point where you can't communicate anymore.
I just feel like
using English as a communication tool
if you're gonna do that
don't get so caught up in the grammar.
- That's a great message.
- We should have sent that in the last episode.
- And that's why we do this.
- Exactly!
- Don't be like too...
- That's true!
- That's really true!
- You can just say it and...
- Have happy conversation.
- True!
- That's so true!
- Yeah!
- So true!
- So let's be...
Let's be...
Let's being don't caring...
- Grammarly!
- This is from Yu-san.
- Yu-san!
- Yeah, it's Yu-san.
- Yu-san!
- It's always four members.
- Oh!
- Whoa!
- That's crazy!
- Crazy!
- Oh!
- Oh!
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Yeah!
- You don't have any place to hang?
- No.
- Oh.
- Oh, we do.
- We do, we do, we do.
- So like if it's...
Yeah, if it's like...
Where it like shrinks.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, we're careful like where we hang it.
- But most of them is just...
We have a dryer.
- Okay.
- A dryer.
- Yeah, but yeah.
- So live in a laundry machine and...
- Yeah.
- Done.
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- We have a separate...
In terms of our home, we had a washing machine,
and then on top of it was a different machine
that's dedicated to drying it.
- Okay, only for the drying.
- Only for drying it, yeah.
- Oh.
So you don't need to put everything out and hang everything
like we do in Japan, like more than horses owl and...
- No.
- No.
- Ah.
- Only the sensitive fabric ones.
We don't hang it.
- Oh, I didn't know that.
- No.
- So...
Which one are you belong to?
- I want to...
Hose the outside.
- Outside?
- Yeah.
- Me too.
- Under the sun.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Me too.
- It feels so good.
- Yeah, me too.
- Yeah.
- I feel that the clothes are like happy too.
- I agree.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- They're like having...
- They're happier, right.
- Okay.
(speaking in foreign language)
- I think this is me being in the minorities.
- Okay.
- But I put everything in a basket as well.
- Yeah.
- I don't fold at all like he does, like her husband does, but I put everything inside
I never put like bare clothes in the laundry machine.
- Oh, you put like a net.
- Yeah, I put everything inside a net.
- So you have so many nets.
- I have several big nets that I put like a lot of...
I put like 10 t-shirts in one basket and I just...
And I put that in the machine.
- Why do you do that?
- Because you say that when you want to...
When you have clothes that you don't want to damage it, right?
If you want to take care of that clothes, put it in a net, right?
If you have like a sensitive fabric or like...
In general, if you want to take care of that clothes, just put it in a net.
- Yeah.
- Why would you...
Why do you have clothes that you want to like be sloppy with?
- Yeah, of course.
- Like just take care of everything is my perspective, right?
- Okay.
- So put it all in a net.
I don't have any clothes to like...
- That you can...
- Get like just don't care about.
Just take care of it all.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, that's my take.
- Okay.
- What do you...
Is that how...
What do you think about that?
Is that weird or do you think that's...
- Not weird.
- Uh-huh.
But in the minorities, right?
- I guess so.
- What's your counterpunch for this?
- What do you mean?
- What's the counterargument for this?
- Uh...
I don't know.
But if you put so many clothes in one net basket...
- Yeah.
- Maybe you can't wash it like properly, maybe?
- Oh, if it's too tight.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
That could be true, true.
But I've never...
Actually, I've never used any net.
- What?
- I just put it in direct to the laundry machine and that's all.
- Oh.
Do you not find...
Like, do you ever like open the finished laundry?
Like you open the machine, right?
- Yeah.
- And then you have like a long sleeve just stretched inside that...
Stretched and tangled inside all the other laundries.
- Yeah.
Like everything is like being tangled and like put together.
- All over the place.
- Yeah.
- Do you not hate that?
Like you just feel the stretch.
You just feel it stretching.
- Yeah.
- Like you know it's stretching.
- Yeah.
Not that much actually.
- Really?
- I put out and try to make it, you know, you know, how do you say that?
Like, you know, pampan shite.
- Ah, okay, okay.
Like get the wrinkles out.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And then put it on like the place.
- The hanger?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- And then that's all.
- Does it stretch?
- No.
I don't think so.
- Oh.
- Well, okay.
I guess that's...
- I don't think so.
But yeah.
And I don't have any like expensive, like sensitive like lingerie, you know.
I just put everything in it.
And if I had like important like sweater, important jackets or like shirt, I bring them
to the cleaning yasan.
- Yeah.
- But yeah.
- Oh, well, so you're not having any trouble?
- Well, I...
- Just putting bare clothes.
- Yeah, I did so.
- Oh, but maybe it's time for me to stop my netting habits.
- But I mean, that's more, you know, gentle to all the clothes, right?
- You think so?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- So that you can save their life.
- Yeah.
- They can live longer?
- Yeah.
- True.
- Yeah.
- I'll think about it.
- Yeah.
But I know how you treat them properly.
Especially clothes.
- Yeah.
- You know, when we arrived to the studio or any place, restaurant, any place, sometimes
we wear jackets.
- Yeah.
- But when we arrive, we feel it's too hot here.
- Yeah.
- And you take off your jackets or like you take off your sweater.
- Yeah.
- In my case, I just roll it and put it into my backpack.
- True.
- Just put it in a smashed thing.
- Okay.
- True.
- But you, you like really like gently like fold every...
- I do.
- Every your jackets like really like gently.
- I do.
- Like gently, like, you know, let them in your backpack.
They sit like fit properly in your backpack like this.
- True.
- Yeah, I can feel that.
How you like gently treat your clothes.
- Right, right.
I properly fold my clothes.
- Yeah.
- I do.
I do.
The reason why I want to fold it properly when putting in my bag is the space.
- For the space.
- Yeah, because if you just put it all, if you just wrap it up like this, right?
And then just just chug it in the bag.
What happens is it takes it takes some more space in the bag.
So I want to like save my space for other stuff.
That's why I properly fold them.
Well, of course, plus the respect for the clothes, you know, just properly fold them
to make it comfortable for them.
But you know, it's more moral, more for the space.
- Okay, okay.
Yeah, I see that.
- But I do properly fold my clothes.
- Yeah, you do.
- Frequently.
- You do.
And you're really good at folding your clothes.
- I love folding my clothes.
I love like these challenging clothes that are like challenging to the fold.
Like a big jacket.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- You like it?
- It's they're challenging.
And I like it.
- They're challenging.
You like it?
- When I when I successfully fold them like in squares.
- Yeah.
- Oh, feels so good.
Oh my god.
- All right.
- We've answered the question.
- Yes, yes, yes.
- All right.
- Thank you.
- Thanks for listening guys.
Bye bye.
- Bye bye.- Yes, yes, yes.
- All right.
- Thank you.
- Thanks for listening guys.

