1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃん、新しい部屋はどうで..
2020-10-28 12:27


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Yo! Hey! What is up? What up man? How you doing? Great as always. How is your new house
by the way? Well that's uh you know great. Did you get all your furniture in place? Well
actually yeah almost it's done. Almost it's done? Right but actually I bought new speakers.
What? What? Uh right a new speakers. Uh-huh. And I need a the speaker stand.
And it's not ready yet. Is there like a really good speaker? Well yeah like not be a real real
like high quality one like professional musician use but still it's uh quite good for me.
Wow! Can I do the opening? Sure. Can I do the opening? I haven't done the opening yet so I just
it feels a little bit itchy on the inside that I haven't done the opening. Sure sure. Okay.
Okay go ahead. Welcome to Kevin's English podcast. Okay there you go. All right all right. All right
I'm all good I'm all good I feel good now. Okay okay. Great great. So about speakers. Right.
What's the brand? What's the uh? It's uh from Yamaha. Uh-huh uh-huh. Do you know Yamaha? Of
course I know Yamaha. Famous for like instruments right? Right instruments and speakers. Yeah.
I bought like two speakers. I mean a pair of speakers. So one the uh the speaker called subwoofer.
You know. Yes I know what that is. That's a Taon right? Right. Really nice Taon. Boosting the Taon.
Okay. Yeah. So you got the left speaker and the right speaker and the subwoofer. Right right.
Oh wow. That's the uh stereo set.
I only have. Nice. Yeah yeah. I only have uh headphones. You know for making music so. Uh-huh.
In this place I can I can you know sing aloud. So yeah. You can put you can volume up your speakers
as long as you want. Yeah right. Yes. Because it's a ballroom. Yes it is. Are you are you running out
of breath? What? I feel like you're running out of breath. You okay? Really? I oh this is. Did you just
like stop running or something? No no I just did my voice training so my voice is getting. That's why.
High pitched a little bit. No no it feels a little bit breath a little bit. Like. Oh really? It feels
like you're talking after you've done some sort of training or something like that. Oh no well I've
just returned from from my uh daily shopping. Daily shopping okay. Like buying some food.
You know. Ah gotcha gotcha gotcha. But not like I'm I'm like calm like comfortable and feeling
comfortable really. Okay okay. How is your uh what about what about your uh other furnitures? Like
you you're gonna buy a lot of things. Last time we went to your house it was still like not finished.
You still need to like rearrange some furniture. Buy more you know organizing stuff. Yeah. To make
your room perfect. Did you buy any of that stuff? Actually I bought one shelf. Uh-huh. For uh for my
wardrobe. Right? A little one shelf. Like classic shelf. Yeah. But other than that I bought nothing.
Uh a little knife. One knife. Right. A little uh a mat. Do you know a mat by the way? Yes. I'm
actually using a mat myself. A mat for the uh my kitchen. For kitchen? Yeah for the uh. For what?
For drying my dishes. Oh okay okay. That is really convenient. You. Ah wait wait wait but like
is it don't you need walls? Like okay I know I don't I know I know that you don't know what I'm
talking about. Like do you know the the dish dryers that I'm using? It's like a little basket.
Right. A basket right? Right. It has walls right? So you can you can like yeah it's got it's got the
four walls on the sides. So you can stand your plate up like this. You know what I'm talking
about? And yeah. My concern is that if your case photo mat is just like a plate you're not going to
be able to stand your plates up and you're you're not going to be able to use your spaces efficiently.
Oh okay. I see that. Well um I'm placing a case photo mat though on my kitchen. And I put my uh
little little like shelf. I think it's a kind of same one as you have like like little shelf for
the dishes. Yeah. And I put it on the case photo mat. Oh so it's custom right? Yeah not that custom
but I just put it on the case auto mat though. Oh is it wait wait is that sold separately? Like
was it your idea your original idea to put the case auto mat on below your your what do you call
those? Carts. Carts for drying plates. So you know it's size are a little bit different but
it works. It works. But that's a good idea you know. Yeah. I think it's a really good idea.
Right. I mean that just gave me one to do that too like the idea. Yeah. Maybe they sell those.
What? Maybe they already sell those kinds of items like not. Maybe. You bought it separately right?
Yeah because I had I already had the this like dishes shelf. And I I had put my little towel
underneath my dish shelf before. Oh you're putting towels in there? Yeah.
But but you know I prefer this case auto mat now. Yeah that yeah that sounds a lot better.
Yeah. You know you can go to like Daiso and buy like 300 yen. Yeah. Like what do you call those?
Dishwashing boxes. Like the one that I have on my home. Yeah. Like it's a zaru and the bowl. Right.
The zaru version and the bowl version. The zaru is where you hang up all the plates and the bowl
is where you store all the dripped water. You didn't think about buying any of that?
No. No. Because I have this shelf like a little shelf. Oh you got the shelf. You wanted to use
the shelf. Right because I have one. I gotcha gotcha. You know I'm gonna be moving to my what
was that? Go ahead. No no no. And I also buy both little like glass things for for salt.
You know what I'm talking about? Glass things for salt. Glass case like little glass you know what's
that glass? Storage cases? What? Storage cases. Storage cases. I don't know what is what that is
but maybe so. What is that in Japanese? Like I don't know. It's a shio ireru yatsu. Like storage
cases I think. Maybe yeah. Storage bins or like yeah like you there's it's plastic you open it up
and then there's salt inside and you use it when you're cooking right? No no not that storage case
bin. It's a glass made from glass made of glass and it has a like little puta on top and
six holes on top. Ah gotcha. Oh it's a little like cool thing. Dispenser. Yeah dispenser. I think
dispenser describes it best. Yeah you you flip it upside down and you shake it. Right right. To let
the salt out. Yeah it's like a salt dispenser. Salt dispenser. I think dispenser. Well that's pretty cool.
Yeah. You cook a lot right? Not a lot but well like three times a day. Yeah yeah.
Are you cooking at your kitchen? What? Your new house? Yeah I'm in at the kitchen in my kitchen.
Are you are you in your new house? What? Are you using your kitchen? Yeah. In your new house? Oh
connection is not good. Oh sorry about that. Are you can you hear me okay? Yeah. Are you using your
kitchen in your new house? My kitchen you're talking about right? Yeah. Are you using it? Is it really easy to use?
Yeah it's wide like wider than like if all my old houses. All your history places.
Right well beside my parents house. Yeah yeah yeah. It's the widest one. Yeah it was pretty good.
Yeah I saw your kitchen it was pretty wide. I'm gonna come to your house and make some sort of a
my own best dish for you. Yeah thanks. Okay I'm gonna make you an omurice. Wow great.
And we'll record a podcast for that hopefully. Right I know you're good good at cooking.
Yeah certain dishes. I need recipes. I can't cook dishes on first sight like without recipes.
You know how some people can do that right? Like use salt and they know how to add what.
Right I actually don't. I check the recipes. Okay yeah you're at that level. I haven't gotten
that level yet but some recipes I like to get really extremely good at it. So I'm like I've
mastered my omurice. So I'll make you a really good omurice. Well thank you. Okay I'm looking for.
Yeah okay and uh that's all 10 minutes. Thanks for joining me again Yama-chan.
So what was that again? No no I just said the connection is not that smooth.
Oh it's fine now. Yeah yeah yeah okay okay so that's about 10 minutes.
Thanks for joining me again Yama-chan as always. Thank you too.
Yeah right thanks for listening to our podcast again. We'll see you again later on.
Thank you. Thanks for listening. Bye bye.

