2021-06-20 11:15


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Hello! Hello everybody!
So, um...
Last time, you were like, "I suck at remembering things on the spot when you're talking."
Yes. Right?
But you said you're better at writing because you have the time to, like, you know, ponder upon your thoughts
and remember, or like, think through everything and then jot them down.
Is that like...
So, do you just need time? Is that the thing?
That's one thing.
To, you know, remember all the things.
I need time.
You need time. You just don't remember.
Like, right now, say something and I'm like, "Okay, uh..."
You know, my brain is kind of very slow, I think.
Oh yeah?
So I don't remember nothing right now.
But if I take some time and think about that topic for like three hours...
That's a lot!
You start getting ideas.
Yeah, I start getting ideas and I, you know, I will find something that I can say confidently.
So I need some time to say something with my confidence.
Oh yeah?
So that's one thing. I need time.
Uh huh.
Yeah, but also, one more thing is not only for remembering,
but I need to make sure inside, you know, before I speak it.
So that's why I need some time.
What do you mean? Like, you need to validate that that's the absolute answer?
Yeah, like, make sure I have confidence,
to be confident enough to say that phrase, say that opinion,
or like, verify is that right or not.
Okay. To think through if there's any other, any better...
Um, yeah.
...road to take?
Yeah, if that's 100% true in my...
Uh huh.
...in me or not.
In your heart.
Is it coming from your heart, actually?
So, you know, check that before I speak out loud.
So, if I don't have time, I won't, you know, I won't be able to speak that
because I don't have enough confidence to say this.
Right. Okay.
I'll be like, "I'm not sure about this."
Uh huh. Right.
When you're writing lyrics, do you jot them down on paper
or do you type them on keyboard?
I type them on keyboard.
That's convenient.
That's a little surprise.
Oh, really?
What was that you were going to say?
But sometimes I write them down on paper.
I feel like you're the kind of person that would kind of respect the...
...the old school writing down on paper.
Like pen and pencil and paper and pen and kind of style.
Pen and pencil, yeah.
Yeah, the pencil.
I was like, "Do you want ink or do you want graphite?"
Yeah, like that.
That style.
Yeah, yeah.
When I don't have any idea, I do write down on a paper
because that makes me like coming out of my images and ideas.
But if I already have some certain ideas or like something,
then I will go on the laptop and type it.
I saw this on Abema TV.
Abema TV, okay.
They were debating whether if writing is important or not.
When we have the technology to type.
Oh, so handwriting.
Handwriting is important or not.
This guy who's an author who writes all of his genko, writing.
Handwriting, okay.
He said that it's important because writing gives you time, right?
You can't quickly write it down.
It takes time to finish writing,
which means that during that time, you have time to think through.
You have time to elevate your ideas.
You have time to like to brush up your ideas, right?
Which gives it a better output.
That's why he said that it's important.
Whereas the other, the opposition would be like,
"Well, I mean you're used to that because you've done it like that."
If you're used to the computing, well then just like it's, you're used to that.
So it gives you, it's smoother, right?
You can cut and paste.
That's so much more like it's more efficient.
What do you think about that?
Now that discussion is kind of weird to me because like everyone have their own style.
So it's not which is better or you know worse.
But like for me, it's not about slow or fast.
But if I hand write something, you know, that sounds, it feels like me like, like, like, like shaving a word,
like caving a, like literally like, you know, physically like cave painting kind of.
Yeah. Yeah.
Like I write this Kanji, you know, that makes me and moving my hand makes me like art-ish.
Yeah. Yeah.
It's your.
And that activity itself makes me like get me inspiration something.
You know, typing is just the same moving like finger, like moving like this.
That's same if I write Kevin or Yamachan, that's the same.
It's not that different, but I write like Yama like this.
And for me, it's like I'm writing this character right now.
And that makes me like, that gives me some hint.
And yeah, that's what I like when I, especially when I don't have not typical imagination.
But start handwriting and it will like getting bigger and thicker.
That's what I found.
So do you often find yourself when you're thinking about your lyrics, do you often find yourself writing or typing?
If I don't have nothing, I mean, if I don't have any typical topic or like what I want to write down isn't thick enough.
I will go to the paper and make it thicker.
But it's just, it's not actually writing lyrics.
It's just me making it bigger, making it like thicker.
So once it's done, I will move on to the computer and make lyrics, you know, make it into that lyrics form.
Got it.
So it's like brainstorming on paper.
On paper you want to brainstorm.
And then on the computer you'd want to fix that into...
In the lyric form.
Because it's completely more convenient.
You can erase that, you can type it fast and you can edit it more conveniently.
Do you get your ideas from like, how do you think your lyrics?
Do you start from a small idea or do you start from a feeling that you have currently?
Or do you start from like somebody else's feeling?
Basically everything.
But mostly my, you know, what I feel in every day.
And I have this memo here on my very smartphone.
Your very smartphone.
Everything like I felt, maybe you said.
Some other people said.
Something I read on a book, paper, paper book or heard on the radio or anything.
Is it something emotional?
What do you mean emotional?
Like when it moves you?
Is that the key to what you write down on paper?
I would suck at doing that.
I just...
I'm very bad at expressing, especially on words, how I feel.
I'm actually very bad at that.
Like I have to really think through to...
I have to really think.
Like I would have the words out in my mind and then have a third person, have a third
party inside me look at that and be like, "Does this make sense?"
If you say it.
Like, does the person who will receive that message get the message I want them to get?
I would...
That third person would run through it.
And then they would like proofread it.
That process is very...
It takes a long time.
I kind of suck at it though.
Oh really?
Is that what happens in your daily conversation?
Oh really?
Well, not anymore.
The daily conversation is not that difficult.
There isn't really much of a complex thing that you have to say.
It's like a conference or like a real talk and then it gets a little difficult.
The wordings are important.
That's important and interesting topic to me because for me, you look like good at speaking,
good at expressing yourself, especially in a real talk.
But actually, it's really like thought through.
It's not like I have a mind.
I have this itch that I have.
It doesn't come out.
It's just I have this itch.
I have to think through what it is and then I got to verbalize it and then I got to proofread
it to make sure that they get it.
And then if they don't, I'm going to change the wordings a little.
Then I'm going to output it again, proofread it, then it comes out.
So that takes a long time.
But when I talk to people who I know them more, it's easier because I know that they
know that I'm not that good at Japanese.
So I don't have to be too careful with what I have to say because I have to trust that
they'll understand that maybe that's not what I meant.
If they took it the wrong way, then I want them to take it.
That's a very important topic.
It's already 10 minutes, but then let's talk about it in the next episode.
Let's talk about it in the next episode.
All right.

