1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 我々のアドバイスで大学..
2021-05-01 10:30



Welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English room podcast. Yes
So this time we've got a message uh-huh like voice message voice message
But for real yeah for real it is yeah. Yeah
Right you you've never lied right I should trust you more okay
but through the
dm of Instagram
So not voice then
Oh shit, okay for real for real real bad like for real real that's what I
Shit, okay, let's go
Okay, this is from Coco fee sign Coco fee sign. Thank you podcast no request. Oh, yeah, go this is a master
I know stick with a recipe this much. All right. Let's go
Thank you for sending me so far messages about three months ago for my entrance examination
Do you remember me?
Being late to tell you but I passed exam and I'm studying at college where I can study more about English nice
I'm grateful for your encouragement
So this time I'd like you to tell me about what you could enjoy and experience only in the college life
Do you have any impressive memories in your club activities or classes or part-time jobs?
I'm looking forward to your answer. Thank you
Coco fee sign congratulations on passing the test
Examination rate that is so nice. Yeah, so this is all because of
We talked about if the word
Uh-huh. Uh-huh. That is the one and only reason why she passed right?
One and only yeah, nothing else right
All because of us yes that that 15 minute. Yeah, exactly that had predict predicted
That was all all of our credit
All right, okay, so I think we answered this really similar question I think about how
One should enjoy and go about their college university life, right? Yeah, I think I remember answering
There is no wrong decision you can make so like go all in that the things that you're interested in yeah, and also the
the human
Human get that clock there. Yeah
Make sure
Okay, yeah, just gently move that I can see right okay, so like and also talking about you know
The the human part right like meet a lot of people those are gonna be your most treasured
Value so like go all in on that was I think I'm
Do you have like a different answer than last time? Oh
This question is asked again, maybe something different
Maybe like maybe okay good. I you know studying is also one big part of course. Ah, yeah
I you know have you know in the college we have library which have so many
Like specific like professional
Books. Yes, which something that we cannot access from from here. Okay
so that's really important to go to the library and meet with your professor and and have discussion about your what you
want to
So that's one of the biggest part
Well should be the biggest should be right
But we haven't you know talk about this topic so
But uh
Of course, it's a should be the biggest part. Mm-hmm, but at the same time, you know
Meeting with friends. Yeah having activity in a club
Go to that bar
You know
Hanging out with friends, you know, those things are really really really precious
Especially when you're you know, cause student right, right, I think
You know the situation is a little bit different from the color. Yeah. Yeah when we were college students
But uh
Still you can make friends and hang out, you know
Try to make something all together. Yes. Yes
Yeah, I I
Really is similar but like, you know
Friendship is a real
Treasure I got from the university. So like that I'm sure is a
Creates a huge impact. Yeah in your life. She also mentioned doing part-time job, right? She's looking for doing part-time job
Was there any part-time jobs that you wanted to do?
When I was cultured. Yeah
Hindsight looking back at it now like yeah. Oh, I should have this kind of job work like I haven't
You know, yeah much part-time jobs compared to you. So like listening to your story and I'm feeling like oh
You know, I should have done so many different types of part-time jobs so that I can figure out that what is my
You know, right right, right. So I should have tried so many different things
But what I wanted
Conveni albito or like you don't change no alibi, you know that like completely like usual
Okay, other bite like the other bite of things. So that's what I
What I was able to do to do at the time so I'm
Happy with that, right? Right. What about you? Do you have any?
I actually I actually don't have any regrets on part-time jobs
Because I did experience so many. Yeah, and I kind of
Happy that I got to experience so many things and
Wasn't it wasn't like my mentality at that time wasn't like I'm gonna experience so many things
so that I'll be able to taste so many things and and lead up to
What I'll be really doing when I became an adult. It wasn't like that kind of mentality
It was more like I just want to be satisfied with the job that I'm doing right now
And it turned out that most of the jobs that I did did not really fulfill me. Okay, so I like okay
I'm not enjoying this work. So I'm gonna change it
Yeah that really continues so many times and it led to so many experiences in different fields. Okay, so
It was just a motivation of like being satisfied every day. Not any different from what I how I live now. Okay, so
Yeah, that's that was kind of like the mentality that I have and it really
Led up to a really a good chunk of experience and that was really helpful in deciding, you know
It ended up, you know tasting so many different
Fields and types of jobs and I got to figure out what kind of job I hated and all kind of feelings I got
for me and I
finalized my thesis by
Job is really dependent on the satisfaction of your job is really dependent on who you work with not what you do
So me getting to actually really taste it through like the skin and everything and actually feeling it
Everyday everyday lives was a huge
Impact and though the way I'm working right now is really predicated on how I felt during those
College years and how what I experienced so now you can spend time with someone
Precious for you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I mean you man you're you're like
like the last on the list by the way
You know the experience was really precious
I really do enjoy working with you guys
So there you go, yeah, and I think the time is just right 920
So, there you go, I've got 30 second commenting time
Yes, let's do let's do a 30 second comment and just quick 30 seconds, right?
be sure to
You know, I think there's so many things you can do when you're in college, right?
There's so many opportunities you really have no limits
You don't have to know them at all. Exactly. You don't have to take the class if you don't want to
You can start a new circle if you want to that's endless possibilities, right?
Then you can or like you you can you can focus on studying you can focus on like relationships, right dating
That's a good use of time. And so like whatever interest you go all in is like my finalized answer
I would say which is really similar to the last one, but there you go. Okay, and that is 10 minutes and 70 seconds
Oh, not bad. Not bad. But a little over but you know, that was a good advice, right?
All right. Thanks a message and thanks for listening guys. Yes
Bye bye.

