1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 沢山のギフトありがとうこ..
2021-03-16 12:06

沢山のギフトありがとうございます ;)

Thank you so much everyone!!! Love you!!

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast
All right
little tap instrument there
we have a
several days ago
I received a gift
I wanted to open up
I don't know if you guys can hear
But he said he's got a present. Yes from somebody from somebody
I have not opened them up yet. Okay. Okay, so I wanted to open them up with you. Okay
It seems like I have forgotten at my house we will not be doing that
Wow, but you received something today, no, it was actually several days ago. Oh, but well, right
You're talking about this? Yeah. Yeah, we can do that. We can't but you have a I actually have something else in mind. Okay
Maybe you should do this some later time. Okay
But we did receive something else
All right
Is from
So much for sending us such a kind gift
Mask which I
Unbelievably love. Yeah, this mask is a big guy. I like the mask
It's so soft Wow, I've been getting I might hear hurt someone me and with this this it doesn't hurt
Wow, it is so amazing. Wow, it is. I know you are wearing this mask. Yes
I am always the shape. Yes
We've got a hand gel Wow, you can alcohol
Disinfect your hand anytime. Yeah, and he gave us a what is it? It's a
Have you tried Hana celeb? Of course on your nose? Oh cool. Have you do it?
Unbelievably soft, right? You know as I have a fun show. Uh-huh in this season. Yeah, I have to use so many
amount of tissue
You know that difference is quite important to me
Thank You now special Oh
This must be me
That's you that's you that's Kaki-chan that is amazing
literally a stamp
I wonder if she like handcrafted this or something
Probably not. Well, maybe do you think so? No, I don't think so
Thank you so much for that so we can we can
Stamp my face we can stamp you can stamp your face. You can stamp your door
right, you can
Stamp your window with this
Exactly. Wow, you have a little temporary tattoo on my skin. Okay, he's in right?
Thank you, it looks really handcrafted so it's amazing
And we've also
Received a letter. Thank you
My son and we will share this privately. Okay, I don't wanna go this is a public kind of radio
Thank you, thank you for the gift so much so much
thankful that our
Listeners supporting us and we'll share this with Kaki-chan too. Later and
Thank you. Love you guys so much
Do you want my mask?
I've never tried that. You never tried? Okay, got it. Pick a color. What color do you have?
We've got a
Got a
Got a navy seal and blue
Green. You want green? No, no, I'll pick this. You want the green? Yeah
Thank you so much
Can wash this. You can wash this
Or you do you have a washable mask? No, no, it's first time. Yeah, first time washable mask. Yeah
Congratulations. Do you have any tips on it? So you can wear them like several times
Yeah, but you got to be careful like if you use them too much it's gonna
The germs will get all over the place. So you might have to
Alcohol disinfect them every time you use them like maybe at night and after like three or four times of use wash them with a
Chusei Senzai maybe
Like a like a your ordinary
washing machine Senzai. Yeah and just
Momikomu. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's important. That's important. Right? You got to get the things in there and then rinse it
Let it dry. Okay, right. So that's easy. Thank you
Here I've got well divided by three is four yes
One of the great luxuries that we have is you know being able to receive these gifts
People are supporting us and it's liberating it's like it's amazing how
Indescribable, you know
Look at this
she writes
Namu haishin deshatsu to kutsushita tsukatte moraete ureshikatta desu
You know, she sends us a gift. Yeah
And saying thank you. Thank you
That's amazing. Sure. Yeah
pure gold
Thank you so much
So, um
Originally I was gonna show you um
It did smell good
So the package smelled really good from the inside. Okay, I'm sensing that it was some sort of like a
Oco kind of ish maybe right right fragrance kind of product
How big was that? It was like this long
So maybe yeah, maybe like oh oh kind of thing
Long candle maybe maybe maybe maybe I went to the um
Mujirushi ryokin and bought myself a scented candle
It's good, but the smell isn't as strong as the match oco
So I like the match oco so much better, but it's still relaxing. Yeah
Match oco has really strong. It does
It does power it does it does powerful because maybe the smoke
the smells of the smoke
That match oco was much more stronger than the usual really
So the quality was maybe higher than right god. I love it
So you're using candles I am using candles every night every well almost every night like every every time I have a chance
like I I I
I'm on front of my laptop
Um for a long time so I light up the candle. Yeah next to the laptop
Kind of relax, right relaxation kind of you know, yeah, and it feels good
Right, you have to be be relaxed. Uh, right. Right I do I do
Have I told you that i've been going to the gym lately?
Look at this
Do you not know?
so I
You know just a little bit or do you not I mean do you not feel anything?
Because you're you can't tell you can't tell right this shirt and sweaters. So I actually cannot tell but uh
Right, yeah, I don't think you can tell but do you look at loose I can tell wow I can yeah, I
It was after the second visit to the gym that i've already experienced a pump up on my body
It feels so good. It really feels good. I I'm I joined a 24-hour open gym
And uh, I don't really have in it's a muji kind of gym. Okay a lot of the time so like it
You can go there with ease like I don't have to worry about talking with anybody. Yeah. Yeah, you can do do anything you want
No one to be yes. Yeah. Yes. Yes, right
So that feels good
Right. Are you going to gym? No, but no you're not do at my house, right?
Wait, so after you've been to your new house, you haven't been you haven't you have not joined any gym. No
No, you have no plans to do so no because I have my uh, my yoga mat
This thick yoga mat. Oh, yeah, that was gift from okay
Yeah, i'm comfortable quite comfortable
By doing by myself in my room. So
So like what tools other than your yoga mat? Do you have any other tools you're using? No
Nothing. It's nothing. Did you really?
Isn't there a limit to that like I think there is but it's good enough for you I mean right now i'm still
Weak enough. Okay. Okay, dude, you don't need the extra weight, right? Right. Gotcha. Yeah
but someday I'll have to be
You know
Maybe yeah, but right now
Right, i'm actually probably gonna head to the gym after this. Oh great. I brought my I brought my clothes
Right. Yeah
What are you gonna do today? Yeah
Um, no plan. So usually what I do is I work on
Chest my chest stomach
um biceps triceps
Back that's it
Almost every. Oh, yeah. Yeah, right
Almost every joe hanshin, you know, you know kohanshin I sometimes do. Okay. I sometimes do the um
Matatoji, you know that is yeah for the inner. Yeah inner. Yeah, I have a
I don't know why but I have a very strong
Inner matatoji I can
You know how there's like you can select the weights, right?
I can choose the very bottom and still able to do that. Really? I have an unbelievably strong
I don't know. I've
I've never worked out before but like my uchi matato is extremely strong. I don't know why
I was gifted with the uh, yeah
Yeah, right. Yeah must be great gift. Yes
Okay, right. All right. Thanks for listening guys. Thank you for the gift. Thank you. That's right. Bye

