1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 長所と短所は?(山ちゃんVer)
2020-09-08 15:59


・就活ではなんて書いた?・ストレンクスファインダーとは?・長所:学習欲/短所:過去を振り返る力・[Tiktok, YouTube, Instagram, Twitterでも活動してます!→ https://linktr.ee/kevinsenroom ]
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
You know what that was? Little...
What was that?
Trumpet thing?
Oh, that was trumpet?
You know, the little...
[imitates trumpet]
Oh yeah, I know what that is.
Didn't sound like it though.
So today, let's talk about...
You all have our strengths and weaknesses.
Yes, yes, yes.
Well, actually we've...
We've got so many requests from the...
All the...
DMs from... yeah.
So, you know, we're replying to these questions in order.
So, I think there are people thinking that, you know...
I've sent the message for like a long time ago,
but they're not replying to me.
Being mad, maybe?
But, sorry, but...
Right, we're doing it in order.
We're doing it in order, so...
So, okay, today.
Strength and weaknesses.
It's kind of hard to know what's the string.
You know.
Did you do...
You did...
Strings finder?
No, no, no.
Oh, 週刊, yeah.
Did you prepare in answer for that during 週刊?
Like the papers, right?
What did you write?
I don't know.
I don't even remember.
It was...
At the time, I didn't, you know, think carefully about my strings compared to now.
I don't remember what I wrote to the papers,
but I think I wrote...
Listening power.
Like the, you know, understand someone.
The EQ.
Right, right, right.
Like, or adapting, the ability to adapt to the different cultures, different person, different people, different place.
That's what I wrote, I think.
Talk to me about strength finder.
You did strength finder.
Do you?
I... no.
I haven't done it yet.
You should.
I know I should.
You should do that.
I should.
I'm really interested in doing so.
But I haven't done it yet.
Well, let's do that.
Okay, let's do it.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, let me explain that about the strength finder.
It says, basically, we people have 34 seeds of strengths, which is like...
Gakushu yoku, tassei yoku, kyokansei, you know, all the 34.
And we have all the 34 elements inside of ours, but, you know, different orders.
And that, you know, affects you and me.
So it's like a self-analysis test.
Yes, yes.
How long is the test?
About 30 minutes or 40 minutes.
You answer questions for 30 minutes.
Hundreds of questions.
And then the test is going to analyze who you are as a person, what you value, how you think, how you act.
Basically, what you've got inside of you.
Ah, you're okay.
Okay, okay, okay.
So, you know, it will depending on how you use that and you will be a different person.
Got it.
So if you were a highly...
Outgoing person.
You should do things that get you motivated.
Right, right.
Right, right.
Or, or...
Right, right.
Do jobs that involves those kind of characteristics.
But you can choose your way.
You know, it's not something that, you know, decide which way should I go or which occupation should I do.
It just tells me that what is inside of me.
And yeah.
Right, right, right.
That's it.
So you did yours?
So what were the results?
Any interesting...
My results?
Number one, it was...
The understandable.
Very understandable.
The second was...
Very understandable.
And the third was...
What is that?
What is that?
Understand other people.
Ah, okay, okay, okay.
If you have...
Right, right.
I guess.
Sympathy, right.
That's that word.
And the fourth was...
That's something you can make decision based on the strategy things.
Ah, so is it like you like building strategies?
It's not like building strategy, but like when you...
Okay, when you learn playing baseball.
Batting, batting.
Swing and bat.
I naturally think that what is important thing and what's the best, you know, the biggest
part of this move.
And I naturally think...
I naturally have to think about that biggest part first.
You know, that's strategy.
It's a little bit different mean from usual strategy.
So, if you were to swing and bat, you want to understand that having like the most important
You want to know what the most important factor is.
Yes, yes.
You want to know what the goal is first.
So that you can adapt yourself to getting to that goal.
Without thinking it's strategy.
You naturally do it.
You naturally have to think about that.
Like when you learn English, what is the point?
You know, that's the strategy.
You naturally want to understand the core of that new skill or something like that.
Right, right.
You have to think about that.
And that means good at, you know, point that core out.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
So that's the fourth strength of me.
And fifth was actually I don't remember the fifth.
What about your least?
Oh, my least was something like kako miru chikara.
To try to find the history.
You know, that's the my the week that weakest.
You don't care about the past.
I don't like.
Well, that's true.
I don't like studying history.
So that's my weakness.
And the second weakest was speaking ability.
The communication, communication ability.
You know, that's interesting.
Yeah, that's very interesting.
Actually, I didn't realize that I was bad at speaking or having communication with other people.
Once I thought so that result and I realized that I'm actually not good at making communication.
I start started think that that's that's kind of right.
Well, so.
You were a leader.
Oh, during college, right.
Circle college.
And you had to make a lot of communications, I'm sure.
To to to to, you know, to like 30 people to 30, 40, 50 people.
Public address.
So that really I think, you know.
Communication power.
That's right.
That's hardcore communication power.
I feel like with that experience, you have high communication skills.
So what what was it that the results pointed out that you didn't have?
Like that means there has to be a like a like a like a step further into analysis.
Like what?
It's not just communication skills.
What is it about the communication skill?
Actually, I'm bad at express myself.
Like like like if I think 10 things.
But I can only express two or three things out.
I don't know.
That's me.
That's because I can't express myself.
That's that's that's what I'm bad at.
Do you put breaks on yourself not to say them because you think they're not valuable to the other person?
No, no, no, no.
Or something that I simply can't.
You you forget.
No, no.
No, no, I remember.
And I have 10 things in my brain, but I can't express.
You don't know how to put them into words.
Right. Right.
I think that's really strange to you.
Do you think it's strange for you?
Yeah, it's a little bit strange to me.
I don't I don't think I don't think I have that.
Maybe you're good at communication.
Maybe that's maybe you have communication ability.
Your ability is strong.
That means, you know, people don't realize it's it's weak or strong.
OK. By yourself.
OK. Got it. Got it.
Got it.
It's me.
I I don't know why, but I can't.
You know, the feeling it's so so it's I I'm thinking it's more like a feeling kind of thing like you feel something you feel say friction with something right.
You feel something, you know, or you're not comfortable with something, but you don't know how to address that.
You don't know how to to properly.
Tell the.
The other person.
How and why you feel the proper way, you're not confident if you if they'll understand.
Right. Right.
100 percent.
Yeah. Is that the reason why you you don't go for it?
Because you're not comfortable.
I don't have any reason.
You know what I'm saying?
You you can't fly, right?
You got your ass. I can't fly.
You can't fly.
I just can't. Right. Right. That's something like that.
I can't just can't express them.
Right. It's really hard to me.
You know, I can't, you know, try to write something before I say and make a ginko before that.
Yeah. And that's I can.
OK, I can say, OK, this, this, this, this.
Yeah. But, you know, in a real conversation.
I don't know why, but I I simply cannot.
OK, so if you were to write it down on a piece of paper, you had time to brainstorm.
I'd be like, OK, so get my get my brain thoughts into down into words.
You can do that. Yes. You can. You can.
You can think and I have a word.
Think about and you can express them by by in sentences.
Right. Right. But you can't an actual real life conversation.
You just the words won't come out.
Right. Wow. Hmm.
So that's what I like.
The public address things, something I can prepare beforehand.
Ah, something. So that was kind of, you know, it was not conversation to me.
It was just right. Little bit like show. Got it.
Got it. Had a practice before the scripts were already there.
Right inside me. So if it was like a live Q&A, you'd be that was happy to me.
That's difficult to me.
I don't think I've never thought of it that way.
Really? No.
Like when we were three with Kake-chan and, you know, having discussion with.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. All together. How we're going to do our right.
Right. You do things and all that stuff. Right. Right. Yeah.
You know, I was always kind of hard to to to to say to explain and make you you guys understand what I'm going to talk about.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's that's what's up. That was the manifestation of the results.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. OK.
I mean, I feel like what we were talking about with the YouTube strategy kind of meeting, that was pretty like like pretty intense.
High level kind of like, I think that's pretty difficult for me to write.
I actually say that out in words. But OK, I kind of now understand kind of like.
Yeah, but I think. Yeah, but I think it's really strange to you because you have strong communication ability.
You can express yourself like almost maybe 100 percent of what you think about.
Maybe. I don't know, but maybe interesting. Right. So you think it's really strange to see someone who who cannot express.
I understood how you felt during, you know, meetings. Right. How you couldn't really verbalize your thoughts.
Yeah. But for me, even I can verbalize and I have this one line of like logic thing.
But still, I don't know why, but I'm really bad at express this.
I, you know, I don't know why. So. Yeah.
I should do the strength finder. Yeah. Because that's very interesting. Tells you something that you don't realize a lot about yourself.
Yes, yes, yes. OK, but it's probably what how much is it? It's about 30 dollars.
Oh, 30 dollars for only the five. Right. Only five. Right. Top five. If you wanted to fall.
Oh, maybe. No, no, no, no. For four thousand yen. I mean, 40 dollars. That's it. Yeah.
Oh, on the Internet. It's pretty good deal. Yeah. I will do them. Yeah.
I'll share it in the podcast. Yes, yes, yes. I'm really interested in your. Yeah. Yeah.
All right. Thanks for listening, guys. Bye bye.

