1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. アボカドの木を育ててみよう🥑
2021-02-17 13:23


Avocados from Mexico ♪
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
My brain is starting to, you know, wake up a little.
Oh, nice.
Adjusting to the everyday life now.
Oh, okay. Nice to hear that.
So, so...
Well, do you remember Avocado Girl?
She sent us a message that avocado seed can be a tree.
And since when did we start calling Mei-san an Avocado Girl?
I'm Avocado Girl.
Who doesn't have the avocado emoji...
Doesn't have them in her name anymore?
No, but...
Well, thanks to her, she told me, she told me that
and actually I have an avocado seed over there.
Yeah, I was wondering what that was.
Wrapped in a white paper or tissue.
It just looks like trash.
It really does look like it belongs in the trash.
Yeah, like dirty trash.
Got some shit wrapped up there.
But like, so that was, that's the avocado seed.
How big is the avocado seed inside that wrapped up tissue?
Actually, really small.
Like we never know till I open the avocado, right?
But like aren't avocado seeds like usually about that small?
Like this big?
Yeah, that, right.
But that was really tiny, like this size.
Oh, so it was just a coincidence that it was that small.
I don't know if it's good for, for growing.
Like bigger ones seem like better.
That's the seed you had.
Yeah, that's right.
Inside, as a seed inside, and I wrapped in a wet tissue.
Wet tissue, yeah.
And put it into that, that Ziploc.
Why the Ziploc?
To keep it moist?
The moist, moisture is important.
The more moist you get, the better.
I think so.
How long is that gonna take to, to like grow into like a, to get leaves on it?
Leaves, I don't know, leaves.
But first you will get a root.
It's gonna get like roots to stick out.
Yeah, yeah.
You see, right?
Yeah, I saw a TikTok video on how to grow one.
Right, right, right, yeah.
It will take me like two weeks or one week.
Two weeks?
Well, it completely depends on the seed.
Let's just open this, huh?
Oh shit, I, oh shit, I kind of smashed your tissue paper.
Let's open that.
Oh, we can do that?
Sure, sure.
Isn't that like a really sacred kind of like, you sure you can open that?
Yeah, sure, sure.
Like it's got some magic spell inside that's gonna like destroy the whole system and things like that?
Maybe I will be the old man.
Oh no.
But, no problem.
You have to open this and see if there is a root.
Oh, you gotta check them every once in a while.
Yeah, yeah.
So actually it's five days since I started this.
Oh, then maybe we got something.
Too early?
I think it's too early, but worth a shot.
Worth a shot.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let's go.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Look at this.
There is no root.
That looks great.
It looks like it, like the tissue looks like someone like cut them, cut like cut fingers and like got blood on them.
Yeah, must be this.
That's what it looks like.
I don't know.
Can I take a picture of this?
Of course, if you want.
And put it on my Instagram?
With what?
With the caption of like, I'm growing avocado.
Of course.
Of course.
Alright, I just, I stopped the recording and I took the picture.
And I'm gonna put it on Instagram guys, for real.
Okay, okay.
I'm gonna put it for real.
And I'm gonna be like, I bought this and I did this and I'm gonna like, I'm gonna flash it on Instagram.
Oh, you know what flashing is?
I'm gonna, people are flashing on Instagram.
What do you mean?
Flashing means like, flashing is like jiman and like, flashing means like.
It's flashing.
It's the same one, F-L-S-F-L-A-S-H.
Yeah, flashing.
Oh, okay.
It's like, when you're in a beach with like, pretty girls and you put that picture on Instagram, you're flashing.
When you're in a club, right, in the VIP room with the champagnes on, you're flashing to everybody.
That's flashing.
Flashing on Instagram.
So you having your avocado seed?
Yeah, it's not the cliche flashing but like.
Wrapped in a wet tissue.
Yeah, it's not the cliche flashing though but like.
You flash, okay.
Right, but like, you know, yeah, I'm the nature guy flashing.
Is that something to flash, dude?
Well, it depends on what kind of person you are.
Well, maybe if there's a root or it's already like, have a little flower, then you can flash to everybody, right?
Ah, right.
You've got a flower.
Like, I made it, right?
Maybe we can.
Well, so thanks to Mei-san.
You started your avocado tree.
Yes, avocado journey is on.
I wonder if Mei-san was able to make it.
Yeah, she sent us a picture.
Did she say Mei-san made it?
I think so.
It wasn't her own picture.
I don't know but she sent us a picture.
At least.
What are you going to do?
What are you going to, what's, is this the journey that you're enjoying?
What's the ultimate goal of you doing this?
Ultimate goal?
There's no ultimate goal.
It's just having fun.
To getting all these plants bigger and keep them healthy.
You've got a plant, you said.
I have to, I have to.
What are you, what are you doing?
I have to stop missing out.
What the fuck is he?
He just left the room with...
What are you doing, man?
Shit, I...
What the fuck happened?
Wow, I...
I have to...
Oh, you've got to water your plants?
Yeah, yeah, I...
That's what I have to...
Do every day.
Do every morning and night.
So that I keep my green...
Ah, healthy.
Happy, yeah.
Like your walls are...
I don't care about that.
Like soaking wet, dude.
I don't care.
Just do it only on the plants.
Not the windows and the wall.
I think your carpet's all really like,
Moistured too.
Like you got some electricity cords down there.
That's a little bit dangerous, man.
No, I don't care about that.
Like literally, that's dangerous.
Everything's so important to me.
Oh, come on.
This is a little bit tricky.
I think we should get like these, like...
What do you mean?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I think we should get this like a little bit away
from the water here.
Because it's a little bit dangerous.
No, no, no, no.
Don't splash all over the place.
That's what I...
Oh, yeah.
You're doing a...
I think you're doing too much.
No, that's important to...
Moist them.
Why don't you do it outside?
Like it's your...
I mean, it's your room.
So you can do whatever you want.
But like...
Are you not...
A little bit disturbed?
But the fact that it's really wet...
Oh, it's better to have my room...
Moist it.
You know?
I'm relieved.
Your walls and your...
All the things around it is so wet.
You know, you can see the white bag under the shelf.
Yeah, I see, I see.
Inside, there is a...
Wi-Fi machine.
Actually, it was naked.
And as I tried to do this,
I found that a little dangerous.
It might be broke.
So I put it into the bag.
So that I can...
I can splash on.
I mean...
I was keen enough to do that.
Well, I mean, that's a solution.
Completely intelligent.
Completely wise enough to do this.
You also have the option of like...
Moving the plants to...
Somewhere far away from these electricity and stuff.
No, that's the best place for them.
I mean...
You know...
Oh, right, because it's the sun, right?
Well, that makes sense.
And if you put it outside,
I'm assuming like all these bugs...
Would like be around, like hang out and chill around.
Yeah, bugs will be chilling.
Maybe you can make like...
The Starbucks version of like...
Like for bugs, you know.
A lot of them making shows.
In your...
In your veranda.
That's nice.
Send them some coffee, you know.
No, I don't want to do that.
So I prefer having them inside of my room.
And also, that's the best place for the Wi-Fi machines.
You know...
Close to the window.
So that Wi-Fi wave can be...
Come through easily.
No, I'm not lying.
That's a true...
True story.
Wait, hold on.
I think you're making a big mistake here.
No, no, that's something that...
That the company told me.
You should put it...
Wait, this is...
You have a Hikari Wi-Fi, right?
Yes, yes, yes.
If it's a Hikari Wi-Fi...
Right? It's not...
I'm having a line from the wall.
So it's not about the antenna.
It's about being physically connected with a wire.
So it doesn't...
It has nothing to do with...
You are right.
Did the company tell you that?
Yeah, that's what the bank told me.
You should put that machine...
As much as...
As much close as the window.
No what?
Right, around.
Got you.
If that was like a...
There's a product for SoftBank that...
SoftBank Air.
If that's a SoftBank Air,
that's relying on a cellular data signal.
So it has to be closer to the wall.
Right now you have a Hikari so that...
It's physically connected with the wire.
Wow, you are right.
Then I can move that.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.
You can move them and it's not going to affect any of your signal.
I don't know why they told you that.
Or maybe we're wrong.
Maybe, maybe.
I mean, they're the professionals so maybe they're right.
But like...
When I got my Hikari new, they didn't tell me any of that.
But you're right.
I have the physical line coming through from the wall inside.
Then I can move that machine to that...
To a safer place.
Yeah, maybe.
So that I can splash around.
Splash around.
Better to me.
I like it.
Splash around.
Thanks for listening guys.
Bye bye.
You want to say something?
I'm going to keep posting about the avocado.
Oh, okay.
So, avocado girl.
Watch out, avocado girl.
Watch out?
She like your enemy or something?
Thanks for listening guys.
that, you know.

